Miracle (A Vampire Diaries Fa...

By damonismine

47.3K 1.1K 64

Nineteen-year-old Miracle Gilbert has gone on a very personal road trip. And we all know from movies that whe... More

Chapter 1: Not Unless You're Wearing a Mirror [EDITED]
Chapter 2: The Crazed Gorilla [EDITED]
Chapter 3: Let's Hope You Don't Sparkle [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Santa Klaus is Coming to Town
Chapter 5: One of my Hobbies
Chapter 6: Willy Wonka & Alphabet Soup
Chapter 7: Pedophiles & Human Blood Bags
Chapter 8: Hell with Fluorescent Lighting
Chapter 9: Barbarian Barbie
Chapter 10: Who Pissed in your Cheerios?
Chapter 11: Homecoming Horrors & Magnificent Mikael
Chapter 12: Nyan Cat & the Art of Charm
Chapter 13: Opinions on Love
Chapter 14: Feelings My Ass
Chapter 15: You Clunky Bag of Boners
Chapter 16: That's What She Said
Chapter 17: Depressing Days
Chapter 18: Invitation
Chapter 19: The Original Bitch
Chapter 20: Barbie and Koala Boy
Chapter 21: She's Dying
Chapter 22: All I Could Do Was Sob
Chapter 23: Ice Cream Cone or Chicken Wing?
Chapter 24: Spare Tire, Flashlight, Doppelgänger

Chapter 25: Hyperventilating

1.6K 51 8
By damonismine

‘We need a plan,’ Stefan says.

I roll my eyes. ‘No shit, Sherlock.’

‘Can someone please tell me what’s going on?’ Bonnie pipes in.

‘It’s Alaric,’ I begin to explain. ‘Esther turned him into this enhanced vampire and now he has Caroline and Elena who he’s threatening to kill unless we bring him Klaus.’

Bonnie’s mouth forms an o shape.

‘Okay,’ Klaus starts, ‘how about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric, while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety?’

‘Huh, that’s a great idea. What’s to stop me from getting killed instantly?’ Damon says sarcastically.

Klaus smirks. ‘Nothing.’

I sigh. ‘Caroline’s in there. Don’t you have a thing for her? Or did she just reject you too many times?’ I tell him.

‘This isn’t really helping too much,’ Stefan says. We glance at Bonnie, who is ignoring our ludicrous chatter and thinking deeply.

‘I might have an idea,’ she announces. ‘My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilized him for over fifteen years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric.’

‘If and might? Your words inspire such confidence,’ Klaus mumbles. She glares at him.

‘I’ll get it. But even with the spell, we’ll need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours.’

A grim expression takes over Klaus’s features. ‘Just so we’re clear, the sun sets in about eight hours. If we don’t succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I’ll be gone, and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves.’

Abby arrives shortly after, spouting the usual ‘the spell is too dangerous!’ warning before folding and telling Bonnie the directions. Not to mention that there’s obviously a price. The spell would stop Alaric’s heart and, Abby says, in order to perform it, Bonnie has to stop a human heart as well. I volunteer since Jeremy handed me the Gilbert ring at my mother’s funeral and it will bring me back to life.

We currently stand outside the High School. I’d changed out of my constricting outfit and into something more comfortable. I sat on the floor, Bonnie, Klaus, Damon and Stefan all huddled around me.

Bonnie holds out a vial towards Damon. ‘Drink this. It’s my blood. It bridges us all together so that when I stop Miracle’s heart, you’ll have the power to stop Alaric’s. You need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream; a vein, artery, something connected to his heart.’

Damon drinks from the vial and hands it to Stefan, who then passes it to Klaus. ‘Before we all walk through these doors, let’s get on the same page, shall we?’ Klaus states. ‘I was the one who created your vampire bloodline, therefore I am responsible for your lives and Tyler’s life, Caroline’s life, and of course, Abby’s life, should anything go wrong.’

‘Or you’re just lying to save your ass,’ Damon mutters bitterly.

‘I’m not lying. But go ahead, call my bluff, let the teacher kill me. You’ll all be dead soon thereafter. Even Miracle.’ My breath hitches. I watch as Damon’s hands clench, his knuckles going white. Klaus proceeds to drink the remainder of the blood.

‘Let’s just get this over with, okay?’ Stefan says. And they head off to the school, leaving me and Bonnie behind. It isn’t long before Bonnie flinches, sensing that they had made contact with Ric. She places her hands above my chest and begins to chant a spell. I feel my head go woozy as I struggle to not think of all the things that could possibly go wrong, when Bonnie abruptly stops.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘Something happened, the connection broke.’ Worry starts show on both of our faces when nothing happens for another fifteen minutes. Her hands twitch. ‘It’s back,’ she whispers as I drop back onto the floor and she begins to chant the spell once more.

My body goes numb with every sound she utters. My head grows heavy and my eyes fight to remain open. I begin to feel the effects of dying. I struggle to maintain my breathing, but eventually give in.

Everything goes black.

It feels as though I wake up immediately. But it’s different… like I’m no longer in my body. Like I’m a lost soul, floating in oblivion. And that’s exactly what I was. So, this must be the Other Side, I thought. Although at first glance, I couldn’t really tell. I mean, I was still outside the school. But there was no one around.

I wasn’t in the same area I was in when I, well, died. I’d wandered into the woods surrounding the school. I sigh and begin to make my way back to the front of the school. My body relaxes considerably when I catch sight of Bonnie, only to tense up immediately after.

Her face is a mixture of anxiety and horror. The words leaving her mouth are rushed, laced with a tone of worry. My body lies motionless beneath her hands, which are moving frantically. Something is wrong. I try to reach out to Bonnie, to ask her what I should do, but she obviously doesn’t hear me nor see me. A bead of sweat travels down the side of my face, and my heart begins to beat uncontrollably. My breath quickens, my vision blurs, my head grows nauseous.

I don’t know if I’m dying, or if I’m just hyperventilating.

Turns out it was the former.

My eyes open to the faint sound of my name being called.

‘Damon, she’s awake!’ I hear a female voice whisper, which I easily recognize as Elena’s. I inhale deeply and push myself up, rubbing my eyes forcefully.

‘What happened?’ I groan. I blink a few times before allowing my eyes to adjust. Huddled around me are Caroline, Bonnie, Klaus, Stefan, Elena and Damon. A throbbing pain forms in my temples. My eyes are burning, already beginning to tear up. My pulse is racing. And my mouth… there is something in my gums. All I can fathom was that I am hurting.

Oh, and I’m suddenly craving blood.

‘You’re transitioning,’ Elena whispers, taking a seat next to me. My breath hitches.

‘Transitioning to what?’

‘A vampire.’

I gasp. My mouth opens, sputtering incoherently. ‘No, no! I-I can’t be a vampire!’ I feel the tears slowly streaming down my face, and I do nothing to stop them. Damon rushes to my side.

‘Miracle, hey.’ He crouches next to me, brushing a strand of hair away from my face. ‘If you don’t complete transition, you’ll die. Please. I don’t want you to die,’ the despair in his voice causes me to break into a fit of sobs.

How? How could this have happened? It was all going well. The plan was going perfectly! I close my eyes, attempting to balance out my breathing and calm down. Damon leans in and gives me a kiss on my forehead, before standing up and backing away. ‘It’s your choice,’ he says, pursing his lips. He looks away.

My eyes flit to every body in the room, stopping on Elena. She was already rolling up her sleeves, mouthing the word please and moving closer to me. She positioned her wrist directly beneath my mouth, and the urge to bite into it and suck the blood out of her becomes overwhelming. I glance at Damon, then back at her wrist. I gulp.

I’d made my decision.

It’s not that I wanted to live forever, I just didn’t want to die.


guys... it's over.

it's fucking over.


this is overwhelming.

i can't even... wow.

so yeah, miracle's officially a vampire. i just want to say thank you to everyone who has taken their time to read, vote, comment or fanned. THANK YOU. really. you have no idea how thankful i am. this is the first book i ever completed, and it feels amazing. 

again thank you. i don't know how many of you know about this but, there's going to be a sequel :) i don't know when i'll start writing it, but i already have it planned out. the only problem is that i have other stories that i'd really like to start on as well. so yeah.


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