The Secret Life of the Americ...

By AshleyZaffke

6.6K 205 78

The Secret Life of the American Teenager, after Amy leaves Ricky for New York. Does Ricky move to New York t... More

The conversation
Setting Things In Motion
Conversations with Ben
Ricky's confessions
More Of Amy's Secrets
The book
Amy's family
Authors note
A new Ricky?
Good friends


241 9 2
By AshleyZaffke

It's the week of Christmas 

Amy hasn't seen or spoken to anyone but co-workers since Hope was born, other then Ben. He is the only person besides Margret who knows what's going on with her. Even her friends in New York don't know, all they know is she is anti-social. Amy is back in California, has been for two days. She hasn't seen or called Ricky yet, she knows it's only a matter of time before he finds out she's in town. Amy is at the mall, with Grace.

"You haven't called Ricky yet? Don't you want to see John. Ricky is going to find out you're in town. Hey, there is Jack, and he is with Ricky." Grace smiles, and yells "Jack, Ricky!!!" Amy rolls her eyes and ducks into a store. 

"Hey, Grace." Ricky and Jack say in unison. "Hey guys. We were just shopping." Grace says. "Who is we? You're alone." Jack laughs at Grace. "Well I was with Amy, she's been acting weird for a while. She must have ran into some store, when we saw you guys." Ricky rolls his eyes. "How long has she been in town? I can't believe she hasn't come to see John. Oh there she is. I'm gonna go have a word with her." Ricky walks away. "Grace, you need to lay off Amy. It's obvious she's going through something, and you clearly don't know what it is." Grace rolls her eyes. "She's just freaked out by stuff with her and Ricky, she can't avoid him forever, they have two kids together."  

"Ames, why haven't you come to see John?" Ricky asks walking towards Amy. "I just got to town, I was settling in. I'm staying at my moms old house." Amy says to Ricky, avoiding eye contact. "Ames, what is going on with you? You haven't seen Hope, since she went home with my parents, you don't call John, he misses you and he needs his mother." Ricky hisses at her. "I don't think I should be part of the kids lives right now. They are better off without me. I'm going through some stuff and I don't want to talk about it with you Ricky. Ben!!!" Amy says. "Oh, hey guys." *Ben gives Amy a quick hug.* "So, how are you, Amy. Am I still the only one that knows?" Amy glares at Ben for his question. "Yes, Ben. You are. Thanks for mentioning it." Amy answers Ben's question.  "Amy, Ricky should probably know. You do have two children with him. Don't you think Ricky and John both deserve the truth?" Ben remarks to Amy. "John will know, why I have chosen to not be part of his life, when the time is right. Unfortunately, the real truth will come to light only when he is a teenager. Can we please not talk about it? It's Christmas time, and this is not a happy subject." Amy replies. "Why does Ben know something, I don't if it can and is affecting our children? Especially something even Ben admits I should know." Ricky asks Amy, annoyed. "No one has a right to know anything. *Amy looks at Ben.* Ben only knows because of things that were out of my control, I didn't tell him, Ricky." Amy meets Ricky's eyes for the first time since Hope was born. "Ricky, I'm not ready to talk about this. We do need to talk, but not now and not about this. Not yet anyways." 

All of a sudden Amy hears a voice that she remembers from her first month in New York, and at the sound of it Amy goes green, because of the flashback it sends her into. "Amy, Ames." Ricky and Ben both say due to the color in her face. Ricky grabs Amy's arm, "Ames, are you okay? You're green." Ricky says worried. At Ricky's touch Amy is pulled out of her flashback and back into reality.

 "I have to go, I need to go see someone, RIGHT NOW!!! I can't be here." Amy turns around and runs. Ricky and Ben look at each other confused, and take off running after Amy. Grace and Jack take off running after them too, once they realize three of their friends are running. *Amy runs into a bathroom, and calls Dr. Feilds. Grace runs in behind Amy. Jack, Ricky and Ben stand outside the bathroom horrified and confused. "Alright, Ben start talking, NOW!! What's going on with Amy? What was that about?" Ricky demands answers from Ben. "Ricky, I really wish you knew. I really wish I could tell you. I really wish you knew instead of me. But you don't know, you don't know instead of me, and I can't tell you. More than anything I wish Amy wasn't going through this." Ben responds. 

*Amy's phone call with Dr. Fields:*

Hi, Dr. Fields this is Amy Jergens. 

Hi, Amy what can I do for you?

I'm back in California I need an appointment for today if possible. 

I can see you in one hour. 

*Amy hangs up her phone.* "Amy, what's going on?" Grace asks. Amy explains the situation to Grace. Then the girls walk out of the bathroom. Grace turns to Amy, "Should the guys be here?" Grace asks worried. "This isn't about them, Grace. I'm fine. But I need to use your car." Amy almost yells. "Ames, I don't know what's going on but you shouldn't be alone." Ricky looks at Amy worried. "Ricky, I have an appointment to get to, then I'll drop off Grace's car and well I don't know what I'll do then. I'll be fine. I got to go." *Amy walks off, with Grace's keys.* 

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@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes <3