I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGi...

By Riz3greym0n

489K 15.9K 1.3K

Luna and Sapphire are what you'd call complete opposites. Not to mention one of them isn't exactly human. The... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-One

9K 320 12
By Riz3greym0n

Luna's POV

It's been some time since my sister and her girlfriend went out. It was getting close to noon. Sapphire was still asleep. Sam, Leo, and Isabelle went off to train. Darcy stayed behind for some reason. Griffin and Carmen were working things out downstairs in their room. I, on the other hand, was sitting on the floor watching TV. I would be cuddling with my lover on the bed, but I wanted to find a way to get her back for what she did earlier. I had a plan in mind, but I might need some help pulling it off.

I searched around for Darcy. She was downstairs, watching TV as well.

She caught a quick glance at me and immediately gave me her attitude. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be upstairs, acting like a dirty slut for Sapphire?"

I sighed. I tried to resist the urge to punch her straight across the face. "I want to make a truce." I silently admitted. "We started off on the wrong foot, and I figured that if we're gonna be fighting together, then we should be on good terms."

"Oh, so, do you wanna fuck?" She asked.

"Um, no." I flinched. "Look, I just think we should at least try to get along, then when everything settles down, you can go back to calling me a whore and what not."

She thought for a minute. "Alright,I guess, but seriously, what else do you what?"

I felt a tiny grin form on my face. "I have the best idea for a prank. Come on."

Darcy got up and I led her up to Sapphire's room. I filled her in on the details on the way there. We both stood I the same side of the bed.

"Okay," I said, "I'll rip the blankets off her and you push her off the bed."

"Gotcha." She winked.

On the count of three, we went through with the plan. I ripped off Sapphire's blanket and Darcy shoved her onto the floor. Sapphire fell and hit the floor with a loud thud. Darcy and I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter.

Sapphire stared at us with a mix of confusion and slight anger. "Are you guys fucking serious?"

Not long after, my sister walked in. "Whats going on?"

"Your sister and her new friend pushed me of the damn bed." Sapphire growled.

"Well," I wiped away a tear, "we're not friends but we're working on some kind of truce."

"Uh huh." Jen crossed my arms.

"Hey," Sapphire spoke again. "Did you and my sister bring back some people to the house? I'm catching a few scents, ones that I don't recognize."

My sister nodded. "Yes, we did. They're hunters, of course. Come down and meet them, all of you."

"I'll go get Sam, Leo, and my sister." Darcy was the first to walk out.

I kissed Sapphire on the cheek before helping her up, and we walked out from the room hand in hand. Jen followed close behind us.

When we got downstairs, I saw Artemis' friends were on one side of the room. I heard low growls erupt from Leo, Isabelle, Darcy, and Sam. Two other guys and a girl were standing on the other side. They looked like they were ready to strike at any moment, and they seemed a bit familiar.

Jen sighed, and made her way towards Artemis, who was also standing by Sapphire and I.

"Luna!" A boy from the side called out. "Its so good to see you."

"Um, and you are?"

"It's me, Jack. You don't remember me?" He frowned slightly.

"Jack? ...Oh, yeah, I remember you, how's it going old pal?"

"Good, good!" He stepped up and hugged me. "You've grown so much, I can't believe it."

I heard Sapphire growling right next to me. "He better get off of her in the next two seconds or else his arms are gonna get disassembled."

"Babe, it's okay, he's gay... I think."

She quickly calmed down as soon as she heard that, but I sensed that she still felt a bit uneasy. Soon after, Jack had let go of me. The other boy and a girl walked over to me.

"Hey Peter, hey Lily." I greeted them.

"Oh, so you remember them but not me?" Jack groaned.

"Well, it's easy to identify the rest of you once I get at least one of you." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"How are you doing, shortie?" Lily rubbed my hair.

"I'm fine. Still carrying deadly weapons, I see?"

"Of course, I always keep at least one in hand in case trouble spots me. And in this case.." She lowered her voice a bit. "They'll possibly come in handy. These wolves don't seem very trustworthy."

"Don't worry, you can trust these guys." I whispered back. I pulled Sapphire over towards me. She caught one glimpse at Lily and silently growled again. "Be nice." I reprimanded her. She stopped instantly.

I turned back to my old friends and introduced them. "Lily, Jack, Peter, this is my girlfriend, Sapphire."

"So this is the girl that's lucky enough to have your heart, huh?" Jack stepped up and scanned Sapphire up and down. His glare made Sapphire's face scrunch up.

"Get this guy away from me." She pleaded.

I chuckled. "Yes Jack, this is her, but I should warn you that you might wanna step back a bit. Im the only one who is allowed to be up in her personal space after all."

Jack stepped back. "Just had to get a good look at her. I have to approve of her after all."

Sapphire rolled her eyes. She was going to respond with a something sarcastic or offensive, but luckily her sister got everyone's attention before she could speak.

"Let me just say that I'm glad that all of you agreed to help us fight against our former pack in order to protect our mates." She started. "But, obviously, there is some current tension in the air. If we want to win and prevent ourselves from being killed, were going to have to work together as a pack of our own."

The hunters rolled their eyes, except for Jen and I.

"We have to be ready for an attack at any point in time. For now, we may have enough time to train. Starting tomorrow, I want each shifter to find a hunter to train with, double up if you have to. Just don't injure each other to the point where your partner won't be able to fight when the real danger arrives."

Sapphire held onto to me and pulled me close to her. "Partners?" She asked.

I nodded then winked. "Partners." I reached up and stole a quick kiss from her.

"For now, I want everyone to get some rest." Artemis went on. "Go to whoever you're staying and relax yourselves, because after tonight, were all gonna undergo some serious training."

Everyone mumbled and complained, but we all agreed that Artemis was right. She finished what she had to say, and everyone went to rest up for the night.

After the extras left, Jen, Artemis, Sapphire and I ate dinner together and we watched a bit of TV to kill time. Carmen and Griffin had returned which signaled the start to my all nighter with Sapphire.

We went outside and once in the woods, I was instantly hit by a wind chill.

"What the hell? Since when did the temperature drop?" I shivered. I was only in a tank top and some skinny jeans.

Sapphire laughed. "I told you to bring a sweatshirt. It maybe summer, but at night, it gets a bit chilly."

"Yeah, no kidding." I complained.

Sapphire looked at me with amusement. "We're almost there. I'll build a fire as soon as we get there."

She kept her promise. We walked a bit further, an once at the border, she made a fire. I found a nice spot to sit on and placed my palms near the blaze.

"Still cold?" I heard my girlfriend ask from behind me. I turned to see that she stripped to a tank top but still wore her jeans as well.

"Yeah." I admitted.

She snickered. "Just relax." She said and sat behind me. She wrapped her hoodie then her arms around me and pulled me into her embrace. Thanks to her body temperature, I felt better almost immediately. "Is that better?"

"Mhm." I moaned out and relaxed into her body.

Sapphire smiled against my skin. She planted soft trails of kisses on my neck. She sucked on my mark and I could help but to moan at the feel. She moved one of her hands from my stomach and slid it under my tank top. It found its way to one of my breasts and started playing around with it. I felt my core getting wet and hot just at her touch.

"Sapphire..." I could barely breathe out. "We can't do this right now.. We have to keep lookout."

"There'll be plenty of time for that." She breathed against my skin.

"But, we-" I was cut off when Sapphire grabbed my chin, and gently turned my head so that we met in a firm kiss. My brain and body surrendered once her tongue snuck into my mouth. I turned my body slightly so that I was in a more comfortable position.

Sapphire pulled away. "Still want to hold this off until later?" She asked. Her green eyes were so bright, probably as bright as the stars.

"No." I shook my head. "But, just a quickie, okay?"

Sapphire growled and rolled her eyes. I looked at her telling her to either take it or leave it. She sighed then said, "Fine... It's better than nothing I guess."

I smirked, then pulled her in for another kiss. Her hand that was still on my breast gave it a squeeze. I arched my back at the feel. It suddenly slid down and undid my jeans without a problem, and slithered down further.

"Yay, it's time to play!" Sapphire's wolf made the comment this time. "And she's so wet already." She purred.

"Shut the fuck up, you're distracting me." Sapphire growled at her wolf. She had her tongue wiggling inside my mouth, and she was playing with my clit at the same time. I could barely focus on anything anymore.

Her wolf growled back, but then stayed quiet for now.

Sapphire moved her hand faster against me. I couldn't help but to brake our kiss and moan into the air. "Uh, fuck yeah." I cried. I felt my eyes form tears of pleasure.

I spread my legs wider for her, allowing her to advance further down. She gently and slowly inserted a finger inside of me. I rocked my hips against her, as she put in another one.

"Do you want another one?" She asked.

I thought about it for a bit. "Yes, give me one more."

She complied, and stuck one last finger inside. I jerked my head back as she started moving them in and out of me. I had to turn more to grab onto her waist, because I was not about to dig my fingers into the dirt that I was sitting on. Instead they dug into Sapphire's soft, smooth flesh.

"Oh my god, I'm so close." I cried out again. I felt my body tremble, and I was breathing hard. Soon enough, I had came. My juices flowed out from me and landed all over my girlfriend's hand.

She slowly pulled out, and examined her hand. Then she brought it to her mouth, and sucked on one of her fingers. "You taste so good, babe." She smirked.

I blushed, then burrow my face in her chest. My body was limp because it was trying to recover from my recent orgasm. One of these days, I thought, I'm going to return the favor.

We sat there for a while after that. Sapphire stroked my hair a bit, and I was fully recovered from earlier. The fire was starting to go out though.

I got up and stretched myself. "I'll go get some more wood for the fire." I offered.

"No, don't." Sapphire rushed to my side, and suddenly stopped me.

"Why?" I turned to look at her. Her eyes lost their brightness and had turned into a darker shade of green. She was growling menacingly at something in front of us. Of course, with my human eyes, I couldn't see anything. "What is it, Sapphire?" I asked. I could tell she wanted to shift but refrained from doing so for some reason.

"Just come out already. I know you're in there." She snarled.

"Alright, okay. Calm down." A tall girl with brown hair and grey eyes stepped out from the shadows. She reminded me of Artemis.. A slightly older Artemis in fact.

"Luna, get behind me." Sapphire ordered. I did as she said and stepped behind her. "What are you doing here, Topaz?"

"I just want to talk." Topaz out her hands up in surrender. "I'm not here to hurt you, or Luna."

"How do you know my name?" I found myself asking.

"When Sapphire was still in the pack, before you got together," She spat that last part out, "She would talk nonstop about you, and think about you all the time. Being connected back then, it was difficult for all of us not to hear her thoughts."

If what this girl is saying is true, then Sapphire really does have a soft spot for me. I blushed, thinking how special I was to her.

"Now, like I had said, I came here to talk." Topaz stepped closer.

"Stay right there." Sapphire commanded. "Don't move again, or you'll be crossing your boundaries."

"Well, look at you with your little alpha voice." Topaz gave a small smile. "It does hurt that you don't trust me. I'm your sister, remember? We're family."

"You guys stopped being family when you all decided that the only way to deal with us, is by killing us."

"I didn't decide that, the Elders did!" Topaz suddenly raised her voice. "Your brother and I are just following orders."

"So, you'd go against you're own sisters just because you were told to do so?" Sapphire's voice cracked a little.

"If it meant that I was doing the right thing, then yes... But that's why I came here. I came to convince you to come back home. You, Artemis, and Carmen. You guys don't belong with those who are trained to kill you." I flinched at Topaz's tone.

"Aren't you guys training to kill us as well? So what good would that do? You're just being a hypocrite."

"There's a difference, Sapphire. Damn, why do you have to be so stubborn. You know, your parents wouldn't approve of this, not even Mom."

Sapphire's eyes widened, then she looked down at the ground. "At least she wouldn't think about killing her own blood."

"I beg to differ." Topaz scoffed.

"Just..." Sapphire turned so her back was facing her sister. I allowed her to hold onto my waist. "Just shut the hell up."

"Look, just come back home. If you do, prove your loyalty to the pack, then maybe you'll end up being the alpha sometime in the future, after James."

Sapphire's grip on me tightened. Was she seriously thinking about going back? I stared at Topaz. I had heard that she was the mother figure out of all Sapphire's siblings when their mom had died, but right now, it was hard for me to picture that.

"No, I don't want to lead a pack that never even respected me or my decisions in the first place. So, just leave, Topaz."

Her sister sighed. "Fine, I guess you guys really made up your mind then. Tell everyone else that you have until the end of the week to prepare." She said, then was out of our sight.

"That's only three days." I whispered in realization. I looked up at Sapphire. Her eyes were dull. Something Topaz had said had hit her hard inside. "Sapphire, baby, are you okay?" I grabbed her hand.

"Yeah..." She finally said in a low tone. "I just... I-"

Without saying anything, I pulled her in for a hug. She hesitated, but then hugged back. "I just need to go for a run." She whispered against me.

I nodded. I let go of her, and she stripped naked in front of me. Then she transformed into her wolf. She started to walk away, but then stopped and turned to me again. "You wanna tag along?"

"Sure." I shrugged, and got on her back.

"Hold on tight, though. I don't want you to fall off."

I wrapped my arms around her neck. When I told her I was ready, she started sprinting away. We were still around the border line, so we could still manage to see if anything suspicious were to happen.

We stopped by a small stream, which showed a reflection of the moon. I got off of Sapphire, and she laid down by the stream. I sat down next to her.

"Sapphire?" I called out to her.

"Yeah?" She turned her head to face me.

"I'm glad you saved me during my camping trip four years ago, and I'm glad you found me that day with Griffin by the mall."

She rested her head on my lap. I stroked the top of her head. "Yeah, I'm glad too." She purred. "I just wish things turned out differently, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand." I said, and looked up at the sky.

We only have limited time to prepare. To be honest, I'm totally shitting myself at the thought. If only there was a different way to resolve things.

How was everyone's Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, and whatever other holiday there is this month?

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