
By violet0gold

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"Once, there was a devil and an angel, who fell deeply in love with one another. Something so rare and beauti... More

Authors Note


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By violet0gold

" The worlds an ugly place, but

you're so beautiful to me. "

I needed to break into the police station and steal my mothers and fathers file. The only thing I knew about my mother was that she was once a model. And my father was a doctor but no one seems to know his name.

I asked my adopted parents but they knew nothing meaning I had to go digging for the truth.

I'll have to call Chase up and see if he'll come with me, it's going on Tuesday night and no ones heard from Casey. Her parents filed a missing persons report. Steve hasn't been in school and Chase was ignoring my calls.

I don't know what happened.

It was just me and Silas home, he's been out in the back yard all night, while I've been up in my bedroom making a plan to break into the police station.

My fingers fly across my keyboard and I click his name, bringing up messenger.

You awake?

I chew on my lip and watch the little green ball appear next to his name, he reads the message and three dots appear.

Yeah, why?

I snort, he was so robotic at times. Like he was trained to be polite and straight to the point. He was extremely blunt, something that scared a lot of people.

I need your help

He probably thinks I'm a crazy person now. I grab my bowl of popcorn and start stress eating when I see he's typing, it's a mechanism on keeping calm but the pounds I gain say I gotta stop.

I laugh at myself and nearly choke on the popcorn when I see he replied.

Depends what it is

I snort and wipe my buttery hands on my onsie before typing back.

A crime, but I promise you won't get caught 🙏🏼

I wait patiently as he types back, stuffing more popcorn in my mouth and chugging it down with Pepsi. I really didn't understand how I wasn't obese. Whenever I was anxious, depressed or stressed I would eat. And that's basically my whole personality.

Call me.

I snort and click the small little phone at the top, it rang for a bit before e picked up.

"What the hell are you trying to say? Do you know how strange you sound?" He asks and I choke on my popcorn.

I wheeze out and chug down my soda, on the other end of the call he was laughing.

"I hate you," I wheeze out, "I need you to help me break into the police station so I can steal some files," I add on.

He was silent and I felt my stomach twist as I waited, he was dead silent and I felt my heart race from anxiety.

"What time are we going?" He asks and I felt the biggest grin take over my face, I squeal out and accidentally knock my bowl of popcorn over.

I snort out, "Thank you! And could you possibly climb onto the roof and climb in through my bedroom window? I don't care when, I still have to make up a game plan," I say.

He laughs out again, "And everybody thinks I'm psycho, but you are the true psycho." He says, "I'll be over in a bit." He says before hanging up.

I roll my eye and throw my phone on my bed before rolling off and locking my bedroom door. Incase Silas came back in.

I scan my bedroom and run around picking up the clothes from the floor and shove them in my closet, I would properly handle them tomorrow.

Within a half hour I heard footsteps on my roof and grin, I sit on my bed and watch my bedroom window slowly open and a body crawl in. He stands up and shakes his hair before looking at me and smirking.

"You wanted to commit a crime?" He asks.

I cant believe that I actually befriended a murderer and is now seeking his help with committing another crime. I roll my eyes and pat a spot on my bed.

"I just need to do a small break in and grab a few files." I state with a deadpanned expression.

He snickered and sat at the bottom of me bed, he looks over the blueprints of the police station and flips through a few pages, "I can get us in there and out within fifteen minutes," He stated and my head shot up and I stared at him, my jaw hanging and eyes wide.

"How?" I ask, extremely confused.

Ben stood up and shook his head, "Do I have to remind you that I am a criminal?" He retorts and I roll my eyes.

He grabs the black bag for the files and climbs back out through my window, I look out at him and raise an eyebrow, "I think I might just take the front door, like a normal person," I muttered and he laughed loudly.

His eyes met mine, "We both know you aren't normal," He says with a small smile, "Now jump, I'll catch you," My jaw dropped again, did he lose his mind?

I start to shake my head when he stopped me, "Iliana, trust me," He added and I almost stopped breathing, trust me. Such a simple term that meant so much.

I squeeze my eyes shut and jump out, within seconds I landed in a pair of arms and brought us both to the ground. Ben landed on his back and I was sprawled out on his chest, looking down at him I send him a cheeky grin and pat his cheek, "I trusted you," I say and he pushes me off of him.

Standing up I follow him towards his car that was parked a bit down the street, he was smart. Ad that's one thing that will always scare me with Ben, he was freaky smart and could easily rule the world if he wanted to.

The whole car ride to the police station was silent and my anxiety was going through the roof, "Maybe we should just go back," I say, breaking the silence.

Ben looks over at me quickly and frowns, "What's wrong?" He asks, I'm not sure how he detected my emotion change so fast but it frightening.

I shake my head and look down at my hands in my lap, "Just my anxiety," I mumble and I wasn't sure he even heard me.

He parked the car in a dark ally and turned in his seat to look over at me, "Hey, I'll be here and I wont let anything bad happen," He reassures and I nod my head numbly and follow him out of the car.

He grabs the black bag and I follow him down the side walk towards the police station, it was half past midnight and I knew no one would still be there since it closed down at midnight.

We went around back and he kneeled in front of the back door before grabbing a small sleek looking piece of metal, he stabs it into the lock and jiggles it around before we hear a click. He looked up at me and smirked before pulling open the door.

I turn on my flashlight and follow him through the dark station, it was scarier at night you could say. Ben locates the sheriffs office and drops down in front of the door, doing the exact same thing he did to the back door.

This one seemed to take a moment longer and when it finally clicked I grinned down at him. He pushed open the door and turned on his flashlight, heading straight for the desk.

"What names am I looking for?" Ben asked and I turn around fast and walk over to him, I kneel down and watch him open up a drawer.

I fumble with my hands, "Delia Lancaster and Johnny Frank," I state and feel my heart pound in my ears.

He pulls out one file and passes it to me, "Delia Lancaster," He states before digging some more, he finally pulled out a file by the name of Johnny Frank and handed it to me.

He continued digging ad I frown, he smirked, "Grabbing my file," He stated and I nodded before standing up and shoving the files in my black bag.

He closes everything and opens the door for me before locking it behind us, we walk through the empty halls and he kicks open the back door when an alarm went off. My eyes widen and Ben turns back around and grabs my hand tightly in his before dragging me out the back doors and down the sidewalk towards the ally we parked his car.

We hop in fast and I pull on my seatbelt as Ben sped out of there, pulling onto a back road that took us around the town. My window was down, causing my hair to blow everywhere and I couldn't help but laugh, we actually pulled it off, my anxiety disappeared and I knew there was a reason I got Ben to come instead of Chase.

Ben pulled out a cigarette and lit it, glancing over at me momentarily before fixating his gaze back to the road ahead of us, the radio blared, some song by the 1975.

When he finally pulled up into my drive way I smile lightly at him, "Thank you," I whisper, slipping out of the car.

He pulled away and sped off down the road, I stand there for a moment, holding the back bag in my hand tightly.

I made my way inside and straight to my bedroom, pulling out my bedroom key when I remembered I locked it. I slip in quickly and quietly, locking the door behind me before collapsing on my bed.

I open my mothers file and read over, I knew everything in here so that wasn't much help, huffing out I grab my fathers file and open it. I narrow my eyes and hold the single piece of paper that was in his file, a name.

Theodora Köhler. Another mystery for me to figure out.

"We are scientists, trying to make sense of the stars inside us."

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