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Same day as previous chapter

"Amy, that is a really mad song!" Graces says as Amy turns the stero off. "I am really mad, only one person knew about that CD and they just swore they haven't told anyone. Which means SOMEONE, Ricky what the hell are you still doing here?" *Amy finally realizes Ricky heard the whole song.* "Amy, what the heck happened, talk to me!!" Grace begs Amy. "Can you both just leave? I don't want to talk to anyone, right now. I just want to be alone." Ricky just folds his arms and Grace just sits down. Amy looks at them both and realize that neither of them are going to be leaving. Amy just rolls her eyes and says "Fine, I'll go." Amy walks to her room and locks the door behind her and lays down. "Grace, I really need to talk to Amy alone, I know she is mad at me, right now but I need to talk to her alone, can you be her sister later, please?" Grace agrees to go. 

Less then five minutes later Ricky opens Amy's bedroom door with a bobby pin. "Ames, come on we have had a great week, just talk to me, please." Ricky says laying down on Amy's bed. Amy rolls over to look at him, unaware of how close they will be to each other. "I don't want to talk to you." Amy replies almost with their lips touching as she speaks. "Fine, don't talk to me." Ricky replies thes kisses Amy, for a brief second Amy kisses him back, then pushes away. She removes herself from her bed, grabs her diary and stuffs it in her purse, and leaves the room grabbing her keys. Before Amy can leave the room Ricky grabs her and pushes her against the wall gently. "Ames, I leave tonight. Let's just talk about it. I know I offended you, and I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. I don't know how to make this better." Ricky pleads to Amy, with tears in his eyes. "Ricky, let me go, I don't want to talk about this, I don't what to talk to you." Ricky let's go of Amy and backs up. "I'll be ready when you want to talk, and make things right, now and forever." Ricky says. Amy turns to leave but pauses and says over her shoulder, "We had one week of meaningless fun Ricky, go back to California re-enroll in school and go back to sleeping around. I'll be in California for Christmas and then I can bring John back here for the next three months. We can switch off until summer is over, then we can make a new plan. From now on, unless there is a problem with John let's just not talk unless we have to." Amy says walking out of her room. At that Ricky runs to her front door, knowing he will get there before Amy does, and he blocks her from leaving. "Meaningless fun???? It wasn't meaningless fun to me Ames, and I know it wasn't meaningless to you either." Ricky yells. "Yeah, it was Ricky. It didn't mean anything. Nothing with you ever has meant anything." Amy yells back *Amy gets a text from Brian.* 

Text from Brian to Amy: Hey beautiful how about a lunch date? *Amy responds* 

Text from Amy to Brian: A date? Sure when? *Amy gets another text from Brian* 

Text from Brian: Yes a date, lol. How about now? *Amy responds* 

I'm talking to my ex right now, but as soon as I can get rid of him, I'll let you know. 

*Amy gets another text from Brian* Text from Brian: Which ex? Is this the father of your son and soon to be daughter or the other more recent ex? Want me to come help you get rid of him? 

*Amy responds* Text from Amy to Brian: Father, no plz don't come over here, I'll text you when I'm on my way. 

"Ricky, we are done, and I have a date!!" Amy says excited, "So I'm gonna go get ready." Amy turns around and goes to her room. She finds her most slutty outfit puts it on and walks to her living room, where she finds Ricky. "Bye, Ricky I'll see you around Christmas." Amy says opening the door, and is about to walk out. When Ricky stops her. "So, who's the guy? Why isn't he coming to pick you up." Ricky asks. Amy turns around, "He offered, but I don't want more drama, so I declined, if you must know." Before Amy can turn around Ricky grabs her and kisses her again. She pushes him back but not before kissing him back. "Alright, you can go. Considering you'll be wishing he was me the whole time." Ricky says smugly with a smirk on his face. 

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