The Risk To Love

By KeziahFerguson

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⚫ A Wattpad Featured Story ⚫ Ever since the stranger in school A.K.A - notorious bad boy from the city arrive... More

CH 1: Unhappy & Undecided
CH 2: New beginnings & Hot Strangers
CH 3: Window Gods & Wondering
CH 4: News & Nudity
CH 5: All Nighters & Acquaintances
CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions
CH 7: Surfs & Silent Bonding
CH 8: Slaps & Soberness
CH 9: Realizations & Reality
CH 11: Carelessness & Confessions
CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna
CH 13: Fumes & Fiestiness
CH:14 Paranormal & Paranoia
CH 15: Reunions & Rapists
CH 16: Fast & Furious
CH 17: Raiders & Resolution
CH 18: Promises & Probability
CH 19: Stalkers & Sentiment
CH 20: Neurotic & Nuggets
CH 21: Almost Firsts & Awakenings
CH 22: Spooky Mansion & Speculation
CH 23: Clashes & Clouded Judgement
CH 24: Broken Boundaries & Party Poopers
CH 25: Misdeeds & Hostages
CH 26: Manning up & Catching Feelings
CH 27: Impetuous Behavior & Confrontations
CH 28: Spilling The Beans & Trust Issues
CH 29: Forgive & Forget
CH 30: Night Owls & Not So Chaste Kisses
CH 31: Unwanted Feminism & Buried Secrets
CH 32: Maze Runners & Walking Corpses
CH 33: White Lies & Wild Thoughts
CH 34: Pettiness & Meditation Gone Wrong
CH 35: Glitter Mermaids & Revenge Plans
CH 36: The Boys & Pathetic Comebacks
CH 37: Sneaking Around & Party Plans
CH 38: Threats & Medication
CH 39: Orange Vodka & Spin The Bottle
CH 40: Tears by the Lake & Watchers in the Woods
CH 41: Knights in Shining Armor & Mending Relationships
CH 42: Intruder Alert & Late Night Cuddles
CH 43: Suicidal Prisoners & Calling Truce
CH 44: Left Raw & Reeling
CH 45: The Love Triangle & Queen Bee Collison
CH 46: Crazy Assumptions & Trust Issues
CH 47: Pageant Pony & The Missing Pendant

CH 10: Healings & Hideouts

96 12 1
By KeziahFerguson

Listen to Unsteady by X Ambassadors
Chapter 10

I was flustered to say the least. His quick reflexes allowed him to catch the glass before it shattered to the ground.

"What the hell Ryder? so what? Are you following me now?" I spat out cautiously distancing myself from him.

Shrugging his shoulders he gave me a quizzical look. "Don't flatter yourself Taylor."

Ignoring the fact that he practically insulted me I rolled my eyes. "Shouldn't you be humping Abbie at this hour?" I shot back.

"Shouldn't you be sober at this hour?" he asked handing back my glass ignoring my previous question.

"I'm legal now mum. So mind your own damn business," I sarcastically replied reaching out for it.

Our fingers slightly touched causing butterflies to burst within me. I took a long swig hoping the feelings would dissipate.

Really Shay? This is the devil. Get a grip of your hormones.

He continued to stare down as if I was some kind of unsolved puzzle making me squirm under the current awkward atmosphere and his intense gaze. "WHAT?" I gave him a serious look tilting my head to the side and placing my hand on my hips.

"Are you always this uptight?" he responded nonchalantly.

"Nope. Just around you," I said in a sarcastic tone facing away from him.

"This. Ms Taylor is exactly why you won't get laid cause you're such a hothead. So call me when you need help pulling that huge paintbrush out of your ass," he retorted stubbornly about to walk away.

Gasping inwardly. I grabbed his forearm making him face me. "You're one to talk. Picking fights with girls like the ass hat you are. Standing around all high and mighty when you literally just arrived."

"Does that make you mad? Do you wanna slap me again? Here go for my left cheek this time. C'mon hit me," he offered turning his face to the side giving me a great display of his beautifully structured jawline.

"Chauvinistic pig," I muttered at his immaturity pushing his cheek away.

"Stuck up freak."

"Entitled narcissistic dick."

Feigning hurt he quickly shot back.

"Why you.....son of a-------"

Just then Mrs Fusìon interrupted our heated conversation with a slight cough breaking our death stares towards each other.

"Just the two people I've been looking for! I see you've yourselves," she said perplexed.

"Mrs Fusìon. Please remove him. I believe he may be stalking me for whatever reason is still unknown," I glared at him.

He smirked back as if I had just made a fool out of myself. "Before you put yourself on a pedestal little lady and think that I'd even waste my time on you, I was invited to support the owner of the gallery. My stunning Aunt Fee," he concluded kissing her right hand and winking slyly at me.

Couldn't I ever catch a break from daily embarrassment?

"Now now Ryder. Try and behave courteously towards Ms Taylor," she spoke jokingly in an authoritative tone still flushed from his act of chivalry.

"Trying would be an understatement," he muttered to himself within my earshot earning him a punch on the shoulder.

Violence is the only reasonable answer when it comes to him.

Ushering the photographer we stood together taking multiple photos. She then told Ryder and I to take a separate one. We forcefully obliged after she continually persuaded us.

The photographer muttered about young love. "Say love birds!" he said while happily snapping away while I tried not to gag yet Ryder was acting bipolar cause he was suddenly in a calmly good mood.

Finding my weakness he tickled my side, making the fake tight smile slide off my face being replaced with a genuine one. I looked up at him while he was just giving his signature smirk staring into my eyes.

Okay. Now things were getting way too lovey dovey.

Quickly detaching myself from him I excused myself to go use the ladies room and let them continue their conversation. After freshening up and trying to remove the smell of wine out of my breath which I was successful in I left to go check on my art display.

Hours had passed and the gallery was about to close after a successful day. Ms Fusìon allowed all the featured artists to leave their collection in case someone would purchase them luckily I had only two left from my seven pieces.

Dolla dolla bill ya.

Walking outside I decided to catch an Uber since home was just an hour away. Until I heard someone call my name I slowed down.

"Taylor I'll take you home. It's the least I can do," he offered standing in front if me.

As if I was ever getting into a car with him after the last time.

"I'd rather walk." I clearly declined.

His eyes kept darting to the large glass window of the gallery behind me. Turning around I saw Ms Fusion and her staff mouthing for me just to go with him and making shooing motions. I then knew her full intentions were for Ryder and I to become 'lovers', as she so subtly put it.

Psh. Like that was ever gonna happen.

I loved this lady and I knew he did too. So I reluctantly agreed just to make her happy.

"No more, 1D this time, got it?" I laid out before getting in from the side.

"Who's that again?" He innocently asked with a rhetorical question trying to play coy and getting into the drivers side.

After exiting the city we cruised down the highway which was presumably empty since it was a Sunday afternoon. Meanwhile I had been ignoring him the whole time just chortling and banging the dashboard at all the latest memes on instagram and updating my public page with the recent photos of my collection from the gallery. I was glad I had made one since it was great for my exposure and all followers were my biggest supporters. I didn't gloat much but the amount of likes received were pretty impressive, if I didn't say so myself.

My special ringtone for Abbie blared through the silence making me groan. Ryder raised his eyebrows but didn't speak nonetheless.

Regretfully I answered the phone.
"It's our Sunday meet ups today slut. So I better see you at my house soon," she spoke imperatively.

Damn it. I couldn't tell her I was with Ryder nor that I forgot and couldn't make it. So I did what was in everyone's human nature when in doubt. I lied.

I started coughing uncontrollably."Sorry Abbie. You'll just have to make due without me. I have a rare flu...cold, a flu cold. I guess it's just the weather," I wheezed out.

Now that was the saddest excuse. Lying was not my best forte.

"The weather's fine." She said in a chirpy tone which meant she was pissed off.

"Really? Huh. Must be a bug then," I quickly tried to cover up while making continuous noises as if I were blowing my nose and gathering my spit. The conversation was quickly cut short afterwards with a few fake compliments and our sentimental goodbyes.

Ryder just glanced at me with judgemental eyes but he'd never understand the true language behind girl conversations. Turning away I submerged myself back into social media to help remove the guilty feeling that was currently weighing on my mind.

After a while I realised the car wasn't moving. Looking up I noticed we were parked on a dirt path near the main road.

"Did you run out of fuel or did your brain not comprehend how to drive anymore?" I asked still giving him the cold shoulder putting my phone away.

He just sighed loudly at that insult.
"Its so sad how some people in the world today have become so antisocial and won't even bother to have a simple conversation with others."

"Do you expect an apology even though you owe me numerous ones?" I looked at him dryly.

"Not an apology. I want you to drive," he challengingly told me.

"Can't. Forgot my licence," I lied trying to act casual even though my heart was pounding louder than Tarzan on his chest.

"Don't lie to me Taylor, I can see it from here and I've noticed you've been avoiding it. Unless you were charged with a D.U.I which I highly doubt, so what's the big issue here anyway?" He questioned.

Damn it. I forgot it was on the clear side of my purse which was in plain site. Not replying to his question I turned my body to the side bringing my knees up and burying my face in my folded arms. Hoping that he'd start the engine and drive off because I didn't want to share the real reason since that was all it took to make the waterworks flow.

"Your choice. Guess we'll be here awhile then." He said slouching not wanting to give in either.

What was it to him anyway?

The emotions were piling and I was getting fed up of holding it in. I couldn't repress them any longer in fear that I would break.

Sniffling back the tears I decided not to get into detail but just to give him a brief part of the incident instead so he'd let this go and take me home. We sat in silence for at least half an hour while he drummed the dashboard lightly.

I was about to share something so tragic in my life with a boy I've only known for a week. Here goes nothing.

"...about a year ago....I got into an accident...." I barely said in a whisper.

He straightened his posture which was an indicator that he was intently listening so I continued.

"I was driving that night....with my aunt in the passenger seat beside me. Her name was Teresa. We were so close and we'd always put ourselves in situations we could control.....But that night was different..she was different."

Wiping the tears I felt the urge just to continue. "Next thing I knew the oncoming car swerved onto our lane. I was in the hospital for nearly a week. But my aunt Tess......" I was now sobbing while he rubbed my back comfortingly.

Sitting up properly not wanting to finish my story I suddenly closed him off slumping my head on the dashboard letting my messy hair cover my tear stained face."Please just take me home Ryder."

He sat back as if pondering how to reply to what I had just told him and I knew it was a lot.

"I'm so sorry Shay. I had no idea and I know you must hate being pitied especially from me. But I still think she'd want you to at least start again," he spoke softly in a tone with sincerity.

This aggravated me even more. If only he knew the whole story which I hoped he'd never discover.

Opening my door, I decided just to hitch hike a vehicle since I couldn't stand to be in this car any longer. "You don't get it! No one does! I'm not ready so stop trying to force me into it like everyone else," I yelled at him clearly agitated at this point.

That didn't make him feel the least considerate cause he continued to stand his ground.

"Taylor, what ever happened wasn't your fault but you gotta get up and try someday," he spoke softly.

I went out of the car grumbling to myself and took deep breaths taking in the scenery. Walking over to his side leaning against his door to try and calm myself down.

"I want to. But at my own pace," I concluded moving away from him and towards the front.

Opening his door he came out and leaned against the truck next to me.
"Then...let me set that pace for you. I'm sorry for being an idiot and mentioning your past without knowing the full story and I hope we can start on a clean slate. I also know you probably hate me and wouldn't wanna take any advice I give to you right now but do this for your own good. For your own closure .It's now or never Taylor," he said while dangling the car keys in front of my face.

As cheesy as that last line was. He was right. I'd eventually have to forgive him and make a choice to be stuck in the wreckage of my past or move on from it and hold on to the greater things life had to offer.

Risk #3. Overcome my fears.

Grabbing the keys from him I settled into the drivers seat getting comfortable and trying to familiarise myself with all the gears until I noticed he was still standing at the front of the car staring up into the heavens and placing his hands in a prayer position as if he had just performed a miracle of some sort.

"You coming or what?" I asked him revving the engine while rolling my eyes at his act of immaturity.

Another trait that I had developed because of him which I rarely did because my mother firmly told me that if I continued doing it my eyes would fall out of their sockets.

He just gave a loop sided smile making his deep dimples poke through his cheek. After a bit of trouble. As in trouble I mean me nearly reversing straight into a huge oak tree while Ryder just cringed as he watched his 'baby girl'(his nickname of the brand new truck not me) nearly get a whole new makeover which would have consisted of dents and scratches.

Finally after many failed attempts I successfully made it onto the highway. It had been a whole year since I'd felt this free. Like a huge burden had been lifted off my chest and I could breath again without feeling guilty or thinking negatively. I drove at a cautious speed limit. Basically my grandmother could run faster than this rate.

"Stop being a pussy. Step on it Taylor," he looked at me knowingly placing his hand over mine to shift the gear. I felt it again. That tingly nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever we'd make contact.

"Cocky jerk. That's payback for calling me a pussy which I clearly am not," I stated matter of factually. Before he could respond I sped up making him clutch the back of my seat for his dear life.

We both screamed into the nothingness of the enduring empty road enjoying ....well...the joyride. Another first for me. The feeling was indescribable. It was like I was in a scene of Fast and Furious as I felt my hair being whipped around by the wind. Or maybe it's just because I haven't driven in a year. But for whatever reason it was I was on a new high that I wanted to continue to explore.

What was this boy doing to me?

Unfortunately we reached a speed limit indicating that we were close to civilization, slowing down I noticed the Diner near the riverine was still open and was up ahead.

Food. Glorious food, my inner conscious spoke in a sing song voice.

I kept darting my eyes back and forth from him trying to drop hints of what I was implying instead of having to ask. What? I was a very petty person since I clearly stated to him that I wanted to go straight home with no stops in between.

"You hungry?" He asked with his eyebrows raised ready to give me the 'I told you so' lecture since we'd eventually stop.

Ugh uh he wasn't having that victory.

Acting distracted I glanced back and forth finally paying attention. "Me? Hungry? Wha? No stops remember."

I grinned widely when I realized I had won this petty fest as he squinted his eye trying to detect if I was lying. But like I said. I just couldn't catch a break from embarrassment nowadays. So instead my stomach did the talking for me. Grumbling loudly I cursed my body for being so honest.

"I win babydoll. Pull into the diner so we can satisfy that appetite of yours," he snorted triumphantly.

"No, I just farted with my mouth, which resembled the sound of my stomach lurching but it was just a burp," I tried to cover up with a lame excuse but eventually turning in when he leaned over grabbing the steering wheel invading my personal bubble with his intoxicating minty fresh smell.

Get a hold of yourself Shayreece Taylor!
My subconscious screamed as I was currently still sniffing his collar when I had pulled into the small parking lot.

"Look, I know you're hungry Taylor and you can't resist the undeniable man candy in front of you but let's eat actual food before you get a taste of all of this," he smirked gesturing to his whole body.

Idiot. And yes I'm referring to him and I.

"You wish I was interested," I replied half heartedly shoving his chest away and walking out the car.

"You can't deny me forever!" He hollered catching up and slinging his heavy arm across my shoulder while ruffling my already messy hair as if I were his pet puppy. The thoughts of experiencing the high life with him quickly vanished as I continued to struggle under his hold while he watched me with a bemused expression. I gave up when we entered since I was clearly getting no where yet he was having the time of his life watching me try and shove him away.

The diner had a homely feeling about it. From its decorative floor length cloth on each table with its cosy interior furniture and a huge decking overlooking the river where most people were seated and the aroma fresh brewed coffee poured out of the kitchen. Instead I chose to sit inside at a table near the window since it was beginning to get chilly and my hair looked bad enough in it's present state.

My thick tendrils continued to be a nuisance, grabbing a hair tie I twisted it into a bun placing it on top of my head blowing the loose strands out of my face.

"I prefer it better down," he commented while scanning the menu.

"So do birds," I mumbled insulting myself this time. It's not that I was ashamed of my Columbian roots which blessed me with this thick curly pile of hair but sometimes it could be a real struggle especially when birds or flying insects mistook it for their new found habitat. Trust me. Its happened. A lot.

"What can I get you folks?" The waitress asked still looking at her notepad.

"A hug from you, for starters," said Ryder with an amused tone as he watched my face contort from a polite to 'WHAT THE HELL' expression.

The large brown skinned woman looked up,shocked to say the least until she let out a generous hearty laugh embracing Ryder in a bear hug similar to what I imagined Santa Claus would do to his elves.

"Well, I'll be. How long's it been? How's yo mama and daddy? Look at you all grown up now," she laughed again pinching his cheeks.

Who did this boy not know?

"They're fine Sheila. I love what you've done with the place." He said gesturing to the room.

She smiled cheerfully once more. "Business been doing great honey and how rude of you not to introduce your girlfriend."

Wait Wha?

"N-no I'm not--" before I could finish she was already hugging me. Which was actually very comforting and warm.

"You take care of this one, he's a keeper, alright sugar?" She whispered and winked at me.

I just nodded knowing he heard everything since there was a smug smile plastered on his face which I resisted the urge to punch.

After taking our orders which were on the house we debated and talked about so many things that I wouldn't have expected him to know. It wasn't a shallow one worded conversation filled with insults or drama for once. And I liked it. After finishing our meals,well, me ordering a second burger and fries which I was unashamed of whenever it came to food, Sheila brought us two shakes while Ryder gave his impressions of movie characters.

Which surprisingly weren't that bad. Especially Donald Duck which had me doubling over in giggles.

Clutching my aching stomach,I couldn't keep a serious tone when telling Ryder off to stop laughing at me instead of laughing with me.

He wiped the tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Its just your laugh makes me laugh. Its contagious and kinda hot," he chuckled.

Flirtation and flattery was two things this boy was skilled at and I wasn't falling for it.

Ignoring the comment I took a long sip from my smoothie while he watched amusingly as my cheeks reddened. Taking a leap of faith I decided to divert the topic into a whole new direction.

"How do you know Amber?"

In that moment I realized that timing would never be on my side because that's the thing about doing something you aren't meant to. They'll always meet you in the worst of times. Take for instance, a little white lie can expand and bite you in the face when you least expect it. One way or another the truth is revealed and the pawn you think you've successfully conned will be right around the corner to fatefully catch you in the act.

And mine was walking right through the front door.

So what do you all think of that cliffhanger? Keep reading to see what happens next and PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT.

Emma x

P.S the characters are totally irrelevant so feel free to imagine whoever.

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