A new Ricky?

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Amy wakes up the next day, knowing today will be Ricky's last day in New York. That makes Amy sad and happy at the same time. Amy goes to Margret and Shakers new house. John is there but he is napping which means Amy has time to talk. "So, Amy have you and Ricky decide how or when to tell John about his baby sister?" Margret ask. "Not as far as I'm aware. I'll just ask Ricky to tell him. Before Christmas." Amy replies. *knock on the door* "Hey mom, hey dad. I just got off work I only had to work a few hours. Oh hey Amy. I just went by your apartment."  Ricky says. "I was going to take John to the park, but you guys probably need to get ready to head back home to California." Amy says standing up. Margret gives Amy a hug, "I see you in November. If not sooner, don't be a stranger." *Amy's phone beeps* 

Text from Grace to Amy: come to the park. I want to talk about what happened with Ricky and you.* Amy goes white as a ghost.

 "Amy, you okay? You're white as a ghost." Shaker asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't want to deal with someone, but I have to. I have to go, someone needs to talk to me. Here Ricky." Amy says, handing Ricky more letters to John and walking out the door. *Rickys phone beeps* 

Text from Grace to Ricky: I'm meeting Amy at the park, we're going to talk about why she's mad at you. I think you should come here too. I'll call your phone so you can hear what she says to me about it. We have to get her to stop being stupid. You are perfect for her.   "I have to go." Ricky says stuffing the letters into his jacket.

Amy gets to the park, and sits at a bench with Grace, Ricky gets there two seconds later. Ricky goes to the bench that Grace and Amy are at, "Grace I need to talk to you, sorry Amy. It'll only take a minute, then I'll leave you two alone." Ricky says. Amy nods at him, and tries to smile. Grace stands up, and walks away with Ricky, "Grace I appreciate it, more than you know, but don't do it. She'll be madder than she already is, and she'll blame me. If you call I'll just hang up, and I'll delete any voicemails. She'll talk to me when she's ready, then we can move forward." Ricky says and then walks off. 

"Amy, what happened with you and Ricky?" Grace asks

"Grace no offense but you wouldn't understand this one. I love you, but it's a pregnancy thing." Amy explains.

"You're mad because the father of your child wouldn't have sex with you?" Grace prys.

"First of all, he is the father of my children not child. Second, no Grace I didn't start it, he has been saying he wants me, then he just can't. It's cause I'm pregnant and fat and unattractive. I don't care anymore I'm over it. I'm over him." 

"Amy, he doesn't think you're fat, or unattractive. You know he hasn't been able to even have a real date since you left him? He sees you everywhere. He tried to look past it and be the old Ricky, but when he would get close to being the old Ricky he would see you and hear your voice. He told Jack. Amy, Ricky had never had feelings for anyone until you showed up at band camp. It scared the crap out of him. He couldn't handle it, but I can tell you, everyone he has been with since band camp, should have been you. It always was you, in his head."

"I can't talk about this, Grace. Just leave it alone this last week meant nothing. I really thought it did or could, but it didn't. It's over. It's been over." Amy says before walking off. 

Amy walks back to her apartment, of course Ricky is sitting outside of Amy's apartment door. Amy rolls her eyes, and opens the door to her apartment. Ricky walks in behind her. 

"What did Grace say to you, Ames?" Ricky asks Amy.

"A lot of crap, that I didn't even listen to. Just a ton of lies." Amy replies annoyed.

"How do you know? How do you know, it was a ton of lies?" Ricky questions. 

"Cause I'm not stupid. There is no way it's true. Even if it was, it's all in the past. One day it'll all go away." Amy answers. 

Amy's phone beeps. So does Ricky's. 

Text from Jack to Amy: it's all true Amy. It was always you in his head. He has always wanted you. He couldn't wrap his brain around it. You were out of his league, in his mind. He didn't know how to handle it, guys are dumb. The reason he couldn't have sex with you the other day, is in some weird way the thought made him go back to his childhood. Even Adrian was you in his mind. And she knew, she told Grace she knew. It wasn't John that started the competition, it was Ricky's feelings for you that started it. 

Text from Jack to Ricky: I'm sorry, but Grace knows stuff you said to me since Amy was a freshman. She just told me she told Amy everything. Amy knows. 

Text from Ricky to Jack: If Grace told Amy, Amy didn't hear any of it. I'm letting it go, for now. She doesn't want me. I want her and only her, you know that but she doesn't want me.

Text from Jack to Amy: Do you want Ricky? Or not? If you want him, everyone knows he is yours. He wants you and only you. 

"Ricky please go, I want to be left alone." Amy says putting her phone down on the table and going to the fridge. *Ricky looks at the two text messages from Jack to Amy.*

Ricky walks to Amy. Amy turns around and jumps, because she wasn't expecting him to be right behind her "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Ames, I have to leave in three hour for the airport. Talk to me. Please Ames, just talk to me."  Ricky pleads and hugs her. "I love holding you, I love the feel of you in my arms." Amy returns Ricky's hug then pulls away and goes to her couch. "We have nothing to talk about, Ricky. It was great to see you. I'll see you around Christmas, we both need to move on." Amy takes off her mother's wedding band puts it on the table and goes to her room. Ricky sits in the room and cries. He finally goes to Amy's room lays on her bed beside her, wraps his arms around her and says "I want you Ames and only you, it's been you since band camp. It's always been you, all this time. When you left me it nearly killed me, but I can't lose you again. I won't lose you again. I want you Ames now and forever." Ricky rolls Amy over and kisses her, she can't help it this time she grabs him and kisses him back. Amy pulls away and gets off the bed, "Ricky, I can't. I love you but I can't. We don't work. We can't work. Please leave, I'll see you around Christmas." Amy says to Ricky. "Ames, I'm coming when you have the baby, I'll see you before Thanksgiving. Okay I'll leave." Ricky walks over to Amy, gives her one last tight hug and kisses her again. "I love you Ames now and forever." Ricky turns and walks out of the bedroom and Amy hears the apartment door open, lock and close.


The next day

Ricky and John got back to California last night. Ricky takes John to day care and goes to work, after work Leo asks Ricky to stop by the office. Ricky does as he is told and stops by the office. "So, do you want the jet to take you back to New York when Amy has the C-section?" Leo asks Ricky. "Yes, Sir. That wouldn't be great. I'd like to stay there as long as Amy needs me. I don't know if you'd allow me, or if she would allow me to. I'd like to though." Ricky says to Leo. "Of course you can, if Amy let's you. I'll give you payed time off." Leo informs Ricky. "Thank you, Sir." Ricky says, and stands up to leave. "Ricky, I don't want to but I think I have to tell you something. I don't listen to rumors, cause it's hard to know what is fake and what is real. However, it's best if you know this, I think. Amy has been talking about becoming the new Ricky after the baby is born. I don't know how to stop it or if anyone can, but I thought if anyone could, you or Adrian could. According to Ben, Amy hasn't spoken much at all to Adrian though, since Amy moved to New York." Leo informs Ricky. Ricky looks at Leo horrified. "I don't see Amy, becoming 'the new Ricky' Leo. Thanks though." Ricky says walking away. 

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