Over Again

By Writer--reader

544 3 2

Nicole Barnes just lost her best friend Shannon Ross she died in a car crash she spent months locked in her r... More

I Just Want To Be Happy Again
Our not so perfect first date
Redos and back to old habits
Monty Ramon
Who is Monty Ramon?
The Almighty Jax Starling
The Black Dress
Bittersweet memories
Trouble in Paradise
The Big Game
The Break Up
A Party To Remember
It Was All My Fault
Back to School
Happy But Sad Times
Sad Goodbyes
We All Miss You Vince
Axel The Asshole
Another Unforgettable Party
Her White Dress
My Love?
Lucky Charms
Hotel Mistakes?
Room 32
Griffin Wilmer

Double Date

12 0 0
By Writer--reader

Or not well I don't know. I've just been so confused with guys ever since me and Jax broke up.


Of course great. He's in this class. This was the first time I've seen him since the night I caught him sleeping with some random girl. He didn't even come to visit me. Asshole.

Then our eyes met. He gave me like an "I'm sorry" look. Then class started.

I did my best to avoid Jax and just walk straight out of the classroom. But I failed cause I felt him grab my arm.

"Nicole.... I'm sorry I don't even know what to say or where to start I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing and I'm sorry I didn't come visit you I was to scared to face you."

How dare he. How dare he come up with a lame excuse I was drunk my ass. And how dare he say he was "to scared to face me" my blood was boiling I was so angry rage filled my body so I just slapped him.

I slapped Jax Starling across the face.

You could hear the noise of my hand slapping against his cheek from all the way down the hall and I hit him hard.

Then he said something I never thought he would say. Sure he was a jerk sometimes but this was a new low even for Jax.

"Okay Bitch I get it I'll stay away from you. I have a bunch of other girls who I can sleep with. I don't even know why I bothered with you in the first place the only reason I was with you was so I could get in your pants."

All I did was run I ran away from that stupid ass jerk. I can't believe he really did that to me. I can't believe he said that. Tears poured down my face. He broke my heart by sleeping with that girl but this was like he ripped my heart and stomped on it a bunch of times.

I almost just wanted to transfer schools that's how mad I was. I just never wanted to see his face again. I had told Emily what happened with Jax she was pissed off to.

After school I was walking home with Emily and Griffin.
"Great I'm a third wheel." I thought I was thinking that in my head but it somehow came out of my mouth.

"Just get a boyfriend then we can double date." Griffin said.

"Well since you brought it up Brooks actually asked me today if the four of us wanted to hang out today to celebrate me being out of my chair."

"Ooh so he asked you on a date?" Emily said.

"No it's just four friends hanging out."  Then they rolled there eyes at me.

Then we arrived at my house and I left the happy couple walk home together as I walked away I saw them holding hands.

Then I got that feeling again that jealousy feeling but I don't was I jealous? I shouldn't be.


About an hour later I decided to text Brooks and ask him if he wanted the four of us to hang tonight.

Brooks: Yeah

Me: where do you wanna go?

Brooks: movies? Wanna see that new romance movie *winky face emoji*

I smiled At this he was so cute.

Me: Sure I'll ask em and Griffin.

I then texted the both of them. They both replied and said yeah.

Brooks: I'll pick all of you up at 7 see you soon


I heard a car honk outside and I knew it was Brooks I quickly grabbed My purse and got out the door and sat in the front seat.

"Hey you." Brooks said smiling at me.

I smiled back and then we picked up Emily and Griffin who were both already at griffins house. We then arrived at the movie theater and were telling the lady where we would like to sit.

"Lets sit in the back." Griffin said winking at Emily as he had his arm around her.

"Ok enjoy the movie." The lady said as she handed us are tickets. We sat down in are seats and the theater was already dark and the movie started.

It wasn't even 20 minutes into the movie and Emily and Griffin already started making out.

Ew I said in my head.

I feel like me and Brooks are just the third wheels here. Then I felt Brooks put his hand on my hand that was resting on the arm rest.

He then looked into my eyes and said "You know I've really missed you I couldn't stand seeing you with Jax."

I blushed at this and he then kissed me on my rosy red cheeks.

Then it got to a pretty inappropriate scene in the movie and Brooks covered my eyes for me. It was so cute. I then let out a small giggle and he then started leaning in.

Oh god he's leaning in crap he's gonna kiss me. Not crap what am I talking about yay! Wait dam it I'm nervous.

So many weird thoughts were running through my head and then are lips collided at first the kiss was soft and sweet then it turned to be more passionate and he pressed on my lips harder.

This causes Griffin and Emily to stop sucking on each others faces and turn to us and say "awww." Which caused Brooks to pull away. I wanted more kisses.

Not just any kisses I wanted more kisses from Brooks.

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