
By violet0gold

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"Once, there was a devil and an angel, who fell deeply in love with one another. Something so rare and beauti... More

Authors Note


46 0 0
By violet0gold

" Thank you for seeing museums

where I saw empty hallways. "

I found a number for this lady, Theodore Köhler. She's part German and lives in the next town over. I just needed to find a drive, preferably no one in my family because they'd start asking questions. Mom asked if there was any news on Casey but there was still nothing, it was like she disappeared into thin air.

Chase was still ignoring me, I seen him in school earlier and he wouldn't even talk to me, I'm not sure what I did wrong. Steve still has been hiding at him house, he wont leave it, likes he scared something will get him.

The town was growing weirder and weirder by the day.

I bounce around my room and slip on my overalls over my white long sleeve, and I slip on my combat boots before glancing out the window quickly, he was parked at the bottom of the driveway, his music blasting.

I snort and run downstairs with my bag thrown over my shoulder, "I'll be back later!" I shout over my shoulder, slamming the fornt door behind me. I run down the driveway and pull open the passenger door.

"Good afternoon Benjamin," I say, pulling on my seatbelt.

He looks over at me, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah, you too Iliana," He retorts, speeding down my street, nearly hitting a few kids.

I roll my eyes, "So how'd I convince you to do this?" I ask, sending him a cheeky grin.

He snorted and almost hit a old lady that was crossing the street, he honked the horn and swerved around her, "I'm not here because you convinced me, I'm here because I'm curious on the outcome of all of this," He states and I sit there, my arms over my chest while glaring at him.

He smirked at me and sped onto the highway, we were heading towards the city where we were hopefully going to find Theodora Köhler.

"So why do you need to find this old lady?" He asks, rolling down his window and lighting up a cigarette, he holds the wheel with one hand and my eyes grow wide.

I place a hand on the wheel so he could get himself situated, once he was finally able to put both hands on the wheel I pull away and glare at him. He sat there with a confused expression before shaking his head, "You're weird," He says with a small laugh.

I narrow my eyes at him, "First off, fuck you. Second , she is the only thing that was in that file about my dad, and I need to know who he is because I have a theory and if its true my whole life is ruined," I state and he chokes on a laugh, glancing over at me.

"Calm down Iliana, your theory is probably wrong so just chill out," He says and I shot him a doubtful look.

He snorted and within an hour we were there. We were parked outside the small yellow house and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everything so far was right and I knew that there was a huge possibility that I already knew who my father is.

Ben shot me a look and pushed open his door and steps out, slamming it behind him. I follow his actions and close mine behind me and walk around the car. I stand next to him and take in a deep breathe before walking up the driveway.

I stand in front of the door for a moment before an arm came from above my head and knocked on the door, I shot Ben a glare and suck in a breath when the door opened, revealing a small old lady.

I smile at her, "Hi, I'm looking for Theodora Köhler," I say and her eyes widen a bit before she opens the door fully and ushers us inside.

"I actually go by Thea Köle now," She states, sitting down in a rocking chair.

Ben ad I take a seat on the love seat across from her and stair, my leg was bouncing and I had to keep my hands folded tightly in my lap so I wouldn't jitter.

"My name is Iliana Rea, I was adopted last year and I'm trying to hunt down my father. My mothers name was Delia Lancaster and my fathers name was Johnny Frank," I state and I watch the woman's eyes widen as she stared at me.

She stared at me for a moment before shaking her head, "Johnny Frank was a fake name, your fathers name was Jonathan Fuchs," She says and my heart drops into my stomach. My theory was correct and now it was time to go jump off a bridge.

Jonathan Fuchs, mad scientist. That would mean I was related to Ilias, Idalia, and Isaiah. Looking at it now it makes my name actually make sense.

I chew on my fingers and stare at her, "Are you sure?" I question and she laughed lightly.

"Jonathan is my son, I knew Delia very well. She was a kind girl and fell for Johnny right away. So he left his wife and three kids and was with your mother for a bit before leaving her. He never knew she was pregnant, only a few people knew."

She sits back and looks at me, "You're given name was Della Fuchs, but was shortly changed to Iliana Della," She says and I stare at her. Ben sat quietly next to me, sitting tensed.

"You actually lived with him for five years, he got you when you were two but had to bring you back when you were seven. Some things happened with him, you were his baby girl and just know that he did love you very much." Theodora says and I feel my heart crushing in my chest.

I nod my head silently and stand up, Ben follows up beside me and I head out towards the door while Ben stayed back ad talked to her, I sigh and slip on my boots when the front door opened, "Nana? Whos car is outside?" A deep voice asked and I stood frozen in my spot.

He walked inside and closed the door, still not noticing that I was behind him, I watched Theodora walk out with a grin on her face, Ben walked beside her with a deadpanned expression and when his eyes caught mine he began to smirk at me.

The guy stood there and looked down at the woman, "Calm down Isaiah, I just had some guests," She states and the guy frowned.

"Guests?" He questioned and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I peak an eye open to see he turned around and was now staring at me with narrowed eyes, "I'm Iliana, this is awkward, goodbye." I state before sliding past him and out the front door.

"Wait!" I hear him shout from behind me and my eyes widen.

Did he know who I was? I turn around to see him standing on the front steps, I curse and run towards the car before jumping in the passenger seat. Ben comes shortly after and sits in his seat, laughing while starting the car.

I grumble and glare at him, "He knew you were his sister, I just think the best part was when your eyes went wide and you froze, oh God you kill me sometimes," He says with a snort.

I glare, "I wish you would stay dead," I snap.

He smirked, "Dark humor? Nice, are you okay? You looked pretty triggered back there," he says before breaking off into a laughing fit.

I screech out and slap his arm, "I hate you!" I shout, punching him.

"Okay, fine with me," He states and I growl out and slap his arm. He snickers and looks over at me while smirking. I cry out and bring my hands through my hair, he drove me insane.

"Whoa," I pop my eyes open and look out my window, every street light was flickering on and off, all in sync.

I look over wide eyed at Ben to see he was already staring at me, he knew something, his eyes gave it away. I pull my hands out of my ears and shake my head, looking back out the lights had stopped flickering and I felt my heart race in my chest. What just happened?

The rest of the drive was silent and when he dropped me off at home he was oddly quiet, "G'night Iliana," Ben says as I step out of the car.

I turn around and smile at him, "Good night Benjamin," I retort and he glowered. I close the door and he sped off down my street, reeving his engine.

I open the front door and slip in, mom and dad were out on a date and I think both of the boys were home. I slip in quietly and kick off my shoes.

"Evening Ms. Ilia," I jump a foot in the air and spin around, Asher stood there grinning at me, he had a mug of coffee in his hand.

I slap a hand over my racing heat and close my eyes, "Uh yes, and here is Mr. Silas," Asher says and I frown, turning around and letting out a small scream.

Silas stood there behind me wearing a pair of sweat pants and a white t shirt, he ws covered in dirt and looked like he was stoned.

I roll my eyes and run upstairs, I turn around and see Silas following me, he caught up to me and stopped me, "Stop, your disrupting the force of nature," He says and I let out a small giggle.

"Are you stoned Silas? Get some friends and go out one night, stop letting your research take you down," I say softly, he shook his head and made his way to his room.

I chew on my bottom lip and head towards my room, I lock the door behind me and collapse on my bed, today was terrible. I finally found out who my father was, he was a monster in a way, a mad man who created things, inhuman things.

And now I was left with needing to know more.

"You were the sky and I could do nothing but stare at you longingly, hoping inside that one day a star would fall to earth;
a small glimpse of how you'd shine for me."

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