7DS Halloween Specials (BanXE...

By NeaxiJCO

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BanXElaine: Halo Description: Ban is in a rough patch but even bad boys need an angel in their lives. Smokes... More

Chapter 2: Ban X Elaine
Chapter 3: Ban X Elaine
Chapter 4: Ban X Elaine (Finale)
New Halloween Special
Chapter 5: King X Diane
Chapter 6: King X Diane
Chapter 7: King X Diane
Chapter 8: King X Diane
Chapter 9: King X Diane
Chapter 10: King X Diane
Chapter 11: King X Diane
Chapter 12: King X Diane
Chapter 13: King X Diane
Chapter 14: King X Diane
Chapter 15: King X Diane (TO BE CONTINUED...)

Chapter 1: Ban X Elaine

915 24 2
By NeaxiJCO


Ban's POV

It's my first semester here in Liones High School. Hell, I really don't care about school. I'm just gonna get expelled from this school like I did in my previous schools. Just by looking at Liones High, I'm already hating it. The building was the first thing I noticed. It looked burnt and can collapse at any second yet there were students roaming near it. it clearly has a big ass sign saying 'BUILDING IS UNDER RECONSTRUCTION'. They sure want a death wish.

"Now Ban, I am warning you for the last time..do not get into trouble." My father, Zhivago, kept telling me over and over. It's not my fault that there is always one guy in every school that pisses me off.
"No promises...Dad..." I brushed it off. It's only the first day and I'm already getting a headache from all his nagging.
"and don't steal anything.." he added.
"I'll try not to." My dad calls me a greedy person when I am NOT. But if I like something, hell I won't hesitate to get it.


School was hell. If Satan was the one who invented it, then fuck him. I had to spend six crappy hours of hell in that building. Now it's my free period. I sitll have one more class before I go home. That average students gets at least 6 hours, but dad wanted me to take another extra hour because i was falling behind.

Waiting 1 fucking hour for the bell to ring is boring. So I though of just roaming around the school. I admit that the campus is pretty big. I think I've gone through every room in this school. The more I look around the happy students, the more I got even bored. The shadow under me was interesting. I looked behind to see the school's bell tower. Fancy isn't it? something was pulling me to go there.

15 minutes of walking.....

I finally arrived at the school's attic. I like this place. It's roomy in here. I think it could fit a whole frat party in here. I sat down in front of the huge window below the clock. The view was amazing. I can see the whole city from here. I delcare this room as my safe haven. If anybody comes looking for me, they'll never know where. Also, there was no 'NO ENTRY' sign on the door so it's legal to stay in here.

"Hey! This is a restricted area!" yelled an annoying voice. It called to me from above. She was a kid. Blonde hair and yellow eyes. Maybe she's a freshman.
"if this place is restricted, why are you here? I don't see a sign on the door telling me not to come in." I retorted back. I just need some peace and quiet. I stood up and glared at the kid above me. She was hiding at the top with the wooden manhole..or should I say womanhole that leads straight to the clock's mechanism.
"leave now or suffer the consequences..." her threat didn't scare me.
"ohh..I'm so scared."
"you should be...." she pouted before closing the womanhole.

"why you little..." the bell for my last period had rang. I guess I won't be talking some sense into this kid for today. "you're lucky that the bell rang." I muttered before packing up my stuff and heading out of the room.

1 week later.....

I tried investigating about why the clock tower was restricted. One teacher said that there's a special treasure in that room. Now that took my interests. The founder of this school, Baltra Liones, had kept a family treasure in the clock tower for years. It was so special that it's the only treasure that is keeping the clock working. Nobody knows what it is nor where it is stored. Many have tried but they came back with no results. It makes me more excited to find it and may possibly keep it for myself.

They say that the area is haunted because there is a ghost living in there. Ghost my ass......I bet it was just that blonde kid. I tried it out for myself. For the past week, I kept my hunt as a secret from the students and teachers. Every last period, I would go up to that room and sneak up the manhole that kid uses to hide in but she keeps pushing me away.

This is the 8th attempt I've done. She keeps pushing me away. I know for the fact that she is a student of Liones High, her uniform says it all. Today must have been my lucky day because that kid was nowhere in sight. She must be in class right now. I have 20 minutes left before the school bell rings. I sneaked into the manhole. My eyes went wide, this place is much bigger than the attic. I could hear the clock's mechanism work together to make it move. I feel like I'm inside's Big Ben in London but only this time, I'm at school.

"now, if I were a precious treasure, where would I be hiding?" how am I gonna find it in under 20 minutes? I guess I'll just try. So I went through every possible nook and cranny in this place. All I can see is dust, spider webs, dust, and more dust. Where the fuck is this treasure located?

"I thought I told you that this place is a restricted area!" here comes the devil herself. She finally came back and the bell hasn't even rung yet.
"and I never listened to what you said."
"look, I don't suggest that you would understand but if you steal that treasure, the clock will stop working?" when small people get angry, this is what they look like. From the inside, I was laughing my ass off.
"ah okay. Got it."
"I said okay. I won't steal the treasure anymore."
"you're lying. Why lie to me?"
"I'm being serious." I laughed.
" damn I can't take you seriously when you're acting like a kid..." I suppress a laugh.
"I'm not a child. And I have a name you know. It's Elaine."
"well then, Elaine...that's a cute name...for a kid." She pouted again. I just chuckled. Elaine watched my expression trying to find something. What is she looking at?

Elaine's POV

This guy has no idea that I can read other people's minds. It's a gift that I had since I was born. My ability allows me who to trust and not to trust. This guy here is definitely someone I don't trust. Let's have peak in his mind.

'Damn, if the clock stops working, maybe the school will blame it on me. I'm not gonna face my Dad for another nagging session. Might as well switch schools now that to be called a trouble maker later'

What a strange human. I'm surprised. He isn't lying after all.
"You think I'm a strange person huh?"
"eh?" I didn't answer it.
"It's okay. Everyone thinks I'm strange. And I like it. They say the strangest people are the ones with the most exciting life. Don't you agree?"
His words hit me. My life isn't quite exciting. Does that mean I'm boring?
"teach me!"
"I want to be exciting. Teach me how to have fun." I was determined. Being cooped up in this clock tower is taking a toll on me. I don't socialize and never will.

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