Exo Chatroom

By SeokMyWoozi

74.9K 3.9K 2.6K

Exo are baes and life. ♥♥♥ I am including Luhan, Kris and Tao since they were originally part of Exo. Luhan... More

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Family Therapy

Kris' Birthday

1.1K 61 34
By SeokMyWoozi

The gif killed me.

*Everyone has logged on*

Mr.Galaxy: Today is my style

Suhoe: Ha, I never knew you appreciated being born.

KungFuPanda: He appreciates it more than your life

ByunBacon: Well that was a nice happy birthday from Suho, happy birthday Kris!

ParkingChanyeol: Happy birthday

BaoziBuns: Happy birthday


Sehunnie: Happy birthday

LuluDeer: Happy birthday~

KimKaiii: Happy birthday

SatanSoo: hbd <3

Laynicorn: Happy birthday

Mr.Galaxy: Thanks

KimKaiii: Why did you put a heart Kyungsoo!?

SatanSoo: Because he lets me do whatever I want and he is smart and doesn't disturb me.

ByunBacon: Well Tao and Suho are the only ones who didn't say happy birthday, rude.

KungFuPanda: I said happy birthday to him this morning!

ByunBacon: I didn't witness it so it is currently false information right now

KungFuPanda: Your life is false information.

BaoziBuns: This isn't going to be a nice, peaceful chat is it?

JongBAE: Nope.

Laynicorn: Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

LuluDeer: It's more than a month before it's Christmas, why are you singing it now?

Laynicorn: I'm practising!

Sehunnie: Ommaya~

KimKaiii: So.... Kris do you want to get chicken with me later for dinner?

Mr.Galaxy: Usually I don't let knew traditions into my birthday but I guess chicken is an exception

Suhoe: Why would anyone have traditions on their birthday? Is one tradition jumping off a cliff?

Mr.Galaxy: You don't have to celebrate my birthday if you don't want to.

Suhoe: Good!

*Suhoe logged off* 

ParkingChanyeol: Every Saturday night we should have a roasting event

SatanSoo: I will happily roast you, unfortunately you aren't edible because you are poison.

ByunBacon: Don't say that about my Chanyeol!

SatanSoo: I guess we're going to eat roasted pig for dinner on Saturday

BaoziBuns: I thought we already knew that Chanyeol is the only one who will eat Baekhyun

Mr.Galaxy: The fans think that too

*ParkingChanyeol logged off*

ByunBacon: You made him upset!!

*ByunBacon logged off*

Sehunnie: Girls.

LuluDeer: Sehun, shut up.

Sehunnie: Oh I'm sorry am I hurting you pride?

JongBAE: What pride?

KimKaiii: Luhan are you a feminist?

LuluDeer: Xiumin I'm coming to your room!

*LuluDeer logged off*

Laynicorn: Does that mean Luhan is going to join our Uno game?

BaoziBuns: Probably.

Laynicorn: What does the plus two card mean again?

KimKaiii: I'm not even inside and I heard Xiumin sigh

BaoziBuns: I'll explain it to you again.

*BaoziBuns logged off*

*Laynicorn logged off*

SatanSoo: Kai why are you outside?

KimKaiii: Suho told me to go outside then he locked the door, I think it's because I favour Kris more than him.

SatanSoo: I have my baseball bat ready.

*SatanSoo logged off*

KimKaiii: Aww cute.

*KimKaiii logged off*

KungFuPanda: Our group actually hates each other for no reason

Mr.Galaxy: This isn't my fault

Sehunnie: Yes it is.

KungFuPanda: It's all your fault Sehun!!

Sehunnie: Ommayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

JongBAE: Does anyone want to come and join me?

Mr.Galaxy: Doing what exactly?

JongBAE: Something very fun

Sehunnie: I'm an innocent little maknae that should not be exposed to this

KungFuPanda: At least he knows his limits.

JongBAE: I'm talking about scream in Suho's face

KungFuPanda: I wouldn't do that. He seems too upset to take it as a joke

Sehunnie: I miss Luhan

*Sehunnie logged off*

JongBAE: Suho loves me. And no one can tell me anything else!

*JongBAE logged off*

KungFuPanda: I feel like we should get you a cake

Mr.Galaxy: I feel like you should join me in the galaxy with Ace while we eat cake.

KungFuPanda: Since it's your birthday I'll do it.

*KungFuPanda logged off*

Mr.Galaxy: Winning is my style.

*Mr.Galaxy logged off*


Happy birthday Kris~~~~~~~ I hope he has a nice birthday! And cake. Because everyone loves cake.

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