Destiny: Volume 1 (Completed)

By Kaito_Tokisaki

7.8K 179 77

The tale of a Guardian on his quest to defend the universe from a dark infestation that has one main motive:... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Grimoire: Rasputin
Chapter Seven
Strike: The Devils Lair
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Strike: Cerberus Vae III
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Raid: The Vault of Glass
Expansion 1: Prologue
Expansion 1: Chapter 1
Expansion 1: Chapter 2
Expansion 1: Chapter 3
Expansion 1: The Hated (Bonus Chapter)
Expansion 1: Chapter 4
Raid: Crotas End
Expansion 1: Epilogue
Expansion 2: Prologue
Expansion 2: Chapter 1
Expansion 2: Chapter 2
Expansion 2: Chapter 3
Expansion 3: Chapter 4
Expansion 2: Chapter 5
Expansion 2: Chapter 6
Expansion 2: Epilogue

Chapter Six

277 7 0
By Kaito_Tokisaki

Once we got back to the Tower I decided to mingle around the Vanguard quarters while Alex told everyone the information that we discovered. Of course everyone was shocked to hear what was lying in the depths of the Cosmodrome. I eventually stumbled upon someone standing behind a desk with a bunch of things hanging on the wall behind him. A shield of some sort, a few skulls, and weapons hanging on the wall. A bunch of teenagers were around him along with a few kids. I stood by and listened in. "And then, once he was vulnerable, I had no choice but to use my bare hands to take down the captain. His four arms were not enough to stop my might. I ripped them off with my bare hands and pummeled his face in with the heel of my foot." He said proudly. All the kids were very interested in the story and were asking what would happen next. "Now now children. Story time is over. Lets let another person speak. How!" He said pointing to me. I looked shocked as i took off my helmet. "M-me?" I asked to make sure he was clear on his decision. He puled me next to him and laughed almost heroically. "Yes you Guardian. Inspire the young ones. Tell a story of your greatness!" He said. I looked at him and looked at the kids. They all were waiting for another story. The only one i could think of was the story of the battle with the Archon that would be interesting.
" a few days ago I had to go and repair my ship. It was missing a part when I found it and of course it wasn't in the best condition until about yesterday when it was fully repaired. So the missing part was hidden, deep within the Cosmodrome. Me and my Ghost went to find it and then stumbled upon some Fallen but that wasn't the worst part of it all. There was also an Archon there as well." I said. The kids immediately became hooked and started asking questions. It was heartwarming. "So in order to either escape or get my part for my ship, I had to battle the Archon head on with no knowledge what so ever of what to do let alone what my opponent was capable of. I kept my cool and shot the beast and once it was on its knees i finished it off with a giant ball of void energy. You could hear it scream as it disappeared into the void." I said. All the kids were excited and the teenagers were impressed. I could tell that they were growing Guardians. "Alright everyone that's all for now. Go on." The man said. Everyone scattered and soon it was just me and the mysterious man. "My name is Shaxx. Lord Shaxx. I run and manage the Crucible here." He said. I shook his hand and smiled. "The Crucible...Ive seen adds in the commercials." I said. He laughed. "I hope we've left a marking on you Guardian You must be the new Guardian that Gold spoke of." He said. "Gold? Who's that?"
"He is one of my rookies in the Crucible. A fine young Warlock like yourself." Shaxx said. The thought of another person here that knows more about this Warlock stuff that I could relate to made me feel a bit more rooted. "Speak of the devil." Shaxx said. I turned around and saw someone walking over. "Hey there you guys. Parrish. Its nice to meet you in person for the first time." Gold said. He reached out and shook my hand. "Hey Gold. Nice to meet you too." I said. He smiled at me and walked over and shook Shaxx's hand. "There he is. The man of the hour." He said. "Yep. Thats me. I plan on taking Parrish and showing him the ropes in the Crucible. Maybe some one-on-one action." Gold said. I listened in on their conversation and apparently he was planning on training me a little bit. "Lets go Parrish. We have some training to do." Gold said as he walked forward. I soon followed and grabbed my gear. We ended up flying out to the Cosmodrome again but this time to a more secluded area. A Crucible area for Guardians to hone their skills. Once there he took me to a more open spot.
"Alright Parrish. Im sure you're used to the void by now, right?" He asked. I nodded and formed a void orb in my hand. "Perfect but of course theres a second technique that Warlocks can do." He said. I looked at him curious but then he suddenly formed an orange and yellow orb in his hand. Almost like a flame. " that...?"
"Yes indeed. This is Solar Energy." He said as he tossed it in front of me and it did what my grenade did but instead of Void energy I could feel the heat coming from the orb. Radiating in front of me until it finally disappeared. "Woah...Thats incredible! How do I do that?" I asked. Gold laughed slightly. "Patience young one. You can't really learn it on your own. It just comes naturally." He said. My excitement soon turned into curiosity and then I felt a bit weird since he called me "young one". "Ummm...ok?" I said. He walked over to me and held out a fire orb. "Take it in your hands." He said. "Wont that burn?"
"Not at all. Just take it and focus on it."
"Ok..." I took the orb of fire from his hands and held it in my hands. Once I had it I began to relax. One, it didn't burn like I feared it would. Two, it almost felt natural. Like it would work for me. Almost like it was alive. "It feels like...a the energy is alive." I said. I threw it and felt the rush of Solar energy flow through me for a brief moment. "Woah..."
"This is the power of the Sunsinger." Gold said. I smiled a bit and then my Ghost appeared with my ship floating overhead. "Parrish. We have another mission or two that needs to be done soon. Hopefully before sunset." Alex said. "Alright. Gold, it was nice to meet you today. Maybe we can grab lunch sometime or something." I said. "Yeah. I'll keep in touch." He said. I disappeared into my ship and made way for another area of the Cosmodrome. On the way there, Alex began filling me on on our objective. "The fallen have been messing around in the Forgotten Shores recently. It doesn't seem like a normal smash and grab. They seem to be hunting for something. Lets see if we can find it first." He said. I nodded and we eventually landed. Once we were on the ground Alex pulled up a small map of the Cosmodrome. "Jesus. The Forgotten Shores are so far away..." I said. Alex popped out and started forming an object in front of me. "What is that?" I asked. by the time it was complete it hit me. "IS THAT A HOVER BIKE??" I asked in excitement. I immediately hopped on and took off. I had no idea where I was going but I was bound to end up somewhere. Eventually Alex appeared again and floated next to me as I drove throughout the Cosmodrome. He was basically my GPS and we made a 30 minute run a two minute drive. It was awesome until I had to get off. We arrived at the Forgotten Shores and all that was there was broken down cargo ships that would transport goods overseas. They looked ancient. Completely covered in rust and Fallen littered the entire area.
"Theres a weird signal nearby that the Fallen might be tapping into. Lets see what it is." Alex said. I hopped off my new ride and it disappeared. I slowly and carefully walked up the stairs and went to throw a grenade but it didn't go off. I never threw it. "Umm..thats odd. What happened?" I said to myself. I tried to channel the Void energy I was used to but it wouldn't show itself. "Fine whatever. Lets do this." I said. I loaded my gun and popped out of my hiding place and opened fire on the Fallen that surrounded the machine. It was an easy cleanup since there was only a few Dregs. Once the area was clear Alex scanned the device and it was a bunch of distorted sounds and static. "It seems like there might be another signal lying about somewhere. Lets find it. It shouldn't be too far away." He said. I nodded and we moved forward to another ship and this time instead of a few Fallen it was a small army. An uphill battle of course but I was ready with a rocket or two to clear them out in a hurry. Once inside the ship we heard the same static and distorted sounds. Alex scanned the device. "Hmm...It seems like both signals tie into something at Skywatch."
"Why does it sound like...Opera music?" I asked a bit curious. "Who knows. Lets get to Skywatch." Alex said. I nodded and he brought out my new means of transportation. "Oh, and before I forget this is called a Sparrow." He said. I smiled and got on and took off again. There was a back road up what seemed to be an old path into a parking garage. Once at the top of the hill we had to traverse on foot. Everything was going well so far in our travels until we ran into another group of Fallen. We fought our way through until we reached what seemed to be an open room. "There are some Fallen in here trying to tap into something on the opposite end of the room. Lets stop them." Alex said. I shot a few rockets and made some of the enemies scatter along with killing a few of them. Once they fell to my weapons, more soon followed. I stood my ground and defended the machine. More fallen started to flood out of the open doors and towards me. I tried to use my abilities but of course they weren't working at all. "What the hell? Why can't I use my powers?" I said in frustration. Fallen Vandals were closing in so I beat them down. I looked out into the crowd of enemies and saw that they were all hiding. Before I could make a break for cover My head started to hurt badly. I dropped everything and fell to a knee. "Parrish? Parrish whats wrong?" Alex said. His voice soon faded away and I began to see images. I heard screams and saw people running from Fallen and I was running too. The room was on fire. Paper was burning and people were falling off of ledges. I felt someone holding my hand. It was Mara. She was pulling me along as we ran away and then something fell from the ceiling. More Fallen breaking through the roof. Ambushing us. "Parrish!!" She screamed. "Parrish! Parrish! Move now!" Alex said bringing me back to reality. A Fallen Vandal with blades ready to cut me open stood above me. I screamed and suddenly my body was encased in light and fire. It was enough to make the Vandal burn into ashes.
"Woah...Is this..."
"Parrish focus! Attack!" Alex shouted. There was a Fallen Captain behind me waiting to strike. I decided to turn around and punch him. He also vanished in smoke and ashes. I tried again to throw a grenade and this time it worked. And then I threw another. And another. And five more. Throwing and punching until all the Fallen were extinguished from the area. Once my powers vanished, I fell over due to lack of energy. "Parrish...are you ok?" Alex asked. I nodded. "Yeah yeah...just...give me a minute, ok?" I said. He went over to the machine and extracted all the information he could. "Alright. We can see what the Vanguard would want with this information. We should probably destroy it." Alex said. I got up and grabbed my weapons and destroyed the machine and then I looked into my hands again. "This is all...strange to me..." I said. Alex looked at me. "You're still learning Guardian. And you have a lot more to learn. Lets go home." He said. I nodded and we made our way back to the Tower.

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