Conversations with Ben

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What the hell just happened? How did I allow him to see that? Well at least that's all he saw. I need to talk to someone, but who? Ashley and I aren't close, my parents wouldn't understand, I hate Adrian, she's such a bitch. I don't think anyone will understand....Ben, Ben knows how I feel, him and Ricky were friends maybe he will be able to help me sort this out. I'll call Jack and Grace too if Ben isn't helpful. 

Ricky POV

My head is spinning. She left me and her apartment looks like that? I thought she would've moved on by now. Hell I thought she would've moved on immediately. I need to talk to someone, but who? The only person who might be able to help is Ben but as far as I know he is still in love with her. Grace might know something, I guess I could call her. I wonder if that was all she was hiding? I'm going to go talk to Ben, after all he does live in the building I'm staying at.  


Ben's Apartment:

Amy and Ricky show up at Ben's apartment within ten minutes of each other, but Ricky gets there first. 

Ricky: Did you know about Amy's bedroom? Do you know why she really came here? Was it for you, or because she thought I wasn't madly in love with her? Or what?

Ben: I do know about her bedroom, I helped her put the pictures up. This was her dream dude, and she wanted John to have that role model that follows their dreams. She and I have talked about it at length. She doesn't love me, she loves you, leaving you and John was the hardest thing she has done, since John was born. 

Ricky: So she isn't dating anyone?

Ben:  Are you, or did you go back to your "old ways"?

Ricky: No, I haven't slept with any one since she left me. Yes, I have dated. But it's more like hanging out rather than dating. 

Ben: Hell no she's not dating anyone, she sort of dated someone, for like a week, but that was over before it even started.

Ricky: Who did she date, you? 

Someone knocks on Ben's front door.

Ben: Hold on Ricky that's probably Amy, considering no one knows about her secrets but me, and now you.  

Ricky: Wait, secrets? As in more than one? There's more!!!!

Ben: We can't talk about that, until you find out about (opens the door) them. 

Amy: Hey, Ben can we talk? *walks into Ben's apartment*

Ben: Ricky's here. 

Amy: Oh hey, Ricky. *stares at Ricky for a minute, then turns to Ben and has a pleading look on her face. That Ricky can't see.* Call me later Ben. 

Ben: Amy, I know why you're here. And I can't get in the middle of this one. I can help you both sort things out tonight. However, you guys have to talk tonight or tomorrow Amy. 

Amy and Ricky in unison: "We're going to talk tomorrow."

Ricky: Amy just give me a minute with Ben then I'll go downstairs to where I'm staying and you guys can talk. 

Amy: Okay I'll come back later. *walks out of the apartment and goes across the street to a pub.*

Ricky: I un-enrolled in school. I want to move out here with John. I told her that earlier. Should I move here or should I just hope for the best and let her come to me when she's ready? 

Ben: As much as she loves you and John she has to do this for herself. I can't tell you what to do about that one. However, I do think you should let Amy be part of making the decision. I know it's hard for you both, don't make her feel trapped. When she was pregnant, with John she had me to lean on. I tried to save her. She feels like you've spent the last few years trying to save her too. We all know the statistics for teen marriages lasting, that's another reason she didn't marry you. From day one she was pressured into setting a date, but she told you she wanted to get married after college.

Ricky: Thanks Ben. Hey, can you give her this letter. It's from Bunny. I didn't have a chance to give it to her tonight. 

Ben: Go across the street to the Pub, she's there, waiting for the lights to come on in the apartment you're staying at, to come over here. Give it to her yourself. 

Ricky: I don't want to ambush her again. I'll just give it to her tomorrow. 

Ben: Ricky, trust me, I know what that letter says, the sooner she gets it the better. That letter from Bunny answers every question she has going through her mind. 

Ricky: How do you know what it says?

Ben: Bunny calls me weekly to tell Amy what that letter says. I knew you were coming so I asked her to write it, cause I couldn't be the one to tell her the contents of that letter. 

Ricky: Well, what does it say?

Ben: *Looks at the seal.* That you're sleeping around again and got someone pregnant, again. 

Ricky: Very funny Ben, I'm serious. Whats it say?

Ben: That you are still being a great father. That you miss Amy, and that you aren't sleeping around again. She might have mentioned Clementine, I'm not sure. 

Ricky: Okay I'll go give it to her. Thanks for the talk Ben.  So, how many more secrets is Amy hiding? 

Ben: Three, and that's all I can say. Don't tell her I told you, don't even mention them to her. Leave it alone. She'll tell you on her own, when she is ready to tell you. I know she will. 

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