The Infernal Devices Rewritten

By LilacPotterhead

68.1K 1.9K 380

When Evan DeLuca finds herself at the gates of the great London Institute in Victorian England, something is... More

Table of Contents
Clockwork Angel - Awful Wonder
Clockwork Prince - The Council Chamber
Chapter 2 - Reparations
Chapter 3 - Unjustifiable Death
Chapter 4 - A Journey
Chapter 5 - Shades of the Past
Chapter 6 - In Silence Sealed
Chapter 7 - The Curse
Chapter 8 - A Shadow on the Soul
Chapter 9 - Fierce Midnight
Chapter 10 -The Virtue of Angels
Chapter 11 - Wild Unrest
Chapter 14 - The Silent City
Chapter 15 - Thousands More
Chapter 17 - In Dreams
Chapter 18 - Until I Die
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 19 - If I Doth Prosper
Chapter 20 - The Bitter Root
Chapter 21 - Coals of Fire
Clockwork Prophetess - For What We Are
Chapter 2 - Sixty Days Until Hope
Chapter 3 - For True Love Shall Reign
Chapter 4 - Parts in Our Play
Chapter 5 - Forever or Longer
Chapter 6 - To Hide from Death
Clockwork Princess - A Dreadful Row
Chapter 2 - The Conqueror Worm
Chapter 3 - To the Last Hour
Chapter 4 - To Be Wise and Love
Chapter 6 - Let Darkness
Chapter 7 - Dare to Wish
Chapter 8 - That Fire of Fire
Chapter 9 - Graven in Metal
Chapter 10 - Like Water Upon Sand
Chapter 11 - Fearful of the Night
Chapter 12 - Ghosts on the Road
Chapter 16 - The Clockwork Princess
Chapter 17 - Only Noble to Be Good
Chapter 18 - For This Alone
Chapter 19 - To Lie and Burn
Chapter 20 - The Infernal Devices
Chapter 21 - Burning Gold
Chapter 22 - Thunder in the Trumpet
Author's Note
Big News

Chapter 24 - The Measure of Love

1.4K 47 3
By LilacPotterhead

Chapter 24

The Measure of Love

The Council room was lit up brighter than Will had ever seen it. Two Ascensions today, both Ascenders in their gear, hair unbound and falling to their waists. The runes in the spaces between the circles were runes of binding, of knowledge and runes symbolizing their names. The room wasn't crowded, but those who were there were getting as close to the two configurations of circles as they dared.

The Consul stood in scarlet robes that billowed out around her. Her hands outstretched with the Mortal Cup cradled in them. The older of the two, the dark haired Ascender, was to go first.

"Take the Cup, Sophia Collins." Consul Charlotte Branwell's soft voice carried throughout the breathlessly silent room. Gideon, Gabriel, Cecily, Jem, Tessa, Will and Henry were all leaning forward in anticipation as Charlotte lowered her hands and gave the Cup to Sophie, who took it carefully. "Do you swear, Sophia Collins, to forsake the mundane world and follow the path of the Shadowhunter? Will you take into yourself the blood of the Angel Raziel and honor that blood? Do you swear to serve the Clave, to follow the Law as set forth by the Covenant, and to obey the word of the Council? Will you defend that which is human and mortal, knowing that for your service there will be no recompense and no thanks but honor?"

In a steady voice, Sophie said "I swear."

"Can you be a shield for the weak, a light in the dark, a truth among falsehoods, a tower in the flood, an eye to see when others are blind?"

"I can."

"And when you are dead, will you give up your body to the Nephilim to be burned, that your ashes may be used to build the City of Bones?"

"I will."

"Then drink," Charlotte finished.

Will heard Gideon draw a breath, waiting for the most dangerous part of the ritual as Sophie drank from the Mortal Cup, the gold and crystal rim sparkling in the light of the skylighted dome. There was a white-blue light that blinded them all and obscured the Ascenders and Consul from the spectors. As the light faded, Sophie handed the Cup back to Charlotte, who was smiling.

"You are Nephilim now," Charlott said. "I name you Sophia Ashdown, of the blood of Jonathan Shadowhunter, child of the Nephilim. Arise, Sophia."

Sophie stood, and there was cheering. As she left the circle, Gideon met her and spun her around, still cheering. But it soon subsided as the second, younger Ascender was addressed.

"Take the Cup, Charlotte-Evangeline DeLuca." Charlotte, once again, lowered the Cup into mundane hands. Evan's hands didn't shake as she took the Cup. "Do you swear, Charlotte-Evangeline DeLuca, to forsake the mundane world and follow the path of the Shadowhunter? Will you take into yourself the blood of the Angel Raziel and honor that blood? Do you swear to serve the Clave, to follow the Law as set forth by the Covenant, and to obey the word of the Council? Will you defend that which is human and mortal, knowing that for your service there will be no recompense and no thanks but honor?"

"I swear." Evan's voice was soft, but sure. Will leaned forward, hands clasped to keep from shaking.

"Can you be a shield for the weak, a light in the dark, a truth among falsehoods, a tower in the flood, an eye to see when others are blind?"

"I can."

"And when you are dead, will you give up your body to the Nephilim to be burned, that your ashes may be used to build the City of Bones?"

"I will."

"Then drink," Charlotte finished. Everyone held their breath. Just as it did for Sophie, the blue-white light surrounded them, and as it faded, Evan gave the Cup back to Charlotte.

"You are Nephilim now." Charlotte beamed, knowing something no one else did. "I name you Charlotte-Evangeline Fairchild, of the blood of Jonathan Shadowhunter, child of the Nephilim. Arise, Charlotte-Evangeline."

Evan rose, eyes wide as Charlotte put down the Cup and embraced Evan first, whispering something in her ear than made Evan nod vigorously and reply. Then, Charlotte released her, and Evan left the configuration of circles, where Will was waiting for her, beaming.

"Henry and Charlotte adopted me," Evan smiled more widely than Will's ever seen as he pulled her close.

Behind the windows, white stuff swirled. Snow.

"Merry Christmas, Evan." Will said softly against her hair.

The Enclave's annual Christmas party was more of a ball than Evan had ever considered it would be. The ballroom at the Institute was open and lit, filled to the brim with food and dancing people and children. Outside, it was dark but snow danced across the wind to the music inside. There was a Christmas tree, but it was decorated with candles and crystallized runes instead of ornaments. It was something out of a fairytale, Evan decided as she walked with Charlotte and Henry, her adoptive parents, to the party.

"Fairchild," Henry had said once Evan had gone to hug him after her Ascension. "Of course, Little Charles Buford Fairchild will need an older sister to be there for him as well."

Evan hadn't stopped smiling since. As an early present, Charlotte bought her a gorgeous red velvet dress; it wasn't voluminous as others were, it was more of a style Evan was used to with its swishing, flowy skirt that spun out at the waist and tight top with long sleeves, except for the fact that it was still made of the same fabrics all nineteenth century dresses were. The deep red of the dress almost shimmered in the gold light. Evan wore her tanzanite necklace, all her earrings in their respective piercings and did her makeup just as she'd done for the past few months. The neckline of the dress was just over her shoulders, showing her bony collarbone and pale skin. Evan's silver hair was braided, twisted and pulled back into an elegant updo that Cecily helped her with. The one pair of heels Evan had planned to bring with her to New York were on her feet, clicking against the stone.

Cecily met her at the door and grabbed her hand with a smile. "Merry Christmas, Evan. Merry Christmas, Charlotte, Henry."

"Merry Christmas, Cecily," Charlotte smiled, nodding for the two girls to head off on their own, arm-in-arm with Henry.

"Merry Christmas, Gabriel." Henry nodded to the Lightwood brother following Cecily dutifully.

"Merry Christmas," Gabriel nodded, turning to follow the girls as Cecily took Evan's and and dragged her to the window.

"Do you remember what you promised at Cadair Idris?" Cecily grinned.

"I didn't promise, I snorted." Evan matched her grin. "Your job to figure out the rest."

"I already did." Cecily glanced around. "Oh! Look at Tessa's dress!"

Evan glanced over to where Tessa and Jem were enjoying their last night of not being married. Their wedding was the next day, finally approved by the Clave. Tessa's rose-colored dress really did shimmer in the light as Jem twirled her and spun her around the dancefloor.

"And where is your courter, Miss DeLuca?" Gabriel asked, sitting next to Cecily, touching her hand delicately.

"Nowhere to be found." Evan said theatrically. Cecily rolled her eyes.

"Henry is enjoying being Evan's father, I think," Cecily mused. "He's protective."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Evan said with a slight smile . It was true, Henry had become a little protective since Evan was legally his daughter. Evan didn't mind, though; she and Will had worried about what her parents thought of him. Now it wasn't that they didn't like him, it was just that she was their daughter. Henry and Charlotte had said as much on the carriage ride to the city. "A family outing!" Henry had announced.

Cecily hummed.

"Talking about me, are you?" Will appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Evan had never seen him in evening wear but he was stunning - black dresswear with a red tie that matched her dress. She distinctly remembered him wearing blue in the books.

"All good things." Evan smiled. Her lips, as many ladies' were, were a darker red that was only acceptable for the holiday. Darker, but not dark.

"Mostly good things," Cecily corrected. Then she stood, taking Gabriel's hand and leading him to the dancefloor. The two started swaying at first before he spun her, making Cecily laugh.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Herondale," Evan smiled, standing. There was something off about Will today, something that upset him - but Evan couldn't tell what.

But it didn't stop him from smiling and pressing his lips to hers, "Merry Christmas, Miss Fairchild." Evan's smile widened. "Care to dance?"

"I can't dance, Will." Evan snorted. "No one taught me."

"Quite easy, you sway." Will led her to the floor cleared for dancing, swaying lightly even though the both of them knew it wasn't quite era-appropriate.

Jem and Tessa were beaming at each other, murmuring sweet-nothings in Mandarin. Cecily and Gabriel danced a little foolishly, laughing and spinning. Gideon and Sophie dance with a few other couples in a perfect formation. Charlotte and Henry were receiving gifts for Little Charles Fairchild - due in April.

"How unlike the written path," Will mused, his eyes only on her.

"Is that so bad?"

"Not at all, this may be the happiest ending anyone could have written for me." Will stooped to kiss her again, but the two of them caught Henry's stare. Evan laughed lightly, pecking Will's cheek. "I'm starting to think you've turned them against me, fy nghariad."

"Wasn't me, I swear." Evan beamed. There was a pause before, "So I'm technically supposed to wait until tomorrow to tell you but I figured you should know - I talked Charlotte and Henry into letting you and Cecily go see your parents. The day after tomorrow, when Jem and Tessa are on their honeymoon - Cecy and I tried to get it as close to the holidays as we could."

Will blinked and spun her quickly, catching her in his arms. "One surprise after the other."

"Merry Christmas," Evan said again, smiling up at him.

"I'm afraid now that my gift to you won't be satisfactory," Will said, leading her away from the dancing, through the hall and to the outside. He shrugged off his jacket to drape around her shoulders, keeping their hands pressed together as the snow swirled around them, catching in their hair and on their expensive clothes.

"You didn't have to get me anything." Evan said, looking out at the city.

"Ah, but I do. Not only is it Christmas, fy nghariad, but it is your sixteenth birthday." Will kissed the side of your head.

Evan's gaze flickered to him before going back to the city. "I didn't think anyone had remembered."

"I most certainly did." Will smiled into her hair, still having to stoop slightly even with her heels. "I suppose I should wait until after the party - as we all planned to do - but you gave me my gift early."

"I spoiled your gift," Evan corrected, but faced him anyway. Her eyes were sparkling and she laughed as she wiped away the unshed tears. "Sorry - I just... I didn't really expect Christmas or my brithday to be so amazing after...." She didn't need to finish her sentence.

Will cupped her cheek and kissed her deeply, not caring if the tears falling from her eyes streaked against both of their faces. As Will pulled back, he pulled out a rectangular package, wrapped in paper and a bow. "Open it," Will breathed, their foreheads touching.

Evan pulled back the paper - and laughed. A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. "I love it." Evan smiled, looking up at him.

"Remember, Evan, that's only half of my gift to you." Will kissed her again.

"I can't believe we're really going home," Cecily said once more as she and Evan were waiting in the crypt for Gabriel and Will. Cecily was bundled in a bright red winter coat as Evan wrapped herself in a dark blue one - the thickest Charlotte could find in her wardrobe. Jem and Tessa were meant to be with them, but it was decided that they deserved a honeymoon. So they were on a train - or a boat, Evan couldn't remember what they decided on taking - headed for Shanghai.

Will was not there to correct her yet so Evan looked at her and said, "I totally understand why you're excited - but why am I going? Not that I don't want to meet your parents and all but...."

"Well, you and I are to be parabatai in two month's time." Cecily said flippantly. "You don't think my parents should meet the person I am going to swear an eternal oath to?"

"She does have a point, Evan," Henry smiled from across the table. His bright red hair was pushed back with one pair of goggles while another pair rested around his eyes. "Are you not excited?"

"I'm really excited." Evan assured him. "I just don't want to intrude on family time."

"Of course you're not intruding." Will said as he and Gabriel descended the steps to the crypt.

Charlotte, with her hands on Evan's shoulders said "Cecily, this is a singular expedition. It is not a toy. You cannot simply use the Portal whenever you like, and this excursion must be kept a secret. None but we here can know you visited your parents, that I allowed you to break the Law!"

Cecily looked to Evan as if to ask her to back her up, but Evan gave her a look in return. Cecily threw her hands up in exasperation. "I won't tell anyone! And neither will Gabriel." Evan glared at Gabriel in warning as Cecily said, "You won't, will you?"

"Why are we bringing him along, again?" Will inquired, slipping his hands into his coat pockets.

Cecily put her hands on her hips and gave Will an expectant look. "Why are you bringing Evan?"

"I was unaware that Evan was coming." Will said with equal attitude.

"I am." Evan said, smiling at him superiorly. "And if I'm going, why can't Gabriel?"

"Gabriel is not my friend," Will said, "Nor should he be Cecily's."

"I think he's more than just a friend to Cecy." Evan said, smirking at Cecily, who glared at her. Will choked as Charlotte patted her shoulder in warning. Evan gave her adoptive mother a guilty smile.

"Besides, don't you want Mam and Dad to meet Evan?" Cecily said, her hands on her hips. "Since you are so deeply in love with her." It was Evan's turn to glare at her best friend now, and turn a deep shade of scarlet.

Will was unfazed. "And you and Gabriel might be married?"

"Someday, maybe." Cecily quipped. Gabriel choked and turned purple.

"You can't be married, Cecily! You're only fifteen!" Will threw up his hands.

Unimpressed, Cecily said. "We may have a long engagement. But I cannot see why you are counseling me to marry a man my parents have never met."

Evan grinned broadly at this.

Sputtering, Will said "I am not counseling you to marry a man your parents have never met!

"Then we are in agreement. Gabriel must meet Mam and Dad." Cecily turned to Henry. "Is the Portal ready?"

Evan looked to Will, "I might be in love with your sister, by the way."

Will scowled. "Was that in that precious book of yours?"

"Oh yes. And I can tell you that I had to put the book down to process what just happened and all the sass that your sister just let out." Evan said, before hugging Charlotte once before slipping over to Cecily. "Nicely done, Cecy."

"Were you taking notes?"

"Definitely." Evan nodded sarcastically. "Are you ready for me to uphold my end of our deal, Miss Herondale-apparently-soon-to-be-Lightwood?"

"About time," Cecily rolled her eyes and linked arms with Evan.

"The Portal is quite ready," Henry said, standing next to it. "And remember, in an hour I shall open it again, that you may return through it."

"And understand that this is just this once," Charlotte said anxiously. "Even if I am the Consul, I cannot allow you to visit your mundane family -"

"Not even at Christmas?" Cecily said with large, blue eyes.

Charlotte visibly deflated. "Well, perhaps Christmas...."

"And birthdays!" Evan added. "Birthdays are special!"

Cecily dropped her voice and murmured to Evan "And weddings, of course." Evan nudged her.

Charlotte covered her face with her hands. "Oh, by the Angel."

Henry laughed, gesturing for the girls to go to the Portal. "Go on through." Cecily stepped up and visualized Ravenscar Manor, dragging Evan through to the blackness before it faded and they were stumbling through, catching each other as Gabriel followed after them and Will, seconds behind. They were standing on a wide drive in front of the the Manor. Cecily released her to hold Gabriel's hand and Evan fell back in step with Will, who draped an arm over her shoulder.

They approached the dark oak door, Evan prodding Will forward to knock. Will squared his shoulders and stepped forward, lifting the heavy brass knocker and letting it fall, echoing throughout the valley. Will swore under his breath.

Evan laced her fingers with his, "That knocker wasn't a duck, Will."

Will sent her a smile as the door opened to reveal a neatly dressed parlor maid in a black dress and mobcap. She took in the Shadowhunters and gasped out "Miss Cecily." Then her eyes fell on Will, she clamped a hand over her mouth and bolted back into the house.

"Nice job, Will." Evan teased lightly.

"I would have warned you that I do have that effect on women, but you already knew that." Will said with a flippantly crooked smile.

Evan was about to retort but suddenly there were more people at the door. A tall, broad shouldered, blond-streaked-with-gray haired man with light blue eyes and a slender, beautiful woman with black hair and eyes as dark as violets. Edmund and Linette Herondale. Linette burst into tears and threw herself at Will and Evan pushed him forward.

"I knew you'd come back. I knew you would, Gwilym Owain!" Mrs. Herondale sobbed, holding onto Will as if he'd disappear. Mr. Herondale opened his arms for Cecily, who dashed into them.

For the next few minutes, Evan and Gabriel waited awkwardly on the doorstep, trying not to look at each other or at the others. When Will finally drew back and Mrs. Herondale commented in Welsh about Will's height, Will said affectionately "Little mother," And gestured to Evan. "Mam and Dad, this is -"

"Evan." Cecily interrupted. "We're to be parabatai in two months!" Then in Welsh, "Gwilym mewn cariad â hi."

Mrs. Herondale just patted her hand and beamed. "Cecily wrote us about you, Evan." She sent a sly grin to Will, whose cheeks colored slightly.

"And who is this gentleman?" Mr. Herondale asked gruffly, sending his daughter a suspicious glance.

Will's grin widened. "Oh, him. This is Cecily's - friend, Mr. Gabriel Lightworm."

Gabriel, half in the act of stretching his hand to greet Cecily's father, froze in horror. "Lightwood." He sputtered. "Gabriel Lightwood -"

"Will!" Cecily broke away from her father to glare at him.

Will looked at Evan, who had no intention of scolding him and was already laughing, her hand covering her mouth as she tried to hide it.

London, 1781


"He should be back already." Charlotte Fairchild fretted, rocking Charles Fairchild.

"It's fine, Mom," Evangeline Fairchild smiled slightly, brushing back a stray strand of silver hair. "Really, he always makes it."

"He should have been here days ago," Charlotte said sternly.

"Talking about Will?" Jem asked, appearing in the doorway of the dining hall. "We're missing you downstairs, Evan, Charlotte."

"Charlie was crying." Evan said evenly, taking her younger brother from her mother and bouncing him on her hip.

"He will be here, Evan," Jem said, sharing a knowing glance with Charlotte.

"Of course he will be." Evan said, with an unconvincing smile. "He never misses Christmas."

"Will could care less about Christmas," Jem stepped forward, embracing the younger girl. "He never misses your birthday, Evan."

Evan changed the subject as quickly as she could. "How's Tessa and the baby?"

"Both downstairs and waiting for the two of you." Jem smiled. "Come on." Charlotte took the toddler, kissing her daughter's cheek before Jem led Evan down the stairs, commenting about how she looked in her royal blue velvet gown.

The gown itself was just like all the ones Evan had taken to wearing; without volume, floor-length with long sleeves. It swayed around her legs, even with all the layers and the top was cut low in the front and it the back, making her breasts fill out against the neckline as her tanzanite necklace sat at the base of her throat. Her hair, still very silver and still very long, was pulled up into an elegant updo thanks to her parabatai, Cecily Herondale-Lightwood, who just found out she was pregnant three days previous. Her boots clicked against the stones as she and Jem made her way back down to the party.

It was late in the evening, some of the guests had already left and one had yet to arrive. But Evan moved immediately to Tessa and their son, Jonah, who was hardly six months old. Cooing over him were Cecily Herondale-Lightwood and Sophie Lightwood - who had her daughter, Barbara, in her arms. Tessa quickly one-handedly hugged Evan, looking a little worn but smiling.

Jem stepped back with the men as they lowered their voices and let the women be. Henry was among them, keeping a watchful eye on his daughter, who wasn't as festive as she usually was this time of year.

"You haven't heard from him then," Tessa said as the conversation lulled. "Will."

Evan shook her head, "Not for a week - but he said he's coming."

"He would never miss your birthday, Evan." Sophie offered kindly.

Evan smiled at her the best she could, "I know."

"Will had better not miss your birthday." Cecily said, moving to sit next to Evan. Cecily and Evan both had their parabatai Marks on their left shoulder blades, both of their Marks were peaking out from their dresses.

Evan grinned, "I should hope for his sake he doesn't - I wouldn't want him to fall prey to your vicious pregnancy-rage, Cecy." The women around them laughed as Cecy scowled at her.

"Charlotte and Henry are moving to Idris within the next few weeks," Sophie started, "Did you decide to go with them?"

Evan shook her head, "No, Mom wants me to stay here. I think she's hoping Will is going to finish up whatever he's doing in Wales to stay here with me." Then Evan nudged Tessa with her leg, "Are you and Jem prepared to take over the Institute?"

Tessa shook her head and sighed, "There is no possible way I am managing my first baby, teaching myself magic and running the Institute. Jem's going to have do most of the work."

Evan shrugged, "And I'll be here too - your own personal babysitter!"

Tessa shot her an exasperated look. "You still don't know what he's been doing out there?"

"I've stopped asking. He keeps telling me that I have to wait until it's done." Evan said, almost wishing she would disappear into a puff of smoke.

"It better be worth the wait." Cecily huffed. Evan snorted in an unladylike agreement.

Then the doors of the Institute opened with a puff of icy air and Jonah gave a cry of protest. Evan looked over her shoulder to see a figure in a long dark overcoat, hat held against their head. Shucking off his coat and putting aside his hat, Evan found it was Will. His nose and ears were bright red, but his clothes were as elegant as they always were over the holidays. Cecily nudged for Evan to stand and as soon as she did, Will's face lit up and he started toward her, only to be stopped by the men.

Evan, almost awkwardly, started towards the throng of her friends. Will was rushing out greetings and congratulations, looking flustered before Jem clamped him on the back and pushed him toward Evan.

"I am so incredibly sorry that I am late." Will rushed, taking her hands in his. "You look stunning, Evan."

"Bad traffic?" Evan teased, the lump in her throat worsening.

Will's lips twitched with a slight amusement. "Would you mind if I stole you for a few minutes, fy nghariad?"

"And go where?"

"I was thinking the library," Will said, leading her away without releasing either of her hands.

After a silent few minutes, Evan and Will were in the Great Library, walking to their favorite section of the entire library. There was only one small shelf in the entire library with mundane books. Upon this shelf, recently given up, was Evan's pride and joy - Harry Potter - and her aunt Cassie's entire collection of books, The Shadowhunter Chronicles. The other books were fairytales that Evan and Will had read too many times to count and book Tessa swore were good for "girls Evan's age should read" when Evan was sixteen.

It was their shelf, Cecily often teased.

Cushioned armchairs were scattered around the shelf, some broken into so deeply that Evan almost cringed - when Cecily married Gabriel, there was nothing to do but read. Even training had lost its appeal to Evan and with her family spending many weeks at a time in Idris.... Will dropped her hands.

"I've been in London for a few days," Will said without looking at her. Evan looked to him sharply, her hair threatening to fall out at the sudden jerk. "I was staying with Gideon and Sophie."

"Oh," Evan said weakly. With nothing else to say, she said "Things in Wales ended sooner than you thought?"

Will shook his head, "I am sorry - I've never deserved you." Evan's knees threatened to give out at his words. Oh, God, it really is happening, Evan bit her lip and looked to the window where the swirling snow was hardly visible in the dim light of the witchlights.

Will brushed his knuckles against hers and said "I never told you what I've been doing in Wales because -"

"Will," Evan said abruptly, turning to properly face him with her eyes stinging. "It's fine - I get it. I figured you had found someone else there and -"

A look crossed Will's face. "Evan, of course -"

"It's fine." Evan said. "You're twenty one and everyone else is already married -"

The look, Evan realized, on Will's face was horror. Will grabbed her arms and shook her slightly. "I love you." Will said, their noses inches away now. Evan released a shuddering breath and sniffled - don't cry, don't cry she chanted.

Will's grip loosened enough for him to wrap an arm around her waist and for her to rest her hands on his chest. "Sorry," Evan choked out.

Will still looked... was that a desperate look?

"Marry me." Will blurted.

Evan blinked. And blinked again. "Um... I'm sorry - what?" She was sure she hadn't heard him right.

WIll released her, stepping back and fumbled with something in his pocket. He pulled out a velvet box, holding it out to her, flicking it open. Then he cursed in Welsh. "- I didn't kneel!" Oh yes, Will Herondale was desperate now as he looked to her helplessly. "I spent the last five days held up in Sophie and Gideon's home trying to write out how to propose to you - and I..." Will's face fell. "I'm sorry. I am sorry, Evan, fy nghariad - these last years in Wales - they were for you."

Will shook his head and tried again, "I've had this ring for you ever since your sixteenth birthday - I asked Henry for his blessing and he - he said that you were too young - that he owed it to your father. Then I went away to my birthplace - near Dolgellau - and I bought back my family home. I spent the year fixing it up - for us - and came back, I asked Henry again - and he had the same answer."

Evan stopped breathing but Will kept going. "So, I went back to Wales and did everything I could possibly think of to the property - and then bought more property and did more. I came back again last year, for your eighteenth birthday and asked Henry again for his blessing. He said that his last legal-fatherly act to you would be say no." Will laughed. "Of course, I asked him why - he said he knew enough of the future to know that no respectable young lady married at eighteen."

Evan's eyes were welling with tears now. She couldn't move, couldn't say anything.

"When I went back to Wales, I did more to the house - bought more property - my parents visited a few times and called me mad." Will swallowed but he had a guilty smile now. "Whenever Jem visited, he'd say I was killing the both of us - you and I. Tessa yelled at me because -"

Finally, Evan could move again and she grabbed Will's collar and kissed him. He responded immediately, wrapping his arms around her small waist and pulling her to him. Evan had one hand on his cheek and one on his collar, holding him there. It was exactly like Will's and Evan's first kiss; soft and sweet with a strange sort of passion that she remembered thinking only belonged in books.

It felt like years, but was only just a few seconds. When they pulled back, Will brushed her hair out of her face, smiling softly as he waited.

"Will." Evan said breathlessly, smiling, "I love you."

"I do hope that was a yes."

Evan's response was to tilt her head back and capture his lips with hers once more, murmuring "You just had to scare me first."

Through the kiss, Will slipped the engagement ring on her finger. Breaking apart, Evan looked at the ring for the first time. The first thing she saw was that the tanzanite was the same shade of her necklace and her eyes. The second thing was that the side silver band had the engravings of the Herondale's heron crest.

"I know," Will started, his lips against her hair, "That we are meant to Mark each other at our ceremony but I could not bear the thought of you not having a ring to wear. What would your mother have said?"

"That it's a perfect ring. From the perfect guy." Evan beamed, wiping her eyes. She hit his chest weakly, "You had me terrified for three years!"

Will's signature sly smirk was gracing his lips now, "Ah, but Mrs. Herondale-to-be," Evan blushed despite her own protests, "I was busy building you a castle."

"It's a good thing I've come to enjoy sheep." Evan said, her left hand on his chest once more, the tanzanite glinting in the low witchlight.  

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