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I finish writing in my diary, and decide that I am done with Ricky. Writing in my diary can be very therapeutic, without spending the money. I smile to myself.  I am about to get in bed when my phone rings. I look at the caller I.D and see that is Ricky. "What's up Ricky?" I say picking up my phone. "Amy, just open the door and let me in. I don't want you going to bed mad at me." Ricky pleads with Amy. "Ricky I'm not mad, I just want to go to sleep." Amy replies to Ricky. "Give me five minutes inside, and you can go to sleep, please." Ricky begs. Amy hangs up the phone opens the door, "Five minutes Ricky, then I'm going to bed."     *Amy set the timer on her phone.*  

Ricky walks in and sits on the couch. "Amy I'm sorry. It's just....."  Ricky says, looking at Amy's face. "Ricky, its fine. You don't owe me an explanation. Ricky, if you want to explain something, why don't you explain to me why you wouldn't answer your phone?" Amy injects. "I didn't feel like dealing with my mothers, not today. I knew you were calling for them, Amy." Ricky responds. "I called twice Ricky, once yeah for Nora, but the second time I just wanted to ask why you weren't answering anyone's calls. I thought you would at least answer my calls." Amy explain. Ricky takes Amy's hands in his own and says, "I'm sorry, I just needed to take a day." Before he can speak the words she removes her hands from his. "Well Ricky, you're going back to California tomorrow night. So you can take all the days you want. I'm going to bed, let yourself out. I'll see you around Christmas." Amy turns to go to bed. Not know what is going on but feeling like he is losing Amy again. He grabs Amy turns her around and pushes her up against the wall and kisses her, she doesn't kiss him back. His heart drops, "Amy, I don't want time or days. I only want you." He tries to kiss her again, and this time she pushes him away. "Ricky, lets just go back to the two teenager who had a one night stand, that gave us John." Amy says, and walks to her room, grabs Ricky's 'Amy box' suitcase and hands it to him. Then she walks back to her room, and gets into bed. Once again sleep is hard for Amy to find.


The next morning

Amy is awoken by the sound of someone banging on her door. She walks to her door, and hopes it is not Ricky. To Amy's relief it's Grace. "We need a girls day, NOW!!" Grace says entering Amy's apartment. "What's up Grace?" Amy asks trying to be cheerful. "What's up is I got a call from, Jack saying that you and Ricky got back together, and that you already broke up. What the hell Amy? You didn't tell me you were back with him. I figured you would have called me, apparently being your step sister doesn't have that kind of advantages, but I thought we were also friends." Grace says kind of annoyed with Amy. Amy put coffee on and grabs a banana. "Look Grace, things happened really fast, this was literally like a week long 'fling.' We weren't back together we both know Ricky, it was just meaningless fun to him. Which is why I ended it last night. By the time I got to tell anyone it was already over." Amy explains to Grace. "Meaningless fun doesn't result in an 'Amy box' or a guy planning his wedding. Or you having a copy of your proposal." Grace points out to her step sister and friend." At this point another knock is at the door. "How did you know about me having a copy of my...*Amy opens the door and sees Ricky.* "Ricky, Grace and I are having some girl time. She came over here and woke me up." Amy explains to Ricky with a smile, hoping it looks real. "Jake told me, about it." Grace informs Amy. *Amy turns and closes the door on Ricky, who gets in before the door closes.* "That's impossible, only one person knows about that and it isnt Jack."      *Amy grabs her phone and sits on the couch to text Ben.*

Text from Amy to Ben: Ben I need you to be straight with me, did you tell anyone about my copy of Ricky's proposal to me?

Text from Ben to Amy: Amy I haven't told anyone anything you don't want getting out. I wouldnt do that to you.

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