Chapter 16

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PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO ATTACHED FIRST. It will help you better understand this chapter and the characters involved.

I cleared my throat, it was parched. "Can I have some water please?" I asked Lorne as sweetly as I could, knowing that he would actually cave to my request, unlike the angry tall vampire, or the ominous blue goddess looming over me.
He filled up a paper cup from a nearby sink and passed it to me. The other three beings in the room tensed as he handed it to me through the bars. I downed it all in one gulp, and it seemed to do nothing to quench my thirst.

"I am not going to hurt you. Please let me out. I have gained the majority of my self control back, I can feel it." I promised, but the impression on Angels face told me he doubted it. "If I let you out I feel I would be jeopardizing the safety of everyone in this building."

I looked down at my hands, my ring had gone from the near black green of when I arrived to a more prominent shade of the forest color.

"Right now my body seems to be temporarily stuck somewhere between my traveler self and whatever other thing this is." I shuddered, rolling my shoulders back. "But I can feel that soon I will have my ability to transform back and forth freely again." I held my ring up to the light examine it better.

"Now, Angel, Spike, Lorne, and your goddessness..." I looked around at each of them, suddenly remembering why the cell looked so familer. "Im going to level with you. I am a teleporter who can jump through whole dimensions. You think this little cell where you kept your skanky little werewolf girlfriend during her special time can confine me?" I raised an eyebrow, gripping a bar in each hand. "The fact that I am even asking for you to let me out is just a courtesy."

I sighed deeply, watching Angel keep his composer perfectly. "Now the two of you look at me." I said as I motioned back and forth between the two vampires. "I know you know what evil looks like. Heck, the two of you used to the reining evil champions of the world. I know you know what evil looks like; what it feels like to be around. Now tell me, look at me, really look at me. Not this face, or this adorable teenaged body, but at me." I circled my palm in front of my face. "Do I look evil to you?"

A few seconds passed and the vampires shared a few awkward looks at each other. Angel let out what only could be described as a reluctant sigh before nodding his head towards Lorne, allowing him to open the cell.
With a turn of the key the door swung open and Lorne was grabbing me by my shoulders and pulling me out.

Taking a deep breath I quietly began to sing, wanting him to read my voice and be assured.
"It ain't no mystery if its politics or history; the thing you gotta know is, everything is showbiz."
Before the final note was out of my mouth the green demon had pulled me into a warm, friendly hug. "The Producers?" he asked into my hair. Referring to the name of the musical of which song famous lyrics I had just sung. "Of course." I chuckled back returning the hug. It was the first comfort I had received since waking up and it did wonders for my rattled temperament.

"Can we get some food, I am starving." I asked, stepping to the side of the tall suave demon. "What do you eat?" Angel asked suspiciously. "The brains of disobedient children." I answered back calmly, only to burst out laughing watching his usually stoic jaw clench. "Just kidding Angelus. I eat normal human food. Bread, cheese vegetables and meats... Lots of meat." I said before my stomach growled loudly. "My my..." I patted my stomach. "Sounds like Nina during a full moon." I grinned. He dropped his gaze and I knew that if he could blush, my reference to his short lived romance with that werewolf would have made him turn red as a tomato.

I could feel a wave of power over taking me, feeling lightheaded again I gripped a cell bar for support. I looked down at my ring to see that it was steaming green smoke once more. "Here we go again." Angel rolled his eyes. In a second Illyria had her sword by my neck.

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