Chapter 10

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"Something bad" His warning resonated in my mind as I followed him towards the abandoned warehouse. It's pitch black but that doesn't bother me like it usually does. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's no source of light but it really isn't that dark. Maybe it's just my eyes adjusting.

I keep my hand on the wall of the warehouse hallway. Following the sound of Spikes combat boots against the tile.

Hey, new transformation... I remember with enthusiasm. I can morph into a Vampire Slayer here. After all, Buffy is the most powerful force for good here In this dimension.

But I thought twice about it. I was currently in a small space with Spike. Albeit a good vampire, still the natural enemy of the slayer. I didn't know what type of slaying urges I'd be facing once I transformed. Also their is the fact that the vampire I'd most likely set my sights on if overcame with the spirit of the slayer....

Was, before he turned good, The most deadly to slayers on record. He's killed two slayers in just his 'young' vampire age of 126.

Before he earned his soul, He fought back the urge to kill Buffy because, at first he needed her help to take down Angel when Angel lost his soul and wanted to destroy the world. Then two seasons later, he returned to Sunnydale after being dumped by his Sire/Girlfriend Drucilla. He was captured by the government and experimented on. They put a chip in his brain that prevented him from harming any living thing.

He found a loophole, he could hurt dead things. So he joined the 'Scooby Gang' just to fend off boredom. Where he fell in love with Buffy. He was used to her scent by then, So he never tried to kill her again.

But I'm not Buffy.

I'll just have to find her and talk to her before I try to go slayer. My head rushed out of the blue, and I bent over as a huge wave of nasiah took over me. In a flash Spike had an arm under my shoulders. "What's the matter Pet?" He asks in concern.

"I - I think I'm dehydrated." I say more like a question then an answer. But it was what came into my mind. My mouth went dry and I could hear my blood pumping in my ears. "You get dehydrated? " He raised an eyebrow?

"Dont look so surprised.." I laugh slightly as the feeling begins to subside. "I used to be human." "Yeah... that doesn't mean much around here. A century ago I was human to." He tells me with irony.

"Better now..." I strained myself out. I hear a crash in the distance. He lifts his head and sniffs the air. "Buffy..." His eyes widen. "We're close. Come on!" He grabs my hand and we make a dash, me following his lead. I can hear the commotion up ahead. It sounded like like a fight.

We run towards the sound. Working through the building like a giant labyrinth. The walls blurring past, up ahead I could see a faint light under a door ahead. Spike charges for it, still gripping my had and kicks it down. The wood easily splintering at his vampire strength.

He stops in his tracks before we fall off the edge of a metal walkway. Down below I see a battle is commencing. The thing that most catches my attention is the giant thing . It was a demon. A giant slug like demon with horns. It looked like Jabba the Hut and a Viking had a baby.

Fighting the thing was the group I had seen at the Sunnydale crater ealier.

As we crashed through the door I saw that Buffy was fighting the thing. Willow stood beside an alter. Obviously trying to complete some spell. Giles and Xander stood guard over her. Standing back to back with swords in hand.

The dust settles around us and Buffy glances up just for a second to see what just happened. Her eyes widen and the red slayer ax falls from her hand. Hitting the floor with a loud clink.




HI GUYS! Sorry for the wait. I know it's been a while. But I promised you this saga would be finished. I know it's a short chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Just telling you know hour going to LOVE what happens next!

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