MVP (Kris Bryant)

By Pentaholic2011

66.5K 1K 27

It takes a special player to help end a 108 year championship drought. It takes a even more special person to... More

Uncle Joe
Time Heals
In Theo We Trust
Like Mike
Batting Practice
Date Night
I'm Yours
The Return
Unwanted Guest
Family Night
The "L" Word
Dinner Conversation
Blanket Forts
To Take Back Whats Mine
Save Me
Big Move
Dream Team
Welcome Home
All Star Game
It Takes Two
Oh Baby
Double Trouble
Cub For A Day
Even Year
Down Go The Dodgers
Loveable Winners
Parade of Champions
New Home
Christmas Time
New Year, Same Old Same Old
Us Plus 2
The Start Of Something New


2.8K 51 1
By Pentaholic2011

-Kris' POV-

I watch as Joe pulls the most beautiful girl I have ever seen away from my embrace. I've had a lot of nice catches in my career as a baseball player, but none quite that nice.

I stand there for a little trying to process what just happened and what to do next. "Yo KB! It's time to stretch out... lets go" Rizz tells me but I don't budge.

Anthony Rizzo is nothing like me, complete opposites, but we love this team and this game and that's more than enough to bring us together.

"Earth to Kris" he says waiving his hand in front of me.

"I think I'm in love" I say quietly and he stops moving his hand.

"Excuse me" he says, asking for clarification.

"Joe brought his niece to spring training because she got a divorce and needed to get away and Rizz... I got it bad" I say still not moving.

"Divorced... sounds scary" Anthony says.

"Just wait till you meet her, I promise you won't be saying that" I defend.

"Whatever lover boy, it's time to go" he says pulling me off to the practice area.

I stretched with David, Jason, and Anthony as we talk about this upcoming season and what we wanted to accomplish. It was obvious we wanted a World Series title but we just needed to figure out how. The talent is there, just need to execute.

I check out in the middle of the conversation when I see Christina start to stretch out on her own, why she was stretching was beyond me. She had a very toned body and her hair sprawled out everywhere, I wanted a playful relationship where we could wrestle and mess around. I can see us together, she had me in a trance and I didn't want out.

I absentmindedly get up and sit myself next to her while she stretches.

"Hello Chris" I say with a smile as she looks up from her stretch.

"Hi Kris" she giggles and I feel my stomach nearly drop out of my ass. This is going to be a looong spring.

"So, how are you liking Mesa so far" I ask not really sure where her line is that I don't want to cross. I want to know everything there is about her, well at least what she's willing to share.

"It's a lot warmer than Chicago that's for sure. The view isn't too bad either" she states going into the splits. No way in hell Joe is expecting me to do that right?

"So... are you going to be around the team a lot" I ask getting lost in her deep brown eyes.

"That's what I'm here to find out. I used to model but it never challenged me, so I'm branching out a little. Getting into the family business you could say" she shrugs.

She was pretty tall, probably about 5'11. But she was extremely fit and I wouldn't be surprised if she could kick my ass. At the same time she looked so kind and I feel like I could tell her anything.

"What about you big shot, what are your aspirations" she asks sitting down, apparently finished with her stretches.

"Wait, you know who I am" I ask.

"I live in Chicago and my Uncle is Joe Maddon, no shit I know who you are" she laughs. I will do literally anything to see her smile.

"Okay you got me there. But I guess win the World Series" I say.

"You're not some sports robot, right" she asks raising a eyebrow.

"Umm no" I say but it comes out more like a question. Man am I nervous.

"Okay, so tell me what you really want to do. Like something you haven't told anyone before" she clarifies. I think about it and grow a smile on my face.

"When I was a kid I would turn on the tv and watch Sammy Sosa and Pete Rose, I would always say how much I wanted to be like them. And I want the same thing now, but I want kids to watch me and say that they want to be like Kris Bryant. And not because I hit home runs or make a great defensive play, but because I'm a good person and am passionate about this sport" I say causing her to smile. The butterflies swirl around and I thought I was going to throw up. I couldn't figure out why she made me feel like this but it was making me so very weak.

"See, that's what I like to hear" she says lightly kicking me.

"Kris! There you are. I was looking every... woah" Anthony trails off as he sees Chris sitting next to me. I give him my 'you better not' look but he didn't seem to care. "My name is Anthony, you must be Joes niece" he says helping her off the ground.

This should be good.

"I am. The name's Christina but you can call me Chris" she smiles.

"So, you going to be around much" he asks with a wink and I physically cringe.

"I am. In fact I came here so I can't be anywhere else" she laughs.

"Really? What brings you here" he asks and I mentally face plam, he can be such a space case sometimes.

"My last relationship ended and it wasn't pretty" she says softly. She looked so... sad. And I just want to comfort her.

"You're pretty" Anthony comments and I had to laugh, glad to see I'm not the only one affected by her.

He punches me hard in the arm and she just shakes her head.  "Alrighty boys, I have to go but I would love to catch up later" she says jogging off.

We both wave and watch as she makes her way to Joe and he introduces her to some of the boys. "Okay, I get it now. She's amazing" Anthony says patting my back.

"Yeah, and I'm so screwed" I shake my head.

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