The Power"Purr" Cats

By Rebeca1991

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Why are you still alive? Why is earth still safe?? The answer to this question is very simple! Because three... More

The war times


904 18 29
By Rebeca1991


"Sorry Rebeca but you can't use POWERPUFF as it belongs to us" says buttercup.

"FINE...... I will change it. But have you heard of the word S-H-A-R-I-N-G!!" says Rebeca.


This is a story of three cats AlleyCat MiaCAT and me Rebeca (well there is no cat in my name as I am a kitty popularly known as Tinniekitty in my cat family!).

Once upon a time and Blah.... blah. Why do we have to start in this way?

So where was I? Yeah.

So there is this girl Nikki. She loves cats. She owned Mia then Alley. They were all so happy just going to have their "and they lived happily ever after" story. Until that day.

The sky had clouds sctattered every where. The sun was afraid of something that's why couldn't show the courage to come up. It was all dark that day. No sign of light and happiness as if everything has come to an halt due to a curse by an evil magician. The wolfs were howiling as never before and the owls were also scared. Something really bad was going to happen everyone knew that. The news channels gave a warning to stay at home as anything could happen. Mia and Alley were aslo scared about this unknown threat to earth. But they thought they are safe with Nikki around them. They had no idea how wrong they were. The winds were trying to freeze everyones blood and the ocean wanted to take everything inside it. Nikki was in her living room with Mia and Alley sitting under the chair or rather hiding there. It was lightning badly and raing heavily. The whole atmosphere was all so monstrous. Everything was just too scary. Then something happened. There was a knock on Nikki's door. MiaCat and Alleycat wished that Nikki would not open the door but it was too late. Nikki opened the door. And then there was the most trrific sight anyone could ever see. They saw a shadow in the dark. The shadow was so monstor like. It was bad really BAD. And then that thing smiled. The smile was a deadly grin telling the two cats that it is their end. AlleyCat and MiaCat were shivering out of fear. They never saw such a thing such a scary to deaths thing. It was an evil EVIL.

It was ME hahahahahhahaha!!!

Then I came in their world. Nikki owned me because I made her look in my little cute kitty eyes. Everything changed after my entrance. Their nightmares came true. Their lives were changed I ruined them. Muahahahahahahahaha.................

I was a kitty but still a dangerous cat. I was EVIL. It felt like being a devil and having the fun of...........

"TINNIE.... come down right NOW!!! Out from your "I am evil" fantasies RIGHT NOW!!" MiaCat shouted.

Uhhhh!!!! A kitty can't even focus on her fantasies when two annoying cats are around her. Can't they just sit with tapes on their mouths and let me have some fun. I just want to be a royal cat who just don't work at all. But NO!! AlleyCat wanted to become a super hero so now we are THE POWER"PURR" CATS. How it all started.... ummm. It started only after i came. It was a beautiful day. I could hear the fairies singing a welcome song and the birds were chirping in the chorus. The sun was smiling and the clouds were clapping. The wind blew my fur like a mother moves her hands. Every part of nature was trying to witness the awesome event that was just going to happen in Nikki's house. I was going to open my eyes. I was excited about this big change that was going to happen. I was going to open my little eyes and see this world thats just waiting for me to to see it. I finally opened my eyes. I slowly opened them to make it look natural and dramatic.

*blink blink*

Awww.... everything was just beautiful around me. It was Nikki and me and only us. MY Nikki and MY house. Wow that was a great feeling. I was jut in Nikki's lap and enjoying this new gift of seeing the world through my own eyes but then i just heard something. Something that was very familiar. It gave me shivers. No no Tinnie kitty it was nothing... it must be Nikki's radio or TV show or something. Don't worry. So i curled myself in Nikki's lap. I was enjoying the catnip when i heard it again. It was it it was it. I t sounded like like.... like like A CAT!!!

Oh please say you dont have a cat, please say you dont have a cat. OK OK take a breath take a breath. Calm down. I rolled the corner of my eyes to see if it was there. I saw it. Not one but there WERE TWO CATS!!!! Nooooo..... two which was bigger and more dangerous then one. OK ok maybe it is a side effect of opening eyes or a dream ok! Come on Kitty be brave look down face it face it! So i again saw down through Nikki's lap.

"Hey!!!" they both said together.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

I holded my imaginary knife and stabbed it in my heart! Someone please kill me. She already had two big cats!!!!! HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

"I bet she is thinking about the day she opened her eyes" AlleyCat said.

"*sigh* I remember it. Our little kitty with little little paws and a little brain," MiaCat said. And looked towards me. And then she added....

"It seems things have't changed much with the brain". And then smiled evily at me.

"Ohh don't pull her leg! She is the youngest of us all!" Alleycat said while playing with a toy Nikki bought for her.

"uhhhhh!!! why do you always take her side?" Miacat asked while giving me her "can I kill you pweaty please look".

"oh! stop it, I dont want that alley loves me more fight again.We have got another mission. So get ready you both." Alleycat said and went to kitchen to see what Nikki has to give her this time.

I know she will get another fishie. Miacat and Alleycat gets fish and what do i get? Cat food!!! Haha!! It sucks! But Alleycat gives me her's sometimes when Mia and Nikki are not around. Poor AlleyCat she can't ressist my kitty eyes.

"Yeah kitty get ready you can see us saving someone coz we all know what you will do." Mia said and went to see Alleycat.

Oh yeah oh yeah we will save someone AGAIN!! Why can't we act like NORMAL cats playing around the house and showing attitude? I want to be a cat that one day opens her eyes and sees that she is the queen. Wow that would be so good. Like everyday we have a new mission and we HAVE to accomplish it. It is not that we have this in a contact but it is like now it is a routine. We play with dangers and risk our lives but we do not fear. I still remember the first time we did a rescue mission. It was dangerous like hell. I could have lost my life but I didn't cared Nor did Alley or Mia, we were brave and we had the guts to enter the mess. We still have. Everything is so clear in my head. Like it just happened yesterday. Come let me take you to the flashback. Oh and please this is not a black and white flashback.

It was a beautiful morning. We all were out for our morning walk. We were walking like royal cats in slow motion with our head held high. Suddenly alley heard something. We all heard it then.

We figured where the noise was coming from. We turned to see it together.

"Look what happened" I said.

"A kitty is stuck in the wool she was playing with." Mia said.

"We shall save her"Alley said.

She then turned to face us and added "but I want your help I can't do it alone. We need to be together in this crisis. I know there is danger there anything can happen with us but still are we ready? Will you help me." And then she extended her paw.

Mia and I saw each other. And then...

"We are always with you Alleycat!" Miacat said to alley and kept her paw on alley's paw.

"Yes... Whatever she said." I said and did the same.

(Now I think I should have said something powerful at that time! Anyways back to te flash back!)

Then we headed towards that kitty. And then we came to see that it was not one roll of wool but there were three. The little kitty was so scared. We went to her and said.

"Kitty it is ok we have come to save you."

"oh i dont think anything can be done now. Please tell my mom that I love her." she said.

"awww..... don't worry we will do something." we all said.

We took a round and examined her condition. And then

" I will go with the red." AlleyCat said.

" Blue for me." Miacat said.

"I dont have a choice." I said.

We started. We were sweating badly each second was crucial we can't take the risk of resting we didn't had a option. We were continiuosly moving our hands we had to save her. Then after 10 minutes Alleycat and Miacat stoop up. They saw each other and gave a high five to each other. They were done with their parts. Then they saw towards me.

"umm.... I thinkg I have messed it a little.. Hehe....!" I said and smiled sheepishly.

I was able to remove and the wool from that kitty but I forgot to keep it away from me. So now I was badly stuck in it.

Alleycat leaned and started unweaving the mess out of me.

"Come on Mia lets finish this quickly." Alleycat said to miacat.

"ummm.... I dont know Alley I think we should just leave her like this. Don't you think she looks better like this?" Miacat said and grinned at me with her eveil look.

Finally I was saved!! And then we three stood up took our imaginary swords in our hands and our imaginary hats were on our heads. We together said....

"We are the wonder cats the POWERPURR CATS!!!! And we will save you from anything and everything!!!!" we were still looking towards sky in the feeling of great happiness and proud.

"Sorry I am disturbing you but will you please step down of my tail!!" that little kitty said to alleycat.

"Oh... hehe!!! Oops!!" alley said and we all came back to home. We were tired and hungry.

"Hey cats where were you all this time?" Nikki said to all of us.

"Oh nothing we were just saving someone...." Alley said.

"Wh.... WHAT?? She can talk to Nikki?????" I said to all of them I was surprised.

"HELLOOOOOOO!!!!!! IT IS YOUR STORY!!!!" they all said in chorus.

"Cool" I said.

*end of flash back*

By; Rebeca


ok so this is something i just wrote a while ago to have fun and as i don't have anything to post so i am posting it lol!!) so if anyone likes it i will continue!

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