The Secret Life of the Americ...

By AshleyZaffke

6.6K 205 78

The Secret Life of the American Teenager, after Amy leaves Ricky for New York. Does Ricky move to New York t... More

The conversation
Setting Things In Motion
Conversations with Ben
Ricky's confessions
More Of Amy's Secrets
The book
Amy's family
Authors note
A new Ricky?

Good friends

602 14 16
By AshleyZaffke

It's the day after Christmas

Amy wakes up in her old bed with Ricky over the butcher shop. It's 6:00 A.M and John is asleep in his room. Amy gets out of bed, and walks into John's room and sits in the rocking chair by his bed. Amy is watching her son sleeping. Ricky walks into the room, "What are you doing Ames? Come back to bed. I have to get up in two hours. I don't like sleeping without you." Ricky say pouting. Amy sighs but stands up and walks to the door. They go back to bed. "I miss being his mom. I just wanted to watch John sleep." Amy explains, "I'm not sure if I can be his mom right now. I don't want him to ever, see me have flashbacks of my rape. I don't know if I can make good choices for him, anymore." Amy says getting tears in her eyes. "Ames, we will figure it out together. You know what happened to you isn't your fault. Right Ames?" Ricky says pulling Amy close to him. "If I had never left it wouldn't have happened." Amy says sadly. "Ames, you can't look at life that way." Ricky replies sadly. "Ricky we need to figure out our living situations. I like my apartment but it's not be enough for the three of us. Plus Hope on nights we want to have her. Are you sure you even want to move to New York? I could finish out my first year and then move back and take classes online at Hudson?" Amy says to a sleepy Ricky. "Ames, you are not going back alone. I've already spoken to Leo, I am transferring to New York." Ricky tells Amy yawning. Amy kisses Ricky "alright Ricky, go back to sleep." 

It's 9:00 A.M and Ricky wakes up Amy. "I'm gonna take John to George's, then I'm going to be down stairs working, if you need me. Jack texted me, he wants to talk to you. So he is coming over in about an hour. Bunny should already be down stairs, if you need anything before I get to work." Amy looks at Ricky confused. "I thought I was spending the day with John?" Amy protests. "Like I said Jack wants to talk to you, and he said it's private, whatever that means. So he asked if I could take John somewhere else." Ricky replies. Amy gets up and gets dressed. 

*Knock on the door, as Ricky is about to leave with John* "Oh, hey Bunny. What's up?" Ricky asks. "I justed to come up and talk with Amy a little. If that okay." Bunny replies with a smile. "Hey Bunny, come on in." Amy says. *Ricky and John leave. Bunny closes the door behind them* "Hey Amy. I just wanted to check in. How is everything with you and Ricky?" Bunny asks. "Everything is okay. We really needed some time apart, I think it brought us closer. In an odd way." Amy replies with a smile. "That's great! He really loves you and missed you. He was so sad without you. So, I hear he is moving to New York?" Bunny comments. "Yeah, Ricky and John are coming with me." Amy comments. "So any plans for the future, for you three, or four now?What happened with the baby?" Bunny questions more to her point. "No plans for the future, we have a lot to figure out. The baby is with Ricky's foster parents. I had some stuff happen, in New York that makes me unsure of motherhood, at least for now. I don't want to talk about it." Amy explains, sadly. "Okay, well I won't bug you anymore then. I'm here if you need to talk." Bunny gives Amy a hug and walks out of the apartment. 

*45 minutes later another knock on the door comes* "Amy it's Jack. You around?" Amy opens the door.  "Hey Jack, what's up?" Amy says smiling, and waves him in. "Not much, I just wanted to talk to you." Jack answers. "About what?" Amy asks. "I think you and Ricky should get married, I always have. Even before you officially dated each other." Amy laughs at Jack's comment. "Why do you think that Jack? Not that it's your business, but it seems to be the day everyone wants to put their opinions in my brain." Amy says with a sigh. "Well there is the obvious reason, John. But also also the not so obvious reasons. Ricky has always been interested in you Amy. I'm not sure you know that. Which is why I'm here. I'm here to make sure you know, even when he was 'the bad boy' he was always interested in you." Amy laughs at this. "What makes you say that Jack?" Amy asks. "He told me, he was interested in you, your freshman year. His exact words were, 'I'm interested in the mother of my son, Amy, I'm interested in Amy." Amy is shocked to hear this, considering Ricky was with Adrian, during Amy's freshman year. "He has a picture of you and him from band camp in his wallet, he always had it in his wallet and still does. I checked his wallet the other night at Hedy's. He was jealous of that Jimmy guy, you dated, and of Ben, he told me that too. He was also jealous of that Brian guy in New York, that you kissed. The guy is madly in love with you Amy. After you left him, Ricky tried to move on but he always saw your face on every girl and heard your voice instead of their own. The biggest part of what I wanted to tell you was, after he met you all the people he slept with, well he saw your face and would always hear your voice. I just wanted to come by and let you know. Oh one other thing, I almost forgot. He either carries your engagement ring around or leaves it in his night stand. Look if you don't believe me. He looks at the ring daily. He crys daily that you left him. You need to marry him the guy is nuts about you. I know you feel the same about him." Jack finally finishes his speech and leaves without another word. Leaving Amy alone with her thoughts of everything Jack just told her. 

After two hours of absorbing everything Jack told Amy. Amy wants to see her son, she wants to look in Ricky's wallet but knows she won't, not without permission anyways. She can check his night stand though, he is at work and she knows she won't get caught. She opens the drawer and finds the little black box right in front. She opens it, and grabs the ring and puts in on. She instantly feels butterflies. She reluctantly takes it off, and puts it back where she found it. 

Amy is about to call her dad to see if he can bring John back to the apartment, but Ricky walks in. "Hey, I'm on break. I just wanted to check on you and get a sandwich. What did Jack want to talk to you about?"  Ricky says walking into the apartment. "Today and been a super strange day. Everyone that I have spoken to is getting into our business. Not that I have spoken to many people today, just Jack and Bunny too." Amy says with a laugh. Ricky looks at Amy confused. "What are you talking about Ames? What did Jack say?" Ricky asks going to the kitchen. Amy explains her conversation with Jack, to Ricky. "Well, Ames. I didn't put him up to that but it is all true." Ricky takes out his wallet and hands it to Amy. As soon as she opens it she finds a picture of her and Ricky right at the front with one of him and John behind it and another of her and John behind that. Amy smiles and hands Ricky his wallet back. "The part Jack didn't tell you, because he doesn't know about it; is I wrote you letters while you were in New York but could never find the nerve to send them to you." Ricky goes to his desk and pulls out a stack of letters, and hands them to Amy. "Why didn't you ever tell me any of this?" Amy asks Ricky. "I never thought about it, not until after you left. Everything Jack said to you is in one of those letter. Plus more." Ricky answers. "Ricky, I love you, but we have so much to figure out. And I have so much to figure out, on my own." Amy says. "Ames I'm not gonna push you, I just want to be around you. I just want to be with you and John, and Hope. I'm gonna have a talk with Jack, as much as I appreciate what he did, he shouldn't have done that. I was going to give you those letters when the time was right. Which I'm not sure it is, but you can open them, if you want." Ricky finishes he sandwich and stands up, he gives Amy a kiss. "I've got to go back to work, but I'll see you in a few hours. I love you Ames."

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