Rival Love

By AngelRiot

6.5K 205 19

Jasmine Mitchell's and her brother Ryan always got along as kids.That was until Ryan got into a gang at 15. A... More

Girls Night Out
The Gang
Telling Jasmine
Walk Home Shorty
Dance Competition
Ex's and Guns
Ryan just listen to him
Truth & Secrets
Amazing Afternoon
Defense Training
Are we even a couple?
Hidden Feelings

The Club

496 15 2
By AngelRiot

We're going where?" I asked

"To a club, it’s the coolest thing ever" Serenity blurted out

"I can't, Ryan wouldn't want me to go to a club Ser..." I muttered. "Live a little Jazz....Ryan probably won’t even be there. Plus when does Ryan care anymore? He’s been mean for a while. Live a little Jazz! Ryan probably wouldn’t care anyways” she said sternly. She was right. Ryan has been mean for a while and he doesn’t seem to care for me anymore. I know he’s my brother and all but he can try to be nicer to me.

“Your right! I need to live a little. Let’s go” I said grabbing the keys to my Mustang

“That’s my girl” Serenity said winking

We got inside my car and drove towards a club. We saw a very nice looking club and went for it.

Ryan POV:

I didn’t want to leave Jasmine alone at home but I have to deal with this other gang the "Roads" threaten my gang members. Yes I’m in a gang. I did it to protect my family but I failed. My parents got killed in a “car crash.” I didn’t believe that crap. I may not know who did it but I will find out and I will make sure that they pay.

“You ready to go dude?” Drake asked, pulling me away from my thoughts. “Yeah, you got the guns?” I asked. “Yup I got it man”. He said.”Alright, let’s go and tell Damien and Asher to keep an eye on Jasmine” I said sternly

“Got it” he said. I started driving towards the club where this new gang hangs out at. I parked my black sports car and got out with Drake. I opened my truck and grabbed a gun. I stuck in behind my back and put my jacket over it to hide it. Drake doing the same. “You ready Drake?” I asked

“Yeah, let’s get this over with. I don’t want to deal with this gang anymore.” Drake said coldly and chuckled

I nodded in agreement and walked right up to the club and was going to go in but the bouncer stopped me. “Name” he asked. “Ryan Mitchells and Drake Halter” I said sternly looking at the bouncer.  “Go on in” he said giving me a glare.

I turned on my ear piece and spoke “Everyone split up and take them out one at a time, They are all spread out and wearing their wristbands. There should be 10” I said. Alrights and yes sir came through my ear piece. I looked for the leader but couldn’t find him. I turned to look at Drake to see that he was talking to a Road girl. I went to the back of the club and sat watching my gang go to work. My gang talked into their ear piece counting down. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2” I heard. Everyone’s down except for the leader, glancing around once more I spotted him Deecan,talking to a girl. From behind she looked oddly familiar. But I brushed it off.

As I got up my gang stood near me in case of anything. As I walked up behind the girl, I saw her reflection from his dark glasses. He smirked and grabbed her waist pulling her to the dance floor. I felt anger boiling inside me.

My sister was here.


Picture of Ryan

Ooooo Deecan has Jasmine.What do you think will happen to Jasmine?

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