Here is Home • The Pack

By devinekatelyn

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Preston gets taken in by the a dysfunctional family of seven which is lead by the two oldest brothers in the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
they made me happy
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Two

88 12 8
By devinekatelyn

Chapter Thirty-Two

"Preston, you have got to be kidding me. You went to the station by yourself? I told you we would go first thing in the morning! You seriously couldn't wait that long?" Mitch barked on the other line.

Preston blinked at his phone, he was woken up by the ringing accompanied by Lachlan grumbling at him to answer it. His brain did not feel like functioning at the moment.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

"What do I mean!?" Mitch exclaimed, "Jesus Christ I don't have time for this. Jerome and I are on our way. Don't think that because you're at a police station doesn't mean I won't kick your ass 'cause I will." Then the line went dead.

Lachlan rubbed his eyes, he was asleep before Preston's phone started ringing, and looked down at Preston's phone screen. "What was that about?"

"Mitch is coming to kick my ass," Preston responded tiredly. "Let him try."

Just then an officer comes through the door, a lady in a pantsuit following behind him. "We're gonna have to ask you to leave, sir. We have some confidential information to discuss with Mr. Gallagher."

Preston looked up at the two from where he and Lachlan sat next to each other on the floor. "He can stay," Lachlan said.

"He is not allowed to hear this, hence the word confidential," The lady in the pantsuit said.

"He can stay," Lachlan repeats.

With a sigh, The two sit down and Lachlan follows and sits across from them, a hand rubbing across his face. There were no other chairs available so Preston awkwardly sat on the floor next to where Lachlan was sitting.

"Mr. Gallagher-"

"Lachlan," He cut in.

"Excuse me?" The officer asks, puzzled.

"Call me Lachlan. I know it's less formal, but I hate when people call me Mr. Gallagher."

He gives a shrug but nods. "Lachlan, you should know you're in quite a bit of trouble. So I'm going to ask you some questions. To make this easier on the both of us, you should be truthful. Tell me everything you did on August 17th of this year."

"Well, school was going to be starting up soon, so I had to make sure my siblings had everything they needed. Rob needed a new backpack so Preston-" Lachlan motioned towards him, "Preston and I went to get him a new one at the dollar store."

"And what time did you do all that?" The lady in the pantsuit asked.

"Whenever the store opens. We got there too early so we had to wait for it to open," Lachlan replies. "We went back home and I was there for the rest of the night."

"Preston, is this true?"

Preston jumped at the question, not because Lachlan was lying at all, but because he was not expecting to be included in the conversation. He clears his throat then replies, "Yeah, uh.. Yes, he was home for the rest of day."

"Lachlan, did you shoot Jane Maximoff on the night of August seventeenth?"

"I just told you, I was home all day, but let me get one thing straight with you. Guns aren't really my style, and I'd rather beat someone to a bloody pulp with my own fists than use a gun. I'm more accustomed to something a little old fashioned," Lachlan finishes.

"How about the man walking down 52nd street on October 3rd?"


"And the couple who were killed in a hit and run, that wasn't you?"


With a sigh, the officer rests his hands upon the table, removing his shades to reveal a pair of brilliant green eyes. Well that was certainly unexpected. "Are you sure you're telling the truth?" He presses.

"I'm not a liar," Lachlan replies. "You can ask the bar hop yourself, I was nowhere near the bar that day. I'm sure someone else saw some of it too. Not to mention I'm certain there's some sort of video surveillance outside that caught the guy outside."

He lets that sink in for a moment before looking straight at Lachlan. "Both of those men claim it was all you. It isn't looking very good for you right now, Lachlan. All murders were used with the same gun, the witnesses said they saw a tall blonde haired man, and any surveillance tapes have been deleted."

Lachlan pinched the bridge of his nose, staring the officer back in the face, "I don't know what I have to do to convince you, but I swear it wasn't me. You have to believe me."

"Have you heard anything about what the judge wants to sentence you to?" The lady in the pantsuit asks quietly. He shakes his head. "Either life in prison or death row. Take your pick."

"You're fucking kidding me. Even if I did kill those fucking people, that's pretty fucking harsh, not to mention there is no evidence proving that I did it besides a few people saying they saw a blonde-haired man. Do you have any idea how many blonde guys there are in Chicago alone," Lachlan growls, his voice threatening to get close to a yell. Preston senses this and grabs his hand tightly and squeezing it. Lachlan looks down at him, meeting Preston's eyes. He breathes in, out, and in again, calming himself down as best he can.

"Listen, I get it, I'm the easiest person to charge with these murders since I have a criminal record. But I swear it wasn't me. I know who did this... But If I tell you they could - they will hurt my family," Lachlan said in a hushed tone.

Preston's brows furrowed, this just got deep.

"And if we promised to protect your family?"

"It wouldn't be enough," He said.

A knock on the door made Preston jump, maybe it was because of the lack of sleep or how invested he was in the conversation that was unfolding in front of him. The door opened to reveal another police officer, he looked at the other officer in the room, "Lachlan has some more visitors."

"We're in the middle of questioning, they can wait," the lady in the pantsuit instructed.

The door shut and they all resumed talking like Preston's brother totally wasn't waiting to kick his ass in the next room. Preston said a silent prayer and put his attention towards Lachlan. In the dim room, Preston could see Lachlan's hands shaking where they where placed on his lap. He found Lachlan's fingers and entwined them together with his own.

"Who killed those people, Lachlan?" The officer pressed.

"My boss."

"And who is your boss?"

"I can't tell you."

"It's illegal to keep information from the police," the lady in the pantsuit said. "I know, but I'd rather have my family live and go to prison for something I didn't do than walk free and have my entire family murdered for telling you."

"What if we promise that you and your family have 24-hour protection?"

Preston looked up at Lachlan, trying to gage his reaction. His face remained dull of expression, it didn't look like he was considering this at all.

"Can I have a piece of paper and pen?"


"I'm agreeing to the 24 hour protection, you get a name." Lachlan replied, sounding annoyed.

Something inside Preston was screaming at him to stop this. Too good to be true. That's what it was. All they had was Lachlan's word, nothing could be proven. 24 hour protection for a family that in their eyes has done more harm than good.

Just as Lachlan was about to start writing something down, Preston grabbed the pen out of his hand and was on his feet before he even fully registered what he was doing. Now he looks suspicious to the police, great.

"Uhm, can I uh- talk to Lachlan for a minute," Preston's voice cracked, "Alone."

"No, whatever you need to say can be-" The lady in the pantsuit said before being cut off by the officer, "One minute."

Once the two left, and he was alone with Lachlan, he begun to speak, "You can't give them a name."

"Why the hell not?" Lachlan barked.

Preston huffed out a sigh, "You think they're just gonna let you walk free if you give them a name? You're a criminal in their eyes, the whole family they see as criminals. They've got a chance to nail you, they're going to do it."

Lachlan brows furrowed, "What am I supposed to do then, college boy?"

"You write a name, only if you get immunity. And you get that in writing, they'll lie to you and say you can get immunity so you'll give them the information you need and you'll still go to prison. 24-hour protection and immunity for a name, if they refuse you refuse."

Lachlan's claps Preston on the back, smiling brightly up at him.

"You're a fuckin' genius!"

• •

Rob was sat on the couch, Alfie sat on one side of him with her phone in her hands and Ruby on the other, eyes glued to the screen. When Vik finally came downstairs he walked over to the end of the couch and just stared at the three of them.

Rob turned his head and looked up at him silently to which Vik just raised both eyebrows high on his forehead. Alfie gave him a questioning look and Vik swished his hands about, clearly asking Rob to make someone move.

Rob grinned and just shrugged, to which Vik gave him the finger and walked over to plop into the armchair grumpily.

He sighed loudly once, and then looked over to see no change. He sighed again and Rob's lips twitched into a smile but still the others didn't move, didn't even flinch.

He sat there begrudgingly for a few more minutes before he was staring over at Rob again, that same look on his face.

Rob just shook his head with a devious smile on his face.

Vik got up in a big gesture and was about to stop off to the kitchen where Jess was making them mac and cheese without the cheese, but something caught his eye. "Turn up the volume," Rob looked up and watched him with confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"Jesus Christ, turn up the volume on the tv!"

Rob obeyed, grabbing the remote and pressing the volume button a couple times.

"It's the news," Rob said, "It's nothing interesting."

"Shh, listen!"

The room grew silent as their attention averted to the TV.

"Dominic Orion was brought into custody today at midday along with five of his accomplices. An anonymous source gave the police the location of a warehouse on the south side where Dominic and the others were hiding. Supposedly, Orion ran a business for the poor of the south side where they could earn up to five thousand a day if they did his dirty work for him. The workers were told if they tried to stop working for him or go to the police, they would be tortured and killed. The police are estimating that together, Orion and his worker killed over 25 people, and tortured or assaulted over 200. Dominic is looking at death row, while the prison sentence of his workers remain unknown."

"Is that supposed to mean anything to us?" Rob asked.

Vik smiled, "Lachlan did that. He's the anonymous source! He could be facing no jail time." Rob fist-bumped the air and jumped off the couch in ecstasy.

The front door creaked open, and Preston, Mitch, and Jerome walked inside.

"Where's Lachlan?" Alfie asks, frowning slightly.

"They're keeping him in custody while they get more information. He'll be released after his hearing tomorrow," Mitch responds, a smug smile on his face. "I'd say this deserves a beer."

Jerome grinned at him.

They all gathered in the kitchen as Mitch pulled out the six-pack of beer, which was actually a four-pack considering two beers were already drunk

"Pass one to Jerome, would you?" Mitch hands a can to Rob who threw it at Jerome, who missed it completely and it clanked on the floor. Preston looked down at the can of beer which was now rolling on the slanted floor.

Rob reached out to grab it, but Jerome smacked his hand. "No way, you're underage."

Preston chuckled, reaching for one himself. "Thought you weren't supposed to drink on your meds lil' bro," Mitch smirked, grabbing his hand.

Preston pulled his hand back and grabbed a beer, "It's for Rob."

"Rob? You're giving a beer to someone underage, that's unlike you."

"It's a special occasion," Preston smiled.

"There's only one problem," Jerome said. "We've only got four beers."

Rob narrows his eyes at Jerome, "You heard Presotn, it's a special occasion." Vik smirks and grabs one of the beers out of the pack, "And the older boys all get one - that excludes you."

"I'll Rock Paper Scissors you for it."

"No need," Preston begins. "Im not going to drink one you guys can both have a beer."

"What about me!" Jess exclaims.

"You really want a beer?" Mitch asks.


"Then that settles it."

• •

Dusk was just beginning to fall when Preston walked upstairs. He breathed in the muggy smell, it was so cold in the house it felt like it froze his nostrils. He could hear voices and laughter from outside, and he frowned to himself as he stepped into the bathroom.

Lachlan wasn't going to be released tomorrow.

Once he closed the bathroom door, Preston collapsed on the floor and let himself cry. He didn't want to talk to Mitch because he knew what he'd say. He'd tell him that it was rude of him to lie to everyone that Lachlan was going to fine. Preston just wanted them to have one good night before their lives are ruined.

His whole body is aching, and his head is in his hands when the bathroom door squeaks open and Alfie slips quietly inside. Preston freezes.

"Are you okay?" Alfie asks cautiously. Preston doesn't move, doesn't talk. He should leave, but he doesn't. Preston watches as Alfie starts towards him, he pauses before sitting on the floor next to him.

For a moment, there's silence. Then Alfie starts laughing, laughing quietly while tears stream down his face. Preston's heart aches at the sight.

"I know Lachlan's not coming home tomorrow."

"I'm sorry," Preston mumbles, his previous sobs twisting his words and carving them raw. "It's okay to cry, you don't need to hide it." He doesn't know why he said that. He's the one that closed himself in the bathroom to avoid people from seeing him cry.

Alfie pulls him into a huge crashing hug like the waves embracing the shore. Preston doesn't understand why he's hugging him, he should be angry. Why isn't he angry?

"You did everything you could to help him, right? You were gonna be a lawyer you know how to get him out of this, right?"

"I did everything I could," Preston whispers.

• •

Everyone is dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn. They've all got showers and are in their nicest clothes before eight o'clock.

They take the train with all the morning commuters heading in to work. Jerome and Mitch talk the whole way there. Mostly about stupid stuff about going grocery shopping and work, but then the conversation shifts to Lachlan and Preston is pretty sure they're just now getting what's going to happen at the courthouse today.

The courthouse is a massive, classical structure right in the middle of downtown. This would be exciting if not for the circumstances.

It's still a quarter until ten and the courtroom hasn't opened yet, but they're all sat on a bench outside the room. Lachlan arrives in a suit - two officers following behind him.

"You are looking sharp," Preston says.

"Yeah, if imma spend my life in prison I better look good for my last day," Lachlan says, and winks at him, but Preston can see through his act. "It's alright to be nervous, I'm nervous."

"Fuck off, I ain't nervous."

Ruby waddles over to them, tugging at Lachlan's pant leg. "Jerome says we are here 'cause the police people think you a hero."

"Jerome said that," Lachlan laughs. "I'm not a hero," he crouches down so he's at eye-level with Ruby, "I've done bad things, and we're all here today because the police think I'm a criminal - and they're right."

Ruby's little fingers grab ahold of three of Lachlan's finger and smiles. "No, Daddy. You-You a hero. Alfie says - he says.. You do bad things because because you need dollars to take care of us."

"Alfie's correct, but that doesn't make it right. You remember that time you were kicking the table and I told you to stop, but you didn't and ended up knocking over a table lamp? You remember that?" Ruby nods.

Lachlan eyes are shining with tears, the hand that Ruby isn't holding he's brought up to her face and is rubbing circles into her cheek. "You had three minutes in timeout, remember? Well, this is like that. I've gotta go to timeout because I did something that was wrong."


"Gallagher," the police officer with the beer belly barks. "Let's get moving."

Lachlan stands up slowly, he swears every time he moves his heart breaks a little. The two policemen walk over and each grab one of his arms to escort him inside the courtroom.

"I still love you, Daddy."

Ruby's small voice echoes in Lachlan ears as a single tear slips down his face.

• •

A half an hour later everyone is gathered inside the courtroom. As far as Preston can tell, this is a closed hearing. No press, no jury. Just the judge, two police officers, and Lachlan and his family.

"The court is now in session. Will the defendant please step forward."

Lachlan rose from his chair and walked toward the witness stand. Despite his calm smile, his mind was in overdrive. He thought that he might know this judge, but he can't quite seem to place him. The name sounded familiar, but that's unsurprising given what he did for a living.

"Please identify yourself for the court."

Lachlan recited his personal details to the court. He gave his name, his date of birth, his address, and his (assumed) occupation. His tone was polite but his voice soft.

"The trial is now being held regarding the charge against you of multiple counts of burglary and assault. Please listen as the prosecutor reads from the charge sheet."

Everything about the prosecutor reminded him of Preston. He was young, probably only been in this position for a year or two, but his conviction rate was already a popular talking point in certain circles. He read the charges happily. Once the prosecutor had finished and reclaimed his seat, the Judge turned back toward Lachlan.

"The court will now hear this case based on the charges against you that has just now been read by the public prosecutor. Please listen carefully to what I am about to tell you."

Lachlan nodded earnestly, feigning both ignorance and innocence. Taking a breath, the judges expression clearly showed that he wasn't buying his act.

"You have the right to remain silent, you may refuse to answer some of the questions asked, and you may remain silent throughout the trial should you wish. Any statement made by you in this court can be used as evidence either for you, or as evidence against you. Before you answer any questions, you must keep these points in mind. Do you understand?"

Lachlan noded again, quickly adding a "Yes, I do," once it became clear that he needed to verbally agree.

"Do you have anything you would like to say in response to the charges laid against you?"

"Just one thing. When I was granted immunity I thought it extended to all the charges I'm facing."

Papers rustled quietly, the judge nodded. "Thank you Mr. Gallagher, we may begin."

The whole process went a lot faster than Preston thought it would. The judge and Lachlan talked about things Preston already knew were true, but he couldn't tell if the judge was working for him or against him. It was all kinda confusing.

Soon enough the conversation shifted to Dominic Orion. Apparently Lachlan only met him once, most of the time he'd only see the guys he worked with. It all sounded so casual to Preston he would find it funny if he wasn't so nervous.

Lachlan will remain anonymous. Everyone that worked with Dominic will be put in separate prisons to ensure their will be no contact or attempts to recreate the group. Three off the people there were illegal immigrants so they will be deported - the other two will go to Fox River and Joliet Correctional. As for Lachlan, who knows where he'll end up.

Within the hour the judge already had a verdict.

"6 years in Dixon Correctional Center."

The air was knocked out Preston's lungs, his throat constricted as he attempted to suppress the sob that's been brewing in him all fucking day. He didn't realize he was gripping Mitch's hand until he started to flail his arm and curse at Preston. Upon looking down, he discovered Mitch's fingers were pale from how hard he was gripping his hand. "Shit, sorry-" Preston jumps as Jerome pounces out of his seat and out of the court room.

"Jerome, what are you-" Jess begins.

"Wait for us!" Alfie interrupts.

The kids stand up, ready to follow their brother out the room, but Mitch raises his hand up and says, "No, you guys sit, stay here."

Preston does a silent prayer as they all sit back as they were, and he hands Ruby over to Mitch, "I'm gonna.. You know, watch the kids."

Preston knew Mitch would've resisted on any other day, but today was no ordinary day.

Preston sighed once he exited the room to see Jerome pacing around the corridor. "Hey," Preston said quietly, making Jerome freeze for a second before seeing that it was him then relaxing. "I'm freaking out."

"Why?" Preston asked. "That was a stupid question-"

Jerome shook his head, "Lachlan being away for a few days every now and then I can handle, but Lachlan being away for six years!? I can't handle that."

"Fuck!" Jerome cursed loudly, "How the hell am I supposed to take care of the kids and work enough to cover Lachlan's pay," Jerome said in a rush, "We could lose the house!"

"Jerome," Preston said, trying to make his voice sound calm. "We can do this," Preston tried to reassure him, chewing on his lip. "And even if not, I'm sure Mitch would help out."

Jerome sighed deeply, but when he didn't reply Preston took his queue to continue.

"For as long as I've been living with you guys, I've never had a doubt in my mind that you couldn't handle things by yourself. You're smart, you're quick on your feet, you're caring. You can do this."

Jerome looked only half convinced. "I don't need flattery right now."

"It's not flattery, it's the truth."

"My brother's going to prison," Jerome breathes out. "My brother is going to fucking prison!"

In their discussion, both Preston and Jerome missed the kids scrambling out of the courtroom and walking up to them.

"We're a family, as long as we're together we'll be fine," Jess says softly.

"But we aren't all together, Lachlan will be in prison," Rob replies.

Vik smacks his arm, "I think what he's trying to say is we're all old enough now that we can pitch in a lot more money.

"That's not what I was saying at all."

"Shut up Rob!" Vik whispers harshly.

There's a quiet murmur of "you've got two minutes" and Lachlan at Vik's side with his cuffed hands awkwardly propped on his shoulder. "Damn Straight you're old enough. You know how old Jerome was once dad ditched us and he was working three different jobs? Sixteen. You're eighteen, Vik. I hate to put a lot of pressure on you, but it's time for you to step up."

"I will."

Mitch walks over to Lachlan and hands Ruby over to him. It's awkward, she's wedged carefully on his arms. "Is it time for you to go to timeout, Daddy?"

"Yeah, kiddo, Daddy's gotta go."

Ruby stretches out her arms as far as they can go, and grabs ahold of Lachlan's chest. He can feel her hot tears staining his chest. She understands what's happening.

"I'll count the time until you're back."

"You do that."

And Jesus Christ now he's crying. Lachlan didn't expect he'd be this sad. He'll have to see her age behind a sheet of glass. He'll miss her first day of kindergarten. Her first crush. Her first best friend. He'll miss everything.

"Time for my pep talk."

Preston's right beside him, shifting on the balls of his feet. Lachlan didn't even notice him walk over.

"Pep talk?"

"Yeah, I figure you think I need one." He replies, sounding uneasy. "I don't think you do."

Lachlan coughed before continuing, "Just make sure you take your meds. And even if you feel like you may be the slightest bit manic or depressed, you go to Mitch or Jerome - or me."

Lachlan lifted his eyes to meet Preston's. There it was again. Those tears that reminded Lachlan of the things he'll miss. All there will be is distant memories because it won't be the same as talking to each other about things like what's on TV and the news every morning. Or kissing him goodnight. Or making sure all the kids are taken care of. Everything will be different.

Preston cleared his throat, and Lachlan raised his eyebrows in question. "Sorry, I got lost in thought I uh," he pulled out a small piece of paper that was ripped into a square and set Ruby in Preston's arms. "This is all your choice, but tomorrow at two you are scheduled to talk to social services. You'll be given a psych evaluation and they will check out the home to make sure it is a good environment. If everything goes well you'll have custody of Ruby."

"What, how?"

Lachlan smiles, "Power of Attorney."

"Power of goddamn Attorney," Preston laughed and tackled him in a hug.

It was a short moment, Preston arms were barely even around Lachlan by the time a police officer was yanking him off.

"Oh right," Preston said hurriedly. "Sorry."

"Your time is up, Gallagher," the police officer that yanked Preston off Lachlan said not even sounding the least bit sympathetic.

"I haven't even said goodbye to my brothers and sister yet."

"Well, that too bad, let's go."

Preston's reflexes were slow, everyone else was already moving while he was just understand the officer's words. He really needs to take some kind of class to work on that.

"You can't do that!" Rob shouted and was charging angrily towards the officers, but Mitch got to him first. "You wanna go to Prison too? Assaulting a police officer, they'll try you for an adult."

"I don't care, let me go! That's my brother!" Rob shouted, rapidly thrashing at Mitch's arms that were containing him. "They can't do this!"

He stopped thrashing when the doors closed behind Lachlan and the guards. He dropped to his knees, "He's all we have."

The sight of Rob crying is enough to bring everyone to tears. Vik and Alfie were the easiest to be caught by the wave of emotion, Jerome, Jess, and Preston following soon after.

Jerome grabs ahold of Rob's forearm and attempts to lift him to his feet, "We've got to go."

"I know." He replied weakly.

Once Rob stands up, they walk to the exit. Vik's got his arm around Alfie, Jess is tightly holding Rob's hand, Mitch and Jerome follow a few steps behind them, then there is Preston with Ruby in his arms. His head is held high, he's walking out here strong.

"14, 15... 16, 17." Ruby's talking quietly into Preston's shoulder."

"What are you doing?"

"Counting how long Daddy's gone," she responds simply.




2190 days left to go.

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