Extra 1: The Watch

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These are parts of the Book which I didn't explain and I really should have or they didn't have a place in the book. So Enjoy!!


" So Gideon.."

" Yes Myer." Myer had decided that since she wasn't going to be the Phoenix anymore she didn't need Gideon but in Saying that how did the Merchant come into contact with Gideon in the First place.

" How and when did Mr hunter acquire you in the first place."

" you sold me to him." Myer nodded, even though it wasn't a big deal it did bother her that she had to go back in time. She spent at least 5 Minutes thinking bout how the hell she was going to do it.

" So Gideon, can you permanently print out the Phoenix suit, like just in case."

" Of course." In a flash of light there in a box was the folded version of the Phoenix suit that had been through a lot. " thank you Gideon." She automatically called Iris as it was the only option she had. And about 5 minutes later she was babysitting like a pro. It was really quite simple. All Myer had to do was to go to Earth 38, travel back to where Mr hunter got the watch from and sell it to him.

When she opened the breach she easily found earth 38. When she landed, she landed in the middle of the city and in the middle of the road outside of Catco. There was a taxi speeding towards her when Super girl landed in front of her and stopped the Taxi. Supergirl turned around and looked at her. Myer shrugged her shoulders and ran off. She gained enough speed to be able to go back to 2010 when Mr Hunter was visiting Saudi Arabia and at a market. Gideon Synthesized black long robes. when she found Hunter he was practically being mugged. " Hey" the man who was hassling Hunter ran off.

" Sir are you ok?"

" I think so but I think he stole my watch?"

" Here have my watch, I was going to sell it but you can have it for a minimal charge. 5 US dollars." Mr Hunter nodded and they gave the watch and money to each respective party and went their separate ways. " Mr Hunter was walking away into the crowds when Myer realized something. " Wait, Sir, one day If you ever meet someone at your work and you think you are going to die that day, then give it to that person because she could save you with it." He nodded and disappeared into the bustling people in the market place. Myer returned back to her own time and Earth. When she got home barry was with iris.

" Barry what are you doing here?"

" I came to see you and Audrey."

" Well, she is asleep." Barry ran upstairs and came down with Audrey and turned his nose up and walked towards the kitchen.

" BARRY ALLEN!!!!!!"

" Mirror strikes again!" he yelled back.

" What the hell did you say?" she yelled back waking towards the kitchen with Iris trailing behind her all the way. " It's because you are my twin, so mirror image and I struck again by disobeying you, Ta da." Myer rolled her eyes and sped round and swatted him on the head. This made him flinch and made Audrey laugh.

Mirror Strikesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें