Chapter 2

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I brushed at the beads of sweat that had formed on my forehead

Shutting my trailer door, I peeled off my costume.

I had just finished another show and was exsausted, the summer heat in North Carolina had ensured that.

Even during the later evening shows, the heat at the top of the big top is always ridiculous.

"Why the south in the middle of summer?!" I had asked my step father.

"why can't we just do shows in the north or in the Midwest during this heat wave, like every other circus?"

I rolled my eyes at the memory as I turned the A\C up.

After changing back into regular street clothes I sat down onto my small couch.

it was quiet on the circus lot.

The crowd had disappeared, leaving with half eaten bags of cotton candy and great memories of the daring circus folk and the magnificent animals.

In an instant the room seemed to sizzle and the hairs on through back of my neck stood Straight up.

Immediately my eyes flew to my ring, laying dormant on my dresser.

let's go.....

The emerald seemed to be calling out to me.

I had taken it off the moment I returned.

Being zipped back here, right at the second I had left, like No time had passed at all.

It felt like a dream.

Come on....

The giant green stone glinted in the light.

I had meant to travel again, but then we started the summer touring schedule, with 3 sometimes 4 shows a day I was always exhausted, to tired to to even think, let alone travel to another dimension.

What I really wanted to do was go back, Be with Raphael, the Boys and my brother again.

I missed them so much.

But whenever I do manage to slip the ring on and try, nothing ever happeneds.

It was like I was blocked, Like a huge invisible wall had built itself up.

Reaching over, I picked it up.

I Gently caressed the gem over with my thumb.

The Ring was pleased to be held.

Don't ask me how I know this, I just do.

Just remember rule #1 "Never question the Traveler."

I could feel it begging me to put it on, so I did.

The second it slid onto my right hand ring finger, I felt whole again.

The emptiness I had felt these last to months was gone, along with my exhaustion and aches of the day. replaced with an electric sort of energy that seemed to buzz right through me.

It hit me why my return attempts failed, I couldn't visit the same place twice in a row, Iv got the fabric of the universe to hold together!

I smiled, it was good to be back!

And Baby I'm back!

Places to go, people to meet, an uncountable amount of parallel dimensions at my finger tips.

I quickly pulled on my boots. I'm not waiting another second!

But Where to go?!?

Stumped, I brought my ring to my my lips and kissed it.

"take me somewhere I'll like, somewhere I'm needed."

I whispered to it softly.

Green smoke swirled around, and the floor seemed to fall out from under me.

Clenching my eyes Tight I hit the ground with a thud.

Man, right on my ass again, I really need to work on my landings.

Opening my eyes, I shrieked out in pain, something was burning at my legs.

Jumping up, my eyes nearly popped out of my skull in shock.



-Authors Note-

Hi guys, sorry that took so long, the next one won't I promise.

you know the drill, Vote and comment with your thoughts.

Love you all my fantastic followers!!!

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