Twisted || Bronnor/Trames (Th...

By katherynxelise

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Connor Samuel John Ball, a 16-year-old boy from Birmingham, is done with life. His parents are forcing him to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Character ask answers!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
announcement (ish)
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New book!

Chapter 19

410 26 4
By katherynxelise

(WARNING: mentions of self-harm)


After going to the toilets to do some personal necessities, he found himself standing in front of the music room and heard his boyfriend's beautiful voice. He looked at the window and began to watch.

It's a long way to follow you, girl
Wanna know that our love will sink like stones

I will stand here with my friends and I'll get written off
We will laugh and learn to rest when we're older
I will stand here with my friends and I'll get written off
We will laugh and learn to rest when we're older
Like a film without an end, will we just play pretend?
Whatever time we've all got left, let's get written off again

That's when Connor started singing, and, boy, was he getting jealous.

When he heard them sing together, their voices blended beautifully. He wondered if they also blended beautifully when whey walk down the corridors.

When they were done singing, they were given a round of applause, and Tristan gave them a slow, sarcastic clap, even though no one inside the music room could hear him. He thought the song was good, but his boyfriend hanging out with Connor isn't. He went away from the music room so he could go back to his class.

The whole walk from the music room just made him think more about his relationship with Brad. He considered it special, and he's not going to let anyone ruin it. He's starting to regret promising James that he'll lay off Connor, but he needed the boost to maintain his scholarship, which is something only his family and James knew.

When the bell rang, he got out of his seat and packed his things. When the room was nearly empty, James approached him.

"See you later, yeah?" James asked him, and he nodded his head. He was thankful that it was only the two of them left in the room or else other people would see them together, and that would not be good.

He went to the Music room to pick Brad up, then they both went to the parking lot.

"Brad?" Tristan asked him.


"Do you love me?"

"Of course, babe."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I am. What makes you think otherwise?"

"Nothing. It's just that, you know..."

"Know what?"

"I saw you and Connor's performance. It was lovely, I admit, but I don't want to lose you."

"Babe, you're not losing me, okay?"

"But it's my last year in this school! You and Connor could possibly, you know, get it on while I'm gone."

"I can assure you that that wouldn't happen, okay? I love you and no one else."

They shared a kiss. When they pulled apart, Brad was blushing.

Or maybe it was an embarassed glow...

"Have fun on your project." Brad told him before he opened his car door.

"Thank you, babe." Tristan replied, then he kissed his boyfriend's cheek before he went in his car. He waved him goodbye, then he got in his own car. He followed James' car to his house so they could study together.


"That's weird. Sophie should be here by now." James said as he scanned the house for his little sister.

"Maybe she had to stay in school for a while." Tristan suggested.

"Yeah, she does that sometimes." James replied. He went down to the living room where they were going to study.

"What's our topic for today?" James asked Tristan, and he got his History book out and opened it to its bookmark.

"World War II! I see." James told him in delight, and he opened his book to the page where the chapter started.

They were in the middle of recalling the events at the climax of the World War II when Tristan's phone started ringing. He fished it out of his pocket and answered it.


"Good afternoon. How are you related to Miss Millie Evans?"

"I'm her older brother."

"Name and relation, please?"

"Tristan Evans. I'm her older brother."

"I am here to inform you that Miss Evans is currently at the hospital right now."

"Wha-- How?"

"She was found unconscious at the toilets in her school. There are multiple cuts on her wrists, and she lost a lot of blood. Please come here as soon as you can."

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute." Tristan told the lady in panic, and he started packing up his things, much to James' surprise.

"Where are you going?" James asked him with a concerned tone.

"Millie's at the hospital, I have to get to her." Tristan told him, but he couldn't focus on what he was doing.

"What happened?"

"I'll just explain later, okay? I really have to go." He told James, with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He ran as fast as he could with James following him.

He immediately went to his car and tried to turn the engine on. To his misfortune, he couldn't start the car.

"For fucks sake!" He shouted while he continued trying to turn it on. After a few more attempts, his door opened.

"Tristan." James started, but Tristan wouldn't budge.

"Shut up." Tristan said as he continued trying to turn the engine on.


"Stop bugging me."

"Tristan, I'm not--"

"WHAT? I NEED TO GET TO MY SISTER!" He shouted, although he didn't mean to shout in front of James' face.

"Come with me, I'll take you there." James told him calmly. "I'm not going to let you drive in this state." He added, then Tristan grabbed his bag and they both got in James' car. Once they were on the road, Tristan started crying his eyes out.

"What happened?"

"She-- she was found unc-conscious, a-and she lost a l-lot of b-blood..." He managed to croak out, although the last part of his sentence cracked.

"Hey, don't worry too much. Everything will be okay."

"James, I c-can't live without h-her. I l-love her too m-much that i-it will be h-hard for me t-to endure t-the pain if s-she dies."

"Which is why she's not going to die. If she loves you too, she'll fight back for you, okay?"

Tristan had his hands on his face and started crying. James reached over and patted his shoulder, assuring him that everything will be okay.

Once James parked the car in the parking lot, they both got out and went to the front desk.

"My sister was admitted here today, her name's Millie Evans, do you know where she is?" Tristan, who was calmer than a while back, told the woman who was at the phone.

"Room 665." She quickly replied, then he thanked her and ran all the way to her room. James followed close by. When they got there, James wasn't expecting his little sister sitting at the bench just outside the room.

"What are you doing here?" James asked Sophie.

"I was the one who found her in the loo. They said that I shouldn't leave her until she's awake or one member of her family's here." She said as she sniffled a little, probably from crying. Tristan observed that she has tear-stained cheeks.

"It's okay, at least you're safe." James said as he hugged his little sister. She hugged back, looking scarred for life. Tristan looked at the small window in the room, and saw that Millie was currently being attended by a doctor.

"I need to see her." Tristan told James as he continued hugging his sister.

"Come here." James said as he let go from Sophie and opened his arms for Tristan, who immediately accepted them. Tristan felt warmth in James' hug, and he wanted to stay there forever.

But he had a boyfriend so he pulled away from the hug.

The doctor came out of the room and looked at the three of them.

"Does the patient have any relatives here?" He asked while looking at the three of them.

"Yes, doc. I'm her brother." Tristan told him.

"She lost a lot of blood due to the cuts on her wrists, so she's still too weak to wake up. I suggest a blood donation as soon as possible, that is, if you're willing to donate and have the same blood type with her."

"I do." Tristan said as he recalled his and his sister's medical records. "I'm wiling to donate, as well." He said bravely.

"Please, follow me." The doctor told the three of them, then they were taken to another room.

Tristan was given a stress ball during the whole time, and he squeezed the life out of the ball. They took a whole pint of blood from him. When they were done with the extraction, they gave Tristan some food to eat to regain his strength. James and Sophie kept him company during the whole time.

By the time he finished his food, they all went to Millie's room, where they were giving her the blood that Tristan just donated. He was nervous as hell, and his hands were shaking.

"Would you like me to call Brad for you?" James asked Tristan. He replied with a nod, then he gave James his phone.

~ BRAD ~

...back at the diner...

"Hey babe." Connor answered the phone. He immediately put the phone on speaker so that Brad could hear their conversation, too.

"Oh. Hi Brad, it's James, not Tristan."

"James?" Connor said in shock. Brad was shocked, too, what was he doing with Tristan?

"Yeah. Ummm, we're here at the hospital. Tristan needs you."

"What happened to him?"

"His sister's unconscious. He's really scared of what might happen."

"Tell him that I'll be there right away." Connor told him, then he ended the call.

"We have to go there now!" Brad told Connor, who nodded in agreement. They left their money on the table, then they ran as fast as they could to the car.

"Can this traffic get any worse?" Brad said in annoyance as Connor continued honking the horn impatiently.

"I hope not." Connor said as they slowly moved forward.

"We're never gonna get there." Brad said, almost giving up, when Connor messed with the GPS.

"What're you doing?" Brad asked him as Connor continued fumbling with the buttons. The GPS started offering an alternative route with less traffic, which they followed.

Once the car was parked in the parking lot, they went as fast as they could to the room, which James texted while they were on the way.

Once they got there, they saw the whole scene. At the bench outside the room, Tristan was sitting next to James who was sitting next to a girl who's Tristan's sister's age, and James was comforting Tristan. Brad can't help but feel a pang of jealousy in his heart, but it was taken away once Connor grabbed his hand.

Wait, why would he do that?

He looked at Connor, and saw that he wasn't the one who grabbed his hand after all. It was the girl.

"Connor, what are you doing here?" She asked him, then James and Tristan looked at him. Brad remembered the last time they were all together with a girl. It did not end well.

"We were having a mini-celebration that Kath planned when you called us."

"What for?" Tristan asked them both rather angrily, which Brad was slightly scared of.

"The song. We got high grades in our music class." Connor told them, then Tristan nodded his head.

"You could've dropped him off before you went here so I wouldn't see his annoying face." Tristan told them all while he looked directly at him. Brad felt a tear slip from his cheek. Having to hear those words from his own boyfriend hurt.

"Hey! Don't speak to him like that!" Connor defended. Brad didn't know if he was defending himself or defending him.

"No, it's fine." Brad said as he let his tears of hurt fall. James immediately went towards the both of them.

"Come on, guys." James said as he took Sophie's hand. He felt James pat his shoulder. "Let's go home." James told them all.

"I'm also leaving." Connor told him, much to Brad's surprise. "I took Connor here, I must be the one who'll take him home."

They all walked away from him. Brad looked back at Tristan, who had his mouth wide open in shock.


We both realized (yup because that's how we spell it teehee) that we both won't be online on Thursday so we decided to post this earlier...we hope you enjoyed it! Thank you all so much for the support, we'll see you all next Thursday! 😊💕

~ Kat and Dani :)

P.S. ALL NIGHT LIVE LOUNGE VERSION 💕💕💕 are we in heaven already?

Published: 30/11/16
Updated: 23/02/17

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