Kidnapped || 5SOS (Vampire)

By 5secondsofdemons

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COMPLETED // Natalie Hunter is just your average everyday girl. However, one night everything changes when sh... More

Ch. 1: Kidnapped
Ch. 2: What The Hell Happened?
Ch. 3: Kidnapped by...Vampires
Ch. 4: Drugged & Explainations
Ch. 5: Stalker?
Ch. 6: Running Away
Ch. 7: "Found You"
Ch. 8: First Kiss
Ch. 9: Werewolves
Ch. 10: Pack Leader
Ch. 11: Mating Process
Ch. 12: Two Years Ago...
Ch. 13: A New Gang
Ch. 14: Nightmares
Ch. 15: London
Ch. 16: One Direction & Lily
Ch. 17: The Gang That Wants To Kill Me
Ch. 18: Let Me Tell You Everything
Ch. 19: Did You Really Think That You Could Run Away From Me?
Ch. 20: What Do We Do Now?
Ch. 22: I Hate Him
Ch. 23: Broken
Ch. 24: She's My Sister
Ch. 25: Call Her Mine
Ch. 26: Go Back To The Start
I'm Sorry
Ch. 27: An Important Decision
Ch. 28: Are You Pregnant?
Ch. 29: Happiness or Regret
Ch. 30: She's Gone
Ch. 31: Help
Ch. 32: Michael?
Ch. 33 (I'm Back I'm Sorry)
Ch. 34: The End

Ch. 21: Warehouse

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By 5secondsofdemons

(The first version of this chapter sucked so I rewrote it)
Luke's POV
Michael came back into the room and I could instantly tell that something was off about him. But I wasn't sure what.

"We better get going." Louis says, getting up from the side of the bed. "Call us if you need anything, okay?" Liam tells us.

"Alright. Thanks again." I thanked them. "It really isn't a problem." Louis smiled. Calum walked them out as I sat down on the bed beside Natalie and kicked my legs up.

I looked down at Natalie and sighed. She looked so peaceful but also so weak which hurts me. I hate to see her when she's like this.

I looked back up at Michael and saw his eyes flash purple which means love but then quickly changed to red. "I..I have to go out and hunt." He blurted out, making his way out of the room. "I should probably go too. I haven't been hunting in a couple of days." Ashton shrugged, following Michael.

Michael's POV
I walked out of the hotel room to feel someone's presence behind me. I turned my head. Ashton. Great.

"I'm going into the woods. I'll be a while though. I haven't been hunting in a couple of days." Lies. I can't remember the last time I told the guys a lie about where I was going. Ever since we became vampires we got so much closer. And one girl brought us all so much closer. And she's still alive. 

"Okay. I'm probably just going to stay on the outskirts of the city. I'm really craving blood." Ashton tells me, his fangs noticeable.

"Alright. See you later then." I say before speeding out of the hotel and into the city. I slow down and stop in an alleyway. I take out my phone and reread the text messages.

"Warehouse, 5th Avenue." I remind myself, before putting my phone away. She told me that there was a gang after her so that's why she has hiding away in a warehouse. I mean otherwise it would be a bit suspicious.

Eventually I find the warehouse which was nowhere even near the city and took a deep breath. This is it I guess.

When I stepped inside, the warehouse looked totally abandoned. It was pretty creepy to be honest. Only a couple of foldable chairs were left in the middle of the room.

Am I in the wrong place? What if this isn't even her? I mean, I guess some things are too good to be true. I sighed before turning to walk out when suddenly I hear footsteps.


A huge smile spread across my face just hearing that beautiful voice. I turned around to find Aubrey.

"Aubrey?" I say thorough shock and disbelief, slowly starting to walk closer to her. "Mikey!" She smiled brightly, running over to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her around. I heard that sweet giggle of hers and placed her back down on her feet before kissing her. She kissed back of course as her lips moved in sync with mine.

After a couple of moments she pulled back from lack of oxygen. "I missed you so much." She smiled before embracing me with a hug. I chuckled. "I missed you too, baby." I hugged her back, stroking her hair with was now dyed blue.

(Imagine with no piercings)

"Also you're hair is fucking cute." I say, running my fingers through the top of her hair and messing it up. Something I always used to do to her.

"Dude. I freakin' hate you." She laughed, while fixing her hair.

"Oh stop I know that you don't hate me." I say. "Oh my god, how are the guys doing? I know that it's been a while." She asked.

I sighed. "Oh they're good. We actually found...our mate." I tell her in an uneasy tone, not sure of how she would react.

"Oh." She looked down sadly. "Well it's good to know that you found your true love.."

I lift up her chin with my fingers and stare into her hazel eyes. "You really think I love her? She's just a bitchy kid! You know that you're my desire, my true love." I tell her, truthfully.

"Really?" She smiled. "You know I wouldn't lie to you" I tell her, pecking her nose.

"What gang is coming after you?" I wondered, tilting my head to the side.

Her eyes went wide for a second and she looked down. "Well..I-I..." she gulped.

I got a sudden bad feeling but quickly kicked it away. "What is it baby? You can tell me." I say in a comforting tone, caressing the side of her face.

She looked back up to me and her face was full of regret. "I'm so sorry." She mouthed. I gave her a confused expression, looking down and noticing a silhouette in the shadow behind me.

Then BANG...everything went black.

Aubrey's POV
"I'm so sorry." I mouthed to Michael before Kian came up behind Michael. Kian brought the bat up and hit Michael in the side of the head, knocking him out cold.

I whimpered and backed up, only to bump into a chest. I turn around to find Jc standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk spread across his lips. "Nice job. All of the hugging and kissing made it really believable." He tells me.

I looked down and then back at Michael's unconscious body. How could I do that? I'm such a horrible person. I could feel tears start to cloud up in my eyes.

"How could you make me do that?! I still loved him and you made me do that to him!" I screamed at Jc. The first time I've ever done that.

Suddenly I feel a stinging pain on my cheek. I whimpered, holding a hand up to where he slapped me.

"DON'T EVER SCREAM AT ME!" He barked grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "Do you really think that he loved you?" He asked me. I looked down, not sure of what to say.

He chucked. "Fucking slut." He pushed me back and I ended up falling on the ground. Yes I'm weak I know that I am.

I turned around and crawled over to Michael. "What are you going to do to him?" I asked as a tear fell down my cheek.

"That's none of your business." He told me with a smirk on his face. By now the rest of Jc's stupid gang joined us.

"Trevor," He starts, gaining Trevor's attention. Jc tossed him a video camera. "Put that on a file and send to the phone number that's already on it." Jc demands.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, turning to look at Jc. "I mean, their mate is going to see what he really thinks of her." His lips formed a smirk and smiled mischievously.

"You can't do that!" I protested. "Try to stop me." He laughed, knowing that there was nothing that I could do about it.

"Ricky, take Aubrey back to the cellar." Jc orders and snaps his fingers.

Ricky comes over to me grabs my arm, yanking me up from the ground. "C'mon, you already did what you had to do princess." Ricky says, dragging me out of the warehouse. I didn't struggle. I just looked back at Michael.

What have I done?

I'll try to make the next couple of chapters longer 👌
October 27th, 2016
Word Count: 1254 words

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