Chapter 12

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Things blurred, I felt a strong pair of arms lift me up, smells intesified in waves as I faded in and out of conciseness. The scent I smelled was so strong.

"My goodness, what happened to my babydoll?" I heard Lorne's melodic voice cry out in concern, and I was shifted from one person to another. The scent changed, but this one was equally infuriating. "We need to get her to the infirmary, NOW." I hear Spike say, I phase out again and I am laying down in the back of Spike's car.
It goes like this, in and out of the darkess, and I don't know which is worse.

It wad almost like after the mutagen hit my ring. It felt as is my body was being pulled into all different directions. My blood felt like it was evaporating, and my throat was on fire, my muscles ached with a force that felt like I could bench press a horse.

I wake up in what looks like a small hospital room, but the walls were completely clear and I am willing to bet enchanted and made from bullet proof glass. I feel remarkably energized and my body buzzed with an almost electicity. Like I had just downed 3 cans of RedBull.

"Well look who decided to join the living." Lorne's voice sounded from a seat in the room. "Well, more or less." Chuckled Lorne. "Are they back yet?" I ask immediately, I didn't cross realities just to miss the big confrontation.

He taps on the glass and the entrance door slides open. It seems Spike had been pacing outside. The bleached blonde vampire practically glides inside. "Thinking about what your going to tell her?" I sit up and smile. Nervous Spike was adorable Spike. "Glad your back to your all knowing, know it all self." He shoots a smile. Which just made me love him even more. While Lorne demon powers and his showbiz background allowed him to trust me completely, Angel seemed incredibly suspicious, which was understandable considering his vampire nature, where's Spike just found me amusing. Which is awesome.

"How you feeling pet?" He sits on the edge of the bed and asks me. "Insanely better." I ask, trying steady my voice from the energized high I was on. "I guess I should have thought to drink something after that trip through the desert this morning...." then I thought about it. "well evening for me, morning for this dimension. Funny how dimensional travel works out sometimes." I shrug. "But yeah, dehydration, that was a peach!"

"I was right about the blood." Spike says to the well dressed demon. "I could smell it on her."
"Blood?" I sit up and ask. "What bloo..." I start but stop mid sentence when I feel a pinch at my arm. I look down at it and to my horror an IV is attached to it, but it's not saline pumping into my body, the substance is thick and red.... blood!

I panic and rip the thing out of me, jumping out of the bed, I fight back the urge to hurl. Lorne grabs me by the shoulders and tries to calm me down. "Easy there Circus girl, whats the matter? Why didn't you tell us you were enemic?"

But my eyes are locked on the blood filled bag above my head. Sick to my stomach at the idea that foreign blood was now circulating my system. "I am not enemic!" I cry, eyed wide and freaking out.

"Easy there pet!" Spike holds his hands up. "Are you sure about that?" Lorne raises an eyebrow. "Because when we got you in here, our docs said your red blood cells count was near fatal." He replied.

"Wha..." But I don't even get to finish my sentence before Spike practically lunges for the door. To this Lorne sighs... "she must be here."

I turn towards him. "Oh you couldn't pay me to miss this." With a poof I'm downstairs in the meeting area sitting on the edge of the long wooden conference table, just in time. Angel pushes through both of the heavy wooden doors at the same time, typical, followed by Buffy, Xander, Willow.

"Why didn't you tell me he was alive?!?" She yells at her first and former lover, The tall broody vampire. "Oh, no no no." Angel throws his hands up. "I'm not getting in the middle of this one. You take that up with him."

Angel catches sight of me and I can tell it throws him slightly off gaurd. I wave.
"What is she doing here?" Asks Buffy. "What?" I shrug. "I traveled between world's to get here. Why is everyone so suprised that I don't want to miss this?"

"Miss what?" Asks Xander, and just as he says it Spike pushes through the door.

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