' Saved by the Gang Leader '

By _angelstories98_

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Sometimes life plays weird games... Meet Angela Carper, a 18yold girl who lives in California with her uncle... More

Chapter 1: ' You're weird '
Chapter 2 : Crazy girl
Chapter 3: David !!!
Chapter 4: ' What the f*ck did just happened ?!?'
Chapter 5: 'You're coming with me'
Chapter 6: ' My life my rules '
Chapter 7: Pancakes !
Chapter 8: ' This is not gonna be good...'
Chapter 9: ' Do I care more than I thought ?'
Chapter 11: ' Don't call me goodie-goodie !'
Chapter 12: ' Fro-yo '
Chapter 13: Touch her and I'll kill you!

Chapter 10: ' What did I just said..?!'

4.1K 129 15
By _angelstories98_

Hey guys welcome to chapter 10 ! Woo hoo ! Well before you start this chapter I wanted to inform you that there's a little 'intense' action going on at some point on this chapter. Nothing too much don't worry I just wanted to inform you about that in case you are not really into that stuff. With that being said enjoy the chapter 💋


Graysons POV

I couldn't believe into my eyes ! I thought I finally got rid of him 4 years ago, yet now he is for once again in front of me and I can assure you that my feelings about him haven't changed at all. But again what is he doing here ?

"You !?"
"You !?" We said simultaneously.

David Morales the son of Aaron Morales my dad's biggest compete and biggest enemy. I thought he finally understood that he will never beat me when he left 4 years ago but I guess I was wrong...Well it doesn't matter cause Im gonna make him understand that he did the biggest mistake that he came back !

"Look who finally came back " i say
" Shut up Henderson ! Where's Angela ? Why is she here ? What did you do to her ?" I hear him say. Angela ? Why is he asking me about her ?

He was keeping asking about her and he looked so angry..ha adorable. James and Adam had grabbed him and I'm honestly ready to raise a bullet into his head when Angela comes.
But it seems like she knows him.
" David !" She says and then he comes and huggs her. She knows him ?!? Wait...is He the David she was talking about ?

" Come I'll get you out of here " he says to her and trys to take her out...not as long as I'm here
" Angela is going nowhere with you" I say to him while loading and pointing my gun on his forehead. He is not going to take her away from me...I mean away from here...Damn What was that ?

" No ! Grayson !!" I hear her scream by trying to come near me but David doesn't let her . You son of a b*tch !

" or else what Henderson ? Will you kill me ?" He says. Well just wait and see..
" Don't try me Morales " I say while coming more and more close to him when Angela speaks
"Hey that's enough " she shouts and releases herself from David
"David go outside...I'll meet you there in a bit " she says to him and I can't believe in my ears !! Is she really going to leave with him ?!? Did she really chose him over me ??!

After he left she tried to speak but I cut her off.
" so that was the 'David' you were talking about ?" I say and I have to admit that I'm more pissed that I thought !
" yeahh he is an old friend and his is...well a little over protective " she says
" an old friend huh...well that's not how I would describe him " I say in a sarcastic tone
" What do you mean ?" She then says.
" oh you know what I mean...after all you're the one who chose to leave with him " I say and at this point I'm aware that I've kinda lost my temper
" and what did you expected me to do huh ? You two were ready to kill each other and honestly I don't know why...And after all you told that I was gonna stay here only for a night and then I could leave ! Am I right or not ?" She then says in the same tone as me and I honestly don't have a response...
" Anyway...I just wanted to say 'thank you' for your help and...yeah that...bye' she finally says and exits.

I then see her go near that assholes shitty car and I give him a deathly look before I shutt the door.


She chose him ! She chose him ! She chose that son of a b*tch instaid of me !!! He took her away !

"That f*cking bastard.." I mutter to myself
" Well it seems like they really know each other " Adam says and I look him in the eyes with the most angry look I have that made him shutt his mouth and froze. Finally !
"Not smart Adam" I then say and turn my way in order to go to my office
" Now that David is here things are gonna get harder." I then hear James say
" What do you mean ? That f*cking asshole can't do anything to us ! I can easily just ripp of his head." I say
"Its not that easy Grayson. David just got back from the biggest economy university of Boston. And now that he is gonna help his dad run his company It's going to be a big problem ." James says and I honestly couldn't care less about what David has done...but I'm curious to know how James knows all this..
" Wait so you knew that he came back ? And when were you going to tell me about it ? " i say
" I was gonna tell you but then all these with that girl happened and..." he starts to explain but I cut him
"It doesn't matter . I don't f*cking care about what he has done, but i can assure you about one thing..." I say and come closer to him
" He is going to regret the time he decided to come back" I say and make my way to the living room when I spott her phone on the table. I took it on my hands and tried to turned it on but it's obvious complete broken. I have to do something about it.


" So in conclusion we think that this collaboration is going to be beneficial not only for us but for you too"

A typical meeting in the company. My dad wants always for me to be here, yet I don't have any right to speak my opinion or my thoughts on any subject. I'm just allowed to just be there and listen.

After that guy was done talking my dad just gave me a look and I already know his answer..

" It's actually so ridiculous that you believe that you're going to use my label/name in order for your company to gain fame. I'm Alan Henderson and I don't need anyone ! Meeting is dismissed " he finally says leaving the man from the other company completely in shock. I guess he thought he had everything under control. Well apparently he doesn't know Alan Henderson.

"Nice meeting " i say as we exit and make our ways to my father's office.
He doesn't respond, as per usual.
"Shut the door" he says in a serious tone and I already know what is coming.
So I closed the offices door and sat at the chair in front of my father's desk.
" I think you are already aware of Morale's son being back in town " he says
" Yeah i am actually " i say
" Great. Keep an eye on him...we don't want him to cause any problems. Do what is necessary in order to achieve that " he says and then leans back to his chair
I don't say anything , I just nod and get up in order to leave . But when my hand reaches for the doorknob he continuous...
" Also Grayson, be more careful with the girls that you bring at your house.." he says.
I then turn to look at him and he doesn't say anything. I don't know if he knows the real purpose why Angela stayed home but with Alan Henderson you can't be sure about anything. So I just make my way out.

After I exit the company I went next to one of our shops in order to replace my phone. I waited for the employer to bring me my new iPhone when I remembered...I'm not the only one with a broken phone...


When I was done with everything I decided to go to a bar to drink. I had so many things on my mind...I needed to relax.

It was about 10:30pm and I was already at my 8th drink.
"Another one " i say to the barman
" maybe you shouldn't, you've already have too many and..."
" I don't pay you to give me freaking lectures just give me another drink " What the f*ck does he want !?! I'm an adult and as long as I pay I can have how many drinks I f*cking want !
" I know but..."
" Ok you can keep telling me all this bullshits and have a bullet raised in your head or shut the hell up and give me my drink " i then say to him by pulling my gun. I think he got the message.

After a while a chick came to 'talk' to me . A usual f*cking desperate chick dressed in a tight red dress wearing a face full of makeup . She had a big f*cking ass though and i was really pissed with all that has happened to me at this moment so I decided to continue..

We ended up in a shitty ass motel...it seemed like she really didn't have much requirements.

I threw her on the bed and got on top of her , I pulled off my shirt and I started kissing her on the neck . But when i pulled away and looked her on her face i saw the only thing I wasn't expecting. I saw her, it was her, I saw Angela's face ! What the f*ck !?!
I pulled away confused . Oh my god I'm more drunk then I thought. !
" what's wrong " that girl says while approaching me
"Nothing, nothing I'm just tired" I say
" well then let me relax you" she says and starts kissing me on the neck and then on the ear
I have to admit that this chick knows what she does..
"Mmm. ..Angela..."
" Angela ?! Who the f*ck is Angela ?!" I hear that girl saying and I just realised what I just said
" is that your girlfriend ? You have a girlfriend ? And you almost slept with me !?! You pig !" She says while picking her things up and leaves.
Damn it b*tch you were the one who wanted to hooke up with me at the first place but dear god what did I just said !?!


Waking up due to the light coming from your window Is the best feeling the only problem here is that I wasn't at my house.

I woke up and slowly I started remembering everything that happened last night.
" Ahh my head hurts " well obviously d*ckhead ! Who knows how many drinks I had last night . Well I might not get drunk easily but again that doesn't mean that the affects doesn't affect me..

I threw some cold water on my face in an attempt to wake myself up physically and mentally!

I took the keys to my car and made my way home.
Adam and James weren't there, Better for me. I then got to the bathroom and took a shower . After that I sat on my bed in order to think..

- What was that !? What..why ? Why I saw her face why I said her name why can't I take her beautiful hazel eyes out of my mind ? Grrrr I'm getting crazy !!!

So I did the one thing i was doing since I was young when I was getting confused...I went to the beach. I sat on the dry sand put my hoody on and stared the waves to clear my mind.

And this is pretty much how my day passed.

At the end of it I knew what I wanted. I want her ! I want her into my life, I want her laugh I want her sarcasm I want her sight...I want her. I don't care if I'm acting selfishly and wrong ! I want her and I'm going to make her mine ! Im Grayson Henderson and I always get what I want...!


The next day I woke up early, at least for me, and I got ready to go and talk to her. I didn't know what I would say to her nore if what I do is wrong or right. But I don't f*cking care ! Never in my life I have though if what I do is right , I just do what I want and then deal with the consequences .

I got at her schools parking lot at around 2pm. I got off my car and waited for her to come, still without even a clue of what I wanted to say. .

"Grayson !?" I hear her voice which takes me away from my thoughts.
"Hey" I say.
" What are you doing here ?" And heres the question we all have been waiting for...
I don't say anything I just open the door of my car and i take a small bag that I had inside and give it to her.
"Whats this ?" She says confused while she opens the bag revealing a brand new iPhone that I've got for her.
"In a replacement of your old one that thanks to me it got completely damaged ." I say
" Grayson you shouldn't have ! I mean it wasn't your fault after all. You..."
"It was my fault and you know that" I say and she doesn't reply...Well she knows I'm right.

" well thanks again.." she says with a smile on her face. I have missed that smile.
" So where are you going now ?" I ask her wow Grayson what a great question !
" I'm going home actually " she says
" Ok, get in " I say and I see her raise an eyebrow
"Just get in and I'll drop you home" I say to her. I mean I already know where she leaves and I don't believe that she's afraid of me after all this..
"Uhm that's very kind of you Grayson but my friends are waiting for me to leave with them so.." She says when she gets interrupted by a guy with
two other girls coming and I assume they are her friends..!?
" Hey Angie " the boy says
"Everything ok ?" He continuous when he comes next to her
"Hey guys ! Yeah Alex everything is fine Grayson was about to leave.." Angela says
"So you're Grayson !? Oh it's so nice to meet you" the other girl says and comes and shakes my hand..uhm What the f*ck !?
"Ok Nadia relax ! Go and wait for me in the car " I hear Angela saying to her
"Don't be late " i hear the boy saying to her and then giving me a look.
"I'll wait for you in the car " the other girl, which looks very familiar , says.
After a while it's just me and her once again.
"Sorry for that " she says shyly
" thanks again for everything " she says
"Its just a phone don't even think about it.."
"No I'm not talking about just the phone. I'm talking about everything. I know that you'll say that you had to do all of this cause you were responsible but we both know that you didn't have to . Yet you still helped me and I honestly don't know if I'll ever repare it to you but...thank you ." She says and gives me kiss on the cheek which made me shiver so freaking much.

After that she turned her back and left with her friends. And once again She left me for someone else...yet now she did something she didnt do the other time ...She kissed me !

Well this is going to be interesting..


Woah ! Was that a naughty little chapter wasn't it !?😏 Well what do you think of it ? Come on please I want to read your thoughts on it ! Vote and comment please !💋❤💋❤

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