Teacher's Badass >>>...

By beautyqueen2222

77K 2.4K 2.5K

(Y/n) is 19 yrs old in high-school, that doesn't bother her one bit. She's a rebel she doesn't give two fucks... More

(1) You have to be f*cking kidding me!
(2) Who would've thought?!
(3) Don't let them bring you down.
(4) Confidence boot camp!
(A/N:)I'm sorry guys chapter tomorrow
(5) How does 1 even after f*kin their teacher?
(6) Revenge... Prt.1
(7) Revenge prt.2
(8) You're mine...(XXX.) prt.1
(9) You're mine...prt.2. (XXXX.)
(10) Shedding tears and overcoming fears.
(11) Our time to shine!!
(A/N:)The sequel!
(T'sB:2nd semester:1) The start of a new semester.
(T'sB:2nd semester: 2)Make it better.
(T'sB:2nd semester:3)Welcome back to glee!
(T'sB:2nd semester: 4) Had a bad day.
(T'sB:2nd semester: 5) I'm just your problem...
(T'sB:2nd semester: 6) The heart wants what it wants...
(T'sB:2nd semester: 7) Can you feel the love tonight!?(XXXX)
(T'sB:2nd semester: 8) Inner battles...
(T'sB:2nd semester: 10) Getting back into the game.
(T'sB:2nd semester: 11) You are so beautiful...(XXXX)
(T'sB:2nd semester: 12) Singing for the win!
(T'sB:2nd semester: 13) I'm in love and I'm proud!
(T'sB:2nd semester: 14) First concert!
(T'sB:2nd semester: 15) Life changes...
(T'sB:2nd semester: 16) A love so strong...
(T'sB:2nd semester: A/N) Guess whos back? back again?
Making a difference in the world...(finale)
Thank you! Thank you!x1000000000000000
one last time

(T'sB:2nd semester: 9) Fighting the great war...

1.6K 49 95
By beautyqueen2222

Sean's pov:

I cant call him right off the bat I'm gonna give this to the nurse.
I get her stuff and drive to the hospital.
When I arrive (y/n) is still sleep. I give the number to the nurse and she calls it.
Soon enough her dad arrives rushing into the room.

"Who are you?" He asked.

" I'm Mr.McLoughlin her teacher I found her on the bridge on the way home from work," I say.

"Thank you so much." He says.

"It's not a problem sir."

He sits next to her on her bed and stroked her forehead. "How is her condition?"

"She's doing fine."

"And in school?"

"she's doing good as well."

He smiled.

Soon the nurse came in. "She's gonna be sleep for a while." She said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Shes been sleep deprived." the nurse answered,"I say she will wake up in a few hours. But in the meantime, she's gonna need a caregiver when she gets out of the hospital."

"I'll take care of her." Her dad and I both say.

"I'm her father I think I'd be best that I take care of her." He said.

"Well from what shes told me you haven't been in her life since she was 10 she's been taking care of herself since she was 16 cause you put her up for adoption when she was 10 I've been there for her way longer than you have," I growled.

" well, shes of age to make her own decisions she can decide." The nurse says.

Soon James and his mom rush in which left me confused.

"Oh my god what happened?!" James asked,

"Attempted suicide," I say.

"Is she ok?!" He asked with tears in his eyes.


"Mr.Mcloughlin what are you doing here?"

"I found her on the bridge passed out, I could ask you the same thing are you her boyfriend?"

"God no that's my sister even though I just found out like yesterday." He answered.

"Sooo are you two??." I asked gesturing at James' mother and (y/n)'s dad.

"No!" They both said.

"Something happened a long time ago." James' mother said.


Your pov:
There are lots of wars.

And so many wars but I believe out of all these wars the most crucifying and bizarre war is the one we have against ourselves sometimes war doesn't have to be 30,000 soldiers against 50,000 it can be one against one and the other person on the side of the field is yourself. Its crazy, isn't it?

(Still sleep.)

I wake up in a dark room.

"Where am I?" I asked no one in particular.

I look around and see a light in the distance. I get up and run towards the light. It gets closer and closer and I see a figure standing in the light when I'm close enough I realize it's my 'mom'.

"M-mom?" I say.

She smiles and opens her arms.

I run into her arms"mom!" I break down crying"I miss you soo much, I don't care that you're, not my real mom you're still my mom."

She chuckles."I know sweetheart."

"Where are we? In this heaven or...purgatory?"

"No honey this is your mind."

"My mind?"

"Yes, well the deep dark web side of your head. Things you keep locked away or forget."

"You mean..?"

"Yes, the side you avoid."

"What are you doing here I don't lock you away do I?"

"No! Hon, I'm here to help you face the deep darkness."

"Mom I-"

"Don't you dare say I cant I raised you better than that what did you want to be when you got older?"

"A soldier?"

" no, when you were 5 what did you want to be?"

I was embarrassed to say it." a unicorn."

" and you were proud and not afraid to admit it no matter who told you that you couldn't be a unicorn even though it is very much impossible you wouldn't listen to them even stuck it to your teacher."

We chuckle.

"But before we get off track my point here is you weren't shaken by what teachers or kids said about your dreams until you were 8 and decided you wanted to be a soldier.you weren't afraid of their judgment and now is your time to not be shaken by the people of the past and even your self.what is a soldier?"

"Strong, brave, mighty and true."

She smiled."you're ready." She kissed my forehead and within a flash, I was in a dungeon.

There was a three-headed wolf with glowing yellow eyes and yellow teeth growling and very intimidating. At first, I was scared as it snarled and growled I fell to the floor,

I kept scooting till my back hit a door I twisted the door nob and crawled through the door. And slammed it.

"Oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness. What am I going to do?" I say to myself quietly that's when that thing was banging against the door barking and growling.

I get up and ran into another room to be confronted by a big black snake with red eyes.
I ran out of the room coming face to face with the three-headed wolf I ran into room after room only to be confronted by more beast and sometimes people of my past horrible people. Then I couldn't go through another room cause there were no rooms to go into and I felt cornered.

Strong, brave, mighty and true.

The phrase continued to repeat in my head until I looked beside me to see a sword:

I picked it up steadied my hands and one by one sliced each monster and vile human into pieces watching as they dissipate into small black particles of nothingness.
Soon. Ended up in an even bigger room I was expecting an even bigger boss which I was sure I could handle that's when the boss was the last thing id expect it to be.....me?

" Hello, darling about time you got here you always were slow." 

"I don't understand what?" I say confused.

"Oh god do I have to explain everything for you!? You get in the way of yourself you're so freaking idiotic always being the victim sean was right god I hate the fact that I am you-!"

She continued to go on and on.

I was about to cry when I realized none of that's true.

"No! I'm not!" I swung my sword but missed.

"Oh, you tried it you stupid bitch!" She cackled.

I continued to swing and miss she continued to taunt me. Until I gave in and I fell to my feet

"You're right I'm slow."

She smiled and walked up to me." that's right."

"I cant beat this, I should just give up," I say.

"You're so right,"

"But there's one thing you forgot."

"Whats that?"

"I'm very manipulative." I sliced her or my well my other versions stomach she screamed in pain and then dissipated into thin air.

That's when I saw another light I took my sword with me and ran towards the light and I woke up.


I wake up in a hospital bed and a nurse comes into the room.

"Ahh look who awake." She said smiling." you folks just left."

Sean's pov:

I haven't slept all night cause I just kept thinking about (y/n) why she would try and end her life. I just laid in bed and when the alarm went off I got dressed and drove to school.  I stopped by the store and pick up a card for (y/n). Then continue.
I go to school as normal then came honors chorus which had a lot of (y/n)'s friends there,

They all asked me if I've seen (y/n) I told them to just wait till everyone was here so I could tell everyone at once.

The bell rang.

"Alright guys soo as you can see we are missing (y/n) and...how do I say this... she's in the hospital."

"Why?!" Alex asked.

"She..tried to commit suicide."

The girls were crying.

"But she's ok she's recovering."

"What hospital is she in?" Alison asked,

"Shes in Lauren mills hospital.room b23, if you wish to see her but today we will be recording a get well video for her just say a few words and then we will take the rest of the day off."

Soon then came Glee.

Everyone was in the room James included everyone was asking where is (y/n) I and I told James to explain.

"Hello guys I know we are missing a very important person to glee club (y/n) is in the hospital she texted me not too long ago she's fine," James said.

"What happened?" Someone asked

"She..tried to take her own life."

Everyone gasped,

"I know guys no one saw that even though this is sad news and I know (y/n) wouldn't want us to sit around moping when there is a competition a week away she would've said why the hell are you on your asses?get the fuck up and dance make yo momma proud!!or something like that."

Everyone laughed.

"But all that aside we are gonna keep going practicing  for her and if anything hell I'll take her place if need be."

Everyone clapped.

I put my hand on his shoulder when he looked back at me I smiled.

"Well said," I admitted.


Soon we finished rehearsing and we sent (y/n) our get better vids and they went home James and I went to the hospital...

Your pov:

God, what the hell was wrong with me?!
Swallowing so many damn pills at once!!

I think to myself as I'm constantly throwing up. The nurses say its normal my body is getting rid of the residue of the medicine I swallowed.

Soon I was done I wiped my mouth and brushed my teeth and got back in the bed.
When my dad came in and hugged me.

"Don't scare me like that kiddo." He said,

"Sorry. Pops." I say hugging him weakly.

"I feel like I should be in that hospital bed not you"

"Don't say that."

"I'm the one with.-"

My heart monitor goes a bit faster

"I forgot no stress."

I smile.

"So getting better?" He asked,

"Yea they said they are gonna keep me one more day to make sure they've cleared my system completely then I'm going home I cant go to school for like a day to avid stress but otherwise I'm fine."


"Tell me about my mom."

"Well she was the first girl I've ever fallen in love with..." he continued to tell me about m real mother and how I had her eyes, her smile, her hair and all. When I saw someone peeking around the corner.

"Can I come in?" It was James.

"Yea come in!!" I say smiling.

He comes in and hugs me tightly a little shakey.

"I'm ok," I say.

"I'm glad you're ok." James says letting go."did you check your phone?" James asked.

"No." I pick up my phone to see I have a bunch of videos to go through,

"You guys didn't," I say smiling.

"We did."

" did you sneak in the chocolate?" I asked.

"Oh, yea!" He hands me a bag full of chocolates.

"God best little brother ever!" I say.

I take out(favorite chocolate bar.) And eat it.

"So did you guys rehearse today?"


"Great if not I would have to kick some serious ass when I got back for failing momma!"

James and my dad shook the heads.

I laughed.

Soon they left and the girls.

Then Sean came in with some flowers he put the flowers down and a chair and cuffed my face and kissed me repeatedly his hands were shaking really bad. Tears came down his face onto mine.
He rested his forehead against mine.

"Please don't ever do that again. Please. Please. I love you soo much I can't lose you."

"I promise."

He kissed me again.

"Visiting hours are over." The nurse said.

"Can he be an exception?" I asked.

"Isn't he your ohhh~ill let him be an exception cause well I was in love with my teacher too." She went along.

Sean and I cuddled in the hospital bed for a bit sometimes I would try and tease him but he said not now cause we were in the hospital.until Sean said he had to go home. He kissed me goodnight and then left.

Dammit, why are hospitals such cockblockers?!

Hello my lovelies how are you!? How was your Halloween!? Mhm.wow.interesting.ooooh. good to hear! My Halloween was awesome as well! I had fun almost kicked the lady operating the carnival ride but I didn't thank god!! But anyways hope your Halloween was awesome see you later!

Lus ya bai!


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