Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fa...

By xoxokensington

77.4K 2.3K 1.1K

Oliver Wood has sworn off falling in love. That is, until an important piece of his past is thrown back to hi... More

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's note!

Chapter 21

998 39 5
By xoxokensington

One more.
Just one more..
"300!" I shot out breathlessly.
Lunges are gonna be the death of me, I swear it.
"Oi! Come down here, will ya?" Rob's annoying little voice called from the bottom of the bleachers
"What do you want?"
Wiping away the beads of sweat dripping down my forehead, I shoved past him and into Gryffindor's locker room to have a shower.
"Cesari's out of her little funk, is it because of you or that slytherin from her team she's been spending extra time with today?"
I raised a brow, "Which Slytherin?"
Rob smirked. "Bletchley. All smiles and laughs around him." He tapped his chin and hummed, "I wonder.."
"I wonder if you ever shut the bloody hell up."
With a chuckle Rob went for the door, before leaving he peeked back in and said, "If you wanna call it off just say so, lad. No need to stress yourself over a girl."
Nostrils flaring, I growled "Get out."
What seemed like the quickest shower of my life, I hurriedly dried and dressed, almost running to the castle.
There's no way she can be interested in one of those morons from her team.
Complete disgrace, that would be!
It wasn't quite lunch yet and it being the weekend and all she could be anywhere!
Snatching up the first person I could reach, I ordered them to tell me if they've seen Cesari.
"D-down the h-hall.." The poor kid pointed left and I was on my way.
No bloody way is she going to be with anyone besides me!
Pushing past the large crowd of bystanders, my face scrunched.
This girl and her stupid Slytherin were using their bodies to knock down abnormally large candle sticks..
Charmed, I suppose.
"Aye, watch this one!" Bletchley bellowed, running full force, jumping into the air spread eagle style and knocking down all but one pin.
"So close!" Cesari smiled, a bruise forming right on her left cheek, as well as above her eyebrow. "One more try for a spare!"
Bletchley peeled himself off of the stone floor and went back to what I guess was the starting line
"I'm gonna get you, and your bloody flame too!" He shrieked once again running full force but hopping just a little to early.
Poor kid missed the candle by a centimeter.
I smirked.
"Alright you ninny, get up!" Cesari pulled the groaning Bletchley to his feet, they were about to go back to the starting line when I said, "May I have a go?"
With a raised brow, Cesari looked at Bletchley and Bletchley looked at Cesari. "Go on." They said together, grinning maniacly.
All of the candles were upright again, flames burning furiously with wax dripping down the sides.
Bloody fools they are!
Are they trying to burn themselves or catch on fire?
"Start here." Bletchley pointed to a small line of wax on the floor. I frowned.
"I'll do as I please, Slytherin." He frowned, she patted his arm.
"Hurry up now, others are waiting!" Cesari scolded
Taking in a breath I pushed off, running for five steps and leaping with all the strength I could muster up
Falling into the candles hurt, bad.
I swore I heard a crack on the way down, too.
Lifting my head, I smirked realizing I've managed to knock down all ten candles.
"Oh, no!" Someone gasped running beside me, "Is he okay?" Another said.
I went to push myself off of the floor but fell right back down
Half of my bone was out of my left arm.
My eyes widened in horror
No, not my arm!
I need this arm!
"Move! Out of the way! Now!" Cesari snapped shoving past everyone, "Oh, great Merlin.."
"Clear out!" Bletchley roared, the once happy go lucky Slytherin wasn't here anymore
"Don't worry, we'll get you to the hospital," she assured, ushering for Bletchly to pull me up.
I ignored his outstretched hand and pushed myself off with my good arm.
"Hold your hurt arm above your head, less blood loss the better!" Cesari said, pushing my bad arm in the air and dragging me by my shirt collar down to the hospital
"You didn't have to help me." I said.
She furrowed her eyes, "If you manage to pass out or bleed out from losing too much blood it would be my bloody fault for letting you have a go in our game! So shut up and keep walking!"
I raised a brow..

*******Jessica's P.O.V********

"SO, Wood jumped like three meteres into the air, knocked down all the candles and managed to knock his bloodly bones out his arm too!"
Miles gave a play by play to the whole common room once we dropped Wood to the Hospital.
Everyone was in amazement.
The strong and mighty Wood was taken down by a mere set of enhanced candle sticks?
Pity, really.
Basking in the moment, Miles told the story over and over again to anyone who would listen.
Which was the entire Slytherin house.
Rolling my eyes, I padded back up to my room.
I grabbed a pair of slippers from the closet and made my way out.
I wasn't sure where I was going but I knew I couldn't be in the common room much longer.
They were getting pleasure out of Oliver's pain.
Somehow, I ended up outside of the hospitals entrance.
One door was open, which gave me the space to peek inside.
Unfortunately, a set of brown eyes caught mine and there I was.
He was alone.
I frowned.
"Where's your posse?" I asked, pulling a chair out and propping my feet on the edge of his bed
"Doubt they know I'm here. Doubt they even care, truthfully."
My brows knitted together.
"They aren't your friends?"
"They're my te-"
"OLLIE!" A feminine voice shrieked
Pushing back in my chair, Katie Bell just ignored my presence.
Tipping his chin upward, she kissed his lips and asked how he was feeling.
Before I saw anymore my feet already took me our the door, heading to god knows where.

******Oliver's P.O.V ******

I shoved Katie away with my good hand and spit as much of her as I could off of my lips
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I snapped, my eyes searching desperately for Cesari, praying for her to still be here.
"Language!" Madame Pomfrey eyes me down from her swivel chair she managed to slide to her office door.
Katie pushed herself off of the bed beside me and took the seat where Cesari just sat moments ago.
"You know, Oliver.." She began, "I've been thinking and I really think that we should give 'us' a try again."
A 'what the actual fuck, are you completely mental' look graced my face.
"I don't fucking like you, slut. The only reason you're still on my team is because you're a fair chaser but the minute you slip up and miss one quaffle your arse will be out on the sand so fast you won't even be able to say snitch before you're gone. Take you and your bloody thoughts and stick them up your loose twat, goodbye."
Her eyes filled with what looked like tears, but I knew better.
Katie is a conniving little leach.
"You'll come crawling back the moment you realize she doesn't want you!"
"And you'll go crawling into anyone's bed, filthy broad."
Rolling my eyes I leaned on my good arm, staring out the window.
If I had any hope with Cesari, I'm sure it's all gone now.

******** Jessica's P.O.V *********

My dearest keeper, Belichec
This has got to be the absolutely worst thing that I've ever agreed to.
I think you guys should make a special trip and have a training with me. (Please?)
School isn't what I hoped it would be, I can't play full time and I'm sure I'll be failing my lessons by Christmas.
How are my boys looking?
Fine enough to beat that retched Victor Krum, I hope.
We should knock him off his bloody broom.

Miss you dearly, Cesari

Folding my letter and sealing it within the envelope with my family's wax crest, I ran my fingers along Boo's feathers and fed her apple bits before her long departure.
"Give this to Belichec, please."
Boo watched me for a moment.
She knew I wasn't myself.
She knew I wasn't happy here.
Nuzzling into my neck she hooted softly, as if to tell me things would be okay.
She pulled away from me and with one last glance she took off, soaring into the sky.
Completely free, with not a care in the world.
Except my letter of course but you get the jist.
Waving goodbye one last time, I decided to not feel sorry for myself.
And what do I do when I'm feeling anything but hungry?
Work out.
Taking the long way to the black lake, I jogged onto the dock of doom as I now call it.
Seeing as though there's no telling what can pop out and eat you.
I started with some simple push ups, eyeing the open slit between the planks.
A small purple tip would work its way up into the slit when I would push down and it took me all but two minutes to figure out what it was when a small suction cup stuck to the tip of my nose.
I pushed up completely.
Feet on the planks and all.
But the tentacle was so long that the damned thing felt glued to my nose!
My hands wrapped around the octopus leg and yanked with all my might, but to no avail.
I was brought to my knees the moment the tentacle yanked me back!
Yiping in fear, I screamed for help.
Begging and pleading for someone, anyone to hear me.
Two more tentacles crept up the side of the dock and my eyes grew wide
This is it
I thought, thinking back on every dreadful thing I've ever done right back down to filling an eight year old Oliver Wood's tighty whiteys with sea kelp and baby crabs, and eating all of his beloved strawberry applesauce day before Easter.
"Merlin forgive me for I have sinned!" I shouted right before a tentacle covered my mouth, wrapping around my face
I couldn't breath, my air supply was gone and I was fading.
All because I couldn't keep my damned emotions in check.

Thoughts? Feelings? Do you wanna see more of anyone? More drama?

Leave a comment and ill keep the updates coming!

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