Blind Beauty

By _nessiex3

1.3M 42.4K 5.6K


Blind Beauty
Blind Beauty | 1
Blind Beauty | 2
Blind Beauty | 3
Blind Beauty | 4
Blind Beauty | 5
Blind Beauty | 6
Blind Beauty | 7
Blind Beauty | 8
Blind Beauty | 9
Blind Beauty | 10
Blind Beauty | 11
Blind Beauty | 13
Blind Beauty | 14
Blind Beauty | 15
Blind Beauty | 16
Blind Beauty | 17
Blind Beauty | 18
Blind Beauty | 19
Blind Beauty | 20
Blind Beauty | 21
Blind Beauty | 22
Blind Beauty | 23
Blind Beauty | 24 (Epilogue)
Bonus Chapter!

Blind Beauty | 12

52.3K 1.8K 384
By _nessiex3

a/n: All I can say is that this chapter was an utter ass to write. I love it and hate it. Dedicated to palenomian101 for the amazing drawing of the Beast! I never expected anything like this so thank you so much, I really, really love it. Thank you.


Chapter Doce

Arlette,” a voice urged, shaking her rather madly.

Arlette groaned, turning away.

“Wake up,” it hissed.

She thought she didn’t recognize the voice but then—

“Ember?” Arlette frowned, feeling confused as she slowly started to turn and place herself in a sitting position.

Ember sounded relieved. “Yes, yes, that’s me. I was afraid you won’t be able to recognize me.”

Arlette felt a bit light headed, but she didn’t pay attention to it. “Why wouldn’t I?” She mumbled, half asleep.

Ember thought about it. “I don’t know, really. I’m just really worried. I haven’t seen you since the day of the choosing.”

Arlette frowned, shifting slowly in place. “Was that so long ago?” She had lost track of time—of everything, really.

“A little bit over a week.”

Arlette’s eyes widened in shock. “What?” Was she asleep this whole time?

Where has the Prince been sleeping then?

Most certainly not with her.

“Mom, dad, and grandma had been worried sick about you.” Ember said, taking Arlette’s hands in hers, she was talking fast, as if she was in a hurry. “And I just needed to see you to make sure you were alright.” Arlette sensed fear and desperation.

Arlette tried to remember everything that happened that night. She remembered it all. And it felt like it had just happened.

Something came to her mind.

“But where were mom, dad, and grandma? I didn’t sense them...” She trailed off, confused.

“They were somewhere. We couldn’t see them, but they could. We were behind some invisible shield or something...” Ember said thoughtfully.

Arlette was quite surprised as she nodded. She sensed that if she asked Ember how’d she knew, Ember wouldn’t tell her, so she stayed quiet.

“How’d you get in here?” Arlette then asked, curious.

“It doesn’t matter. I gotta go now,” she hugged Arlette briefly, “someone’s coming.” Ember said quickly, letting go of Arlette.

Arlette quickly stopped her by grabbing her hand before she could go any further.  It pained  her that her sister had to go just like that. “Wait, Ember...” Tears pricked at the corners of her green orbs. “Tell them I’ll see them soon.”

Ember was silent before she found her voice. “I will,”

Ember made a move to go, but Arlette held her hand tighter, “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. I promise.”

Arlette nodded, mentally trying to convince herself.

And then she let her hand go. Seconds later, she could hear something click open. It wasn’t the bedroom door.  It was a window, maybe a balcony door.  A soft breeze made its way towards Arlette, blowing her dress. Arlette frowned briefly, skimming her hands over the unfamiliar dress.

The door closed quietly back again, and Arlette felt her stomach twist and clung in itself. She didn’t dare turned towards it though. And as she ran her hands over her face,  she hadn’t realized she was crying, and all she really wanted to do was scream until she no longer had the strenght to. She wanted for the emptiness to swallow her and wrap itself around her. She wanted to dream. To go somewhere—someplace not real.

She heard the door creak open.

Arlette didn’t move, didn’t flinch, didn’t blink, didn’t do anything.

She just... stood there.

“Miss, are you okay?” A feminine voice asked as the door closed behind her.

Arlette’s head snapped up towards the voice. She cleared her throat, quickly wiping away her tears. “Y-yeah, I’m fine.”

“The Prince ordered for you to eat lunch. I have it here.”

This was stupid.

“And why can’t I have it down there with my family?”

The girl hesitated. “He doesn’t quite trust you, miss.”

Arlette sighed, irritated. “I’m not hungry,” she lied.

She felt the girl approach her, chuckling as she said, “Oh, believe me, miss, you are. You haven’t eaten in a lil’ over a week. That is enough for anyone to be starvin’.”


“Please,” she pressed. “The Prince wouldn’t like to see this plate untouched.”

The thought to make him angry was rather tempting, something in Arlette always expected for more even though every time he was angry, the fear and terror that crept inside her veins was unbearable.  Arlette mentally slapped herself, disappointed at her stupid swirling thoughts.

    The girl walked pass Arlette. “I’ll leave it here on the bed and when I come back, I want to see it clean!” She joked. Arlette chuckled. Her voice was funny.

    The strange girl laughed too, saying, “If you need anythin’ else, do not hesitate to call me, I’ll be right down the hallway.”  She started to walk away towards the door.

    “Wait!” Arlette said, following her footsteps.

    “Yes, miss?”


    “Would you mind if I ask you to stay here—with me?”

    The girl hesitated. “But, miss, I’m merely a maid—”

    “It doesn’t matter,” Arlette smiled. She was tired of being alone and making a friend seemed convenient right now. “I just want some company,”

    “Okay,” the girl said enthusiastically, it seemed like she almost couldn’t contain herself, she was going to burst.

    Arlette laughed. “What’s your name?”

    “Daisy,” the girl said almost proudly, and Arlette nodded, smiling.

“What’s your name, miss?”


“Such a pretty name,” Daisy contemplated. “You must be really excited for next week.” She said excitedly.

Arlette frowned at that. “What’s happening next week?”

“The Grand Ball is happening!” She chirped, suddenly taking both of Arlette’s hands. “Since there hasn't been any female livin’ in the palace for almost a century—because the King’s wife died almost a century ago—there hasn’t been any Grand Ball,  but since you’re here, there’s  finally one!” She twirled with Arlette in a dancing motion, both of their arms extended as they went round and round.

Arlette frowned in the mists of the Daisy’s madness. “Who’s going to be there?”

“Everybody!” She boomed, twirling around and around with Arlette. “All the Princes and Kings and Princesses and villagers from the other sides!” She sang, swinging Arlette back and forth.

Arlette thought about this.

“And why are you so excited?” Arlette asked her, confused like no other.

Daisy came to halt, letting go of Arlette. Arlette was startled by the sudden halt. All the twirling around left her dizzy.

“Why?” She asked, more calmed now. “Because, we maids, get to make your dress out of the best materials. Our hands are gifted by the very Fate,” she remarked. “And because is one of most important events in all history; the Prince is going to show you off.”

Fate loved Arlette. She really did. Everything opposite of what she wanted was happening. So she might as well put it that way; Fate loved Arlette.

Arlette ran a hand through her tangled hair, sighing.

“Oh, but don’t worry. Everything is gonna be fine.”

Yeah, because you’re not the one trying to run away from him.

Arlette tried changed the subject. These news where too much. “Can you guide me to where the bathroom is? I think I need a bath...”

“Sure.” Daisy said, lacing her arm through Arlette’s and walking up east. They didn’t walk out of the room, so that meant that she was going to take a bath in his bathroom.


“I brought clothes and a comb just in case. They’re on the bed.” Daisy said as Arlette stepped inside the bathroom and grabbed the towel that Daisy was handing her.

Arlette nodded wordlessly, grabbing the handler and closing the door.

She then leaned her back against it.

Can anything just get any worst?

Arlette didn’t know what she was going to do now. She couldn’t run away—he’d find her. She couldn’t do anything really, because he’d find her. Stupid, she thought, how she got “caught” when all along what she’d been doing was run away. Run away from Fate, basically. And from her destiny—from her future. Arlette couldn’t believe she was giving up. Regardless, she had to. Lonely tears ran down her face as the familiar sad, hollow voices sang silently in her ear. Something inside her head was telling her something from this upheaval and crazy situation was coming out though. Something good. Maybe not now, but it was. She was hopeful. She won’t escape or fight back. She will do what Fate wants her to do.

Arlette stepped into the tub with her mind set.

Or maybe not.

Beast’s P.O.V.

He didn’t know if he should stay here or go and apologize for his atrocious behavior. It was foolish to say such thing. But all along, he hadn’t noticed. How hadn’t he? He wondered. He was so perplexed with all of her being that he had not noticed such a small, but definitely certain thing.

    He paced around the living room with restlessness settled heavily upon him.  He wanted to get his mind off of her, he wanted to get out of this place, and he had done it, but he had done everything he had to this this morning - just to get his mind off of her.

    At last, he decided to go.

    He had been sleeping in one of the other rooms for his own sake, or maybe hers, which has been as stressing as letting her sleep in his.

    Without realizing it, he’d been in front of his room door, where, on the other side, her heavenly body might be sleeping or doing something she shouldn’t.

    He hesitated, before deciding to knock.

    A few seconds later, he waited but she didn’t answer nor open the door.

    Thinking she might be asleep, he grabbed the big door’s handle, clicking it open.

    His room smelled heavily of her. Her alluring scent was everywhere. The beast breathed in heavily, enjoying how it felt to do it. But as he was doing so, something inside him thrashed and screamed - something as close as a furious...craving. He pushed it away roughly as he closed the door behind him. His eyes falling on the bed, which was empty and neatly made. Her food laid on the drawer untouched, cold. He quickly wondered where she was. But soon, as silence strained in, he could hear an soft humming coming from the bathroom - it was beautiful, foreign. But almost instantly, it stopped. He glanced at the bathroom door attentively, then at the balcony. She couldn’t possibly made a escape, could she? But what about the humming coming from bathroom?

As if on cue, the bathroom’s door opened. His head snapped toward it, and she gasped.

And there she stood. She was just so beautiful. The most beautiful creature he has ever seen. Green, twinkly orbs hiding secrets, pink lips slightly plumped and small, beautiful body covered away from others’ forbidden thoughts. Small droplets of water ran slowing down her temple and neck as she stood there rather frozen.   

He swore he could stare at her forever.

Suddenly, she quickly walked past him, standing on the other side of the room. His eyes followed her quietly. She bowed her head slowly,  her arms wrapped tightly around herself as her cheeks reddened. “If you don't mind, your Highness, I need some privacy.”

Her voice was so angelic, so innocent. It was feverishly hard to control himself. He swallowed, something he barely even do, and cleared his throat.

“I came to apologize. I should have never been so...” he tried to find the best word, “cruel.” Kind of ironic, he thought. But he didn't pay much attention to it. “Please, forgive me.” He walked toward her slowly, and she backed away.

“I don't think this is the best moment to do that, your Highness. Right now, I need privacy.” He voice was monotonous, along with her face.

He came even closer to her, and he heard her bump her back against the wall behind her as he backed away. It was amazing how he made not even the slightest sound and she could still know, or perhaps feel, that he was coming toward her.

She was trapped between the wall and him now. Her breathing was hard, rapid. He could hear her heart thumping against her chest vigorously. Her scent was warmly wrapping itself around him slowly as the seconds ticked, and his veins bumped madly as he tried to control himself.

It had never been this difficult.

He lowered his head down to her ear slowly. “Why must you always fight back?” He whispered, feeling as he talked like he normally would, she would escape, or worse, disappear. Fate has brought her to him for a reason. And time was ticking.

“It is a need,” she said quietly.

“Or else?”

She hesitated  before answering.

“Or else I feel useless.”

Right after she said it, it looked like she'd just realized she'd said something forbidden. “I-I...”

He grabbed her chin, gently pushing her face up. Her eyes were filled with tears.

He didn't think much about it - he kissed her.

She gasped, but surprisingly, didn't turn away.

    He wondered why.


It was slow at first. But then he couldn't control himself - his burning, savage hunger took over him, making him wrap his strong arms around her, deepening the kiss. She instantly responded, her small, soothing hand on his cheek, as her soft lips ran ardently over his. Hearts thumped rapidly as blood of passion boiled. He pushed her bare leg up around his hip, pressing himself against her.

She gasped, arching her back.

He went down to her cool neck, pressing hot, passionate kisses along it. She grabbed the back of his head softly, breathing in heavily.

Her touch was an electrifying, potent, and beautiful feel.

Everything was a fiery bliss, yet still so hotly real. Never in his entire, long life had he ever felt this way. Not even with Simone. This was stronger, more powerful, more deeper.

But then her towel fell.

She instantly pushed him away from her, reality sinking, quickly grabbing the towel and wrapping it back protectively around herself.

He stopped himself from seeing anything he shouldn't.

Her body rested against the wall as she breathed heavily, finding her lost breath. Her face was flushed. She didn't say anything and neither did he. The only thing that could be heard was their panting and feel the hot, ardent air hovering around them.

The smell of her was stronger, indicating her hidden heat. It called to him, telling him that this wasn’t over yet, but he restrained himself from doing something he’d probably regret... and just like that, he left the room.

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