Destroying Love

By kpiza944

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Love sucks Love hurts Love destroys Love is not all heart and flowers, there is no man to sweep me off my fee... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my World
Chapter 2: The Simple Words Hurt the Most
Chapter 3: Bailey's, Ice Cream, and Maisy
Chapter 4: Secret Desires
A/N: Important (Please Read)
Chapter 5: I will always need him
Chapter 6: Broken
Chapter 7: My Worst nightmare
Chapter 9: Confusion
Chapter 10: We can't fix what is already broken
Chapter 11: Strangers
Chapter 12: Strangers II
Chapter 13: Too good at goodbyes
Chapter 14: I won't let go
Chapter 15: I won't let go (Part II)
Chapter 16: Letting Go
Authors note!
Authors Note!
Chapter 17:Band Meeting
Chapter 18:

Chapter 8: Sometimes Words Aren't Enough

5.7K 242 40
By kpiza944


Walking into the bus I see Christian passed out on sofa, I let my pain go for a little tears stream down my checks and I walk towards him, wiping my tears I grab the blanket from behind the sofa and put it on him I move the hair from his forehead and give him a light kiss on the forehead. Im hear crying from a broken heart while the man in front of me is fighting demons that I couldn't even begin to understand, and I let out a sob I let out sob for me, Christian, Aiden, everyone because each one of us are going through something. I sit there and sob while carressing Christians hear who begins to stir and mumble something, the door opens to the bus and the rest of them come in. 

Macy walks in first and then she sees me and her eyes water, she walks towards me and wraps me around her arms, I grasp onto her trying to hold in some of sanity.  How could he just abandon me? Am I over reacting? Why do I feel such betrayl for him having a girlfriend? I mean he has some before, In reality I know why this is hurting me so much it's the look he gives her Aiden has fallen in love with something he has never done with his other girlfriends, and i feel like a sense of loss because in a way it is, I'm losing him and there is nothing i can do about it.

"Im losing him" I whisper out in a sob that only Macy can hear, she doesnt hide the truth when she says

"I know I saw the look, baby girl, I saw" she whispers back

I look up and find the Luke and Ryder are there are staring at me Luke staring between Macy and me sadness in his eyes and Ryder looking at Christian with sadness and regret.

Right when Luke is about to joins us on the sofa the door opens and in walk Aiden he looks at the boys first with a look of confusion and regret, then his eyes look around the bus like he's looking for something and then his eyes land on me, and so many emotions pass through those eyes of his, he begins to walk towards me and Macy hold on tighter while Luke and Ryder start to block his path towrds me. I shake my head at Aiden

"Don't" I croak out

"Izzy" he whispers

"Just stop, I'm done, no more" I whisper out

"What I don't understand" Aiden says confused and nervous

I chuckle. He doesn't understand? Well ok Aiden fucking White i'm going to make you understand.

"you dont understand?" I say with a little more strenght in my voice, the tears have stopped and anger has taken place

"Izzy, just let me explain....." he begins to say but i start to shake my head making him stop and stand up and walk towrds him

"No you don't get to explain now, its too late you made your choice now you live with the consequences" i say

"I.." he tries to speak again but I don't let him because if I don't get this out now he's going to try to sweet talk his way of this and he can't not this time im sick and tired of him hiding things from me when he expects me to be an open fucking book for him, hyportcrite and I tell him exactly that

"Your a hypocrite you know that Aiden, you tell me there are no secrets between us that nothing will come between us we are best friends, and when something is wrong we tell each other, we trust each other. but guess what you broke every single on of them.  For months you had me thinking something was wrong. NO! that I had done something wrong. While in reality i hadn't done anything wrong and you were the one fucking around and lying to me" I spit out

His face turns from hurt to anger quickly, and steps towards me and the space between us diminshes a little bit more.

"I was not fucking around Isabella, Serena is not a fuck she is my girlfriend" he spits out angirly

"Then why the fuck did you hide her? Huh." I spit right back, Im looking into his eyes that have fire in them, but something else also but i'm too angry to know what it is, I hear people walking away, but i'm too focused on Aiden to see where they went

"I didn't hide her, her band members knew"

I laugh out " Oh wow her band members knew and you didn't think we didn't need to know. That I didn't need to know not just as your manger but as your god damn best friend" I finish yelling

"I was going to fucking tell you I just could never find the right time ohkay" he yells out he backs away and runs his finger through his hair, I used to find that sexy but at this moment i find it irritating as fuck

"I think you had plenty of time, you had months" I spit out

He looks at me and he opens his mouth to say something but closes it and breaths out a harsh breath

"You are a coward you know that, you could let a bunch of strangers know that you are in a relashionship with a another band member from another band but you couldn't let your "family" know " I say while putting family  in quoatations marks " Did you ever think about us when you started this, what if this relashionship goes sour and things go bad between the bands and it jeopordizes any other chances of us going on tour again" I say

"It's not going to go sour" he finally says

"How do you know" I say back

"I just know ohkay, look i'm sorry I made a mistake of not telling anyone ohkay" he whispers out

"No your not" I say because it's true, I know Aiden he is only saying sorry so we can get over this and move on, this always happen, its like a never ending cycle with him, "I'm sorry Izzy, I won't touch those drugs again" "I'm sorry Izzy I wont have sex in public again where the paparazzi will take pics of me" "I'm sorry Izzy, I didn't know you felt that way" It's always the same shit withh him, he always says sorry but does it again anyway when he has the chance.

"I am" he growls

"No your not, you always sorry and do the same thing when you have the chance, it happens all the time, and usually it works, becuase I don't want it to ruin our friendship, but words aren't enough anymore, they are just words now" I say while shaking my head

I begin to walk away there is no point in fighting I said what I needed to say and that's it, before i make it pass him he grabs on to my elbow and turns me around to look at him there is pain and anger in his face, then his eyes turn cold and emotionless and I know I'm not going to like what he has to say

"Is this about me jeopordizing the band or about me breaking your heart" he says

I gasp "I already told you, you broke my heart by lying to me and making me feel worthless these last couple of months"

"That's not what i'm talking about" he says, and then he smirks but its not a usual smirk its a cruel one that I have never seen him give me in all the years that we have been friends

"What are you talking about" I whisper out

"Come on Izzy now is not the time to act stupid, I know you like  me."

My eyes open wide "What" I say shakly

The smirk doesn't leave his face " I knew for a awhile since we were little, come on it was pretty obiouvous you followed me like love sick puppy dog, and still do. Everyone knows, even Serena knew from the first day and she hasn't even hung out with us together, she would see the texts you send me while we were together, after I fucked her, you are just mad that she gets to have that part of me and you will never get it, it doesn't exist for you, you will always be my best friend, you need to get over this little crush and move on, you will always be like a sister to me get it thorugh your head"  he grits out whid his hand tightens around my arm to the point pain

Tears are running down my fave he knew this whole time and he made a fool of me for years, and he made a fool of me in front of his girlfriend, who is this guy? This is not Aiden it can't be? Or is it? And I was just to blind to see.

Anger comes out and slap him across is face, he looks at me shocked I have never later a hand on him even in our worst fights, but who am I kidding this is our worst fight.

"I hate you" I say

His eyes widen and then the coldness leaves them and then regret washes over them in an instant and he tries to grab a hold of me

I punch him in chest and scream  "I hate you"

He tries to grab me again and crushes me into a hug "Im sorry" he says

"Ohhh god I'm so sorry, Izzy I didn't mean it I was just so angry that you kept spitting out the truth I wanted to hurt you and it just came out"

"You have been making a fool of me all my life, I hate you Aiden so much" I say

"NO!" he cries

"Please don't hate me, I didn't mean it, Ohh God what have I done"  he croaks

I sob into his chest for I dont know how long, when my sobs subside, I try to push him off but he wont relent I look up at him and he has tears running down his eyes there red and I know he is in pain

"Let go Aiden" I whisper

"No" he shakes his head

"yes, Im done Aiden this is the last straw"

He shakes his head again and walks us towards the kitchen counter our bodies still connected, his hands grip my face

"Izzy, listen to me, I didn't mean it, we are not done, I'm sorry for everything ok you were right im a hypocrite an asshole, call me whatever you want but don't oush me out of your life, I need you, I know I said hurtful things, and it's going to take awhile for you to forgive me, but let me prove to you that I can be a better friend, that I admire that you like me, that I didn't mean those hurtful words, please" he pleads while his face moves close to mine

"I can't Aiden, no more" I say while tears run down my eyes

Tears are streaming down his "Don't say that Izzy, please" he pleads again and his nose touches mine, and his lips get close

"Please" he whispers again and gives me a gentle kiss on the lips, no he can't do this, I try to turn my my face when he tries to give me another kiss but he holds onto my face and his lips land on mine again.

He smoothly strokes his toungue againist my lower lip, silently telling me to open but I refuse, and he tries again, with no sucess one hand goes around to the back of my neck and his fingers tangle in my hair and grips onto it, which makes me gasp and he takes the oppurtunity to slide his tongue in my mouth he lets out a groan when his tongue slides againist mine, and I let out a desperate sound , my hands grip on to his shirt and i close my eyes, .  Our tongues slide againist each other and its explosive, fire burns through my whole entire body, I can taste our tears mixing with the kiss and it makes it that much more sensual because of the feeling. We have never kissed like this before, and now that we have how the hell am i going to forget?

He breaks from the kiss his eyes closed, then they open and he whispers a "fuck" before he crashes his lips againist mine again, I didn't even have time to catch my breath, he kisses me with more passion and his body moves closer to mine, and I can feel his erection againist my stomach and against my better judgement i push up againist it . He growls out and his hand grips my hair tighter which causes me too moan.

I hear a door open and it's like a bucket of cold water is thrown on me, my eyes snap open and and i try to push Aiden away but he doesn't get it and just growls again and bites my bottom lip before he licks it to sooth it and sucks it into his mouth again my eyes roll back forgetting for a moment about the door, but not for long because in that moment everything comes back to me, what we were fighting about. What he said to me. Everything. and I want to cry again because im a fucking weak girl when it comes to him, I will alway be his god damn puppet when he wants, that I betrayed myself with this kiss that he is betraying me with this kiss.  He is using me again he wants me to forgive him. He's using this kiss to manipulate me because he knows i want him and is using it againist me.

With that final though i push him away with all of my strength. He stumbles back not exepeting it we are both out of breath breathing heavily.  I put my hand to my swollen lips and look at him tears brimming the edge of my eyes

His eyes widen again "shit" he mutters

His hand run through his hair again "Shit. Shit" he says again

"Izzy, listen to me I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, the kiss was a mistake. Fuck I cheated on Serena" he says

A mistake, i'm a mistake again

He looks at me again and moves closer when he realizes what he said "Dammit, Izzy I didn't mean you were a mistake, Fuck, I cheated on Serena, you have to understand that I really like her" a tear runs down my face, how much more can i take?

He moves closer

"don't come any closer, please Aiden because everytime you do now you hurt me worst than before" I croak out wiping away the tears there is no point in crying anymore


"Just stop"

I shake my head look at him and begin to walk away and this time he doesn't stop me, he lets me go but before i disappear I hear him whisper out "Im sorry"

I sake my head and repeat words are not enough anymore, I pass Macy on the to the back of the bus, and the way she is string at me I know she walked in on the kiss

"Tell the bus driver we are ready to go, we are late" and continue walking to to room

That kiss was just the beginning on how Aiden was going to destroy my love.


Yayyyy i finished another one not when I said would and I'm sorry for that

I know you guys are going to hate Aiden after this, and that's why you are getting his point of view next! woot woot

I also know you think Isabella is weak for letting Aiden do those things to her, but she's in love, she will be stronger though in the book, you will see her grow and the whole band grow so dont worry she wont be this weak all the time

I hope you guys liked it :)

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Love ya guys :*

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