Mirror Strikes

By jor1d_mack

1.6K 138 6

Barry Allen's life has turned into the impossible, His family is supporting him. But when his life changes be... More

The Beginning
Where am I?
New Job......
Someone New
Hardest facts
Sister from another mister
Party deeds
Return home
Speeding things up
Alter Ego
Dawning on Death
Extra 1: The Watch
Extra 2: Without you
Extra 3: 2010
Author's Note


54 5 0
By jor1d_mack

The Cortex was quiet that morning. No Cisco, No Wells and No Caitlin Either. Occasionally Barry and Myer would exchange words as they entered or exited the Cortex. Nothing had happend for hours, no Visitor's, no nothing.

" Its Too Quiet Myer." breathed Barry arising from his chair.

" Definitely. Do you want to train?"

"sure, there's nothing else to do." and with that she waved Barry over to pick her up. " Up Up and away my gallant steed." jumping on his back and laying her head down in fear of it being ripped off on a door frame. They sped down to the accelerator ring. Barry carefully placed her down and came back with his suit.

" Why do you need that, its not like anyone's going to see you?"

" I still like to train in it." he said with a stupid grin on his face as he entered the ring. Within seconds he was running around the ring and gaining speed. He had only been going for a couple of seconds before she noticed a different coloured lightning following Barry's. Quickly turning on her mic, to warn Barry of the other speedster, she saw the lightning cease. She ran into the ring to see the man in yellow fighting Barry on the floor of the accelerator. She frantically looked around for something to distract him from Barry.

" Hey, Eobard look up here." she yelled jumping and waving her hands up and down like an idiot. It wasn't a steel post but it got his attention though, he stopped punching Barry like a sack of flour and turned to see who it was.

" Well Look who it is, its the little mouse, oh I do love family reunions." He said dropping Barry and clapping his hands sarcastically. He sped up the stairs onto the platform, grabbed her by the neck and forced her against the wall.

"Let go of me jerk." She gasped and spluttered at him.

" now why should I, it's not like I-" he stopped dead and looked at her harder then started laughing hysterically.

"What's your issue, did you see yourself in a mirror or something."

" no, I'm going so fast I can hear everything even your heartbeat's." Myers face dropped and she began to tear up.

" That's bullshit because Barry would have known by now."

" he isn't going fast enough." He grinned. " take the mirage away." She looked at him blankly." Stop Stalling, I've watched you grow up, I know what you are capable of."

"Not creepy at all." She mumbled.

She waved her hand over her stomach which turned the rock hard abs to a large belly which looked about 7 months along. Her t-shirt slid up her torso and stopped at about the same length as a crop top. No matter how much she pulled it down, it would only slide up a couple of minutes later.

"Happy now Eobard!" She said whining. Trying to wiggle free.

"Yes." He said grinning and stepping backwards and releasing Myer from the wall. He put his hands on her stomach. Myer quickly swatted his hands off. Before he could say another word Myer grabbed a flip knife from her pocket and stabbed Eobard with it.

"Do you think that's going to stop me." Then he went pale and started coughing and spluttering. "What did you do." He growled.

" I dipped the blade in liquid blue kryptonite. Enough to kill superman or supergirl for that fact." She said rambling on. She hid the knife as Eobard started moving towards her. Barry came too and sped up the stairs pushing Eobard off as he went. Eobard fell to the bottom of the accelerator ring and slowly dies.. Myer stepped away from the wall and ran her hands over he stomach and rearranged her shirt again.

"Are you ok-" Barry stopped when he saw Myers stomach. "What is that." He said trembling.

" Barry calm down look at me." She said trying to calm herself down as well as Barry.

"But you-your preg..."

"Yes Barry I am." She said with confidence

"Were you even going to say." He said starting to tear up himself.

"Barry I'm so sorry."

"Who's is it!" He yelled at her, His face was going red. If he were in a cartoon, but by that point steam would be coming out of his ears.

"It was Marcus' child "she said breaking down into a full cry. His face dropped the scrunched forehead and started crying a bit more.

"That's how you knew him. Oh I'm so sorry I thought you were just a couple but not that far along ." He said pulling her in for a hug. She hugged back straight away. Barry felt a bit awkward with the bump pressing up against him but he soon got used to it. They stated there for a while before Myer let go.

"You can't say anything to anyone, this is not how I want everyone to find out because some psycho stalker came after me and my child. Barry you can't tell anyone else."

"Why not?"

"Because when the time come I will have to leave with the child."

"Well how the hell are you going to keep this a secret." Just as Barry finished his sentence Joe opened the door and saw the two of them and more specifically Myers bump.

"Um..wel..you didn't have that the other day." He went to walk out. Myer sped over and grabbed Joe and brought him over to Barry.

"Oh she's a Meta." Joe said with his eyes popping out of his head.

"Well. Joe you cannot say anything to Iris or anyone else." The men nodded and a sigh of relief was heard coming from her mouth. She reapplied the mirage.

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