Every Single Jigsaw Piece (Zi...

By zauthor-

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Brontë ( A soulmate and werewolf Au that... More



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By zauthor-

*19 Days BeFoUr*

Liam was never the one to drink until he would pass out. He liked drinking but not the point where he lost consciousness. Even as a curious teenager, he didn't quite understand why people were attracted to losing their mind and making the biggest mistakes of their lives. No thank you, he actually enjoyed knowing about his whereabouts and avoided making mistakes at all costs.

So he was quite surprised when he woke up to the cold wind slapping away at his naked chest, as he lounged against the trunk of the apple-less tree. A groan left his lips as he craned his neck to get a problematic kink out of it. Liam didn't remember drinking that much, actually, he didn't remember drinking at all. The last thing that came to his mind was that his mother was going to visit him soon and then nothing. Confused, he squinted his eyes to look around for any clue as to how he had gotten there. A small shiver passed his spine. It was very cold. Liam started to cover his bare chest with his arms but found his left arm unable to move. Unconsciously, his eyes turned to discover what was restricting him. A glance and he knew exactly what had happened.

Liam hadn't been drinking and he had maintained his streak of drinking without passing out. However, regarding the circumstances, it would've been intelligent, genius even, if he had chosen to do that instead of what he had done. He had made a crucial mistake. He had fallen asleep.

" Li, don't move please," Zayn spoke from under all the covers that laid over him, the only thing Liam could see was the tuft of silver hair and it was enough to put him in an inexplicable state of panic. Haphazardly, he jumped off the ground earning a distinct howl of pain from the other boy. For a second, he halted completely wanting nothing more than to tend to Zayn and his wounds, but he knew how it would end and he wasn't looking forward to it.

He didn't understand how he had let this happen. He had tried his best to make a schedule as such that he'd fall asleep for only as long as it was required and not for long enough to experience this. Why wasn't his alarm working? His mother should be in his room by now. Why wasn't she waking him up?

" Li! Please don't leave me." His heart cracked at the brokenness of Zayn's voice but his conscience was too strong to let him go through the torture of having to see his beloved go through the agony again. The Alpha knew he merely had minutes before Zayn would start screaming and he wouldn't be able to do anything. He'd only watch as the love of his life would scream. And scream. And scream, until his voice would go away. If Liam would be lucky that day, he'd wake up after that but his luck wasn't the best and most of the days he'd have to sit and count Zayn's breaths, holding him in his arms as he started screaming again.

He couldn't go through that again. He couldn't bare being utterly helpless as his beloved screamed in anguish, the pain getting worse every second.

" No." Liam slapped himself hard and tried to open his eyes wider. " Wake up." He jumped up and down trying to return to the real world.

" Why do you want to leave me so bad, Li? Just stay here with me for a little longer." Liam pressed his nails into his palms as hard as he could. His eyes clenched shut. It was ironic how much Liam wanted to see Zayn and yet how hard he tried to avoid that in his dreams. He couldn't bear to see Zayn or else he'd forget that he wasn't the real Zayn, just the dream Zayn. Liam had long given up on the idea that these dreams had any more meaning than to torture him and guilt him. His Zayn did not look like dream Zayn. Dream Zayn was desperate, his eyes weren't the right shade of brown and even the hair seemed insignificant. Nothing about him was Zayn-like and he was just too hollow.

" Won't you see what you've done to me, Li. " And it was starting. Liam covered his ears as best as he could but the voices that fell out of Zayn's lips were imprinted in his mind and even thinking about them he could hear them like an overplayed song.

" Wake up, Liam! Wake up!" Bracing himself against the impact, he ran towards the apple tree full force.

" Li!" The scream was filled with concern. The one thing that the alter ego had in common with Zayn was his voice. It was exactly like Zayn's, the concern in it making it heavier. It was the reason Liam couldn't keep himself from turning to look at the boy. It felt as if a sharp object had found its way into Liam's heart and embedded itself in the very depth of it. The blankets were long gone and now there was a barely upright figure, consisting of bruised skin and protruding bones, in front of him. Liam's breath hitched in his throat, as a harsh wind flowed passed them making Zayn unstable on his own two feet. All the rational thoughts that he had repeated to himself for when he faced a situation as such left him and he rushed to his only love's aid.

" Zayn!" He wrapped his arms around the younger lad, loose enough in order to prevent himself from breaking him. Zayn wrapped his dainty arms around Liam's neck, his eyes looking directly into Liam's.

" Don't worry, Li. I wouldn't stay that long." His eyes scrunched up in pain. Liam was about to ask him what he meant but he was interrupted by a half scream before Zayn's bone were cracking like a disordered skeleton.

" Zayn...Zayn." Liam could barely manage a breath as Zayn's body completely transitioned into his wolf. Suddenly, Liam was on the ground holding onto a silver wolf, who was completely immobile. Scared out of his wits he was completely lost on the situation. What was he supposed to do now? This had never happened in any of his dreams. Was this really a dream?

He let out a heavy breath and shook his head hard. " Zayn!" He shook the wolf and if he ever had another go at it again he'd remember not to do that again. As soon as Zayn was disturbed from his position, he howled loudly before collapsing on the ground. What made the ground under Liam slip away was the blood that started flowing out of Zayn's nose. Alarmed, he pressed his hand against it to stop the blood. To his terror, it only made it worse and now there was blood coming out from his ears, his eyes, his nose and his mouth. Liam felt as if he had been placed in a vacuum and it was sucking away at his skin. Before he could comprehend Zayn was taking his last strained breath and then he was gone.

Liam's eyes widened as it crashed him. Zayn was dead. It wasn't just a possibility that he avoided thinking about but a harsh reality. He had died. Nothing would bring him back. He wouldn't be in the world from now on. He was truly gone.

It was like reality had slapped him across his face waking him up from the dream but his mind was still there with the wolf that he had just lost. Everything was vague and hazy apart from the shock that had left his body ice cold and paralysed. A small part of his brain registered movements around him but it was not nearly as powerful as the grief that had settled in his heart. The only coherent thought in his head is Zayn and so without even realising he kept repeating it verbally.

Unknown to him, his mother was the one who had discovered him, screaming and thrashing. When she had managed to rouse him enough for him to sit up, he was completely unresponsive, eyes wide and only one thing coming out of his mouth. It didn't take long for the room to become crowded with the most trusted people and suddenly everyone was worried for their future Alpha king. Luna Karen, however, was feeling something far more intense than that. She had been watching her son from afar as he gave up on life and withered away with every single breath. She had been waiting for Liam to approach her on his own terms but clearly, that was too much trust to be placed in a mere teenager. At once, Luna Karen ordered the witch to be called as she believed there was something beyond them that was troubling Liam. Maybe it was time to do something about the attachment after all. She was thankful that Rachel was visiting her pack for the day. Poor girl, whatever she'd have gone through if she saw her mate in such a condition with only one name on his lips, and not her own.

Next, with the help of beta Louis, she dragged Liam to the bath and tried her best to loosen his muscles up so that he would come back to the world of the living. Thankfully, without much complications he did but that wasn't the end of their problems that night. In fact, it was only the beginning,

As soon as Liam got his bearings back, he was thrashing to get out of the water." Zayn!"

" Liam." His mother's voice brought his attention to the people that surrounded him. For a second, he was confused but then he remembered.

" Zayn! Mum! He died! Zayn...is dead." He stuttered out, tumultuous emotions crossing his face.

Karen frowned before shaking his head and cupping his face tightly." No, Liam."

But it didn't convince Liam one bit." No! I held him in my arms and there was so much blood." His eyes hollowed out, a sudden grief masking his face." So much blood." It came out as a mere whisper. It was like he was no longer there with them but back in the woods with Zayn's corpse in his arms.

" Liam sweetie, it was just a dream. Zayn's fine." Karen nodded her head to emphasise her words, but Liam wasn't having any of it. Her heart clenched in her chest as he shook his head with a certainty that she hadn't yet seen from him.

" No! He... He died. He died." He sobbed, hands clenching around the edge of the tub. Everyone watched in silence, it was the first time they had ever seen their future alpha in such a defeated state. Liam had always been the one to stay strong, to hold his ground even before he had gotten his position and watching him breakdown like this was actually a terrifying experience for them all.

HIs mother couldn't take it any longer. She took him by his shoulders and shook him hard before saying." Liam! Zayn is fine! He's okay. He isn't dead." Every word loud and clear, as if she was trying to engrave it in his head. A long minute passed before Liam looked up at her. His eyes were red but a little less hazed then they had been before. Karen gave him a nod in an attempt to bring him back to the present completely. Her heart did a back flip when he reached out his hands to her, gripping them tightly.

" I want to see him!" He stated. " I need to see him, right now." He rephrased his sentence and gulped hard. He needed to see him. To make sure he was alright. To just see him alive.

Hesitation crossed her face but seeing her son's state she couldn't say no to him even if she wanted to." Okay."

" I'm sorry, Alpha Liam but I'm not sure if he's fit enough to see you." Liam's eyes found his caretaker who was standing at his foot right alongside his mate. Harry wasn't looking at him directly but his words were firm. Liam frowned.

It wasn't like Harry to talk to him in such a way, so he concluded that there was definitely something wrong." He's sick!" He shouted, alarmed.

" No... No, he's not. He's okay." His mother looked at the pair before giving Liam a reassuring look. Liam's eyes stayed glued to the beta mates, who were looking at each other, their emotions clearly conflicted. " Beta Louis, fetch Zayn, please. Beta Harry, please bring some clothes." And if the not so subtle glare by his caretaker was anything to go by, Liam could tell that there was something wrong with Zayn and Harry thought it was somehow his fault.

" Yes, Mama Luna." They muttered monotonously before leaving the room.

Liam's eyes averted towards his mother who was giving him and affectionate but concerned look." It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be just fine." Forgive Liam but after what he had gone through in the last four hours or so, it was only normal that he was having a hard time believing his mum.

He was completely dressed and under his double duvet when Zayn had arrived. Impulsively, he rushed to the younger lad bringing him to his chest in one swift moment.

" Are you okay?" His voice cracked.

Against his chest, Zayn slumped not really caring about the circumstance anymore." Yes. I'm fine."

Gently, Liam pulled Zayn to his bed without any protests from the younger lad. And he just held him for the longest while not letting him go at all. Legs along legs. Arms along arms. Hands along hands. Chest along back. Zayn along Liam. Inspecting his imaginary wounds or condition long escaped his mind. An overwhelming feeling of calm had settled over him as he just held a very alive Zayn to his chest. Liam didn't even talk to him, not bothering to explain himself in fear of breaking the serenity of the moment. But good things only last so long.

There was a knock at the door before the curly haired caretaker emerged from behind the door." Luna Rachel's back." He said as if there was a terrible secret they had been hiding from Liam's mate.

" It's time for me to go then. " Zayn announced as Harry left the room. He pried Liam's hand away from his own, successfully pulling the alpha out of his dazed state.

" No!" Liam sat up abruptly, flinging his hands around to grasp at Zayn's moving body.

" Li!" Zayn's tone was reprimanding as he started moving backwards, eyes fixed on the prince.

Liam shook his head furiously. " No! I can't. I won't!" His expression was furious. He was determined not to let the boy slip away yet again.

" But Li." Zayn seemed confused but he still didn't stop moving.

" No, Zayn come back now. I can't let you go." Liam's eyes were pleading but his tone was commanding. What he had wanted to say was that If he let him go, he won't be able to keep him safe and he'll... Zayn's bloody wolf form came to his mind and he shook his head hard.

" Li, I have to go. I'm completely fine." Liam gritted his teeth as a sudden pain attacked him, heart. The Alpha in him was enraged at the blatant refusal of his request.

" Zayn! come back now." Before he could control it the Alpha command slipped out of his lips. Zayn's eyes widened as he felt the effect of a full potential Alpha tone. He took his first step towards Liam as the Alpha had expected, but before he could continue his eyes rolled back in his head, leaving him on the ground, completely motionless. Liam felt as if his heart had broken out of his ribcage and was lying there on the ground with his boy.

" Oh God!" He jumped towards his friend, sitting down beside him. " Zayn!" Liam pulled the small lad onto his lap, shaking him slightly trying his best to wake him up but to his utter terror, Zayn maintained his state of unconsciousness. With a tremor under his fingers, Liam pulled Zayn's hoodie to check his pulse but what he found under the fabric completely distracted him. A sharp breath escaped him as he inspected Zayn's body. Bruises. Dark, Large bruises littered Zayn's body. Some were old and some were fresh, which meant Zayn wasn't healing. What had happened? Liam's brain turned into a mush.

But before he could pay more of his mind to it, he heard a specific cracking sound that had him losing his breath entirely. Horror swept him as he realised that Zayn was transforming. Panic flooded his senses as a thought crossed him. It was dream Zayn. The Zayn he was holding was not his Zayn. He was dream Zayn. When had his Zayn turned to dream Zayn? Why had he let that happen? What did that mean?

Nothing was clear and yet again Liam was utterly panicked out of his senses, as he sat there holding a silver wolf in his arms, yet again, this time completely frozen, engulfed by shear terror.


*That Day*

" You didn't stop me either."

Hey people of the world. I apologize for the delay. You're author had a manic depression episode and thankfully is all better now.
So whose dying?
Some of you may not know this but I always get my work approved by my sister. She's always the one to read everything I posted here first. So I gave this to her and she left a message.
Warning: Swearing is basically her language.


zayn doesn't fuckin dies . my fucking sister is fucking out olf her fucking mind and that means she fucking gone crazy and that she is completely fuckin fine by killing fucking zayn and that's how she prevents her fucking mother fucking ,other fucking dep-fucking-ression by fucking killing fucking zayn . HE WONT FUVCKING DIE OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU DO YOU FUCKING UNDER - FUCKING-STAND!?

Any of you feel her?

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