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For weeks after that Cisco, Caitlin and Jessie had been helping Myer to train to get stronger and faster. Until one of those days Jessie doesn't come in.

"Where's Jessie?" Ignoring her Cisco and Caitlin rush around the computers set up in the accelerator ring.

"Um. Hello what's wrong?" She shouted gaining the attention of the crew.

"Barry's in trouble, but you can't help you don't have a suit or a name or anything." Cisco blurred out rushing round.

"Cisco calm down, he already knows me, it will be fine." She said trying to reassure him. With their backs turned she suited up. Then a bright yellow light engulfs her face and body and she morphs into her suit.

"I am the Phoenix." She said with a voice modulator in. The pair saw the flash of light and turned around. Their faces dropped. Myer started bouncing up and down smiling.

"Awesome" Cisco coughed out. "What's it made out of?"

"Who knows, Gideon made it for me."

"Woah, hold the phone, Gideon?"

"Yeah, the A.I." Then she tapped on the watch which revealed the face of Gideon.
"How may I help you miss."

"That's some freaky shizznit. Where the hell did you find it?"

"Long story." They were interrupted by a scream from Barry. Myer raced out of there and down town to find Barry being beaten around by zoom.

"Hey! You gothic onesie wearer over here." Looking at zoom with a sleezy smile on her face. Like Barry's her eyes started to have flashes of red lightning.

" no, Myer not a good idea, if he is almost killin Barry the he is gonna destroy you." Yelled Cisco through the speaker Gideon placed into the suit for her. But not listening was her forte and she ran straight at zoom and punched him square in the chest. He went flying but ran back, held her by the back of the neck, digging in revealing a tiny bit of blood and said " I will get you Tiffany if it is the last thing I do." Then ran off and didn't come back. She inhaled deeply . The flash , the one person who would understand threw her along the concrete.

"Jesus Christ flash, common running into me now this, fuckin hell." She said coughing and spluttering, trying to regain her breath. Vibrating her face.

"It's you, you saved me?"

She went to stand up when she realised her mask was off and there was nothing covering her face and she started vibrating faster. She quickly turned her back to him. He tried to super speed to see her but it didn't work.

"Flash you idiot, it won't be that easy to find out who I am." Looking around she located the mask and sped over and got it, being able to look that the flash once again she stopped vibrating her face. Now Barry was desperate. He sped over and kissed her, his lips melted into hers and his body also melted into hers. She soon felt his hands creeping up to her mask. She ran away.

"Wow, she's good." She heard as she ran away. The flash didn't follow.

"Oh gross, Jesus that is disgusting." Myer said splattering trying to clean her tongue.

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