The Traveler Strikes Back

By geekpower1

11.9K 742 138

Sequel to wattpad hit: The Travelers Wish. More

The Travelers Return
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part 14
Comment If You Want More
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15 (full)

224 18 1
By geekpower1

I felt my body waking up, before my eyes could open, I realized I was laying on something very cold and uncomfortable. Hazily I blinked to full consciousness, to find that I was inside a cell, though it looked more like a dungeon, complete with ancient red bricks and solid black prison bars. 
Illyria was inside with me, the instant she noticed I was awake I felt the sharp tip of a sword to my throat.
"Woah... easy there warrior princess." I gulped, an ancient god poised to kill you is not exactly the ideal thing to wake up to.  "Im better... I think." I tried and failed to reassure, but from the look on her face, I could see she clearly wasn't buying it, Illyria reached over and presses a red button that was beside what looked like a vintage intercom that had been mounted on the cell wall. Without removing the sword from my neck, she said only two words. "It's awake."

"You really don't have to point that butter knife at me..." I said, slowly sitting up on the cold metal cot. I looked around the cell, even in the dark, it did look strangely familer. Illyria didn't respond to me, only kept staring down upon me with those intense and ancient eyes. A few awkward minutes passed by before I heard the distant ding of an elevator door opening, though it seemed impossible, I could swear I heard Lorne's voice pleading, "Angelcakes... Please don't do anything drastic." And moments later the door to the dungeon slid open with an automated hiss; with their long coats sailing out behind them, in barged Angel and Spike, with the rather nervous looking green demon close behind.

"Hey guys!" I instantly perked up at the sight of them. "Enough with the familiarities." Angel held up a stern hand. "Who sent you and what do you want?!" He exclaimed angrily, causing me to flinch backwards. "No one sent me..." I squeak out, trying to stand up, but the Illyria doesn't allow me to, and that sword is quickly in my face again.  "This really isn't necessary." I say, staring down at that blade in annoyance. "Again, please get that thing out of my face!" I place my finger on the tip of the sword and tried to push it away, but my skin sizzled and steamed upon contact.  "Ouch!" I cried in pain, pulling my burning fingers back and cradlinging them with my other hand.

My chest heaved in shock as I stared at the shiny object that had just stung me so, I looked at my hand to find I hadn't been cut, as I thought, but rather burned, as if the sword had been heated in an intense forge. "Silver." She nodded down to the blade, but a part of me already knew that. "I knew it." Grumbled Spike. "She's evil." Seethed Angel. "Everyone just calm down!" Lorne jumps in front of the two brooding vampires.

"Can I kill it now?" The goddesses ever stone voice suddenly contained a hint of eagerness. "Woah. Woah. Woah!" I interrupted. "I am not evil! Far from it!" "The silver burned you, love." Spike crosses his arms, he wasn't angry as Angel clearly was, but the bleached blonde clearly was suspicious. "Silver only burns evil things, the creepy crawlies, the things that go bump in the night." Finished Spike. "So tell me cupcake..." The older vampire narrowed his eyes at me. "If you aren't evil, then why is your hand seared?"

"Look here Angelus..." I snapped, addressing him by his former killer name, a cold killer rage momentarily taking over me. "If you ever refer to me as cupcake again... I'll bury a stake into your chest." Silence filled the room, and I realized the weight and the hatred contained in my threat when I saw him at a rare loss for words. Even Lorne looked afraid of me.

"Oh my goodness..." My eyes widened. "Angel, I am so sorry, I have no idea where that came from... I love you dude, I would never try to stake you!" I apologized, incredibly embarrassed. "I mean, the worst I would do would probably tell Buffy about the time you got turned into an actual puppet." I said truthfully. Even though still angry, If the vampire could blush... he would have. "You know about that?" He was flustered. "Unfortunately..." I answered back.

"This is what I'm talking about. Look kid, I don't know you. Your giddy, over excited charms might have worked on these two sentimental bozos over here..." Angel pointed between Spike and Lorne. "I'm not so easily bought. You say you mean us no harm but you were screaming about killing all of us last night, and you just threatened to stake me not two minutes ago. You say you are some sort of creature of goodness, but silver burns you and yesterday when you claimed to be just dehydrated, your little body took enough blood to feed us both!" He nodded towards Spike. "What are you?!  I want the truth!"

"I told you the truth!" I defended, but then I realized... "Most of it anyways." I added. "I knew it." He declares triumphantly. "I wasn't hiding anything. I was going to tell you when it became relevant... But the changes happened unlike I was expecting them to." I countered. "What changes?" Spoke up the Green Skinned Demon, still firmly standing between my cell and the two deadly creatures of the night.

"I know, I should have mentioned this earlier... But everything was happening so fast, and SOOO much was happening..." I take a deep breath. "Everything I told you was true., I am a Traveler. The Traveler. I'm a being from a different dimension who has observed yours for a long time, but one thing I didn't get the chance to mention was that we Travelers have a special ability... My kind, we travel to a lot of different worlds, and fave a lot of things that we don't have back on my version of earth; So when we travel to a dimension, to be able to adapt and defend ourselves, we have the ability to take on the powers and characteristics of that world's most powerful force for good."

I glanced each of the men over, to make sure that they were following me, because I know I tend to talk to fast, and ramble, and I didn't want to lose them along the way. "Which means, whatever they can do, I can do... And I thought for sure I would become a Slayer like Buffy, because we all know she is the most powerful force for good around, but something went horribly wrong and my body has been fighting itself ever since we entered that warehouse." I explained. "Something in this universe is brewing, the lines between Good and Evil, which are so clear everywhere else, are blurred here." I quoted my Gypsy Goddess. "A big convergence of power is going to happen soon..."

"What kind of power?" Interrogated Angel. "Look man, I just know the lines, I don't write them." I shook my head. "All I know is that I can feel the slayer in me; that is why I wanted to stake you to so bad..." I sighed. "

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