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Sevina woke up the next day in a clingy mood. From the moment she woke up she wanted her 'mama.' Most school days, Sevina would either stay with her 'papa' or Hagrid but today, Dumbledore had extreme trouble separating the toddler from her 'mama.' Due to the tantrum she pulled when he did separate them, he decided that Sevina would be joining McGonagall in her lessons today - as long as she promised to behave.

First period, McGonagall had a sixth year class who were using non-verbal spells to change an owl into an opera glass as a revision session. The young toddler was kept at the desk throughout this as spells were being flung at random as students missed their owl and hitting elsewhere. By the end of the lesson, their were thirty cups - and only twenty three students. Four tables and three chairs were now opera glasses.

Second period, McGonagall had a third year class. This was quite a boring lesson for the toddler who fell asleep in her adoptive mother's desk chair. McGonagall was lecturing about animagi. To the child, the only interesting part of the lesson was when her 'mama' became a cat.

Third period, after lunch was first years. In this class was Bill Weasley who Sevina had met previously and had talked to him every day since. In this lesson, the class were beginning to learn the transfiguration alphabet and were having little quizzes so that they could learn them effectively.

During this lesson, McGonagall gave Sevina a piece of parchment and a muggle 'pen' so that she could also learn the transfiguration alphabet as she already knew her normal one

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During this lesson, McGonagall gave Sevina a piece of parchment and a muggle 'pen' so that she could also learn the transfiguration alphabet as she already knew her normal one. The reason behind the muggle 'pen' was so that the toddler did not spill ink all over her new clothes.

When the first years arrived into their first transfiguration lesson, the houses separated into columns

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When the first years arrived into their first transfiguration lesson, the houses separated into columns. The Slytherins were in the column nearest the door. The Ravenclaws were next to them, infront of McGonagall's desk with the Hufflepuffs in the third column. In the column nearest the windows were the Gryffindors - and Sevina. Sevina was sitting in the front row, writing out her alphabet at her mother's command, when Bill sat next to her.

"Hello Sed, how are you?" He asked the toddler politely.

"Good. How you?" The toddler giggled as she turned away from her parchment.

"I'm well, what are you doing?" Bill asked as he looked over to her messy parchment paper that had some drawing that resembled letters.

"ABC's! You do them?" The toddler giggled.

"Can I? Of course!" Bill laughed as McGonagall coughed at the front of the class with a small smile on her face.

"Mr Weasley, is it? May I ask you pay attention to me and not Sevina?" McGonagall said to Bill.

"Of course professor, I'm sorry," Bill said, looking at his lap.

"As I was saying, copy this table off of the board." McGonagall commanded.

Sevina turned to her parchment and began to do so but was finding it exceedingly difficult. When Bill was finished, he noticed her struggle and began to help her as she drew the symbols.

"They're very hard, you're very good for going up to S on your own," Bill complimented the girl causing her face to brighten.

"Thank you! You good too! You did all!" Sevina said brokenly, as if she was trying to find the words as she spoke.

"Yes, but quite a bit older than you! You were brilliant for such a young age!" Bill praised the child.

"Mama said that! And Dada!" The child giggled just as the bell went.

"Goodbye Sed, I'll see you later," Bill said as he stood up.

"Bye Bill!" The toddler said as she waved.

"Sevina, I see that you've made friends with Mr Weasley," Professor McGonagall said as she sat next to her adoptive daughter.

"Yeah! Bill helped!" The toddler yawned.

"Are you tired Sed? Would you like to go to Dada and have a nap until dinner?" McGonagall asked as she picked up the child, who nodded before tucking her face into her adoptive mother's face.

The pair walked quickly to Dumbledore's office as, in less than ten minutes, McGonagall had a second year class to teach. When the pair arrived at the gargoyle, the toddler perked up as she liked to talk to the gargoyle.

"Gargoy," the toddler smiled whilst wiping her eyes, before practically whispering, "lemon pops." The gargoyle jumped aside and McGonagall stepped between the two walls that had split into two and onto the stairs that began to take them to the office. When they arrived, Dumbledore smiled before taking the child from McGonagall's arms.

"Nap time?" Dumbledore asked McGonagall, to which she nodded and left to get to her next lesson. Dumbledore took the child into her nursery and set her into the cot as he grabbed her a onesie. As he was changing her, her head began to droop and her eyes seemed as if they were getting too heavy for the toddler to hold open.

"Dada? Food?" The toddler whispered as she began to drift off.

"Yes, Sevina, I will wake you up in time for dinner. Sweet dreams," Dumbledore said in an amused tone as he kissed Sevina's forehead. Once he could hear her breathing settle, he stepped out of the nursery into his office to continue with the paper work he had been working on.

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