The Sideline Story (Urban) Bo...

By omgchele

2M 42.3K 25.5K

Based on a blog post from Lashuntrice Bradley, being a sideline is like your favorite food. It's good while w... More

The Sideline Story (Urban) Book 1


50.5K 1.2K 482
By omgchele


I smiled and scooted inside of the booth as Effrin came around on the other side and did the exact same thing. It was our last night in Bora Bora and we planned on going to dinner to finish off an amazing vacation. Everything wasn't perfect but if it weren't for the bad things that happened, then we wouldn't have found out some of the good things, like how I'm able to have children now.

Vinny put his arm around my waist. "Hopefully this time dinner will go fine," He said, referring to the last time we were out to dinner and I found out about the girl he cheated with.

"Yeah, hopefully," I mumbled leaning over and looking in his menu with him. "What are you getting?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "The number 5, what about you?"

"The same as you."

He looked down at me and smiled. "Of course."

I smacked my lips. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him, but he only laughed at me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him as he leaned over and kissed on my neck. I instantly became weak and only wanted to take him back to our bungalow but I knew we wouldn't be able to have any type of sex since my body is supposed to be resting.

"Damn Vinny," I moaned.

He pushed my hair off of my shoulders, making it easier for him to seduce me by what he was doing. "Can somebody give you head if your body is supposed to be resting?" He whispered in between kisses.

I shrugged my shoulders, not really sure. It's not like he was penetrating me, so it was still giving my body rest even if it made me feel so good.

Somebody coughed, causing the both of us to look up. A waiter stood in front of us with a notepad in his hands. "What can I get you two?" He asked as Vinny moved away from my neck, flattening out his button up. We ordered our food and as soon as the waiter disappeared into the kitchen Vinny went back to work on my neck.

"I have a surprise for you when we get back to the bungalow," he whispered, nibbling on my neck. I bit my lip and couldn't do anything but nod my head. "You're gonna love it gorgeous."

"Love what?" I quickly looked up and watched as Antoine walked over to us, almost matching with Effrin.

Effrin moved away from me and dapped up Antoine. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This nigga always seemed to cock block at the worst moments.

"Hey man I didn't think you were gonna make it since the Jay thing and all," Effrin said.

Antoine scooted in next to me at the booth as he smiled. "Man, I don't care about that broad. You know she's still trying to talk to me right?"

"Oh word?" Effrin asked.

Antoine nodded his head, yes. "Hell yeah bro. It's like she stuck on me or something," He replied.

"Probably," Vinny laughed.

I just rolled my eyes and smacked my lips at his ignorance. I haven't slept with Antoine since before I miscarried and I honestly didn't want to anymore. This entire vacation he's been too out of control and this tough act he puts on for show is really starting to become a turn off. He's just being obnoxious.

"Why are you here? We're supposed to be out on a date, with each other, not with you tagging along," I said, turning to Antoine.

He smirked and put his hand over his heart, pretending to be offended. "Ask your man since he's the one who invited me to come."

I scrunched up my face and turned to Effrin, who looked like he wanted nothing to do with our argument. "I invited him when him and Jay was still together. I didn't expect him to come tonight, so I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, so stop complaining all the damn time when you know you love me and want me here," Ant said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and scooted closer to Effrin. Antoine was really pressing my nerves, especially with that 'L' word. He was pushing the little bit of luck he still had left with me. I didn't want him to come to dinner with us because he's the type of guy to put you out on the spot, never caring about how many people were watching.

About 15 minutes later our food came back to the table and Antoine sat their watching us.

"So how come nobody told me y'all ordered?" He asked.

"My bad nigga. Aye yo' waiter! Come here nigga!" Effrin yelled to the waiter who was walking by.

I rolled my eyes. Effrin only acted a damn fool when Antoine was around and it was honestly embarrassing. Antoine ordered his food as Effrin and I ate.

"So I had fun on vacation," I turned to Effrin with a smile on my face.

He looked over at me and smiled. "That's good, what was your favorite part?"

I bit my lip and looked down at my engagement ring, that I've been waiting on for such a long time. "Getting engaged," I replied.

Effrin opened up his mouth to speak but Antoine cut him off.

"Man my favorite part was sleeping with some island girls. I even met a girl from back home, she put it down good."

I shook my leg under the table nearing my breaking point. If Antoine said one more thing about the two of us I was going to explode. I just hope he doesn't do anything too crazy and exposes what we've been doing to Effrin.

"Oh for real?" Effrin asked.

Antoine nodded his head. "Yeah, she said she was breaking up with her man for me when we get back to Compton but she's been acting funny this entire vacation ever since we got on the cruise ship."

I only rolled my eyes and tried blocking out his ignorance. Antoine has officially ruined dinner for me.

Effrin wiped his mouth. "Maybe you'll settle down one of these days," he laughed as he climbed out of the booth. "I need to piss, I'll be back."

"Vinny don't leave me here with him," I begged. "Please."

He turned around and smiled. "I'll only be a second ma, just talk to him. He's not that bad," He said walking away from us.

As soon as Effrin left for the bathroom, Antoine wasted no time scooting closer to me. "What's up with me and you? Why have you been acting like you hate me so much? I know you love me girl," He said.

"I don't love you, I don't even like you. Shit I probably hate you right now Antoine. You're an annoying bastard. You're like a rash that won't just go away."

He chuckled and rubbed on my thighs. "Damn, it's like that ma? You're just frontin' because your fiancee's in the bathroom but I don't give a damn," He mumbled as he started kissing on my neck but I backed away from him.


"Why? Your neck smells good ma. It smells like mints."

"It's because your best friend and my fiancee was just doing the exact same thing before you got over here. You really wanna be all up on me when some other guy was just doing the exact same thing?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "He don't mean shit to me, honestly."

"He means something to me," I replied scooting away from me but he only scooted closer to me.

"If he meant anything to you, you wouldn't be going behind his back sleeping with his best friend on a daily basis."

I rolled my eyes. "You just don't understand," I replied.

"Understand, what? That you're only putting on an act to spare that kids' feelings? Oh trust me I understand it and he will too once he finds out, which will be soon," He smirked.

"You better not say anything or I'll chop off you--" I began but he cut me off.

"If you do that, then what are you gonna suck on ma? Don't talk shit you can't back up," He replied.

I smacked his hands under the table trying to get his hands off of my thighs once I saw Effrin coming from the bathroom. "Get the hell out of my face, you need to go brush your teeth Antoine."

"I did, ma," He replied.

"Your breath smells like six pounds of bounce that ass, so I suggest you back up."

He only laughed at my comment, taking the liberty to blow his smelly breath in my face, before scooting away from me. "The only ass that's been near my face is yours, so you're only smelling yours ma."

"I don't do that nasty stuff and you know it. Just back up away from me," I whispered as Effrin came back to sit down with us.

"Were y'all fighting the entire time?" He asked putting his arm around my waist.

I rolled my eyes and just put my head on his shoulder, not bothering to tell Effrin what he already knew. I saw by his facial expression that he knew we were fighting the entire time.

"No, just a friendly discussion," I mumbled.


"Come on, you can't be slowing along," Vinny said, trying to pull me to the bungalow as quickly as he could but I was too full and exhausted from dinner to do anything.

"Vinny I'm tired," I complained.

"Then jump on my back. You're walking too slow."

"No! I have on a dress," I exclaimed.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care. I've seen every part of your body before," He replied, squatting in front of me.

I smacked my lips and jumped up on his back as he quickly walked back to our bungalow. I laid my head on his shoulder as I poked his face, doing anything I could to bother him. "I wanna stay up and watch movies with you all night," I whispered to him.

"No head?"

I shook my head, no. "I'll be fine if I don't get any. I just wanna stay up and watch movies with you all night, like how we used to," I replied, kissing his jaw line.

He nodded his head. "Are you sure, gorgeous? I don't mind."

"No it's fine, I promise."

"Alright," He mumbled, walking up the few steps that would take you inside of our bungalow.

As soon as we got in, he dropped me off by the door and we stripped down to nothing but our underwear. I climbed into bed and waited for him to put a movie in. These are the moments that I enjoy with Effrin; staying up all night, watching movies, and just talking about anything that came to mind.

This was perfect, too bad it's going to end soon since we're nearing the end of vacation. I wanted to do everything I could to savor our happy moments before Antoine came along and ruined everything for us, but I'll be damned if he does.


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