Chapter 28

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(WARNING: graphic descriptions and homophobic slurs)


He woke up feeling not-so-great. He didn't know why - usually nothing seemed to ruin his mood. He kept thinking about it as he sat up, and when he saw the pile of books on his study table, he remembered what he tried to forget last night.

He kissed Tristan.

What does that make the two of them, then? Will he continue teaching Tristan so he could keep his scholarship? What kind of friend is he for kissing his best friend's worst enemy? What kind of person is he for kissing someone who has a boyfriend? Why can't he stop thinking about Tristan?

He got up from his bed and looked at himself in the bathroom sink. He looked at how blown-up his eyes were. Apparently, he cried himself to sleep last night because he didn't know what to feel.

He may be one of the smartest kids in school but he can't seem to think his way out of this.

He washed his face to get rid of the tear tracks that dried overnight. He stepped in the shower and refreshed himself.

When he was dressed, someone knocked on the door. He opened it, then he saw Sophie waiting by it.

"Morning." She said blankly.

"Morning?" James told her, confused on why she's there.

"Do you know someone named Kathryn Thompson from your school?"

"Yes. She's my friend."

Sophie no longer said a word then she showed James her phone. He was shocked on the Facebook post that he saw.

Mummy and Daddy will always love you, my darling. It may be sad that you're gone, but we're happy because heaven gained another angel. Thank you for everything you've given us, our little Kathy. We will never forget you.

Love, Mum and Dad xxx

James was shocked by the words he read. Was it true? Was it really true that Kath is dead? He was in complete denial. He took Sophie's phone and read the comments.

How did she die? It was too soon :( she was a wonderful girl, as well.
-> She accidentally fell down the stairs. Her skull cracked open and it was too late to save her.

James immediately felt a pang of sadness once he read how she died. She was gone too soon.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Sophie told him, then he just nodded his head in silence. She left the room afterwards.

Call him a bad friend, but he didn't cry immediately. He was already too broken inside that her passing just made him sad, but not as sad as he should be. He started bawling his eyes out when it finally got to him, but he stopped when he remembered who could possibly be more affected than him - Connor.

Kath was their best friend - of course they had to be broken because of her passing. But, right now, James wanted to be strong for him. He doesn't want Connor to break down like he did back when he was younger.

He grabbed his school bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When he was done, he grabbed all of his things and went to Connor's house as fast as he could.

Twisted || Bronnor/Trames (The Vamps) FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ