The Academy In My Head

By MioneBristow

76.3K 7.5K 1K

Fanfiction for CL Stone's Academy ... Ghost Bird Series. These are short one shots based on the head canon we... More

First Words
It's a Ring Thing...
Too Old...
Sweet Extortion
Playground Gold Diggers
Tracker Jackers
Chick Magnet Curls
BFF's Forever and Ever
The Mary Poppins Nanny
Looking Out for Luke
Mommy Hugs
Her Favorite Extra Brother
Orange Slices...
Sympathetic Hugs
A Little Trouble
Tea Party
Grizzly Bear Cub
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
The Lil Mama Bear
Luke Duty: Origins...
School Rules.... NOT
Toddlers and Tutu's...
Happy Birthday Eve... Mr. Blackbourne
Don't Hide Things From Mama Bear
Lots and Lots of Fluffy Sheep
Long, Flowing Locks...
Stalking Mr. Blackbourne
The Seduction of Dr. Green
Brushin... and Flossin...
New Addition
It's all Greek to Me....
Just Ghost Enough....
Luke Duty.... Insight
Behold... the Power of Pie
Random Fluff Scene
The Get Along Shirt
Happy Mother's Day
Kissing Mr. Blackbourne
Happy 4th of July
Fading into Fall
Musical Prodigy
I'm 12, not Stupid
Thanksgiving is for Family
They're Only 15
Happy Birthday, Dearest
Lost & Found
Want to be my Friend?
Buy his soul, they said. It'll be fun...
Take 2: Buy his soul, they said. It'll be fun...
Take 3: Buy her soul, they said... it'll be fun...
Take 4: Buyer Beware: The twisty 12's
Movie Nights At the Lee's
A Perfectly Good Blackmail Opportunity
Notorious H.O.P.
Sang AKA Notorious H.O.P AKA Hoppie Smalls
He's Mine
Why? Why Not?
Just a scene...
How Many Licks...
Tea Party Princess
Football Lessons
Zombie Movie Cupcake Date
Trouble N Meanie
Planning a Day with Luke
Hanging Out With North
Happy Birthday, Mr. Blackbourne
Time with The Doctor
Dining with Mr. Blackbourne
The Great Candy Divide
Calming the Chaos Part 1
Calming the Chaos, Pt. 2
The Big One
An Almost Forgotten Birthday
Happy Birthday... yeah, Sure
A Birthday to Remember
Birthday Tea
Package from Home

Muffins? What Muffins?

1.9K 163 13
By MioneBristow

"North." Uncle smiled at him and slid a tupperware container across the counter to him. "Take those to the little bird."

"What is it?"

"I figured out those muffins you said she likes." Uncle said. "Tell her I'll make them whenever she wants them."

North grunted slightly and took the container. "Okay. Are you going to start selling them too?"

"I was thinking of adding them as a choice for breakfasts or at least as a menu option for catering." Uncle said.

"The diner we had them in seemed to sell them pretty well." North said before opening the container and fishing one out to try it. He eyed it for a moment before looking at Uncle.

"I should have had you try it already."

North shrugged slightly, analyzing the muffin.

"You just don't normally like things like it."

"I can change." North said before taking a bite. His eyes closed as he chewed, the muffin exploding with flavor in his mouth. He found himself taking in the subtle coffee flavor and actually enjoying it. "That's really good." He opened his eyes and looked at Uncle. "Dead on copy cat of the originals."

Uncle beamed. "Good." He nodded. "Make sure she gets them."

"Sure." North nodded, securing the lid again and grabbing the container and his backpack. "Luke, come on!" He yelled up the stairs. "We have to pick up Silas and we don't want to be late." He headed out to the Jeep as Luke ran down the stairs, vaulting over the railing and landing on his feet in the entryway, right behind North.

"Bye Uncle." Luke yelled before the door slammed behind him and he ran to catch up to North. He got in the car, eyeing the container. "What's that?" He asked.

"Muffins." North mumbled, starting the car.

"You don't like muffins."

"I can change." He said defensively. "Uncle made the muffins Sang liked."

"Oh! The cappuccino ones?" North nodded. "I want one."

North scowled at him. "NO, no muffins." He slammed a hand down on the lid. "We don't speak of the muffins. YOU can have ONE, Lucian. Only one and don't tell Sang."

Luke fished a muffin out of the container and had half of it gone in less than a second. "Why can't I tell Sang?" He asked through a mouthful of muffin.

North gave him a look. "Because I'm not giving them to her, they're too good. She can't have them."

Luke frowned. "Why would you keep them from her?" he swallowed the rest of the muffin.

North grunted. "It's for her own good." He said defensively. "She doesn't need all that sugary crap..."

Luke fell silent but continued to give him a confused look until they'd picked up Silas and finally arrived at school. "You're crazy." He finally commented. "I can't believe you're doing this to her."

Silas' ears perked up and he looked between them in curiosity.

North rolled his eyes and glared at his brother. "Not a word." He warned. "And I'm not crazy."

"Mental." Luke muttered as he turned away and headed off to the school to find the rest of their family.

"Muffins, North?" Silas asked with one eyebrow raised. "Aggelle Mou's muffins?"

North rolled his eyes and gave Silas a muffin before taking another one for himself, eating it as they walked to the school. "Not a word from you either."


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