Heck, We Are Young

By ShumShumWanga

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- THIS IS NOT AN 'R' RATED NOVEL WATTPAD HAS MADE A MISTAKE - The moment Jack and Juliet met each other, it w... More

Heck, We Are Young
A Movie Date
Computers Have Natural Instincts
My Obsession With Jacks Ass
Two Games At Once
Who Goes To Mc Donalds And Orders Healthy?
Coloured Kisses Baby; Coloured Freaking Kisses
Face Smashing Is The New Way Of Talking
A 'Sick' Shower
Shirtless Gods In The Kitchen Cooking
Competition! * Important Authors Note!
Twenty Kisses and One Promise
Cheetah Suits Jack Nicely
Restoring Faith In Humanity; Jack Style
The Halloween EDITION -laughs manically-
My Favorite Shell Is A Bomb Shell
Juliet's Tattooed Romance
Sailor Moon? No, Sailor Jupiter.
Be My Watson
He Was Breathless, I Was Brainless
Being A Girl Sucks
Our New Year
Counting The Moons
Melancholy Happy
Just Fine
Then The Storm Clouds Came

My Canadian Doctor

627 19 3
By ShumShumWanga

My Candian Doctor

"Oh Juliet! You look beautiful!" Nan gushed, running up to me as I grimaced, shivering with disgust.

"Why do I have to wear a dress?"

"It's a formal dinner Juliet, a dress is a must." She tells me with a smile as Toby appears from nowhere. He stills when he sees me, before smirking, "You're wearing a dress."

"Don't remind me." I groan, as he laughs, "What's the special occasion?"

"Jack's grandmother has invited, myself, Juliet, Sam and Luda out to dinner. It's at the new Chinese place, the flashy expensive one."

"I took Layla there. Nice place. Definitely dress worthy." He agreed, leaning against the door frame with an amused smirk. After butchering Toby for some answers, I now know that Layla is twenty four, an eldery care nurse and has a sick fetish for dirty talk - the last one I did not ask for. I scowl at him momentarily, before taking my eyes back to my Nan who looks very pretty. I swear, you wouldn't notice she just turned fivty seven. She looked forty.

I don't tell her this of course, because she has a very similiar reaction to me, when people compliment her.

She hits me, most of the times on the head which I suspect is the fault of watching too much NCIS - she's in love with Gibbs but then again, who isn't - so I only compliment her, when I have a helmet, or full body protection. Lately, I have been using Jack. If I said she looked pretty today, he was always around for me to grab him rougly and pull him over to take the hit. I don't think he minds, he just laughs whilst Nan scowls me for using my boyfriend as a shield. But I didn't care, what else is he good for?

Making you horny, making you laugh, infuriating you to no end, sticking up for you- my subconscious starts to list off but I cut her off, not wanting to get into more detail of how amazing Jack is. And he is amazing. I don't know how but the little sucker, is too good for words. Sometimes. Then other times, I just want to headbutt him and push him into a wall. When I told him this, he simply replied with a knee buckling smirk and the words, 'If you headbutt me, I'll turn it into a kiss and I've always liked when a girl takes charge.'

Stupid Canadian.

It had been two days since the whole, 'girlfriend' fiasco. Sam and I had made up, much to Jack's annoyance but when I told him point blank, that I didn't hold grudges and I was going to give her a chance, he didn't argue. Honestly, I try not to think to much about the whole, 'You aren't getting rid of me that easily' because I was scared shit-less of how it made me feel. I knew it made me feel warm, and shocked, but then there were more complicated feelings inside me. Like uneasiness, and pride.

I had no idea how to handle these.

So I didn't, not until I had Sherlock on speed dial.

Nan, who was ecstatic to hear about Jack's grandmothers invitation, had certainly gone all out for this evenings event. She wore a pair of black, nice fitting slacks, with a cute purple blouse tucked into it. The buttons were all done up, until I came by and teased her about being a Nun. Then when she popped one or two, I whistled appreciatively, whilst cooing, 'Gonna have a hard time keeping the horny devils off you.'

She really couldn't win with me.

Her similar green eyes, darker than mine, glowed with excitement as they were lined with mascara and a heavy eye shadow that somehow worked. Every time I tried to do a heavy eye shadow like hers, I ended up looking like Godzilla. Her brown hair was in a smooth, sleek bun at the nape of her neck, with not one loose hair out of place. She had a light blush on and a burgundy lipstick, which tied well with everything else. And finally she had borrowed -stole- my flats, that had a little bow at the top.

All in all, she was one hot Nana.

But my eyes always flicked back to her pants in annoyance.

"How come you get to wear pants?"

"I'm older. And I don't have your legs, now off you go. Do your hair and your make-up, we leave in thirty minutes." She smiles at me and I frown, grumbling under my breath while stomping away from her.

"The shoes I picked out for you are on your bed!" She hollered and I mumbled, "They better not be high heels." Once I entered my room to get finished, my eyes landed on the sandy coloured wedges on my bed. Then a groan ripped from my throat, the twentieth groan in this hour. After glaring at the shoes for five minutes, and wishing I would jump through a portal and go to the land Ooo, away from this social evening, I went into the bathroom with my make-up bag and hair bag, trying to figure out what to do with my straight knotty hair, that had been turning more of a light brown, the copper lessening. I normally put a coloured rinse through my hair every two weeks, but obviously I had been sufficiently distracted.

I felt the nervous butterflies flap around in my stomach, and bit my lip. I knew what this feeling was. I was anxious and nervous of meeting Jack's grandmother. I mean, she was the reason we met and I had practically stole him away from her these last few weeks. I don't think she appreciated that at all but then again I hadn't met her. When Jack came over, and invited us, I immediately launched into a thrilling excuse as to why my Nan and I couldn't make it.

It was perfect, it involved a quest, stealing donkeys and changing our names to Pepto, but sadly, Jack saw right through my excellent actress skills and pushed further for a 'yes'. Nan immediately brightened, not getting my subliminal eye messages, ones that said, 'DO NOT SAY YES.

Two seconds later, 'We would love to come.'


What if she hated me?

What if she banished me from their family and forbid Jack from ever seeing me again?

What if she called me a ninny?

I chewed on my lip as I raked a brush through my hair, noticing the familiar ping of my phone. I glanced down at it, and saw Sam's name and 'received message' on the screen. Using my pinkie, I swiped it unlocked and smiled slightly at her message. It was her and Luda, she was dressed in a very flashy gold and black sequined dress, that accentuated her curves and her hair was dead straight and glossy, almost black. Luda was in a suit jacket, with jeans, grey jeans in fact and looked quite thug meets mafia leader.

It worked on him.

I quickly sent back a thumbs up emoticon, before focusing on the task at hand. I did have little knowledge in make-up but it was more theatrical than anything, normally I bothered with a bit of powder, and lip gloss, eyeliner on the good days. But I knew that I had to make a good impression, because sadly, I cared about this boy. And even if I didn't want to admit it, even if he had said it first.

The ass was in my veins.

I then realized doing my make-up and hair in the dress was a disaster waiting to happen and although I didn't want to wear the blasted thing, I knew Nan was hopeful to put a good impression on this lady. Not for my reasons of course but Nan had grown really fond of Jack, I was scared they were going to elope together. With a sigh, I slipped the fabric off, using the towel rack to hang it messily before shutting and locking the door.

I stood there for a moment in my white lacy bra and panties, looking at my legs and hips. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious, it took a lot for any girl to say she liked what she saw in the mirror. I didn't have a thigh gap. I had a diamond just below my ass which is commonly known as a butt gap, but I had some muscles in my legs and my narrow hips didn't seem to ever listen to my wishes. I saw all these celebrities with their perfect bodies and perfect hair, then I felt sick.

But then I remembered, Beyonce doesn't have a thigh gap and if Queen B doesn't need one to be amazing, then neither did I.

So I fought away all my insecurities, looking at my lightly tanned skin with a determined nod before starting my make up. After washing my face briefly and patting it dry with a towel, I slid on the glossy primer, which I had stole -borrowed- from Nan.

I slid on a very subtle, medium brown eye shadow with a tint of pink at the inner top corner of my eye, then I used another brush to dab it in the soft grey and began to colour the crease of my eyelid. This seemed to make my green bright eyes stand out more, as I picked up the black eyeliner and quickly applied it to my upper and lower water line. When I finished with the other eye, I grabbed a foundation sponge and poured a bit of the liquid foundation onto it. I began to dab quickly, and push the foundation into my skin, watching as my slightly pale face began to match the rest of my body, making sure not to touch my eye shadow. Once I had finished my foundation, I grabbed the mascara and applied a fair amount to my thin eye lashes.

As soon as that was done, sticking to my 'subtle' look, I picked up a light pink lip liner and traced my lips slowly. When I went back for the lip gloss I wanted, I spotted the gold cased lip stick.

I had gotten this a few weeks back with Nan, who insisted I had one good lipstick not from a dollar shop. I hadn't used it yet, but I knew it was a pretty colour. I opened it, eyeing the pink gentle coral colour before sliding it over my lips.

After I puckered and got rid of the excess product, I put a very pale and hard to see blush over my cheek bones before finishing off with a light spray of hairspray. I had always been taught that if you wanted your make-up to stay on even longer, hair spray helps.

Even though the primer should keep it on throughout dinner, it didn't hurt to be cautious. When I looked at my phone, I was happy to see that my make-up only took eleven minutes, which gave me a good sixteen minutes to do whatever with my hair.

I plugged in my big hair curler tong, preparing to quickly curl my hair whilst I heard Nan and Tony chattering just outside. As they passed the door, I took a strand of hair and rolled it, leaving it on for only ten seconds sometimes less.

This all around took me twenty minutes, but Nan hadn't called me to hurry up yet so I didn't feel pressured. I looked at the mirror with a sigh, the curls were crazy and erratic, sort of reminding me of Merida from Brave. I chewed on my lip before grabbing a wide toothed comb, I had never been good with styling my hair, it was either down or in a bun.

So it was safe to say I was completely lost as to what to do. I waited a few seconds before releasing a long sigh and pulling the comb through my hair. The warm copper brown colour was a bit dull as the comb pulled the curls down and softened the effect. Once I had done this to every piece of hair, I snatched this hair thing off the counter that I saw Nan use a few times.

It was called, 'hair afterglow'. I sprayed some in my hand, the almost oily but smooth liquid cooling my hands as I flipped my hair over, and ran my hands through the still bunched up curl.

Once I flipped back up, a thankful smile took my features. I hadn't done half bad. My make-up wasn't heavy or none, it was light but noticeable, and the coral colour contrasted well against the tan of my skin. My hair looked pretty damn good, I felt smug and victorious.

Do you even hair?

Yes I do, and quite well thanks.

It was glowing but not oily, with just the right amount of shine and movement. The big curls bounced and waved down my hair, making it seem lively and flowy. it swung just above my lower back as I pulled it over my shoulders fiddling with the curls.

I quickly flipped over once more, spraying it with hairspray before bringing my head back up. My hair seemed to agree with me today because it fell to my messy side part and the shy bangs tucked themselves under the thicker strands.

"Juliet! We will have to leave soon!" Nan called out and I responded, "Nearly done!" I slipped on the dress once more, sighing in defeat to go put the mess that was wedges. I hated wedges, they were uncomfortable death traps and I could never walk properly in them.

Heels? I could wear them if I had too.

Wedges? They are snakes to my Indiana Jones.

I quickly crossed the hallway after turning off my curling iron, and eyes the wedges warily. I couldn't wear them. I'd die and it would be extremely embarrassing. I took a hesitant step away from them, before glancing at my new Doc Martins. I had just bought the legendary shoes offline around four days ago for a present, to myself, for being awesome...

Yeah it happens more than you think.

The idea comes so quick, all I can do is act. I snatch the wedges off the bed, almost hissing like a mutant car and throw them into my Narnia closet -you couldn't even find Dobby in th- no too soon.

Way too soon.

I yanked on my Doc Martins, after putting some short white socks on and they stopped just above my ankle. I walked around my room with a triumphant smirk, and slipped two triangle gold earrings into my ears. I also grabbed a gold cuff bracelet that had a green and blue stone carved into it, in the shape of a heart.

I walked over to my mirror and saw something I liked. The dress fit me innocently, showing off my slight curves without looking too out there. It's an ivory, lace dress that stopped a bit above my knees with a pleated, tulle skirt. The neckline was just below my collar bones and was sleeveless, my favourite bit was the oval circle cut out the back, showing off some bare skin with a thin lace overlay. It's bodice was delicate lace, with its own built in padding and soft under wire so I go bra less. My legs looked long and toned, with the black Doc Martins adding a sort of 'me' look to the whole outfit and the golden earrings and bracelet worked perfectly. 

I was happy at the outcome and hoped Nan didn't make me turn around and change into those god awful - wait... wait, what shoes? All I saw on my bed were my Doc Martins.

I grab the clutch white lace purse I had bought and walked back into the bathroom, grabbing my powder and lipstick just in case before fluffing my hair once more.

I sprayed myself with some deodorant before dousing my body with some Perfume by Rihanna. When my Nan calls me once more, I walk out quickly with my hand and clutch in one hand.

I enter the room and state, "I'm ready. I think." Nan and Toby turn around, their expressions are very similar. I shift nervously under their stare with a slightly timid smile, "Do I look okay?"

"Oh Juliet! Oh! Oh!" Nan repeats, twice, as I frown, "Oh?"

"You look great Juliet. Hardly recognize the face of a girl who likes kid shows."

"You don't understand life Toby," I poke my tongue out at him making him laugh but I smile anyway, "But thanks anyway."

He returns it before glancing down to my feet with a wider smile, winking at me. Nan rushes forward and grips me into a famous tight Nan hug that I can barely breathe in but I just mouth to Toby, 'Don't mention the shoes.'

"I would tell you to go change the shoes but you look so gorgeous, I'll let it slide." She says in her uncanny act to know everything and I giggle, "Come on. The Queen can only be so late."


The car ride there consisted of Nan telling me that I look absolutely beautiful, me telling Nan to watch the road and the other hundreds of peoples driving flipping my gushing Nan off.

But the smile couldn't be eased off my face at her behaviour. She was worse than a fan girl twice her age, and it inspired me that she could still have that damn twinkle in her eye.

When we reached the restaurant which was The Silver Dragon Garden- I know, Golden must have been taken - Jack and his grandmother were already there. first of all, Jack was there. And he was in a half suit, in a white shirt, a fancy black suit jacket, a red bow tie, black and grey suspenders and a pair of black jeans.

He looked so damn fine. I mean, I never saw the appeal of guys in half suits, but there Jack was, and I felt as if my core had tightened just at the look of him. his lips were crinkled in a warm smile and his beautiful eyes were glowing. His hair was still as fluffy and wild as every but I loved that, I loved his strong jaw to his weird dimple and everything in between.

And I couldn't help but picture him as a future Doctor. Not a doctor doctor, but The Doctor Doctor. I couldn't help it, I was obsessed with Matt Smith and bow ties and now he stood there before me, wearing a bow tie... with suspenders... Oh my gosh, am I seriously doing this now.

I bit back the sudden urge to slam my hormones crazed head in the dash board, as my subconscious laughs, thank god he's not wearing a tie and his hairs not straight and spiked looking.

Oh David Tennant you sexy ass-


Okay Juliet, now is not the time for your Doctor Who fantasies.

I stopped Nam before she could climb out, wanting more time to study the woman beside Jack and I think she understood. Luckily we were parked just down the street and they were too busy talking and laughing to notice our car.

She was a bit shorter than Jack and her hair was fully grey, but it oddly worked for her. She looked happy and her pretty blue eyes looked at Jack with fondness, I could see how much she cared about him.

That led me to ask,

What did his Grandma think of him leaving?

Would she miss him?

Did she urge him more than anybody else?

I sighed, as Nan assured, "You'll do fine Juliet. I know you care a lot about Jack but you don't need to worry. Just be yourself and she'll love you too bits." She rubbed me on the shoulder encouragingly and I nodded.

"Isn't that Sam's car?" She pointed and I nodded, "Yeah. I wonder how Jack's going to cope with Sam. He's not exactly her biggest fan at the moment."

"I see his point, Sam took way to long to apologize but I suppose, she's just stubborn." Nan laughs, and I nod with a slight smile. They park the car just near the restaurant and Sam exits the car dramatically, as if she was a movie star.

She always knew how to make an entrance.

And especially now in her skin tight wiggle gold and black dress, her long Latina legs on show, she clutches Luda's arm and smiles with happiness. Nan and I watch as they exchange introductions and greetings, she also spots Jack's hard face and tight jaw.

"He doesn't look happy." I murmur and she nods, "It's the dress. No doubt he's thinking that she purposely chose it to outshine everyone else including his Grandmother."

"Would she?" I ask myself out loud and Nan shrugs, "Maybe. I mean, it's supposed to be about you meeting the Grandmother. Not Sam and Sam's booty." We both burst into hysterical giggles and I push the unwelcome thought out of my head that Sam wants to upstage me.

When we step out, I shiver and lean back in, grabbing my leather jacket from the seat. I slip it on loosely, the end stopping just below my belly button before we begin to make our way over to the chatting four.

Well three were chatting, Jack just looked annoyed and possible angry.

Jack angry/annoyed with someone else but me= damn.

We near when we hear a loud wolf whistle, both our heads look over there as a worked shouts, "Nice legs baby, got room for something in between them?"

"Hey beautiful! I've got half a sandwich with your name on it!" More hollers are directed at us as our group looks up, I smirk at Nan who gazes at me confusedly.

"Those were for you, go show them what your made of." I wink and her confused looks turns into one of glee, "Juliet! Those men wanted you, you silly child."

"You know what, how about you go take up on his offer and I go have dinner." I tease as we reach the group, we mouth drops open astonished as I giggle, "I mean the second offer but if you want the first-" I'm cut off by a loud hit the he's but the grin on her face shows she's laughing on the inside.

"You are grounded."

"Psssh. Please." I wave her off before turning to the group, blinking a few times at the four pairs of eyes staring at us.

More importantly, a pair of beautiful aqua ones who is wearing a bow tie... and suspen-

"Sorry about that, we parked just up the road." Nan breezed in, understand I was stiff from the attention and I snapped out of it with a smile, a nervous one but a smile nonetheless.

"Nan thinks I'm fat obviously, so she wanted us to get extra exercise."

They all laugh at my joke and I'm glad I've broke the ice because I need a lot of balls to do what I am about to do. I take a deep breath in, and find a pair of blue eyes, they are staring at me curiously.

Speak properly.

No, weird shit.

For the love of god, no weird shit.

"Hello, I'm Juliet. Jack's girlfriend." I introduce, holding my hand out and it seems my brave front pleases her because she takes it with a warm very pretty smile, "Pleasure to meet you Juliet, I have heard a lot about you. I am Candice."

We shake gently as I step aside to introduce Nan, "This is my Nan, Penny." They also shake hands and I breathe a sigh of relief before Sam's voice cuts it, "Juliet, those shoes don't really go with that dress."

I don't know what it is but it seems almost, as if she's annoyed at something. And that annoyance is directed at me. The group attention is turned to is as I shake it off, giving her a friendly smile, "Those shoes don't look very comfortable. It's not the look, it's the interior. Your shoes are a crappy downtown apartment, mine are the pent house. Owned by Mr Doc Martin."

Luda joins in the laughter as Sam purses her lips before smiling brightly, a complete mood change, "I can't wait to tell you everything about my cheerle-"

"Let's head inside, it's freezing out here." Jack almost rudely cuts her off as I laugh off the tension between them, "I thought Canadian's never get cold."

His eyes tear from Sam as they find me. a stripe of heat flashes in my bones as he pulls me close, wrapping his arms through the back and behind my jacket. Our bodies are immediately pressed close, flushed together and my cheeks heat.

"I was talking about you Button, I can see you shivering from here." A cheeky smile creeps into my lips as I slid my hands up his muscled lean arms. Looping them around his neck. My whole body shivers at the spark that connects us and I whisper, looking into his beautiful aqua eyes.

"I'm shivering for a whole other reason..." He stills for a moment, closing his eyes and he bumps his nose against mine, clutching the back of my dress. It takes him a whole minute to calm down as I giggle, "Nice bow tie."

His eyes snap open at my giggle as I pull out of his arms, ignoring the fact that they all watched the scene between Jack and I.

"Jack's right. It's freezing out here, shall we go in?" I breeze past Jack's body, which is still stiff but I purposely rub our shoulders to ease him, or maybe tease him.

One is better than the other.

Candice smiles, nodding in agreement, "Yes let's head in." They all began towing themselves to the door as Jack looped his arm around my waist, murmuring, "You look gorgeous. And while I'm no fashion expert, the shoes are perfect."

I snuggled into him willingly and he tightened his hold on me, laying a sweet kiss onto my cheek. Once we got inside, the man led us to our table which was in the far corner beside a huge fish tank.

Nan sat beside me and I was pulled beside Jack who took a seat next to Candice, Luda then brought Sam to a seat so she was opposite me. I smiled at her and she returned it, I really wanted to get past the awkward stage we were held up in.


"I'll have a glass of red wine please, Penelope?"

"Red wine sounds delicious, I'll have that too." He scribbled it on the pad as Luda ordered for Sam and him before I spoke up, "I'll have a coke and he'll have a fanta."

He nodded once as Jack grinned, "You remembered."

"It was a guess," I teased and he laughed, wrapping his arm around the back of my chair, dangerously close to my shoulders.

"So Juliet, Jack has only told me so much about you, I was hoping you would fill in the gaps." Candice stated after we had ordered the dishes and gotten our drinks.

"What has he told you so far?" I smile politely at her and she begins, "You live with your Nan. Although both your Dad and Mom are still alive..." her words drift into a silent question as I nod, "I do. My Dad left when I was younger and My mother and I had a falling out a few months back. Nan took me in and I've been living with her ever since."

"Did you leave willingly or did she kick you out?"

"Gran." Jack warned but I just smiled, "No it's okay. It was a bit of both actually, she told me to leave and I agreed with her."

"But Juliet didn't know that she meant that very day, because when she got home, every thing she was on the lawn with a poorly written note." Nan stated, a look of annoyance flashing across her features as Candice nodded.

"I understand and has your Mom tried to contact you about living with her again?"

"She told me, that Juliet was not welcome in her home ever again. Then demanded I kick her out, to teach her a lesson. I, of course declined. Juliet's like my best friend and my daughter, I was never one for giving up." Nan spoke for me, she was able to explain it better than me so I threw her a grateful smile.

"This was after you met Jack?"

"What is with the interrogation? We met weeks before that." I wanted to say only two but the look on Jack's face stopped me as I laughed it off, "It's fine. She's curious. She has a right to be."

Then I proceeded to pat his cheek, "Down boy, I already know you bite." I giggle at the innuendo of my words and his annoyed look vanishes into one of amusement and silent admiration.

Sadly, he didn't get a chance to make my blood rush because the entree was served and we were digging in, having our own quirky conversations when Jack turned to me, a smirk playing on his lips, "Don't think I've forgotten what you said. I'm gonna get you baby..."

He leaned forward and purposely brushed his lips to my ear, "When you least expect it." I expelled a shaky breathe and whispered back, "Behave Jack."


Our eyes connected with each others, daring to look away and the atmosphere turned hot. The sizzling electricity felt too intense for words, as I stared deep into his messy aqua orbs.

"Juliet, that prawn has been hanging off your fork for the last three minutes." Nan tells me, and it's like every bodies attention is on me again, Jack leans back, no doubt to be a dick and say something extremely provocative. So I quickly shove the prawn into his mouth, and he jumps slightly, chewing slowly as I laugh nervously, "I didn't want it in the end I guess... Candice, Jack tells me you used to be a painter?"

"Oh yes, I used to paint professionally for rich families that wanted a portrait done. I hardly get the time to do that anymore."

"Nan's a pretty good painter, she did Jack's costume make-up and she taught me everything she knows." I perk up, as she looks at Nan, "I saw the work you did for Halloween. It's was marvellous. And Juliet, you looked absolutely stunning." I blushed at her compliment as Jack agrees, "She looked beautiful. And the before and after pictures I got, will never be deleted." 

I punch him lightly on the shoulder before including Sam into the conversation, "Sam went as a mermaid, her costume costs a good hundred dollars." 

"A hundred dollars for a long fin and a bikini top? My oh my," Candice laughs, as Sam rolls her eyes playfully, "Yeah, I was two seconds away from just going as a potato head."

"No doubt you would have pulled that off too."

"Says the girl who rocked a skinny dead corpse." She grins at me and I giggle, "Next year I'm going as a Tennis player or something, I feel like that's my alter personality. Peppy, bright... less dramatic." They all laugh as Jack nods in agreement, "Mini skirts, long legs, nice behind. I think you'd be a killer Tennis player babe. I'm excited already."

"Yeah, I'd ask if I could lend one of your- Okay, this topic is so not for impressing your Grandmother. I'll be mean later." I mumble, but sadly it's loud enough for everyone to hear. Jack's smirking face immediately drops into a shocked one, "You're trying to impress Gran?"

"I don't want her to banish me or anything, I'm trying to make a good impression. It's important to us... right?"  I tuck a loose stand of hair behind my ear nervously and the table falls silent, watching Jack's and I's encounter. I blink a few times at his stunned face before he abruptly stands, making me jump in confusion. 

"I need to go to the toilet." Then he turns, and leaves for the restroom, my eyes following him with suspicion. I've never seen that type of reaction to Jack and I turn back to  my food, frowning, "Ugh, just like me to put my foot in my mouth." I groan as Nan is quick to assure me,  but she's just as confused as I am, "I'm sure he just really... needed to ... go?"

"You don't need to worry about making a good impression. I can see how much you care for each other, and you are a bright young lady. You got my tick of approval when you immediately introduced yourself, it shows character. The very few times Jack has brought a girl to meet, they have clung to his side and he had to introduce them like they were incapable of speaking. It's a sign that they don't care enough to suck it up, and actually speak to me.  But you acted like you wanted to meet me."

"It wasn't an act. I did want to meet you. I was just... nervous I guess. I didn't want to disappoint you, or Jack."

"No disappointment here. I quite like you Juliet, I think you and I, will become close friends." She raised her glass of wine and tilted it in my direction before sipping it. I glowed briefly at the fact that Candice liked me, which means no dueling for the families approval for a while. The table was silent once more and I glanced at Sam who gave me an encouraging thumbs up, before returning to her conversation with Luda. Nan and Candice began speaking again and I just ate my food silently.

Jack had been in the toilets for a good five minutes now, and I was worried. 

What if he got mugged in the toilets?

What if there was a Pokemon match and he needed a strong second player?

What if... he was trying to figure out a way to put me down easy?

All these 'what-ifs' were giving me headaches, and I briefly wondered who made them. Who had the audacity to make this stupid type of question that showed off our weakness in our minds. Half the time, it was something that would probably never happen but led to deeper concerns. Another three minutes passed when my subconscious urged me to stand up. 

"I'm going to find Jack, to make sure he hasn't drowned in the toilet seat." I smile tightly and Nan gives me a soft smile, as if to say 'it's nothing bad. deep breaths'. I leave the table, walking through the clusters of dining guests towards the surprisingly empty restrooms. I peeked in the Men's room hesitantly, screwing my nose up when the smell of pee hit my nostrils. Seriously, why do guys have to stink so much?


Jack was nowhere to be found, and I contemplated if he had just walked out. He couldn't right? I mean his Gran was out there, I was out there... He wasn't the type of person to just leave, even if something I said changed him. God I was hopeless. I didn't even know why he had abruptly stormed off. When I spun around, I saw him. He was in the baby toilets, the flashy type of one. With carpeted floor and comfy seats where you could breastfeed your children, then private little hubbies for changing needs. The door was a fazed glass, but even with a blurry outline of his body, I knew it was him. He was sitting down in one of the chairs, just outside on of the hubbies. I loved these things.

I took a deep breath in, before walking over and hitting the green button. It slid open as I regarded a big eyed, and tense Jack. He still looked stunned, with a bit of sadness lingering. He didn't look up when I walked in, as I state, "I know you're a little kid Jack but even I have a limit of puns and sarcastic remarks I can make in here."

A small smile tips at his lips, but that looks washed out. I sigh and walk over to him, beginning to drag another heavy cushion chair over to his, grumbling about how heavy it was and how I'm a lady, I don't need to do mundane activities like this. Yeah, I'm a lady. What of it?

Once I sit down, and fold my legs, I purse my lips and look around the baby-fied room, as we both sat there in silence.

Then I ridiculously spoke up.

"So your Grandmother and I are eloping. You missed A LOT in ten minutes. Sam cheated on Luda with the fork, Nan fell in love with Donkey and I got a Sponge-Bob tattoo on my ass."

He chuckled slightly at my words, before sighing, "I just realized..." I waited patiently, for him to finish and when he did, it was in a shudder of words, "That I'm leaving in days..." I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off with a wince, "You have no idea how long I have waited for a girl to actually listen. And all this evening, you've been pulling tricks and things out of your sleeves. From the way you dressed, to the way you just went for it, introducing yourself, remembering my favourite drink, taking Grans questions even though you are still hurting over what your mother did to you, and then finally trying to impress her, you had done it all for us. I wish you knew how much that means too me, and how much you mean too me."

We were silent, as his fingers touched my chin and he lifted up slowly. Our eyes connected and the fire burned through my bones sweetly, as he stared at me before  whispering, "Because the truth is Juliet. You've batted an eyelash at me, smiled at me and said my name once, and I was ready to give you my heart and soul. And that scares the living shit out of me." To hear the normally smart, calm, smooth Jack talk about things that I was afraid of out loud, confessing his secrets made me feel like I was floating.

And suddenly everything was clearer. 

I cupped his cheek, and breathed with a smile cracking at my lips, "Damn, you've got it bad."

"Got what?" He murmured as I finally state the words I've been stressing about for weeks, never thought I'd be the one to figure it out first though, "You love me Jack. Before it was just us trying to get to know each other, and you thought me meeting your Gran was just a normal thing. But now that you are here, you realize how serious this really is." 

His eyes widen substantially before he nods, "You little shit, you made me fall in love with you."

"It's okay Jackie, because I love you too, no sort of, maybe or buts."

And then the afraid, stunned and washed out Jack disappeared, replaced with a glowing one, in his bow tie, I saw Jack regenerated. 

The sad part is; I'm already jumping on the TARDIS with him, and pledging my companionship with the guy before me. 

My Doctor. 

My Canadian Doctor. 

Talk about bursting British cliches. 

Yeah so this happened. 

I have no IDEA how this happened but I love the fact she made him admit it, Juliet can be smart if she wants too!  

Anyway vote && comment && fan && eat ice cream && love doctor who && one more chapter until the big bye bye && damn, you are sure a sexy peice aren't you (:

- love you!

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