Chapter 36

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...earlier that afternoon...

"Are you sure this is the place?" Tristan asked his little sister, who made him pull up next to a familiar house.

"Yes, that's Lewie's place. He made all of us come to his party. He's quite popular."

"Oh, okay. Should I stay here outside? You know, just in case someone bullies you?"

"I'll be fine. I'm just going to send you a text when I need to be picked up." She said, then Tristan asked her for a kiss on the cheek, which she gave him.

"Have fun!" Tristan added, then Millie replied with a smile on her face.

She climbed out of the car and went towards the house. Tristan couldn't be any more proud of his sister - she's growing up really fast.


His head pounded as he tried to revise with the party music blaring outside. He admits, he liked it, but he promised his parents, who both went counselling in a place that's quite far away from them, that there will be no parties thrown in their absence, and he can't help but feel anxious.

Not only that, there were also a lot of people who were in the house, and he was starting to get uncomfortable. He unfortunately can't do anything, though - it was Lewie's party.

He was just about to put his headphones on when he heard an unusual sound of a scream coming from their backyard. He decided to ignore it - it was probably one of the guests who was freaked out by worms and just saw one.

"Excuse me, are you Lewie's brother?" A blonde girl asked him from his bedroom door. He knew the girl too well, though - she was Tristan's little sister. She looked quite panicked, as well.

"I am?" He said questioningly.

"Lewie slipped on something and he fell head first to the ground. His arm's also bleeding and he needs to be taken to a hospital." She told him, then he immediately closed his book and ran down the stairs to see what happened to his little brother.

Millie was right - Lewie was feeling really dizzy and was bleeding. He went near his brother, then he saw that he had an ugly cut on his arm and possibly a concussion.

"Someone call an ambulance!" He told the 12-year-olds around him.

"We did. They won't be able to make it, though, all ambulances are being used at the moment." One of them said, and without hesitating, he carried Lewie's body the same way he carried Brad - when he was in his body - when he broke his leg.

When he saw that his mum's car keys were still hanging on the hook, he immediately grabbed it then went outside to unlock his mum's car. He carefully placed Lewie on the passenger's seat and ripped part of his shirt so that he could clot the bleeding on his brother's arm. He immediately ran to the freezer and got an ice pack, which he gave to Lewie, who placed it on his head.

He closed the door and went to the other side. He climbed in and started the car.

"What are you doing?" Lewie asked him, and he really sounded dizzy. Connor knew that he had to get his brother to the hospital and fast.

He quickly backed out of their garage, then he started driving to the hospital. He was going as fast as he could, and he didn't care about the other cars that he was passing - he had a bleeding brother who possibly had a head injury right next to him, and there must be no time to waste.

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