Everything has Changed

Від wannatalkaboutLarry

50.7K 1K 242

Zayn and Liam have been married for 4 years, and been dating for longer. They each have a job they love and t... Більше

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Part 1
Chapter 12 part 2
Quick Announcement
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
New story
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

1.4K 32 15
Від wannatalkaboutLarry

      It's 6am and my alarm clock is beeping. I groan and turn to switch it off. I'm just so tired and going to work is seriously the last thing I want to do right now. I was supposed to be off for a couple days so I could stay home and help settle the kids in but scheduling isn't looking good and now I have to go in for at least these upcoming 3 days so I don't loose millions, after that my secondhand director can take over but since we're shooting the big action scenes these 3 days I can't risk anything going wrong.
      I groan and roll over and as I'm about to give Liam a kiss I notice a little bundle on top of his chest and both of them sleeping peacefully. A smile instantly grows on my face as I recognize the bundle as Niall. I lean over and give them both a kiss on the sides of their heads and then quietly make my way out of the room.
      As I'm about to make my way downstairs I decide to check on the boys. I walk into their new room and see them both awake and softly talking to each other.
"Hey guys what are you guys doing awake so early" I ask confused. Both the boys are in sweatpants and long sleeve shirts, looking very cozy and warm, and just really down right comfortable.
"We're kind of used to it really, our foster parents made us get up early and do chores so I guess it's just natural now" Harry says as Louis stretches a bit. By the statement I'm a little taken back, I mean what kinda teenager wakes up before 12 naturally, but then again foster kids are so much more different than a regular kid. I try not to make it a big deal because although it takes everything in me not to react I keep talking to them as if they didn't just break my heart so they won't feel like they did anything wrong or something.
"Well do you guys want to go back to sleep? I mean it's really early and I bet you're still tired." I say sitting down on the bed and petting midnight, who is laying by their feet.
"No we're actually not that tired, we've slept so much since we've gotten here, I think we've caught up on sleep" Harry tells me with a sleepy smile.
"In that case do you guys want to come downstairs with me? I'm going to leave for work in an hour and Liam is sleeping, same as Niall, so I was gonna make myself some quick breakfast" I tell them as they both sit up.
"Sure, sounds perfect" Harry says gently untucking Louis and then himself.
"Okay well come on, I'll make something sugary and yummy before Liam wakes up and gets mad at me for feeding you guys an unhealthy breakfast" I tell them, making them laugh and then they quickly follow me downstairs.
As we get to the kitchen, Loco sees us and follows as well. He starts to jump and run around us so Harry and Louis lean down to pet him. "Loco you act like we never pet you, you spoiled giant", I say while rolling my eyes at him as he lays on his back and has his tongue sticking out as the boys rub his belly.
"I like your dog, he's funny and he doesn't bite" Louis says smiling, as he gets up after Loco kept trying to roll onto his legs.
"Louis, he's your dog too now, remember this is your home and everything inside is yours too" I tell him as I start to make my coffee.
"How'd you get him" Harry asks as Loco goes belly up again.
"Well I was driving and saw him trying to eat trash. I figured he was a stray because of his condition so I took him and drove to the vet. After a while the vet had come to conclusion that he used to be somebody's pet but was abused really badly, after that I had to adopt him. Actually all our animals were strays, Liam found both our cats, I found Loco" I say, watching the boys and loco interact.
We talk for a bit about our pets and after a bit of petting Loco myself I decide to start making a quick breakfast.
"Okay I'm thinking egos, biscuits, scones, cinnamon rolls, or croissants. Whatcha thinking boys...?" I ask while looking inside the fridge.
We decide on cinnamon rolls and croissants so I quickly pop 5 of each in the oven and then get out milk to go along with them.
"What time do you think Liam will wake up, and what time will you be back today" Louis asks as I turn on the tv in the kitchen to morning cartoons. (Side note idk about y'all but I hate quiet meals or households, like when we're making food or eating there's gotta be background noise. Feels more homie idk)
"I don't know buddy, Niall is sleeping on Liam so my guess is Niall woke up and they were up for a while until he fell back asleep, so who knows but I doubt they'll sleep past 10. Me in the other hand should be back by 8, 9 the latest. Why do you ask Lou"
Louis gets more shy and avoids eye contact with me until I prompt him a little more and he relents.
"I don't know it's just this house is so big and I like knowing you guys are around and I can go to y'all if I need to." He says with pink cheeks
"Hey, hey it's okay nothing to be embarrassed about. I know you guys are still settling in but how about after we eat this I take y'all to the theater room and put on a movie and then shoot Liam a quick text so he knows to go to y'all when he wakes up?" I say as I go to him and hug him. Louis is really sensitive, Harry I can tell is more independent while Louis is not, I find it adorable that Louis wants to be near us because not a lot of kids his age do. Harry I can tell loves being around us but can function without our attention. As I think more of this I realize just how much I've started to get to know their individual personalities in the short time they've been with us.
As the pastries are baking we munch on fruit (gotta give them something healthy or else Liam will have my head) and talk over the cartoons playing on the tv. When the 15 min are over I take out the pastries and let them cool while I ice the cinnamon rolls and put butter and jelly in the croissants. We enjoy our meal and I watch their happy faces as they stuff their mouths.
"Okay buddies lets head to the theatre room, thinking of any movies you're in the mood for"
I ask as I help Louis down from the counter.
"Yeah I want to watch Stranger Things! I know it's not a movie but I like watching movies at night and I heard in school the show is really good" Harry rambles on about how much he likes how it's apparently based on the 80s so when we get to the theater room I quickly put on Netflix and give them the remote.
"Okay buddies I need to head out now, I'll text Liam to let him know where you are, ok? I'll see you guys at dinner" I say as they grab two out of the dozens of blankets we keep in the room to wrap around themselves with. They come over to give me a hug and I return it as I think about having my assistant buy two new iPhones to give to them so that they don't have to rely on us to have communication with the other. With a last "have fun" I dim the lights and head to the studio just wanting it to be 8pm already so I can come back already and be around these kids that I am already so fond of.
I wake up to something wiggling on my chest. I instinctively put my hand on the little person on top of me so he won't fall. It takes me a minute but I open my eyes to Niall lifting his head and cutely rubbing his eyes from sleep. He's growing but as soon as we make eye contact he gives me a full gummy smile with all his morning hair glory. It takes all of me not to smother him with kisses and squish him to me but instead I settle to gently put my hands under his armpits and sit up from my laying position so I have him leaning on my knees.
"Good morning sunshine, did you sleep good" I coo as I rub my nose against his. He makes a cooing noise that I assume is him agreeing with me. I grab my phone from the night stand as he stretches his little body, I smile at him over my phone and look at the time.
"10:15, not too bad. I thought we would wake up at 12, so this is good news. Oh look baby Papa texted us. Apparently Harry and Louis are in the theater room, wanna go say good morning bunny?" I ask as I lift him up to my chest and stand up. I quickly set him in his swing so I can brush my teeth and he can have time to fully wake up. I turn on Spotify on my phone and sing along as I go about my morning routine. 10 min later and I'm al freshened up, I lift him from his swim and I can tell he is more awake. I go to check his happy and find him dry.
"Are you hungry baby boy? How about some banana, yogurt and granola? Sounds yummy right, before that let's go see if the boys want anything too." I tell Niall while I switch him to my other hip so I can open the door to the theater. As I open the door I notice Harry and Louis snuggled up together with blankets, both the cats sleeping peacefully on their laps and Loco being next to Harry sleeping as well. I completely melt at the sight, they just seem so content and like the perfect way to spend a cold and gloomy morning.
"Morning munchkins, are you hungry? I know you already ate breakfast but that was a couple of hours ago" I say while the boys quickly pause the show they're watching and turn around with smiling faces and sit up so they're facing us. I'm greeted with hugs, and Niall is quickly taken away from me.
"Zayn made us breakfast but yeah we're a little hungry so we can join y'all" Harry says with enthusiasm as Louis kisses Niall and sways side to side. All three animals get up as well when we start walking out of the room. Getting to the kitchen I open the oven to see cinnamon rolls and croissants ready to be eaten. I turn on the stove to warm them up as I make myself coffee, turn on the TV and make Nialls bottle.
"Okay Niall honey, I know you want a sugary breakfast like your brothers but let's have some banana too, ok? Just until the food is warm. Honey bunnies, what can I make y'all? Craving anything or just want some snacks?" I ask them as I stir my coffee. Nialls bottle maker beeps signaling its done and I switch it to the bottle warmer to keep warm so he can have it after breakfast.
"Can we just have snacks, we're not really that hungry plus we don't want to be full later when we eat lunch together" Harry says while petting Loco. I smile as I also notice just how happy our pets just seem to be too. I guess this house really did need more kids around because even our pets seem happier with the attention and don't mind the extra noise.
"Of course guys, help yourself to anything you know that." I say as I open the drawer to grab one of the many bibs we got Niall. I then grab Niall from Louis and place him on his high chair that's right next to the counter and go about peeling a banana and use a spoon to feed him some of it mashed.
As Liam spoon feeds Ni, Harry and I decide on pretzels and string cheese for a snack. We also grab juice and some nuts and we all just enjoy each others company as we talk, eat and watch the baby show Liam put on for Ni. It's such a laid back morning and I love how it makes me feel. It's so comfy, care free and gives me a sense of normalcy even though I never felt this before. After Liam switches from feeding Niall the banana, cinnamon roll and croissant and eating his own food, he picks up Niall and his bottle.
"okay kiddos how does a lazy day sound? We can stay in our pjs all day and at night we can make Papa some yummy dinner, and until then we can do whatever we want to?" Liam asks and honestly it sounds perfect. I want to get to know the house more and today's too cold and rainy go anywhere so what better day to stay inside and explore and familiarize ourselves with our new home. We quickly agree and as Liam feeds Niall his bottle, we all head to me and Harry's room to grab our new clothes and take it to the laundry room.
When we get to the laundry room Liam gently puts Niall down on the floor to crawl around and starts helping us remove tags from the massive piles of clothes we got.
"When we finishing folding everything we should take a note of what else you guys still need. And don't start with we don't need anymore things nonsense, I read this years winter is going to be the coldest we've had in years and I want you guys to have more than enough" Liam says as we all start separating the clothes by color.
"But Liam I promise you we're okay, you don't have to get us anymore things, this is more than enough" Harry says bashfully but Liam is having none of it.
"Yes you have a lot of comfy laying around clothes but we travel a lot so we also need to get you guys more formal and going out clothes. I also need more of those clothes for Ni so don't worry we can also do it through online. Speaking of ni, let's put you on your swing baby because your bottle always gets your sleepy" Liam says as he carries Ni to his fluffy swim and carefully puts him down. The next 20 min go by fast as he shows us where everything is in the laundry room and reaches us how to use these fancy washers and dryers. Niall fell asleep 10 min ago and as we put the first 2 loads in Liam says we are free to do whatever we want and he'll join us as soon as he finishes sending some emails and making quick phone calls.
The rest of our day consists of binge watching stranger things (which has quickly become our new obsession and favorite show), folding laundry and switching loads, eating and playing with Niall in either our game room or his playroom. At about 7 we all start making our way to the kitchen so we can start on dinner. It's fun, Liam gives Niall some plain cooked  pasta and flour dough to play with while we dance and sing to the music playing on the radio. We finish making dinner just in time for Zayn to come through the door and when he does he hugs and kisses all of us but Liam who he makes out with, not caring that he has an audience watching. Dinner goes by fast with Zayn telling us funny stories about set and teasing us for staying in pajamas all day. Afterwards we clean the kitchen in record time and Zayn heads to the shower. Liam tells us we don't have to go to bed yet but we're honestly tuckered out so we decide on going to our room anyways, they both come in some time later to kiss us goodnight. Liam has Ni in a wrap around his chest and we kiss his head goodnight as well. They leave and me and Harry lay in bed together while having the TV playing some random rom com. Not even 30 min later we both pass out with smiles in our faces and since the TV has a timer it turns off and we sleep peacefully all night.
I watch my husband set our baby boy in his crib. He is completely knocked out and I admire the sight these two make. I go to stand behind my love as he gently puts a blanket over our sons sleeping form. I kiss the side of his neck and then we both turn to leave Nialls part of our room. Both Liam and I do our night routine and talk about our day. He tells me how Niall new found love of squishing things in his hands, I laugh and I mention how I got the boys both iPhone 11s.
"Thats perfect babe, I was planning on going to get them some but you just saved me a boring trip to the apple store." Liam tells me as I guide him to bed. We have an hour to ourselves as our kids and pets sleep safely with fully bellies, we watch How to get away with murder and make out, Liam only gets up once to change nails diapers. We go to sleep at around 11:30pm wondering what tomorrow will bring and as I cuddle Liam to my chest I thank whatever force for completely turning our lives around.
Sorry I know I haven't updated in years but I was in a funk. I love this story so I will try to write more, I already have the next few chapters in my head but feel free to give me suggestions on what you want to see and I'll see if it matches with how I want the story to go through.
Thanks to those who love this story!
Also have y'all watched Out Of Shadows on YouTube, I recommend y'all do its insane but y'all have watch it through. I'll even update if more than 15ppl watch it and tell me what's the craziest thing in your opinion from the documentary!!! Anyways love y'all and I'll update again when I get those 15 ppl to watch and come back to tell me what they think of it!

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