Pride of a Predacon

By InkRayne

96.4K 2.8K 853

A Human girl named Violet remembers nothing of her past or where she even came from all she has of her past i... More

Reworking this story
The Predacon Femme
Two Predacons
The Truth
One of them
Echo's Past
Queen of Predacons
The Predacon Ways
Predacon Captive
The New Predacon Clan
Violet's Heritage
Lyrica Prime
The Predacon and the Autobot
Violet's Fear
Be Mine
Predacon Weapon
Awkward Talk
Sneaking Out
Human youngling
Rain Forest
Aunt Echo
Boiling Mad
Little Adventure
Energon Stash
Lair of the Beasts
Questions,Questions too Many Questions
New Gear
What Were You Thinking?
Book Two
Author's Note: Discord Server

Terror Trio

906 41 5
By InkRayne

Violetwing had just gotten to the Wheyr and went inside to see what was going on in the early morning. It looked mostly like routine things.

Razor was sitting down against the wall by the opening of her and Predaking's hollow playing with a sleepy little Jenny.

Violetwing looked at them before she smiled to see them like that.

After a bit Jenny was wide awake and she took toothless and ran outside.

Razor chuckled and got up to follow her out coming across Violetwing on her way outside "good morning Violetwing." she smiled.

"Morning Raze Blaze." Violetwing replied

Razor froze her breathing stopping, Violetwing just looked at her not knowing what she did to make her look like that. "Razor?" She asked

Her optics were wide and they seemed to look straight through Violet.

Violetwing continued to just look at her. "Razor Fang... you alright?" She asked again

Razor took a step back and shook her head violently. "i'm... i'm fine... i'll be okay." Razor responded as she reached up to grab her helm.

Violetwing was now concerned about her but she didn't know how to help her. "Razor I... I didn't mean to-"

A black, green and silver blur rammed into Razor's back knocking her off balance followed by a black and blue blur then a black, blue and violet one, and Razor toppled over face-first.

Violetwing jumped back landing a pouncing position just staring at this. "What of Cybertron?!" She exclaimed.

Everyone jumped and quickly turned to see what was going on. Their queen was under attack!

Three young Predacons were dogpiled on Razor Fang's back. She was about to throw them off and attack when they spoke making her freeze up completely.

"Hi Razor" Shadow Fang started
"How are" Silentwing added
"You doing?" Hardcore finished.

The three Predacons asked with wide grins on their faces.
Razor looked back at them looking like she was seeing ghosts. She was completely in shock.

Violetwing just stared at them. "What is going on?" She asked

The other predacons didn't know what to do, but Predaking did walk over to try and investigate this further.

The three weren't even fully mature, so they couldn't be clones. They were young teenagers at best. Still practically younglings compared to the physical ages of the other predacons.

"W-what?" Razor breathed
The three young predacons got off her and helped her up.
"Are you okay?" Silentwing asked
"You don't look so good." Shadow Fang looked at her worried.

"I-i'm... I'm not going insane am I?" Razor asked looking at Predaking backing up away from the three a bit.

"I see them as well." He told her walking over and touching one on the shoulder. "They're really here..." he said not quite understanding what was going on.

"What's wrong Raze Blaze?" Shadow Fang asked.
"Aren't you happy to see us?" Hardcore added on.

Violetwing looked at them with wide optics to the name though she was confused as to what was going on it was slowly coming together for her.

The three looked at Razor worry written all over their faces.

"You look like you did when we accidentally wrecked your hollow and broke your pipe..." Silentwing said
"No I think it's more like when we accidentally broke Onyx's flute..." Hardcore whispered though everyone could hear her.
"You're both wrong. She looks like she did when we followed her through the jungle secretly and found out about her and Wyvern..." Shadow Fang corrected them in the same kind of loud whisper.
"Please don't be mad at us Razor!" The three said together.

Violetwing froze more. Onyx? Wyvern? She asked herself

"Ancestors they're real... Oh my Primus. Oh my Primus." Razor said in a whisper as she walked back over to them and touched their faces completely in shock as tears welled up in her optics. She collapsed to her knees and pulled the three into a hug as she began to cry. Shock, disbelief, agony, relief, and joy crashed down on the dark predacon femme all at the same time.

"You're alive! You're alive! I thought I lost you!" She sobbed. "I thought you were gone!"

The three hugged her back tightly.
"We missed you!"
"We were so scared without you!"
"We thought we were alone!"
The three young predacons said as they started crying as well.

Violetwing then stood up before she looked at Predaking. He looked back at her and shrugged.

When the four of them calmed down Razor looked at the trio more seriously. "Scorch it all! You three little terrors. What were you thinking?! Taking me down like that... I could have hurt you!" she scolded half-heartedly.

Little Terrors... could these three really be? Predaking wondered.

"But it's the" Shadow Fang started
"Only way we'll" Silentwing continued.
"Ever win against you." Hardcore finished.

Razor chuckled. "You better believe that. Battle is no place for a blacksmith, a carpenter or a little herbalist." She patted their helms and they laughed a bit.

"Wait what?" Violetwing asked




The three young Predacons looked over at Violetwing.

Violetwing just looked at them remembering when she first met Razor. "I-i don't understand..." she said

"Shadow Fang, Silentwing and Hardcore here are my youngest siblings..." Razor told them, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Our siblings Violetwing." She said lowly to Violetwing.

Violetwing looked at her in shock before she looked at the little predacons, before she looked away. "I am not the sister you know..." she said lowly

"Oh..." Hardcore and Silentwing blinked.

"So you were cloned then." Shadow Fang stated.

Violetwing looked at them before she sighed.

"Don't feel bad about it. It just means that Violetstorm was reincarnated in you. You're still our sister." Silentwing stated firmly.

"Just different." Hardcore added on.

Violetwing looked at them again before she smiled a little. The three grinned back at her.

Razor and the trio stood up and the young predacons looked around.

"Are the rest of them clones too? Even the one that looks like Wyvern?" Hardcore asked Razor.

"Yes. They are clones. And he is my mate, Predaking." Razor said gesturing to Predaking.

"Thats his name?... or title?" Silentwing asked confused.

"Its his name." Razor chuckled. "Though he is king."

"Of course he would be. You ARE the Unkillable Queen after all." Shadow Fang stated crossing his arms.

Violetwing tilted her helm a little to that. What now? She asked herself

"What do you mean by 'Unkillable Queen'?" Predaking asked.

"Almost everyone started calling her that especially after she survived things that would have killed anyone else. And she was out to become the first Predaqueen of legend. Razor can pull off the impossible!" Hardcore said with obvious hero-worship in her voice and two different colored optics.

Razor sighed. "You three, the clan, and many others called me that. But you know I could not claim the title... our sire was still living."

"You are alive. And he is not. Therefore you are in fact leader of whatever is left of our clan even if there is only four of us left to lead... and there is this clan as well. And you are free to claim title of queen..." Shadow retorted with a smirk. "As it seems that you have."

Razor groaned and rubbed her optics. "You truly believe I'm some imaginary queen from some ancient idle godscrypt?"

"No. You are a queen of legend from ancient prophecies." Silentwing replied.

Razor snorted a laugh. "Please." she rolled her optics to that. "I'm no puppet in the sagas of fate. I forge my own path."

Violetwing continued to look at them not sure what to think at the moment.

"Ancient Prophecies?" Predaking asked.

"Ancient even to us." Razor shrugged. "I was too busy ducking away from my sire's servo and surviving to pay much attention to such things."

"If it's ancient to you what would it be for us?" Predaking asked before looking at Violetwing.

Violetwing just looked at him as well not sure what this was about.

"Anyway. How in the name of Solana's golden sun did you three get here?"

"Cargo ship." The three said together.

Violet looked at them. "What?!" she asked "What Cargo ship?!"

"One from the Mercenaries guild." Hardcore answered.

"WaterDancer called for us so we came." Shadow Fang shrugged.

"We weren't expecting to find any of you here though..." Silentwing stated.

Violet continued to look at them before she looked at Razor.

"WaterDancer... So you are working with the Autobots then?" Predaking asked with a raised optic ridge.

"No choice." Shadow huffed.

"And why not?" Predaking asked again.

"We have to." Hardcore protested, defiant under Predaking's glare.

"Life debt." Silentwing spread his servos in a gesture of helplessness.

"If we could stay here with you all we would." Shadow added on. "But like I said. We have no choice in the matter at this point in time."

Razor looked at them then put a servo on Shadow Fang's shoulder. "You needn't worry. I understand."

Violetwing just looked at her to that.

Razor looked back at Predaking and Violetwing and anyone else who was staring at her like she was crazy.

"A life debt is no laughing matter. And you can't simply go against one you owe such a debt to. It binds you into servitude of the one who saved you until you have paid back the debt you owe. There is no workaround or 'loop hole' and no way we may free them from such a pact." Razor explained.

"I've never heard of such a thing..." Violet replied

"Because you are still young. And new to our ways." Razor told her.

"What are the grounds for such a thing?" Predaking asked.

"If you are in a severe dire situation and someone saves you from a horrible death, or a fate far worse than death. That is when you owe a life debt... It hinges upon honor and pride really. In the past I owed and paid my life debt to Adonis and Celestia."

Violetwing just looked at her. "Oh... I see." she replied

Razor smiled at her before putting an arm on her younger brother's helm and leaned on him.

"Agh! RAZE!!!" Shadow roared.

"What's wrong hatchling?" Razor chuckled.

Shadow swatted at her. "I'm not a friggin hatchling! By Lunara's silver moons!"

Razor laughed and she stood straight again. "I haven't seen you three in eons. I have to pick on you a little. You know that."

Violetwing was trying to hold it a laugh to that.

The three young Predacons stayed around the wheyr for the day generally causing havoc of some sort, bringing more life and energy to the place with the addition of Jenny's usual hyperactive tendencies. Hardcore fawned over the little human for about an hour before the two of them went to play outside together.

Razor finally seemed at ease. And a tension seemed to have left her frame. She actually looked younger than she had that morning. She had given the three terrors her old hollow so they had a place to go once their debts were paid off or they happened to be around at night.

Violetwing moved towards Razor looking at the young Predacons before looking at her. "You look happy to see them again..." she said

"They're my baby brothers and sister... We were always really close. That and my other younger brother Joroth. I was really close to him too. I promised to protect them and for the longest time I believed that I had failed them... I loved my other sisters, truly I did. But they didn't really understand my need to fight. And... Truth be told... I was jealous of them." Razor said as she smoked her pipe.

Violetwing just looked at her before she laid down. "Why is that?" she asked

"Because while I got nothing but abuse and hate from my sire, my sisters got everything I had wanted from him. Love. Affection. Praise. Someone to protect them. Someone to tell their troubles to... Heh... They had it all." She said as a single tear slid down her face which she quickly wiped away.

Violetwing looked at her before she looked down and closed her optics. "I'm sorry... you went through that..." she replied

"Don't be. What is passed is long gone in the past. Though I am scarred. I am not crippled. Now I am in a place where I have the love and affection I have craved for so long. And I have a second chance to protect my siblings." Razor smiled a bit.

Violetwing opened her optics and looked at her before she smiled.

Shadow snuck up on Violet and pounced on her as he laughed.

Violetwing jumped before she looked at him funny. "Alright then..." she said

"You're my sister too. So you have to get used to us." He grinned before nipping playfully at her horns.

"Oh and by the way... The terrors used to climb all over Violetstorm." Razor laughed. "She was their favorite one to terrorize."

Violetwing looked over to Razor and gave her this 'are you serious' look on her faceplate.

Silentwing looked at them and grinned, and Violet saw it.

Violetwing looked over. Oh no... she thought

Silentwing ran over, transformed, and jumped on top of the pile. Hardcore was soon to follow. Razor started laughing harder and she fell over from her sitting position onto her side.

Violetwing groaned before she looked at Razor. Oh this i will need to get used too... though Megatron will not like it.... She thought


Violetwing's optics widened. "Scrap..." she said lowly

Are you alright? Megatron ask her

Violetwing froze for a moment before she responded. I'm fine, just sibling trouble... she replied

Violetwing waited for a response while the three were still on her.

Razor Fang? Megatron asked

Eeeehhh You... could say that. she replied

Alright... I'll talk to you later then. He said

Alright see you. Violetwing replied

Razor gasped for air then put out her pipe and went to put it away.

The three young Predacons were annoying to have on her back at first until Violet realized something... It was actually... Kinda comfortable.

Razor returned then transformed and curled around the pile somewhat. The three Predacons on top shifted so that not all of their weight was on Violetwing alone, and they were partially laying on top of Razor as well.

Violetwing was just laying there and sighing she didn't know what to think of this it had never happened to her before. Razor chuckled and nudged Violet's head with her snout. "Relax. This kind of thing is normal for siblings. Here. Lift up your helm." Razor told her.

Violetwing did what she said and lifted her helm and Razor slid her helm and neck under Violetwing's.

"Now lay your helm back down and just close your optics." Razor instructed.

Violetwing looked at her before she lowered her helm and closed her optics.

Razor took a deep breath and gave a contented sigh, letting off something of a purring noise.

This actually did feel really warm, safe, and comfortable now that the three terrors were not solely on top of Violet alone.

Violet was so comfortable she actually fell asleep along with the other four Predacons. Some of the other Predacons seeing this chuckled and smiled a bit, especially when Jenny dragged out a blanket and went to crawl into the crook of one of Razor's legs, using Toothless as her pillow.

After a while like this Megatron was walking around trying to Find Violetwing when he stumbled upon the five sleeping Predacons and Jenny like this he raised an optic ridge before he said. "What on Cybertron is this?" he asked quite loudly..

Violetwing jumped before she looked over to see her sparkmate looking at them funny. "Lord Megatron..." she said

The other four Predacons raised their helms to look at him and Jenny squawked, trying to hide herself in her blankets from him. Razor snorted a bit, she didn't like the rude awakening the warlord had given them and she glared at him a bit.

Megatron continued to look at them. "Violetwing... what is this?" he asked

Violet continued to look at him. "I..." she tried to say

"Family matters." Razor snapped "none of your concern. She is not your lapdog or gopher so do not treat her as yours." The femme hissed.

Violetwing looked at her. Though I am his sparkmate... she thought

Megatron just looked at her not really liking that.

Hardcore bumped her snout against Violetwing and Razor's helms, looked at Megatron with her two colored optics, then grabbed the blankets that were thoroughly cocooned about jenny and took off toward the hollow she had been given with the little girl. Though Shadow Fang and Silentwing remained behind on the pile. The two young mechs stared at him.

Megatron looked at these predacons he had never seen before though what catch his attention was the colour of one of their optics looked just like his Sparkmate's.

"Who is that?" Shadow asked

"Why'd he have to wake us up?" Silentwing whined a bit.

Violetwing looked at them before she sighed. "This is lord Megatron leader of the Decepticons... my leader." She replied

"... And she shall bow before the dark lord." Shadow rumbled lowly.

Violetwing continued to look at them before she looked at Megatron. I'm sorry Megatron... I slept through the time I was supposed to see you again... she said to him.

Megatron looked at her not so angry looking into her optics. I'm not mad Violet... I was just worried was all. He replied

Violetwing just looked at him.

The three other Predacons saw the shift in his facial expression when the Warlord looked at Violetwing.

Megatron continued to look at Violetwing before he looked at the new Predacons. Violet... who are these new Predacons? He asked

Violetwing looked at them before she looked at him. Silentwing, Shadow Fang and Hardcore... Razor Fang's Siblings and apparently mine as well... it's a little confusing... she replied. But this is... comfortable.

Megatron just looked at her stunned to hear this. Alright then... he said

"Do you require something Megatron?" Razor asked "or can I and my siblings go back to sleep?"

Megatron just looked at her he was going to say something but Violetwing stopped him. "I want to go with him Razor..." she said

Razor groaned a bit and let her helm fall to the floor "don't expect me to move... At the moment I'm too lazy."

Violetwing just looked at her before she shook her helm before she tried t get up though the other two were not making it easy for her when she did.

"Awwww come on Vi!" Shadow groaned

"Whyyyyyyy" Silentwing complained.

Violetwing looked at them "I don't normally spend my night's at the wheyr." she replied before she started to walk out of the Wheyr.

Megatron followed her soon after they before they left for the warship.

"She's no fun." Shadow huffed, his front half had been dumped on the floor by Violet and his back half was still over Razor's back.

"Couldn't she have made an exception?" Silentwing groaned, his back half having been dropped onto the cold stone.

Hardcore brought Jenny back and put her down on Razor's leg before looking around. "Awwwwwww did Vi leave?"

"Yep." Shadow grunted his helm still on the floor.

"Scorch it! Why couldn't she have stayed? Even if it was just tonight like us?" Hardcore groaned before she went and shoved herself under her brothers.

"I don't know." Razor sighed as she slipped her helm and neck under Hardcore's and curled around her more as the four of them and Jenny snuggled back up to sleep.

The next morning the three terrors and Razor were the first to awaken. Predaking found Jenny sleeping on his chest, which he didn't mind, she had obviously climbed up there at some point as she usually did after Razor woke up.

He put Jenny in her bed then walked out of his hollow as many of the other Predacons started to wake up and go about their usual routines, though There was quite a racket coming from outside.

Violetwing was just returning to the Wheyr she sighed as she landed she felt bad that she just left them like that last night but she wanted to leave with her Sparkmate and next time she was going to let him know if she was going to be staying there if they came back.

Razor was outside tumbling around and play fighting with the terror trio. Though no one had actually seen her act like that before. It was fun to watch.

Violetwing looked at them before she sighed and moved towards them. When she got close to them the four predacons stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Razor was pinning Silentwing as Hardcore and Shadowfang were standing on Razor's back.

"Morning Vi!" the terror trio called to her.

"Good morning Violet." Razor smiled

Violetwing looked at them and smiled a little. "Hey..." she replied

"Why'd you leave last night?" Hardcore asked.

"Yeah! Do you know how uncomfortable it was getting dropped on the floor like that?" Shadow stated.

"Very uncomfortable." Silentwing chimed in.

"And colder." Hardcore stated.

Violetwing froze for a moment looking at them before she sighed. "I'm sorry about that I really am but I needed to go..." she replied

The three groaned "Why? Cause he said so?"

Violetwing looked at them. "No..." she replied

Razor shook the two off her back. They squawked as they fell off and fell on the ground and she let Silentwing up.

"We can't stay here every night or come here every day. Why couldn't you have made an exception last night?" Hardcore asked.

Violet looked at her before she sat down and sighed. "What I did say was turn I don't sleep normally at the wheyr... I stay more on Lord Megatron's Warship and... I am more like a emissary for the Decepticons and Predacons here..." she replied

The three stared at her before they shrugged and let it drop. They continued their playful attack on Razor and she continued fending them off just as playfully until Violet was dragged into the play fight as well.

Violetwing didn't know what to think before she started to play along a little. Once she started getting the hang of it she started having fun, quickly learning the difference between a play bite and a real one.

After some time the five stopped and Razor had to get to work. Shadow sat next to Violetwing in the sun as they enjoyed some peace and quiet together.

Violetwing looked at him before she thought about some. "Shadow... may I ask you something?" she asked

"fire away." he chuckled.

Violetwing looked at him before she sighed. "What did you mean by 'And she shall bow before the dark lord.'?" She asked

"Ah. That. Its part of an ancient prophecy. Razor doesn't really believe in such things. But since many predacons before you have applied it to her you can understand why she wouldn't believe it."

"I see..." Violet replied "And just what does this prophecy say?"

"It is said that during a time of endless strife an Unkillable Queen will rise to end all wars of cybertron. A great calamity will tear her from everything she once loved and send her to where she be needed most. In her darkest times she will be betrayed, only to awaken to be reunited with the reborn soul of her King and people, and her sister will kneel before the Dark Lord. Together they will unite with their greatest enemy to defeat the biggest threat known to all the world and stars." Shadow Fang told her "There's a second part to it but i can't remember what it is." he sighed.

Violetwing continued to look at him before she looked away in thought. If Megatron... supposed to be the dark lord? She asked herself

"Do you think it's true? I mean... could this 'Idle godscrypt' as Razor calls it... actually be real?" he asked.

Violetwing looked at him again. "We might never know till something may happen..." she replied

"I guess..." shadow sighed. "well... we should proooobably go soon... Dancer will be wondering where the frag we went." he laughed a bit.

Violetwing nodded. "Might be best..." she replied

"See ya later Vi." Shadow Fang said before bumping his helm against Violetwing's. "Love ya." he grinned before getting up and trotting off to find Hardcore and Silentwing.

Violetwing watched him and sighed. "Same to you..." she replied

Not long after the other two came and hugged her goodbye before they left the Wheyr.

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