Because of You...

By ravensierraxoxo

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Selena Lopez is your normal 17 year old girl. Senior in high school, loves to dance, has great friends, she s... More

Chapter One!(:
Chapter Two!(:
Chapter Three(:
Chapter Four!(:
Chapter Five!(:
Chapter Six!(:
Chapter Seven!(:
Chapter Eight!(:
Chapter Nine!(:
Chapter Ten!(:
Chapter Eleven!(:
Chapter Twelve!(:
Chapter Thirteen!(:
Chapter Fourteen!(:
Chapter Fifteen!(:
Chapter Sixteen!(:
Chapter Seventeen!(:
Chapter Eighteen!(:
Chapter Nineteen!(:
Chapter Twenty!(:
Chapter Twenty-One!(:
Chapter Twenty-Two!(:
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four!(:
Chapter Twenty-Five!(:
Chapter Twenty-Six!(:
Chapter Twenty-Seven!(:
Chapter Twenty-Eight!(:
Chapter Twenty-Nine!(:
Chapter Thirty!(:
Chapter Thirty-One!(:
Chapter Thirty-Two!(:
Chapter Thirty-Three!(:
Chapter Thirty-Four!(:
Chapter Thirty-Five!(;
Chapter Thirty-Six!(:
Chapter Thirty-Seven!(:
Chapter Thirty-Eight!(:
Chapter Thirty-Nine!(;
Chapter Forty-One!(:
Chapter Forty-Two!(:
Chapter Forty-Three!(:
Chapter Forty-Four!(:
Chapter Forty-Five!(:
Chapter Forty-Six!(:
Chapter Forty-Seven!(:
Chapter Forty-Eight!(:
Chapter Forty-Nine!(:
Chapter Fifty!(:
Chapter Fifty-One!(:
Chapter Fifty-Two!(:
Chapter Fifty-Three!(:
Chapter Fifty-Four!(:
Chapter Fifty-Five!(:
Chapter Fifty-Six!(:
Chapter Fifty-Seven!(:
Chapter Fifty-Eight!(: (Part One!!)
Chapter Fifty-Eight!(: (Part Two)
Chapter Fifty-Nine!(:
Chapter Sixty-Part One!(:
Chapter Sixty: Part Two!(:
Chapter Sixty-One Part Two!(:

Chapter Forty!(:

324 3 4
By ravensierraxoxo

Authors Note: Okay everyone I know it's been forever since I've updated, but I have some pretty good reasons. One I had my wisdom teeth removed, which hurt like hell, then I had finals that sucked, and then my mother was put in the hospital. So I've been pretty busy and didn't have time to update. So I'm really sorry it's been so long, forgive me? This chapter took me a while so I hope it's worth it. Please excuse the errors since I'm doing this from my phone. Leave me comments? Thank you so much for everyone that's been reading, commenting, and supporting this story. It means the world to me.

-ravensierraxoxo(: <3

Chapter Forty:

**Selena's POV:**

My sudden outburst even shocked me. I never really snapped at Chad like that, normally I would just sit back and take it but not anymore. He had taken so much from me and I hated him for it. I couldn't help but be pissed off and he deserved to deal with it. After all it was his fault. "And what makes you think I'm gonna listen? Why should I? Your the dumb whore that put me in this place." he snapped right back. The old me would have backed off and hid in a corner somewhere like a scared puppy dog, but not now. Not after everything he had put me through and everything he has done. "No Chad I didn't put you here. I'm not the one that barged into someone's house and beat them into a coma. You did so now you have to deal with it. You screwed up. Not me." I replied, my tone cold and angry. His expression never changed. It was emotionless like he didn't care. I honestly didn't care of he cared or not I just had to get things off my chest.

"Fine then speak." he finally said. I took a deep breath trying to prepare myself for what I was about to do. "Well come on I don't have all day." he snapped in a bored annoyed tone. "What else could you possibly have to do? Sit in your cell and count the cracks in the walls? Just shut up and listen to me. I want you to know how much I hate you!" I yelled into the phone my voice shaking. He smirked. "Which is why you came all the way down here to see me. Sure you always were a stupid slut." he commented. That really made me snap. "You cold hearted bastard! How can you call me a stupid slut? Your the only one I've ever been with! I'm not stupid I can't even let my boyfriend touch me right now all because of you. You've taken so much from me. I can't handle being around anyone, I don't eat, and I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes or stand in my own house your there! I hate you Chad with everything that is left of me. Why did you do this to me? I never did anything to you and you know it! I don't deserve this, nobody does." I finished. Tears were falling even though I promised myself that I wouldn't cry in front of him anymore, I didn't want him to see me as weak ever again. It would only make him feel better.

"Well then what do you want me to do? Say I'm sorry? Well I won't because I'm not. Everything you got you deserved. You brought it on yourself I just gave you what you wanted. You cheated! I was never anything but good to you and all I get for that is you throwing it all away for some pathetic boy toy. I couldn't just let you walk away without a fight, especially after everything you put me threw." he replied. His words only pissed me off even more. "Everything I put you threw?! Are you out of your mind?! You beat the shit out of me and put me in the hospital more then once. This time I ended up in a coma and legally died twice. You left permanent marks and scars on my body. And you have the gull to say I put you through anything? The only thing I ever did was care about and forgive you every single time you hurt me. I gave you everything and you beat the shit out of me for it." I responded really angry now. "It's your fault Selena your the one that was always pissing me off. I swear all you whore are the same." "Whore, slut, hoe, bitch, are they really the only things you've got to throw at me? Is that the best you got? I'm sick of hearing all of that bullshit." I commented trying to figure out what he meant by 'all you whores are the same'. I mean what did that mean, but I ignored my internal question wanting to finish what I came here to do.

"You know I really don't want to hear what you have to say anymore. That's not what I came here to do." I said quietly. He laughed. "And what do you think? That I actually wanna hear what you have to say? Why would I care?" "Because I spent 10 months of my life with you and nearly died because of you. I think I deserve to speak my mind for once." "Well there you go thinking again. You really shouldn't think. It never gets you anywhere." Tears started building up again. As much as I tried to stay strong my anger and sadness got the best of me. I hated the fact that he still had that power over me. It only me hate him even more. That part scared me the most. The fear that he would always have that power always a hold of me. I mean he was behind bars right now and he still had a hold of me. Before I could speak again a guard came over to me. "Sorry Miss Lopez but visitation hours have just ended for the day." I wiped my fresh tears away trying to hide my face from the guard. I nodded quickly taking a deep breath and grabbing my crutches.

When I stood up to leave Chad knocked on the pane of glass that was between us and pointed to the phone. I picked it up against my better judgement. "What do you want?" I asked my voice cracking with tears from what he had said. "Hate me or not no matter what I'll always be in your head, your house, your dreams, and your life. Everytime your boy toy touches you you'll think of me. You'll never forget me and you'll always be mine." he said coldly with a smirk before hanging up the phone and walking away with a guard. He smiled and winked at me until he was out of sight. He left me standing there shaking, heart pounding, tears rolling down my face, and having a hard time breathing. Coming here was a bad idea after all.

I ended up having to ask the guard where the bathroom was because I could feel the panic attack coming on and I didn't want to have it in the middle of the police station. Once I was in the bathroom I locked myself in a stall and ended up throwing up along with one of the worst panic attacks I had had since the accident. Seeing him just made me feel worse even worse then I had before. Those last words he said kept replaying in my head causing my chest to tighten making it harder to breathe. I hated him and I hated myself. I sat there on the cold tile from of the police station bathroom trying to calm myself. The only thing that seemed to work was picturing Cody. I thought about hearing him say he loved me and the way he held me in his arms making me feel safe. I could almost feel him holding me whispering soothing words and eventually managed to pull myself together. I washed my face and rinsed my mouth a few times before heading to the parking lot to meet Cody. Right now I needed him to wrap his arms around me and tell me everything was gonna be okay.

**Cody's POV:**

She had been in there for what seemed like hours and waiting was killing me. It took everything in me not to run into the police station to make sure she was okay. The idea of her and him being so close made me sick and I hated the idea. I climbed out of my car deciding to go in and make sure she was alright, even if it upset her. But before I could get to close to the police station she came out. I sighed in relief but that soon faded when I caught a glimpse of how she looked. She was still beautiful but she didn't look so good. All of the color from her face was gone and that scared me. What had that punk ass done to her this time? I would kill him if he hurt her again. She had been through enough already. When she finally got closer to me I could clearly see her swollen red blood shot eyes, her skin was pale, and she was trembling. That alone made me wanna go into that building, drag him from his cell, and kill him with my bare hands. I didnt get a chance to say anything because she dropped her crutches and threw herself at me pulling me into a tight hug.

I didn't think I just hugged her back. She seemed to need the hug more then any words anyway. After awhile she stopped trembling and loosened her grip on my torso but kept her arms around me with her head resting on my chest. "Selena baby are you okay?" I asked unable to keep my mouth shut any longer. She didn't speak at first but then she did. "Cody I love you." she said barely above a whisper her head never leaving my chest. "I love you too baby. Are you okay?" she shook her head. "Can we please just go home? I just wanna get away here and him." she replied. Her voice was weak from crying. I wanted to go in and beat the shit out of the bastard, but Selena came first. I'd deal with his bitch ass later. "Okay bane whatever you want." I helped her grab her crutches and then helped her into the car.

On the way home she didn't speak at all and that worried me. Normally she would atleast make small talk with me, but instead she was dead silent. I looked over at her and noticed tears in her eyes and she was trembling again. By the looks of it she was fighting to hold the tears back. I reached over and stroked her little hand. "It's gonna be okay." I said quietly. She nodded her head and turned to look out the window. I felt so helpless to do anything for her to take the pain and suffering away. I just needed a sign that she wasn't cutting me out. She must have sensed it because she squeezed my hand. That little gesture made me feel million times better.

**Selenas POV:**

On the way home I couldn't shake Chad's words from my head. Maybe he was right about everything. I wouldn't forget him and he would always be in some part of my life whether I liked it or not. It took everything in me to hold the tears back. When Cody grabbed my hand it calmed me down right away. When we got back to my house I made my way straight for the steps with every intention of going to my room. I just wanted to be alone for a while Chad's words kept playing in my head. I knew I would never be able to cut him out of my life. Cody was such a good guy he could do so much better.

"Baby how did it go? Are you alright?" my mother asked as soon as I was inside. "Yeah mom it went great." I mumbled to myself. "Selena baby what happened?" "I'm not in the mood to talk right now." I replied heading up the steps towards my room. "Selena you can't keep doing this!" she yelled from behind me. I was shocked this was the first time she yelled at me since the accident. I froze not knowing what go say at first. I just stood there looking back at her. Cody had just came in from outside and was standing behind her. "....I'm sorry." was the only thing I could cone up with. I felt the hears coming. "Look I'm sorry it's my fault okay?! I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I said before turning around and heading upstairs. I could hear her crying from behind me and I was crying too. I felt horrible for hurting everyone, all of it only made me hate Chad even more.

**Cody's POV:**

I watched Selena make her way up the steps and had to make myself not chase after her. She needed some space. I glanced at Carmen and noticed se was crying. "Carmen are you alright?" "I shouldn't have snapped at her like that. She's been through enough. I just miss her and want her back to normal again. "I'm sure she knows you didn't mean it Carmen." I walked over and hugged her. "She's gonna be alright. It just might take some time. I know she misses you too." She pulled back and wiped we eyes. "You should go check on her." I nodded and and headed up the steps.

**Selenas POV:**

I was sitting in a chair by my window trying to get away from chads words. Cody came in and sat on the floor next to me. "Are you gonna tell me what happened with him today?" he asked. "I really don't wanna talk about it right now. Just drop it." I pleaded. He sighed and nodded. "Okay babe. Your mom didn't mean that earlier." "Yeah I know. Is Lee still coming over today?" I asked changing the subject. He seemed shocked. "I didn't think you'd wanna see her." "Well you took me today so I owe you remember I promised." he nodded. "I'll cal and let her know to stop by." "Thanx but no long visits." he nodded. "Okay baby girl."

Having company made me nervous but I needed to keep my mid of Chad and it would get my mother off my back. I really misses Lee and the rest of my life including Drew. So maybe seeing her now was the right thing. I just hoped it wasn't the second mistake I'd make today.

Authors Note: so there you have it. This chapter took forever to write. Hopefully it was worth the long wait? Leave me comments and stuff I'm begging lol. Oh and I'm starting a new story called "always there <3" check it out I'm having fun writing it. Thanx again. Comments please!!!

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