Thuranduil's Heartless Obsess...

By amsuet

196K 6.3K 665

A prophecy will come to fulfillment. A cursed race of elves exists in the desolate places of middle earth. Lo... More

Thranduil's Heartless Obsession.
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaoter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors end note

Chapter 18

4.9K 185 15
By amsuet

Authors note: sorry about typos in last chapter I.felt like I was all over the place with it.I hope you all enjoyed it. But Im satisfied with it in the end. Basically it was one of those moments that kind of just happend considering the moment events and sublime feelings. In this chapter: For every action there is a reaction. Thranduils reaction is in this chapter and how Loriel replies to it. They reach Mirkwood.  Its sad.  :(

Disclaimer: "One I love" Jean Ritchie

the mask we must wear

She stood upon the first of the trees within Mirkwood. The elves had already passed on going on foot from the forest boundary on toward the palace.

The past days had been hard to deal with emotionally and mentally. Her mind raced her emotions were rampant. Since that night at the brooke he hadn't spoken to her or acknowledged her prescense in any way.

This was strange to her simply for the reason she had never been on such an intimate level with anyone before. Now he was acting as if it never happend. Which was even worse than if he had berated her for it.

It was as if it was so insignificant to him that it wasn't even worth mentioning. It was the first time she had tried to show him how she felt about him. She felt utterly rejected by his silence.

If this silence continued she would simply leave. She would not weather it easily. She had endured too much pain at his expense in her life. She would not be able to weather much more.

Her wings extended and she made her way toward the palace. She noted that there was a joyous procession down below for the king and his envoy. She rolled her eyes at the vanity of elves making a big deal out of the simple arrival of their king and prince.

She landed at the main entrance to the palace and waited for them to arrive. She thought it would be rude to enter the dwelling of another monarch without being invited in by aforementioned monarch.

It seemed an eternity before they finally appeared. He was everescent in all his glory. Amazingly regal and still so cold and distant to her. It was in his eyes. The blue glazed over to ice it was no longer warm and shimmering. The cold glare of his eyes were more painful than any wound.

"Lady Loriel please come inside your room and a bath is ready for you." He said cooly.

She simply nodded and followed the servant he indicated. When she reached her room she bathed and then lay down to sleep. Too long had she been without proper rest all for his sake.

It didn't seem so important now in the face of his emotionless mask. In the face of his apparent rejection of her. The elf she had kissed, the elf that had brought her to the heights of passion was merely a dream.

'Why am I the one always hurting? Why was I such a fool? Why am I cursed to live such a tragic existence? Why can he never be mine'

Silent tears fell from her eyes. She didn't weep as most women did. She wept tears of blood and she never made a sound. She placed her drying towle under her head and closed her eyes as she cried.

She noted the rain soaked forest scent and the soft squeak of the door. She noted his appearance in her room. She made a choice to fake her slumber. She would not let him see her in such a state.


Thranduil stared at the woman who had surprised him so much. He noted her trembling body and the tears she cried silently. She faked her slumber to escape from. . . him.

The past days had been hard. He gad to come to terms with many things. Desiring her. Watching her every movement and dying to be closer to him. In the light of day it was a harsh reality to accept. He could not accept it. It had been a horrendous mistake and she was suffering from it.

He was the cause of her pain. His silence he knew would wound her more than any thing else he could have done. This had to be done. He had rarely meet a female he respected as he had rarely met a female he desired. She did both astoundingly well.

She entertained him to the fullest and he knew if he continued this with her he would fall in love with her. She was too great of a woman not to fall in love with. She had dug her way under his skin too quickly.

He had to end it. An elf only had one douse their entire life. His was dead. It was unacceptable and taboo to have another. He could not fall in love with her. It would simply hurt himself and her more when it ended later.

"I have accepted that you are truly good. You are not an imbalance in nature. You have my support as an ally should you need it. You and your kind have a right to live." He paused noting her complete stillness now upon the bed. "with that being said you may now return to your people. The documents of a treaty are being drawn up and will be ready to be signed in the morning. Thank you for opening my eyes to your kind. I was wrong to doubt. You should leave."

"As you wish" was his only reply.

He felt a thousand daggers piercing his chest at her lack of care. Why? He did not love her. She was nothing but the passing of rain on the mountain side. He pushed the pain away. She was nothing.

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