Various! Males X Male! Reader

By springs_rj

230K 3.7K 2.2K

So I've looked around the Internet and noticed that there aren't really many X Male! Readers. So I've taken i... More

Eren Jaeger
Yukio Okumura
Kaneki Ken
Annoyed And Sorry
Rin Okumura{1/2}
Rin Okumura{2/2}
oh mY GOD
Viktor Nikiforov {2/2}
*Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}
*Viktor Nikiforov {2/2}
Kim Taehyung
Key Update/Author's Note
Jeon Jeongguk
¡Heads Up!
Park Jimin
Kim Seokjin 0/2
Rin Okumura※
Crona Gorgon
Kim Namjoon 1/2
Kim Namjoon 2/2
Park Chanyeol X M!R X Lucas

Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}

11.2K 180 167
By springs_rj

Viktor X Figure Skater!Male!Reader

From: Yuri On Ice –Anime

{I'll Love You...}

"What do you have planned for my free skate program?" The H/l H/c haired male asked his dark haired coach.

"I was thinking about doing something to catch everyone's eyes, but it may be too intense.." The tan male answered as they walked through the park to get to the skating arena for the Sochi Grand Prix Finals.

"What did you have in mind? Maybe I can skate it." M/n suggested as they continued to walk.

"It was supposed to be sort of an Eros style but a more mature sort of Eros, you know?" Rei started as M/n nodded his head."You were supposed to skate a song about love-be it forbidden, hidden, or whatever you want to make of it."

"Did you make the choreography already?" M/n asked.

"Yeah, I had your little brother record with my phone and a camera...." Rei started before their faces grew pale.

"WE FORGOT YUURI AT THE HOTEL!!" They yelled in shock.


"Head to the arena M/n! I'll go get him-and I'll send you the video!" The older male interrupted as he already started running back to their hotel.

"I'm a terrible brother..." M/n mumbled as he ran a S/c hand through his Wavy/Straight/Etc H/l H/c hair.

"Who's a terrible brother?"

"Fucking fuck!" M/n jolted as he turned around to face whoever scared him."Viktor you scared me!" M/n said as he steadied his breathing.

"сожалею, I didn't mean to scare you." Viktor chuckled.

"What're you doing here?" M/n asked.

"I was just wandering around and taking a look at my surroundings." The Russian male answered with a smile. "So is this little brother of yours like you as well?" Viktor asked.

"Not entirely, I mean we have the common interest of our love for skating and food, but we also have differences-besides our four year age difference." M/n started. "Yuuri is more introverted and shy, he's not very confident in his skating but he's still part of the top figure skaters of the Japan Skating Federation just like I am. So I guess we differ personality wise but we can also be very alike." M/n ended before he glanced at Viktor's intense stare that gave him the reassurance that he was listening.

"You're his idol actually." M/n said.

"Idol? Really?" Viktor asked in shock.

"Yes, he looks up to you a lot and admires your way of skating. Why don't you let me introduce you to him sometime-maybe after the opening ceremony today?" M/n asked.

"Of course, anything for my красивый фигурист!" Viktor smiled.

"Thanks Viktor, but what do those words mean?" M/n asked.

"It means 'little friend'." Viktor smiled with slight rosy cheeks.

"I'm not little, I'm just vertically challenged baka.." M/n pouted with a slight blush.

"I mean it in a good way M/n." Viktor chuckled as he ruffled M/n's H/l H/c hair.

"You better have ViVi, but hey we're here!" M/n said as he tugged the blue eyed Russian male towards the entrance.

They went through the entrance and towards the dressing rooms as they smiled and greeted their fellow skaters. M/n took Viktor to his dressing room and sat him on the couch.

"It's busy today and I might not automatically find you so here is my number." M/n said as he wrote numbers on a slip of paper.

M/n handed the paper to the light haired male and smiled before he took his (color) jacket off.

-Katsuki M/n(⌒▽⌒)'

Viktor smiled and slipped the paper in his jacket pocket. Viktor blushed as the S/c male started to slip his shirt off. M/n noticed and giggled softly.

"I have a tank top under, don't be embarrassed ViVi." M/n giggled as he motioned to his (color) tank top.

"I-I wasn't embarrassed..." Viktor denied.

"Whatever ViVi, but I think you should get to your dressing room. I don't want Yakov to yell at you." M/n said.

"Alright, see you later красивый фигурист!" Viktor smiled as he stood and walked out.

"Later 美しいアイドル.." M/n smiled as Viktor stopped and gave him a questioning look."It means 'majestic friend'." M/n said as Viktor nodded, smiled, and then left.

M/n let out a breath he had no clue he had been holding and immediately brought his hands up to his warm cheeks.

'Why did I say that? Why did I do that? Why is my heart beating so fast?'

"私の胸の中でこれらの気持ちは何ですか?!" M/n yelled and he ruffled his H/l H/c hair.
{Watashi no mune no naka de korera no kimochi wa nanidesu ka?}

"叫ぶのを止め、あなたは馬鹿に見える." Rei said bluntly as he and Yuuri entered M/n's dressing room.
{Stop yelling, it makes you look stupid.}
{Sakebu no o tome, anata wa baka ni mieru.}

"R-Rei?! Y-Yuuri?!" M/n yelled in shock.

"I said shut it! You have to get ready to skate for the opening ceremony in ten minutes." Rei said as he walked towards the closet and went in.

"Sorry we left you at the hotel Yu-chan." M/n said as he walked up to his brother and held his hands.

"I-It's fine N/n-chan, I was busy taking a shower anyways." Yuuri explained with a sheepish smile.

"I can't wait for you to watch me skate-even if it's only for a few minutes! You'll get to see some real skating soon at the Senior Division Programs!" M/n smiled as his big E/c colored eyes shone with determination and excitement.

"Yeah!" Yuuri smiled with the same excitement.

"Yuuri close the door and M/n put this on quickly." Rei said as he held out M/n's outfit.

"Hai!" The two Katsukis smiled.

{Time Skip}

The Senior Division skaters had performed duo, single, and group openings for the audience to hype up for the Junior Division Short Programs and Free Skate Programs which would start after.

M/n had started a single performance before he had been joined by a few other skaters before it was just him again. M/n bowed as he exited the rink and gave a high five to the group that would skate next.

"You were great out there!" Viktor smiled.

"Thanks, but I'm sure you'll do better when it's your turn to go." M/n smiled as he slipped his (color) blade protectors/covers over his steel blades so he could walk easier on the matted floor.

"I wouldn't say that N/n." Viktor said humbly as he blushed a bit.

"Well I would, you're an amazing skater ViVi, just don't think I'll lose to you this year." M/n challenged.

"Is that a challenge?" Viktor asked.

"Hell yeah. So be prepared to be in second place this year ViVi, 'cause I'm bringing the big guns out this year." M/n smiled as he made his way past the Russian.

"Sure N/n, but I'll get the gold this year again, just you wait." Viktor smiled.

"I'll see you later ViVi!" M/n waved as Viktor nodded and waved in return.

M/n made his way to his dressing room where Yuuri and Rei were. M/n closed the door and began undressing himself as Yuuri looked away and as Rei began speaking.

"You saw the choreography I was talking about right?" Rei asked as M/n slid off his skates.

"Um, no.. I was busy talking to Viktor.." M/n smiled sheepishly.

"You were talking to Viktor?!" Yuuri asked.

"Yeah-I arranged for you to meet him later!" M/n added as he slipped on some (color) sweatpants and a (color) long sleeve v-neck shirt.

"You'll have to postpone that for another day Koinu, you have to check out the choreography first and at least try it before I decide whether to keep it or scrap it for another time." Rei said.

"Y-you barely have the choreography but you're not even sure if you want to keep it?! You realize M/n has to skate in two days!" Yuuri yelled in panic and shock.

"Yuuri, that's just how Rei feels comfortable doing it because he gets different waves of inspiration." M/n defended."I'm a quick learner anyways."

"We'll be heading to the dance studio across the building before we get it on ice later on." Rei started before glancing at his watch."We should be done by 10 or 11."

"That's too late!" Yuuri said.

"Yu-chan, don't worry about it. Your Nii-San has this in the bag! You're welcome to go to the hotel early though." M/n said as he hung the clothes away before grabbing his small backpack and sliding it on.

"Alright, M/n. I'll head back after I get something to eat from the convenience store." Yuuri sighed in defeat.

"Get me some F/Snack please!" M/n smiled.

"Nope! He gets nothing until he wins the gold." Rei said as he walked out of the room.

"Aww, please?"


"Pretty please?"

"Ask again and I'll put you on a strict diet until your next tournament." Rei threatened as M/n pouted.

"Meanie... Well see you at the hotel Yu-chan!" M/n said as he ruffled Yuuri's hair before leaving the room and walking separate ways.

"It doesn't seem right..." Rei groaned as he leaned against the divider of the rink and matted floor.

"Sorry, I'm really trying my hardest.." M/n panted lightly as he made his way towards his dark haired coach.

"It's not that.. You're doing amazing but I just don't feel it..." Rei replied as he put a hand to his head as he thought. "Something is missing... It's not the best this can be..."

"Should I try again?" M/n asked.

"It's futile M/n... It's not the right time for this level of your skating.." Rei sighed."Let's just use another program I set up." Rei said as he took out his camera and switched to another routine he had recorded.

Rei handed it over to M/n as he handed the S/c male his water bottle. M/n drank some water as he watched the routine and ran it through his head. M/n handed the water back as well as the camera after it had finished playing the video.

"I'll get to it then." M/n said as he stood in the middle of the rink before he started the routine.

'I can't help but get a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach...' Rei thought as he watched M/n skate throughout the ice.

After discussing the routine and a little more practice the two Japanese men left the building. The hotel wasn't far so there was no need to call a taxi or anything so they walked. M/n noticed that his coach was on edge a bit but decided not to question him as his phone rang.

"Katsuki M/n speaking." M/n answered.

"Oh, hello N/n!" Viktor's voice came out as M/n smiled.

"ViVi! I'm glad you called and I'm so sorry that I couldn't get to you today!" M/n said as Rei glanced at the slightly younger male.

"Don't worry N/n, there's always tomorrow!" Viktor said.

"Yeah, since it's Couple's Skating tomorrow we can hangout if that's alright with you." M/n smiled.

"Yeah that's fine with me."

"Great! I'll meet you at the same park we ran into each other today lets say around 2?"

"Sounds perfect! I'll see you there!" Viktor said.

"Yeah, bye bye!"

"Bye bye!"


M/n turned his phone of and shoved it into his pocket before he glanced at Rei.

"What?" M/n asked.

"Don't have sex on your date tomorrow, you'll be sore and won't be able to skate for the gold." Rei smirked.


"A hangout certainly isn't a date, especially when you have an obvious crush on the guy." Rei said.

"I do not!" M/n said.

"If you feel that way, anyways who says I'm letting you meet up with him?" Rei asked.

"Oh please Rei! Please let me hangout with Viktor! I promise to do amazing and get the gold medal!" M/n pleaded as he put his hands together in a pleading way.

"Alright, but if you don't get the gold I'll have you confess your love to Viktor-or actually put you on that diet." Rei sighed as M/n smiled widely.

"ありがとうございました!" M/n smiled as they neared the hotel.
{Thank you!/Arigatōgozaimashita!}

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don't be late and be very careful." Rei said as M/n nodded frantically.

{Time Skip: Next Day}

M/n had woken up very energetic the next day and dressed up nicely for his meeting with Viktor. Although the H/l H/c haired male denied it, it was obvious that he harbored feelings for the Russian skater.

"Alright, I'm heading out! I'll be back around seven!" M/n said as he waved goodbye to the other two males.

"Don't have sex!" Rei reminded.

"R-Rei!" Yuuri scolded as his face turned scarlet.

M/n walked towards the park with a smile on his face before his phone had gone off.

"~ Can you hear, my heart beat?~ Tired of feeling, never enough.~ I, close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true.~ They'll be no-"

"Katsuki M/n speaking."

"Viktor's not with you at the moment right?" Rei asked.

"No, not yet."

"Okay, so I wanted to remind you that you're not allowed to drink anything alcoholic or anything like soda. Also, be aware of your surroundings, you don't know this place well so be careful." Rei said.

"Alright Mom, I'll be sure to follow the rules." M/n chuckled.

"This is serious M/n, you're competing tomorrow and it's my responsibility to make sure you're safe." Rei scolded.

"I know M/n, I promise to come back in one piece-and I promise I'll take good care of myself to win tomorrow." M/n said as he tried to reassure the elder male.

"Okay, just come back safely-oh and no se-"


M/n had pink tinted cheeks and a look of irritation on his face as he shoved his phone in his pocket.'Rei is too perverted, that's why he doesn't have a lover.'

"N/n!" M/n heard Viktor call from in front of him.

"ViVi!" M/n smiled as Viktor ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug.

M/n blushed and hugged back before they moved away from each other.

"So what do you wanna do?" Viktor asked.

"Maybe we can get something to eat first." M/n suggested.

"I know exactly where to go!" Viktor smiled as he linked his arm with M/n's.

M/n blushed at the contact but shrugged it off as Viktor lead him to their destination.

"What should we do after?" Viktor asked as they continued walking.

"Maybe we can go into the shops or maybe arcades if there are any nearby." M/n suggested.

"I know some places you would enjoy." Viktor said as he flashed the S/c male a smile.

M/n felt his heart flutter in his chest as his cheeks felt warmer.

"We're here!" Viktor said as he snapped M/n out of his trance.

'I'm love with him...right..? This, flutter in my chest... Is it really..? Nah, he's probably not into me or anything like that.. He probably has a girlfriend..' M/n reasoned with himself as he entered the restaurant with Viktor.

M/n couldn't stop the fluttering in his chest as he continued to hangout with Viktor. If it wasn't cold in Sochi, M/n would have nothing to blame his red cheeks on. The two males were shopping around the shopping centers as they glanced at the store windows for anything interesting.

"Oh mY GOD!" M/n squealed as he walked towards a shopping cart(whatever it is).

Viktor walked after the H/l H/c haired male as M/n was fussing over something."What is it?" Viktor asked with a chuckle.

"IT'S A (DOG TYPE) PLUSHIE! I LOVE (DOG TYPE)S THEY'RE SO CUTE AND (DETAIL)! I'VE BEEN WANTING THIS BIG A PLUSHIE!" M/n squealed as he hugged the (dog type) plushie that was a third of his size.

Viktor chuckled as M/n's eyes shine with adoration at the plushie before M/n blushed and chuckled nervously."Sorry, I get too passionate about trivial things.."

"It's fine M/n, besides I don't think it's a trivial thing. I think it's a part of who we are." Viktor smiled sweetly as M/n blushed again.

"Yeah, I guess.." M/n said before looking at the price."1,600.08 Ruble... I can buy four (dog type) onsies with that.." M/n mumbled as he put it back on the shelf.
(1,600.08 about $25 USD/¥2,726.67 Yen)

M/n walked started to walk away and didn't notice Viktor walk up to the vendor of the cart."I'll take this." Viktor said as he took the plushie and handed over the money."Keep the change."

"Viktor-" M/n started.

"Don't worry about it N/n, I did it because I wanted to. You looked so adorable fawning over the plushie." Viktor smiled as he handed the plushie over to the shorter male.

M/n blushed as his his face behind the plushie as Viktor chuckled.

"Think of it as an apology gift for when I beat you tomorrow." Viktor said as he wrapped an arm over M/n's shoulder.

"Who says you'll beat me? For all I know it could be a congratulatory gift for when I beat you." M/n challenged.

"Hahaha, we'll see about that my красивый фигурист." Viktor chuckled.

"Don't underestimate the power of a Katsuki man my 美しいアイドル." M/n smiled.

The sun lowered itself as the two males continued to chat and crack jokes between one another, occasionally challenging one another again. The streets illuminating with street lamps and light from the stores.

"So then Yuuri goes and trips on the ice right? So I skate over to him only to fall over the assist walker, slam my face into the ice, and break my nose!" M/n started as he chuckled."Yuuri had the skates scared off of him as he started crying and saying I was gonna die because my nose started bleeding!" M/n laughed as Viktor joined in.

"Hahahaha! That's some story you have there!" Viktor laughed as they walked through the serene park.

"Yeah, but anyways, tell me more about you Viktor." M/n said.

"What do you want to know?" Viktor asked.

"Well, anything really, like your favorite things to do besides ice skating, family, past relationships." M/n answered.

"Well, I like to do ballet when in not on the ice, and I also use my free time to read different kind of books. My parents travel the world from time to time, and I've been single my whole life." Viktor said.

"You've never been in a relationship?" M/n asked in shock."But you're so handsome and s-stuff.." M/n blushed.

"Never, those things never seemed to interest me. It was always my love for skating before anything." Viktor answered."What about you?"

"I haven't either actually.." M/n answered sheepishly.

"You're so adorable though!" Viktor said.

"I wouldn't necessarily say that, I'm not that great.." M/n said as he looked away.

"C'mon don't doubt yourself M/n, you're amazing." Viktor said as they stopped for Viktor to place his hands on M/n's shoulders.

"But you're so talented and amazing! You're the Viktor Nikiforov! What's not amazing about you?" M/n said.

"Well for one, I have flaws.. I'm rebellious and don't listen to my coach. I drink when I shouldn't and I do really stupid stuff. I get anxious after I have to skate and fear that I won't be good enough." Viktor said."I'm not perfect, and neither are you, but that's what makes us human. That's what makes us, us.." Viktor said as M/n's E/c eyes stared into Viktor's piercing blue eyes.

"Viktor... I... I-"

"~ Can you hear, my heart beat?~ Tired of feeling, never enough.~ I, close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true.~"

M/n and Viktor moved away from each other, each with blushes on their faces."S-Sorry I gotta take this.." M/n stuttered as his hear beat fast.

"Katsuki M/n speaking..."

"M/n! Oh thank god your okay! It's already seven thirty I was worried about you!" Yuuri yelled into the phone in a panic.

' was you who destroyed the mood..'

M/n took a deep breath before he continued rather aggressively.

"あなたのタイミングは絶対最悪のゆうりです!あなたは少なくとも数分待っていたかもしれない!" M/n yelled into the phone as Viktor jumped at the change in tone.
{Anata no taimingu wa zettai saiaku no yūridesu! Anata wa sukunakutomo sūbun matteita kamo shirenai!}{Your timing is the absolute worst Yuuri! You could've at least waited a few more minutes!}

"I-I didn't know! I'm so so sorry M/n I didn't mean to! I was just so worried-"

"私は理解していますが、私は大きな男の子です、私は自分の世話をすることができました!" M/n pouted.
{Watashi wa rikai shite imasuga, watashi wa ōkina otokonokodesu, watashi wa jibun no sewa o suru koto ga dekimashita!}{I understand that but I'm a big boy, I could take care of myself!}

"I know but-"

"Yuuri who are you talking to?"





"Actually-" M/n started.


"Rei don't be so mean to Yuuri."

"Whatever, but I'll be coming to get you."

"Okay, I'm at-"

"I already know where you are."



M/n put his phone away as he shrugged his shoulders and held onto the plushie. M/n walked back towards Viktor and smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry it was my brother.. Anyways, Rei is coming to pick me up soon.." M/n said.

"Oh, well I guess I'll wait with you until he gets here. I wouldn't want you to get hurt while waiting or anything." Viktor said as they walked towards the parking area.

"Thanks, Viktor.. Although you also risk putting yourself in danger too.." M/n said.

"As long as you're okay that's all that matters, besides you still have to see me win tomorrow." Viktor said.

"Are you sure you'll win? I have a performance that'll surely leave you stunned." M/n replied as he raised an eyebrow.

Soon enough, Rei's silver tinted car had come into view. M/n tried not to be disappointed and turned to smile and say goodbye to the Russian male.

"I had fun today Viktor, we should do this again sometime. Oh-and thanks again for getting me this.." M/n said as he blushed slightly.

"I had fun too M/n, and really that's my gift for you." Viktor replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow Viktor, that's a promise!" M/n smiled as he made his way towards Rei's car.

"M/n wait! You forgot something!" Viktor said as he ran after the H/l H/c haired male.

"What-" M/n started as he turned around before Viktor's lips collided with his thin/plump ones.

M/n's eyes were wide in shock as he gripped the plushie tightly. M/n felt like falling and would've if Viktor's hands were holding his waist. M/n slowly but surely kissed back before they parted. M/n's usual S/c face was now fifty or more shades red as he hid the lower half of his face with the (dog type) plushie.

"B-b-b-b-bye V-V-V-Vikt-t-tor.." M/n stuttered as Viktor smiled before the Japanese male ran towards the car.

M/n got inside the car in the passenger's seat and buried his head on the plushie. M/n looked to the side to see Rei smirking at him.

"Sh-shut up and drive!" M/n blushed.

Rei chuckled as he put the car in reverse to get out of the parking spot before setting it on drive. Rei drove away from the "lovey-dovey" scene and glanced at M/n from time to time to see the younger male continue to blush.

"Well, that'll lead for some "Winner gets a reward" sex tomorrow after the tournament." Rei smirked.

"Shut up! Stop being so perverted! It was just a little k-k-kiss!" M/n pouted.

" "Little kiss" my ass.. That was a confession kiss, dumbass. He loves you, you love him, and then you date." Rei said.

"It was probably a mistake."

"Didn't look like a mistake to me."

"Is this really what love is?"

"Of course it is.. As long as you love each other and are good to one another it is. He seems to really love you, M/n." Rei said as he continued to drive.

"... Well, then I guess I really do love Viktor.." M/n blushed as he looked over to Rei.

"You two actually look so adorable with each other. I can't wait for you two to get together officially, get married, and have-M/N LOOK OUT!"

Disbelief... Fear... Sadness... Anger... Disappointment... These feelings overwhelmed the young Katsuki as he stared at the T.V screen, the remote slowly slipping from his hand.

"Professional Figure Skater Katsuki M/n seriously injured and in critical condition in the hospital along with his coach Arima Rei who is also seriously injured after they were involved in a car accident with a distracted driver-"

MUWAHAHAH WHAT AN EVIL LITTLE SHIET I AM. Anyways, two of the translations are off. You can copy and paste to see the true meanings before reading part two-or you can wait until part two. I think I made it obvious but oh well. Anyways the next part is Viktor Nikifororv X ???!Figure Skater!Male!Reader {2/2}. What terrible add on will I put? OoOoOooOO~the world may never know(yet). And DID YOU GUYS SEE THE NEW EPISODE OF YUURI!!!ON ICE?! OMFG I WAS SO EXCITED AND SHIT.

{The day that Viktuuri/Vikturi/Victuri/Victuuri became canon}

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed me ripping your heart out again! Votes and comments appreciated!

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