All My Heart (A Tony Perry Fa...

By ashofthefuture

32.8K 1K 309

Sequel to Heaven Above, so if you haven't read that you might want to read it first. Tori's life is as close... More

All My Heart (A Tony Perry Fanfic)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
An Update?

Chapter Four

2.5K 84 22
By ashofthefuture

Dance music pulsed through the club as we walked in. Lights flashed and people were everywhere; laughing, dancing, drinking. There were seven of us in total; Vic, Mike, Tony, Jaime, Casey, Matt and Me. Walking up to the bar we ordered drinks, Tony's arm wrapped firmly around my waist. Thanking the bar tender as he handed me my drink I took a sip. Following the guys to a booth, I slid on the edge next to Tony.

"I'd like to make a toast," Jaime announced suddenly and raised his glass, "Viva La Tour!"

"Viva La Tour!" Everyone cried in response, glasses clinking together.

"Viva La Tour," Tony's voice was seductive in my ear.

I turned to him and kissed him gently, whispering against his lips, "Viva La Tour."

"Victor. Shall we dance?" Jaime asked Vic as we turned back to the rest of the guys.

Taking Jaime's outstretched hand Vic gushed, "Oh Jaime. You shouldn't have."

Watching as they pushed their way onto the dance floor I smiled. I couldn’t think of a better group of people to be spending two months with.

"So my princess," Tony said, following Jaime's lead, "Would you care to dance?"

I laughed, putting on the most melodramatic fake southern accent I could muster, "Oh honey. I'd love too."

Standing up and grabbing Tony's hand I led him into the crush of bodies that was the dance floor. Pushing through to the middle of the floor Tony grabbed my hips and we began to dance. Gas Pedal started playing and Tony leaned down to talk in my ear.

"Maybe you should twerk for me." He joked and I stopped to look up at him, laughing sarcastically.

"Ha ha no. I will not stoop to that level. Maybe you should twerk for me."

He laughed, shaking his head, "I don't got the booty."

Grinning mischievously at him I slid my hands around his hips and into his back pockets, grinding against him in time with the music. He smiled and wrapped his arms back around my waist. It was as though we could have danced forever. As long as the DJ kept spinning we would keep dancing. There was an energy within the dancing crowd. An energy that seemed to pulsate in time with the never ending beat.

"Want a drink?" Tony's quiet voice broke through our dance-induced trance

Looking up into Tony's pretty eyes I nodded, "I'd love one."

Taking my hand he pushed through the crowd, leading me back to our table.

"Any special requests for my main lady?" He asked, motioning for me to sit.

Thinking for a second I shrugged, "Something with gin. Oh, and lime."

He nodded before disappearing into the mass of people surrounding the bar.

"TORI!" Mike yelled over the music, sliding closer to me.

"Hey Mike. What's up?"

"Not much girl. Drinkin'." He answered, holding up his glass.

Leaning forward I took a whiff of the golden liquid, "Jack's? I thought you didn't like Jack's?"

He shrugged, taking a swig of the Jack Daniels, "It’s good sometimes."

"You drink Jack's to forget." I said quietly.

"What was that?" Mike asked, leaning into me.

"You drink Jack's to forget." I said louder, sliding away from him a little.

His eyes were making me uncomfortable, I wasn't sure of the emotion in them and that made me nervous. I'd been around Mike when he was drunk but I'd never seen that look. Where was Tony? Glancing towards the bar I froze, trying to take in what I was seeing. I felt my stomach drop and gulped, jealously hitting me like a truck. Tony was leaning against the bar talking to a girl. She was leaning towards him running her finger around the rim of his glass. Was she trying to be sexy? I could see her leaning forwards, showing off her ample cleavage. Looking at Tony, I felt automatically sorry for being jealous. He looked so uncomfortable I couldn't bare it. Standing up I took a breath and strode confidently over to the bar. I was not letting another girl try and steal my man again. It had happened once, and never again. Wrapping my arm around Tony's waist, I looked over at the girl.

"Hi." I said confidently.

"Uh can I help you?" She asked rudely, looking me up and down before turning back to Tony.

"This is Tori. My girlfriend," Tony introduced me to the girl.

I watching with a sick sense of satisfaction as the girl paled and her jaw dropped. Smiling sweetly at her she turned on her heel and disappeared into the crowd.

"Thank you so much for saving me." Tony said with a chuckle, leaning down and kissing my cheek.

Smiling up at him, I took my drink from the bar, "Anytime babe. No one's stealing my man anytime soon."

He flushed as we walked back to the table, sitting down again. Taking a sip of the gin and tonic in my glass, Tony wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Feeling him kiss  under my ear I giggled, I was beginning to feel the tell tale buzz of the alcohol. He nibbled my ear and I sighed. All of a sudden he stopped and I looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I'm not feeling t-to well," He stuttered, rubbing his temples, "I'm g-gonna go get some air."

Standing up, I took his hand and urgently pushed through the crowd to the entrance. Fighting the seemingly never ending stream of people trying to get inside, we were finally able to breathe the cool night air. Leaning against the side of the building I glanced over at Tony.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"I feel dizzy," He said quietly, slumping against the building, "Tori. Where are we?"

"We're at a club remember? The venue you played tonight is just down there." I said slowly, pointing down the street, "Don't you remember?"

He shook his head and I suddenly felt sick. What was wrong with him? Suddenly he doubled over and emptied the contents of his stomach into a nearby bush. Gasping I couldn't do anything but watch as he vomited, tears pricking my eyes. Standing up again, he had paled. Slumping against the building he slid to the floor. Crouching in front of him I cupped his face.

"Tony what's wrong?"

He shook his head, "I don’t know. I must've eaten something bad."

I nodded, that was a fair explanation, but that didn't matter I needed to get out of here. Tony needed a doctor. Pulling away from me, he vomited into the bush again. Shit. Reaching into my pocket for my phone I decided I'd call one of the other guys. They would be able to help me.

"Shit." I cursed.

"Tor I really don’t feel good," He looked up at me with droopy eyes, noticing my panic, "What?"

"I left my phone inside. Okay, Turtle. I need you to wait here. I will be back In a moment okay? Just stay here." I said as calmly as I could manage before standing up.

He nodded and it was all needed to go. It hurt me to leave him, but he needed help and I didn't know what to do. Shoving through the crowds and back into the club my eyes searched frantically for Vic. He was at the bar with Jaime. Laughing about something. Making my way as fast as I could to the table I snatched my phone up and pushed to the bar.

"Vic!" I called over the music, grabbing his arm.

"Ay! Tori! What's up girl?" He yelled embracing me in a hug.

"I need your help. I-It's Tony. He-He's sick," I stuttered pulling away from him, tears finally falling from my eyes.

Vic's eyes widened and he seemed to sober up immediately, "Where?"

Leading him and Jaime from the club and out onto the street I glanced around. Oh hell no. Sitting by Tony was the girl from before. She had her arm around his shoulders but he was leaning away from her. Striding over with the boys close on my heels I looked down at them.

"Can I help you?" I asked, if this girl didn't leave within the next ten seconds I was going to loose it. 

She looked up at me, eyes wide, "I was helping him. You're obviously not that good of a girlfriend if you-"

"Leave!" I yelled, curling my hands into fists.

She stood up and strutted away. I didn't need to justify myself to her. Crouching in front of Tony, he was a mess. His hair had fallen over his eyes in sweaty strands and he was breathing heavily.

"What happened to him?" Vic asked quietly.

I shook my head helplessly, tears streaming from my eyes, "I don’t know."

Vic nodded and I brushed the tears from my cheeks. Looking from Tony then to Jaime he motioned for him to help. They bent down and wrapped their arms around Tony's waist, helping him stand.

"Let's get you out of here buddy." Vic said quietly.

He looked around at Vic and Jaime, his eyes finally focusing on me.

"Tori." He murmured before slumping in the boys arms.

New chapter! Yay! 

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