Hardest facts

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Well the day was unpredictable like most at star labs. There hadn't been any. Breaches yet that week. Yeah well Myer didn't touch wood after she said that one. She had connected with everyone so far including Wells which was a surprise for her. She was still a bit distance from Barry however.
Cisco, Caitlin, Myer and Iris were all applauding Myer saving Barry from another one of Zooms breaches. They were all congregated in the cortex while Barry and wells were out. "Cheers!" They all said. It was then followed by one said shot, bad faces and a lot of laughter.

"We can't get Caitlin too drunk, Barry already told me what happened the last time he did that." Myer said laughing looking at Caitlin. Caitlin had a guilty look on her face. But before their celebrations could continue there was a loud scream over the intercom. It was Barry.

"What the hell." Yelled Myer running to the computers.
"Oh my god. Barry you can't die." Screamed Cisco at the computer. Before Myer could actually tell Iris properly she raced out of the cortex in her suit.
" oh my god" came out of iris' mouth as Myer left.

When she got to the scene she saw a slightly taller man in a green glowing suit using Barry as a punching bag until he stopped punching and threw a brick at Barry's chest.

Myer ran at the other man and tackled him to the ground. She started punching furiously at him and broke several bones all over his body until he finally stopped fighting back and laid dead still. Myer quickly flicked off his mask. She froze looking down at the man. It couldn't be it had to be the doppelganger of him.

"Thanks." Grunted the flash. Not sounding so stunned she said stupidly "all in a day's work for the Phoenix!" Then ran off. The flash didn't follow luckily. She morphed out of suit and jogged back to Barry to check if he was ok. She was finally able to take on who it's was. She looked down and bursts out into tears and fell to her knees.

Barry being the good person that he is flicks off his mask and runs over and hugs her. "Who is it?"

"It's my fiancé, Marcus"

"Oh god. Ok um." He looked at her, the man on the ground and then himself , trying to send a telepathic message of some sort.

"You can't carry us both, I will just walk." She said sobbing wiping her eye trying to be brave.

" no wait 1 minute." He puts her down, picks up Marcus and races away then within a second he is back ready to take her back to the lab.
"Jump on." She listened to him and tucked her head into his neck. Before long they were back in the cortex talking to the others.

"Ok, what the hell is going on?" Asked Cisco.

"Well my fiancé was sent through by zoom and made to kill Barry but I stopped him and now he's unconscious downstairs in the pipeline." Nodding her head trying to comfort herself by rocking and nodding her head.

"Well thats one heck of a sum up of that situation." Yelled Cisco clapping his hands together sarcastically and walking back round to the computers to watch the security of the pipeline.

" I want to talk to him." Myer mumbled with her hands crossed.

"No, no and no, you crazy woman!" Cisco answered.

"Well if that is Marcus then it must have been CADMUS." She said making her way over to the computer standing behind Cisco with her arms remained.

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