The Blood of Olympus

By MichaelPeleshaty

88.2K 1.4K 509

In the house of Hades Percy and Annabeth escaped Tartarus. Nico and Jason visit Cupid. Frank becomes a Roman... More

The Blood of Olympus
Percy l
Leo ll
Annabeth lll
Jason IV
Nico V
Percy Vll
Leo Vlll
Annabeth IX
Jason X
Nico XI
Hazel Xll
Percy Xlll
Authors Note Please Read!
Annabeth XV
Jason XVI
New Book!
Percy XIX
Piper XX
Hazel XXI
Frank XXIV
Jason XXV
Annabeth XXVI
Poseidon XXVII

Hazel VI

3.1K 47 9
By MichaelPeleshaty

Hazel and Annabeth watched Jason and Tullus rough it out. Jason and Tullus had the same fighting skill except Tullus was bigger and stronger and Jason was quicker, faster and in better shape. 

"Come on Jason!" Annabeth mumbled, which suprised Hazel. Hazel pegged Annabeth for a Jason hater, well not so much of a hater more of a firm distruster. 

Tullus bellowed in rage when Jason sliced open his thigh and for some reason that made Tullus even stronger he pressed Jason more and more. Till Jason stumbled and fell and screamed then Hazel saw why, where Jason's pant cuffs ended poked out something white and covered in blood. Hazel felt her stomach acid filling up her esopohogus and cutting of her breathing. She pushed down the bile and screamed. 

Jason looked at Tullus and his sweat covered face collapsed in defeat. Tullus laughed a gloating laugh. And slashed down, Jason caught the blow with one hand, he started glowing blue and Annabeth gasped in shock. 

"The blessing of Zeus!" Annabeth whispered. 

Jason stood up already fully healed and turned his head towards Annabeth and said in a deep voice filled with power. "Not Zeus child of Minerva, Jupiter." 

"Hazel look at his eyes," Annabeth whispered and Hazel curiously glanced at Jason's eyes but they weren't his eyes. They were a dark electric blue color pulsing with power, there were specks of yellow in them but when Hazel looked more closely. They were tiny lighting bolts. 

"That is actually pretty cool." Hazel whispered. 

"So you trying to kill my son Tullus? Pity you didn't stay dead." Jupiter tsked. 

Tullus turned red in rage and he seemed to pulse with red glow. 

Jupiter used Jason's face to be shocked, But fought as hard  as ever eventually till Tullus swung his sword in a weak arc which Jupiter blocked. Twirled and cut Tullus's legs out from underneath him and stabbed down. Searched his pocket and pulled out the white pyprus. 

He walked over and smiled. "Here you are girls. After I leave my son's body he will be in a coma like state for a day and a bit. But here is the letter and do tell my son I am always listening. Also his eyes will stay like that from now on." 

"Blessing of Jupiter?" Annabeth asked. 

Jupiter smiled and confirmed. "Blessing of Jupiter. However beware of this goddess, she has has my nephew and will try to turn him to Gaea's side and if that happens the gods will wither and die before the might of Percy and Gaea." 

"Percy will never betray us!" Annabeth cried. 

"If it is for friends he will daughter of Minerva. You know this. If he trades we are doomed." Jupiter said. "Beware the past." Before his eyes rolled and he collapsed, fortunatly Hazel and Annabeth caught him before he hit his head on the ground. 

For the first time Hazel noticed that the once beautiful ancient Roman styled, crumbled back to ruin. Which made Hazel kind of sad, knowing her backround was gone. 

They started tromping down the hallways and carrying a unconscience former Roman praetor down a flight of stairs was hard work. 

"Who do you think the goddess is?" Hazel asked Annabeth, Annabeth's eyes went stormy grey trying to think. 

"It  merous goddesses it is hard to pin point what goddess it is but it is very clear it is a minor one."

They walked with the heavy son of Jupiter down almost an entire mountain. Then Hazel got a great idea. 

"Stop." Hazel said coming to a halt along with Annabeth. 

"What is it Hazel?" Annabeth said curiously. 

 "I think I can make some help. Let's use dirt horses!" Hazel exclaimed. 

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" Annabeth asked curiously obviously very hesitant to trust the earth.

"Annabeth if you trust me, you won't have a problem with this." Hazel said, Annabeth looked down and nodded. 

Hazel closed her eyes and pointed towards the ground. She felt that familiar tug of her gut, she felt the ground rumble and heard the ground mushing together. 

"Wow they are awesome Hazel!" Annabeth exclaimed. Hazel opened up her eyes and gasped in happiness her two horses were a dirty dark brown, the manes were black and the eyes were ruby red because they were actual ruby's. 

The girls dragged Jason to one of the horses, after about an hour struggling they finally got Jason on the horse and Hazel got on behind him to hold him in place. 

Annabeth hopped on the other one, and they started galloping away, toward the ship. Hazel and Annabeth chatted about how suprised Piper will be when she see's Jason's new eyes. They also chatted about swords and Annabeth even asked if Hazel could train her till Percy gets back. Hazel agreed as long as Annabeth trained her in using a dagger.

When they got to the ship they saw the weirdest trio laughing. Frank, Piper and even Leo was on the deck with his head and chest wrapped in gauze. 

"Leo!" Hazel and Annabeth cheered from the horses galloping towards them at full speed. Once they got to the ship she hugged Frank, "Frank can you get Jason off the horse he will be out for a few days." 

"What happened?" Piper demanded. 

"Let's just get him to the sick bay and we will tell you the story fair?" Annabeth asked.

Piper sighed. "Fine." 

A little bit later and maybe dropping Jason down a flight of stairs, they finally ended up in the kitchen. 

"OK. So what happened?" Piper asked.

Hazel and Annabeth told them everything starting from leaving the boat to getting back, the only thing they left out was the eye part. 

"So whose the goddess?" Frank asked. 

"Oh here." Annabeth said digging around in her pocket, she pulled out the white piece of paper. She dropped the page when she read it and turned pale. 

"Who is it Annabeth?" Leo asked. 

"It is Lyssa." 


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